Billionaire Husband Test (Billionaire Online Dating Service) (14 page)

BOOK: Billionaire Husband Test (Billionaire Online Dating Service)
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“Take care of her.” He laid the envelope containing his note on the bed and backed away. That’s when he noticed the photo frame lying face-down on the nightstand.

Out of instinct, he set the frame upright, unprepared for the punch in the gut.

Emma’s face glowed with happiness as she smiled at a man with a military haircut.


Cooper backed out of the room, his heart squeezing hard, his lungs refusing to allow air in and out.

“Anything else you want us to tell Emma?” Ace intercepted Cooper as he made for the door.

“No,” was all he could push past the muscles constricting his throat.

Ace stuck out his hand. “We had high hopes things would turn out better. Sorry.”

Cooper shook the man’s hand and left without another word.

As he drove away, he glanced in the rearview mirror with the final hope of seeing Emma ride in on her horse.

Her brothers had streamed out onto the porch, their gazes following his truck.

No Emma.

With nothing left to do, Cooper focused ahead and tried to forget about the woman who’d so easily captured his heart.


As Emma rode into the barnyard, Dillon appeared from around the side of the house, his hands jammed into his front pockets, his face downcast. “You had a visitor.”

Her heart leaped and she swung down from the saddle. “Who?” Even before her brother answered, she knew.


She handed her reins to Dillon and pushed past him toward the house.

“He’s gone.”

Dillon’s voice halted Emma. Her racing heart screeched to a fluttering stop as she turned to face her youngest brother. “Why did he come?”

 “To break up with you.” Dillon’s eyes narrowed. “A cryin’ shame if you ask me. I kinda liked the man.”

So, there it was. Cooper had done what she’d asked. Emma should have felt relieved. She’d gotten exactly what she’d wanted. Maybe now, her brothers would leave her alone about dating. Emma should have felt satisfied, but all she could muster was a cold, empty feeling in the center of her chest.

“He left a note in your room.”

Dillon’s voice lanced through the fog edging in around her, and Emma’s head jerked up. “What?”

“In your room, Cooper left a note.”

She spun on her boot heels and ran across the yard and in through the backdoor. Ace stepped out of her way as she raced down the hallway to her room.

A soft mewling sound hit her as she entered, and Emma’s knees almost buckled, a sob rising up her throat.

Lucky peered at her through the metal mesh of the pet carrier.

Emma freed the kitten and cuddled her against her chin, tears trickling down to land on the animal’s soft fur.

“Aren’t you going to read the note?” Ace said from the doorway.

Emma’s gaze shifted to the envelope propped against her pillow. She snatched it up with her free hand and opened it awkwardly, balancing the kitten. A single page fluttered out and landed on the nightstand next to the photo of her and Marcus.

Marcus was a lucky man and would have been proud of your undying love. I concede this battle to him, unable to compete for your love against such a heartfelt memory.

PS. Figured you could use a little Luck. Take care of her, and remember that everyone needs a little love. Even you

Emma clutched the note and the kitten to her chest.

Cooper was gone. She’d pushed away the one man able to rekindle her desire and hope for the future. Emma felt as if she’d been asleep for a long time and finally woken up. Cooper had been responsible for that. How could she let him walk away?

The tears dried and her fingers tightened around the paper. Her pulse quickened and she spun to face Ace. “How long ago did he leave?”

“He left just before you rode into the barnyard,” Ace said. “Driving pretty slowly, too. I think he was hoping to see you.”

Emma shoved the kitten into Ace’s arms. “Hold Lucky.” She shoved past him and ran down the hall.

“Do I have a choice?” Ace called out behind her.

Emma didn’t answer. She didn’t have a choice. She had to catch Cooper and tell him how she felt. That he’d come to mean more than a fake date. That he’d brought her back from a living death. That she didn’t want to go another day without him in her life. If she had to, she’d beg him to give her another chance.

If she could catch him before he got away. Because for the first time since she’d started down the online dating path, she realized she didn’t have his phone number or address.

