Billionaire Husband Test (Billionaire Online Dating Service) (4 page)

BOOK: Billionaire Husband Test (Billionaire Online Dating Service)
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Something was bothering her and Cooper had a feeling he was the cause. A smile tugged at his lips. He hadn’t felt this good in a long time and the sensation had to do with this woman and her well-meaning brothers. How nice to be a part of a family who cared enough about each other to take the time to check out a potential mate for one of their own.

Cooper had grown up an only child of elderly parents. When they’d died in a car wreck, he’d been shuttled from one foster home to another, never staying long enough to become a part of the family and always wishing he was. Emma was truly fortunate to have so many brothers to look out for her.

The woman led him over hills, through several ordinary farm gates, one marked
No Trespassing
, and down into a long, green valley. A stream burbled at the center of the valley, surrounded by tall willows and cypress trees.  She passed through a stand of red oak trees and reined in at a point where the creek widened into a pool the size of a lunging corral. Big enough to get wet all over, yet small enough to be intimate and leave little to the imagination should they both get naked and swim together.

Not only was Cooper hot and sweaty, but now his jeans were too tight and chafing where he sat in the saddle. Even if Emma wasn’t getting in, he sure as hell planned on taking advantage of the pool’s soothing waters. Maybe swimming would tamp down his surging desire for the woman who refused to look him straight in the eye.

Emma slid from her mount, her gaze shooting back toward the trail she’d taken into the copse of trees.

“Expecting someone?” Cooper dropped to the ground and tied his horse to a tree branch in the shade of a willow.

“I thought my brothers…” Her cheeks flamed. “That is…they usually…” Her brows furrowed and she walked a few steps back the way they’d come, peering through the tree branches. “Of all the times to actually grant me a little privacy, they had to choose this one.”

“Excuse me?”  Cooper tossed his shirt on a tree branch. “Were they going to join us?”

“They usually do.” Emma’s frown deepened. “But apparently not today.”

“And that bothers you?” Cooper fought the grin threatening to break loose, schooling his face to seriousness. “I promise not to attack you, if that’s what you’re afraid of.”

She cast him a brief glance, her lips twisting. “I can take care of myself.” Emma returned to her horse and reached out, her fingers working at the ties on the saddlebag.

“I’d just as soon swim before I eat, if it’s all right by you.” Cooper toed off his boots, pulled off his socks and stood barefoot on the gravel. “Are you coming in?”

“Look, Mr. Johnson.”

“Cooper. I thought we were past the formalities.”

Emma planted her hands on her hips and finally faced him. “You should know, I only agreed to go out on this date to get my brothers to back off in their efforts to find me a husband.”

Cooper nodded. So that was her game. Now her actions all made sense. “And how’s that working for you?”

Her lips twisted into a frown. “Not so good. I thought you’d be a geek, a desk jockey with a pasty face and the soft hands of an accountant. My brothers would have run you off the ranch in the first five minutes.”

“Your plan.”

“Yes. Then they’d finally quit shoving men in my face. I’m happy the way I am.  I don’t need a man in my life, and I just wish they’d accept that and let me be.”

“So, I was supposed to fail their man-tests and go home scared to ask you out on a second date?”

“Yes.” She sighed and her shoulders slumped. “I’m sorry. I know Leslie’s trying to get her business going and the fact her computer hooked me up with you should have been a good thing for you and her business. Frankly, my intentions were not to find my future mate.”

“You only wanted a decoy to distract your brothers.” Cooper crossed his arms over his chest then raised a hand to cup his chin. “Sorry to disappoint.”

“No offense, but…” She reached out and touched his arm.

What could only be described as an electric current shot through Cooper’s arm, ripping through his body like a lightning bolt, then angling downward to make his dusty jeans even tighter.

Emma’s eyes widened and she jerked back her hand.

Cooper cleared his throat and forced himself to ignore the current between them. “But what?”

She blinked and tipped her head upward to stare into his eyes. “But what?”

“You were saying no offense, but…” Cooper almost laughed at her obvious confusion.

Damn, she must have felt the connection too. So much so, that the sensation had thrown her off her original train of thought.

“Oh, yes, yes…No offense, but I’ve been in love, and I don’t relish going there again.”

“He dumped you, huh?”

Her back stiffened and she drew away, her eyes shooting sparks. “No, he died.”

The words hit Cooper hard in the gut and he wished he could retract his hurtful remark. “I’m sorry. I didn’t know.”

She sighed, her green eyes darker, sadder. Emma turned away, wrapping her arms around her middle. “Two years ago, he was killed in Afghanistan. We were supposed to get married when he returned.”

Cooper’s chest tightened. Before he’d realized it, he’d closed the distance between them and wrapped his arms around her, drawing her back against his chest. “And your brothers think you should get over it and move on.”

She laughed, the sound more of a sob, twisting a sharp-edged knife into Cooper’s heart. But she didn’t pull away from his touch this time. “Yeah. Only how do you get over losing the love of your life? It’s not like you can replace him with someone else. My brothers mean well, they just don’t get that.”

“So, I’m supposed to throw them off.” He turned her to face him, a plan forming. One he couldn’t believe he was about to initiate. “How about this? We pretend to date a couple times to get your brothers on board, then I break it off with some lame excuse. You pretend to be hurt and your brothers leave you alone to get over the break up.” As soon as he said the words, he knew without a doubt, he was making a mistake. A big one. But the way she looked upward with those soulful, sad, green eyes and her girl-next-door fresh-faced look, he couldn’t just walk away and tell Leslie her program sucked. He’d see this through and hope, in the meantime, he didn’t make the bigger mistake of falling in love with a woman whose heart was taken by a dead man.


Emma rested her hands on Cooper’s bare chest, her momentary lapse into morose sorrow being quickly replaced by an awareness of the man holding her in his strong arms. “You’d do that for me?”

He nodded. “I wouldn’t have offered, if I didn’t mean it.”

Her brows knotted. “What’s in this deal for you?”

He shrugged. “Someone to go to dinner with a couple times. A picnic and a swim in what looks like a cool and inviting pool.” He jerked his chin toward the water.

“Are you sure? Doesn’t sound like a good deal to me.” Her gaze roved over his face and broad shoulders, her heart rate kicking up a notch. “Who are you trying to kid? Any woman would give their best stilettos to go out with a guy like you.”

“Yeah, but I don’t like leaving dates up to chance. I’d rather go out with someone I know.”

“But you don’t know me.”

“You like horses, hunting and fishing. I don’t know many girls who like to do half of that.”

“And that makes me okay in your book?” Emma laughed.

“Well, you’re easy on the eye. Tall, slender, nice hair.” He lifted her braid and let it slip through his fingers.

His intense gaze made Emma hot all over, something she couldn’t get used to. Still, his offer held merit. “I guess it’ll work. But I don’t want to take advantage of you.”

“Like you weren’t already?” He clucked his tongue. “Seriously, Emma.”

She liked the way her name rolled off his tongue, raising gooseflesh across her skin. To dispel the feeling, she rubbed her arms. “Yeah, but you didn’t know I was using you.”

“So, it’s okay to take advantage when I’m clueless, but not when I’m fully aware?”

She smiled, her first real smile since Cooper showed up.

“You know, you’re not half bad to look at, when you smile.” He chucked her beneath the chin.

“Thanks.” Her lips quirked. “I think.”

“So, is it a deal?” He held out his hand.

“We’ll pretend to date?”


Her eyes narrowed again. “No…physical expectations?”

“Not unless you want to.”

“I don’t,” she blurted. Her cheeks heated and her heart skipped several beats, then raced on at the thought of making love with this man. Not that she’d act on that thought. That was the whole point to this charade. She stuck out her hand. “Then I guess we have a deal.”

 Cooper took it. “Deal.” Instead of shaking it, he tugged hard enough to pull her against his chest.

“What are you doing?” Emma whispered, her body pressed into his, fire burning through her veins.

“This deal should be sealed with a kiss.”

Before she could protest, he bent and claimed her lips, in a brief, but no less earth-moving, kiss.

When he lifted his head, he smiled down at her. “That’s better.”

“I thought we agreed, no physical expectations.” She pushed against his chest.

“Oh, well, it’s a done deal and I can’t take it back.” He shrugged and loosened his hold. “Now, can I get in the pool and rinse off the dust?”

Her lips still tingling and heat suffusing parts of her body she’d thought long cooled, Emma nodded. “You didn’t need my permission.”