The road leading into the ranch house forced travelers to move slowly. If she shot over the ridge and down the hill, she might catch him on the farm road that connected to the main highway. She’d have to go cross-country.

Dillon was just heading into the barn with Emma’s palomino in tow.

“Wait!” Emma cried out.

Daisy tossed her head and backed away from the barn door.

Dillon swung around. “What’s wrong?”

“I need that horse.” She didn’t slow as she raced toward the barn. Snatching the reins from her bewildered brother, Emma leaped into the saddle, turned the horse and dug her heels into the animal’s flanks. Woman and beast blew through the open gate and into the pasture.

Daisy stretched her neck, her hooves bunching and spreading beneath her.

The wind in Emma’s face blew away the last of her doubts. She hoped and prayed Cooper hadn’t completely given up.

As the far fence line came into view, Emma glanced to the east. A truck barreled along the farm road toward the T-intersection of the main highway leading back to Temptation and ultimately Dallas.

Emma urged Daisy faster, bending over her neck, one with the horse.

The animal responded, ears laid back, hooves flying low over the mowed field.

When they came within twenty yards of the fence, Emma sat back in the saddle and pulled on the reins.

Daisy ground to a halt, inches from the barbed wire.

Emma threw herself from the saddle, climbed over the fence and ran the one hundred yards to the intersection stretching before her like an eternity. Heart racing, pulse pounding, her lungs burning, she realized she wasn’t going to make it.

Cooper would turn to the left before she reached him. He’d drive off and Emma would never see him again.

She picked up her knees and elbows and ran faster.

The truck slowed to a stop at the convergence of the two highways and a strange thing happened.

The vehicle didn’t budge.

Cooper didn’t turn. For several long moments, the truck remained in place, granting Emma more time to catch up.

Finally, the truck lurched forward, swinging left.

Emma’s hopes crashed and she ground to a halt.

When the vehicle jerked to a halt, the brake lights glowing bright red, Emma’s breath caught. Then the white reverse lights engaged.

Her pulse leaping, Emma couldn’t believe her eyes.

Cooper was backing up and turning around!

Emma burst forward, stumbled and almost cried in her relief. She angled toward the farm road, dipped down in the roadside ditch and up onto the pavement, running right in front of the pickup.

Tires squealed, and the truck skidded to a stop, but not soon enough.

The hood of the truck bumped her just enough to send her crashing to the ground. Pain shot through her hip where she landed, but Emma didn’t care as she dragged air into her lungs.

“Emma!” The driver’s door flung open and Cooper was beside her. “Holy hell, woman. Are you all right?”

She dragged in another breath and nodded. “I am now.”

“You scared the crap out of me. What are you trying to do, get yourself killed?”

“Had…to…” she sucked in a breath and finished, “stop you.”

“And that was worth throwing yourself in front of a moving vehicle?” He gathered her into his arms. “You’re insane.”

She pressed her face into his shirt and laughed. “I am. Insane to think I can start over.”

“What are you talking about?” He leaned back enough to stare into her eyes.

“Insane to think you’d give me another chance.” She cupped his face and smiled upward. “Now that we’ve established I’m insane, could you possibly buy into that insanity plea and give me another chance?”

For a long moment, he stared into her eyes. “I was coming back to beg you for that chance.”

“Thank goodness.” Emma cupped her palms around his face and leaned up to kiss him.

After a long, deep kiss, Cooper broke it off. “What about Marcus?”

“He’ll always be a part of me.” She inhaled and let it out. “A part of my past. But I have to keep on living. I have a future, one that I hope includes you.”

“Baby, that’s what I wanted to hear.” He rose, lifted her into his arms and carried her to his truck. “Hopefully, now we don’t have to break up our little family.”

Emma laughed. “Lucky?”

“I’m feeling it, are you?”

She wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him soundly. “How are you with a woman who wants to own her own spread?”

“I’d buy it for you, if I knew it would make you happy.”

“I could never accept such an expensive gift.” She shook her head. “I want to pay for it myself.”

He kissed the tip of her nose. “Your determination and independence is one of the things I love most about you.”