“Good, because I’m all in.” He reached for the rivet on his jeans.

Emma’s eyes widened, her gaze fixed on Cooper’s hand. “What are you doing?”

“You said a swimsuit wasn’t required, and I don’t relish swimming in my jeans. I tend to sink like a rock in denim.” He whipped down the zipper, and stepped free.

Holy hell, the man went commando beneath his jeans. Emma’s cheeks heated and she turned her back, but not before she caught a glimpse of a dark thatch of hair and a rock-hard… “Geez, at least give me a little warning,” she gasped.

His jeans flew past her to land on a tree branch.

Out of the corner of her eye, Emma watched him enter the water, his narrow hips and tight buttocks absolute male perfection.

Her heart thumped hard, reminding her that despite having lost the love of her life, she was still very much alive and appreciative of a fine male form.

A niggle of guilt tamped down the rush of lust threatening to overwhelm her senses. She’d loved her fiancé, more than life itself. Then why was she attracted to this man?

Her inner devil answered. What wasn’t to admire about a man whose body was comprised of long fluid lines and taut muscles?

A splash behind her made her turn.

Cooper surfaced and stood waist-deep in the water, covering all the important parts. He grinned and waved a beckoning hand. “Feels great. Aren’t you coming in?”

“Y-yes. In a moment.” She faced him, giving him a stern glare. “And only if you don’t watch.”

“I’ll even turn around if it makes you more comfortable.”

“Yes. Do.”

He turned his back to her.

She reached for the hem of her shirt and pulled it over her torso, pausing halfway up. What was she thinking? Getting naked and swimming in a pool with Cooper could lead to only one thing.

If she let it.

“How do I know you won’t take advantage of me?” she called out.

“I don’t make it a habit of raping my dates. I only make love to
women.” His tone was flat.

What did she have to lose? She was hot, sweaty and the pool did look inviting. She peeled off her chambray shirt and whipped tank top over her head and tossed it over a tree branch. Her hand paused on the catches of her bra. She could leave on her underwear. What was a swimsuit anyway but colorful underwear? Unfortunately, she’d chosen white lace for her bra and panties; they would have to do.

Emma shimmied out of her jeans and stood in the thin panties and bra, the warm air caressing her skin. “No peeking.”

Cooper chuckled. “No promises.”

She hurried toward the water, splashing in as Cooper turned to face her.

“Feels good, doesn’t it?” he said.

“Always.” Emma kept her distance, grateful the shadows cast by the trees hid everything beneath the water. She swam past him and turned onto her back to float, closing her eyes to the bright sun shining through the gaps in the branches.

Movement beside her made her open her eyes.

Cooper floated on his back alongside her, his chest rising out of the water, droplets gleaming against his tanned skin.

Emma’s gaze skimmed over his chest and down to his taut abs and lower where a dark line of hair arrowed toward… She gasped, her mouth filling with water, and her body sank. She came up sputtering, and flailing, the water too deep for her to stand.

Strong, calloused hands gripped around her waist and held her above the water until she coughed the liquid from her lungs and she could breathe.

“You all right?”

“Yes,” she said, and coughed. He stood so close, her thighs touched his and his member bumped against her belly. Fire ignited low in her belly, spreading even lower. “I’m okay now, you can let go.”

For a long moment, he held her, his fingers tightening on her arms, his blue-eyed gaze burning into hers.

Her breath caught and held. Cooper was going to kiss her. Her lips tingled in anticipation of tasting his again. Without thinking, she leaned toward him, her eyelids lowering, her gaze fixed on those incredibly sexy lips.

Then he let go and stepped away.

Down she went again, her head dipping beneath the surface. At least this time, her mouth was closed. The shock of a near miss on a kiss made her want to stay below the surface until the water cooled her cheeks and lowered the temperature of her entire body. By the time she came up, her lungs were starving for air and she was still hot and bothered.

Yup, being in a pool with a naked Cooper Johnson wasn’t helping her keep a cool head.

But apparently, he had no problem keeping away. He swam to the far side of the pool, ducked beneath the water and disappeared.

Emma glanced around, searching for tell-tell ripples or bubbles. None appeared.

BOOK: Billionaire Husband Test (Billionaire Online Dating Service)
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