“Your patience and understanding is what I love about you.” Emma grinned. “And you do have a very nice ass.”

He kissed her again, stealing her breath away with his tenderness.

Then they were on their way back to the Rockin’ J Ranch and a house full of stunned brothers. A warm breeze wafted through the open window, brushing across Emma’s face.

For a moment, she closed her eyes and sent a silent prayer to the heavens, “Thank you, Marcus.”



Cooper stood at the head of the conference room table, having called an emergency meeting of Billionaires Anonymous.

“Well?” Tag drummed his fingers on the table. “What’s the emergency?”

“Wait for our guest.” Cooper waved a hand toward the door.

Leslie Lamb entered, her eyes wide, appearing as confused by the short notice as the others. “What’s going on?”

“I wanted my friends to be witness as I write out a check.”

Leslie’s brow furrowed, then climbed up her forehead, her eyes widening. “You and Emma?”

Cooper nodded and called out. “You can come in.”

Emma entered through another doorway, a grin splitting her face. She gave a shy wave to the men gathered around. “Hi.”

As one, Sean, Tag, Maxwell and Gage whistled.

“You lucky bastard,” Gage was the first to reach him and pound him on the back. “Nice to meet you, Emma. Coop’s had only good things to say about you.”

Emma took all the well-wishes and ribbing with a smile while Cooper almost busted buttons on his shirt, he was so proud.

Leslie was last to hug Emma. “I’m happy for you, sweetie.”

Emma hugged her back, swiping at a tear in her eye. “Thanks for kicking my butt into taking a chance.”

“Don’t thank me, thank that big cowboy of yours.” Leslie stood back, smiling broadly. “If he hadn’t been the right match, things might not have worked out so well.”

“Which brings me back to this.” Cooper waved his checkbook. “I’m here to write a check for every cent in my back account.”

“Holy cow, Coop.” Tag shook his head. “Have you lost your mind?”

“Better, I’ve lost my heart.” With a happy groan, he pulled Emma into his arms. “How can you put a price on that?”

Leslie raised her hands. “I won’t take it. Look, I’ll send you a bill for a reasonable amount. No offense, Emma.”

Emma chuckled. “None taken.”

“The main thing I need from you, Mr. Johnson” —Leslie crossed her arms and cocked an eyebrow— “is a referral.”

“You got it,” Cooper said, as he smiled down at Emma. 

“And you have mine, as well.” Emma stared up into Cooper’s eyes, heating the air between them. “I’ll have to get my brothers signed up right away.”

“Great!” Leslie turned to the other men gathered around and clapped her hands. “So… who’s next?”


About the Author

Elle James
also writing as Myla Jackson
spent twenty years livin’ and lovin’ in South Texas, ranching horses, cattle, goats, ostriches and emus. A former IT professional, Elle is proud to be writing full-time, penning intrigues and paranormal adventures that keep her readers on the edge of their seats. Now living in northwest Arkansas, she isn’t wrangling cattle, she’s wrangling her muses, a malti-poo and yorkie. When she’s not at her computer, she’s traveling, out snow-skiing, boating, or riding her ATV, dreaming up new stories.

To learn more about Elle James and her stories visit her website at

To learn more about Myla Jackson visit her websites at


Other Titles by Elle James

Tarzan & Janine


Demon’s Embrace

Hot Demon Nights

Witch’s Seduction

Witch’s Initiation

Deadly Reckoning

Thunder Horse Redemption

Thunder Horse Heritage

Hostage to Thunder Horse

Wild at Heart

Engaged with the Boss

Cowboy Brigade

Time Raiders: The Whisper

Bundle of Trouble

Killer Body

Operation XOXO

An Unexpected Clue

Baby Bling

Nick of Time

Under Suspicion, With Child

Texas-Sized Secrets

Alaskan Fantasy

Blown Away

Cowboy Sanctuary

Lakota Baby

Dakota Meltdown

Beneath the Texas Moon


Other Titles by Myla Jackson

Trouble With Harry (Tomb Raider Trouble #1)

Trouble With Will (Tomb Raider Trouble #2)

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