Billionaire In Hiding: The Complete Series (Alpha Billionaire Romance Western Love Story) (109 page)

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“Good evening, Amanda,” he stated, then.
His voice was deep, filled with such passion for me.

“Hi,” I whispered. My word was so wispy
when compared to voice. He brought the chair out for me and allowed me to sit
just next to him. I brought the flounces of my dress around the chair. “This is

“I know,” Xavier said, looking only at me.

The chef came, then. He poured the wine
and brought out an appetizer course of soup. I felt so on-edge that I couldn’t
even eat. I picked up my spoon and then placed it back down once more, upset
with myself. Why had I allowed all this to happen to me?

But Xavier started out simply with his

“You did a marvelous job today on the press release.”

“Thank you,” I murmured back, unsure. He
had really ripped it apart during the meeting, and I wasn’t sure how I was
meant to feel. I swallowed.

He set his spoon down. “You’re all right,
aren’t you, Amanda?” he asked me.

I nodded brightly, falsely. “Of course.”

“Because you’ve been acting so strangely
about us—ever since—“

Ever since we made love so passionately on
camera? I wanted to ask. I kept my mouth shut.

I bowed my head. “I’m just a little
nervous about things, you know.” I laughed it off. “But this—this evening with
you is all I want. It’s all I want.” I hadn’t meant for those words to come out
of me, but there they were—taking up space at the table, next to the glasses of
wine and the simmering soup.

He brought his hand over the table and
tapped it over mine, his eyes large. “You’re the most beautiful woman I’ve ever

I blushed, knowing he couldn’t see it in
the candlelight. I made a light joke—something I couldn’t even remember right
after I said it, I was so nervous. But he laughed so jauntily that he
ultimately had to hold his stomach and lurch forward, cackling.

I laughed, too. Our conversation was so
fluid together. I felt our connection growing, deepening. In the back of my
mind, I knew we had so many problems. I knew that if Jason caught wind of this
dinner, he would have the photographs out the door and to the news sources in
an instant. But in this moment, laughing with Xavier, I was free. I wasn’t a
campaign manager, and he wasn’t Pesident of the United States. We were just
people who were falling in love with each other.

I could hardly eat my food, my main
course, my dessert. I touched his chest, his arm. “Who were you in college,
Xavier? Were you the ‘cool’ guy; were you the frat boy? Who were you?”

“Are you trying to compare me to your
former college boyfriends? Because I can assure you, I did a good deal of
studying. But with a forty in my backpack at all times, of course.” He winked
at me, then. I clutched my stomach and laughed.

I pushed my plate back toward the center
of the table, feeling so full even after only a few bites of the plump pumpkin
ice cream. I licked my lips and gazed toward him, even as I caught his eyes on
me. He blushed. “Would you like to go to the side room? There’s this lovely
record player. I think it belonged to Carter.”

“President Carter?” I asked, laughing. “So
this is the secret lair of a president. Fine foods and record players.”

Xavier shrugged. “And a few AK47s, but
only for the occasional get-together.”

I laughed and followed him into the side
room, where a small lamp was already set out next to the record player. I
pieced through the records and found one that seemed perfect. “You like the
Stones?” I asked the president, bringing the shining black circle into the world.
It seemed to have a heart beat, a pulse in my hands.

I placed the record on the player and set
the needle, bringing the jiving music into the world. I tapped my feet and
swung my dress around, remembering the glory days when music could take you
wherever you wanted to go.

“Sit with me,” Xavier stated, then,
tapping at the area on the couch just next to him. I raised my eyebrow and
tapped toward him, allowing myself to fall into his lap. I wrapped my arms
around his neck, feeling a bit of the alcohol taking hold of my mind.

“I like this music,” he whispered to me.
Our noses were so close together. He closed his eyes. I felt like, in this
moment, everything was perfect in the world. I didn’t have to think about his
wife; I didn’t have to think about Jason and what he wanted me to do. I didn’t
even feel his grip around my neck any more.

Suddenly, the president’s lips were on
mine. I grew nervous and broke away in an instant, huffing lightly.

Xavier righted himself a bit, still
clutching me close to him. “Are you all right? Do you want to go home?”

I shook my head, feeling his dick rising
beneath me. I wanted him. I leaned toward him once more and our lips caught
each other again, easing us into a strenuous make out session. I felt his
tongue over mine, needing me. Wanting me. He wrapped his arms around my body
and clutched at my dress, pulling it apart in a supreme ripping motion. I cried
out into the world, knowing that the secret service agents could hear us, just
a room away.

My breasts spilled into his face and he
licked at the hard, red nipples with his tongue, bringing his fingers onto my
hot, dripping pussy. I whimpered, feeling the mass of him beneath me. I brought
my hands to his belt and began undoing it, allowing him to come free. I held
the pulsing bulge in my hand and gazed at Xavier in the eye, not sure if this
moment was real. Could it be? I couldn’t be sure.

I stood, bringing him with me. We stood
half-naked, kissing each other. “Oh, baby. Yeah,” I called to him as he stuck
three, then four of his fingers into my dripping pussy. I felt so hot for him,
so natural there before him.

Suddenly, I pushed him down on the couch.
I spun around and placed my body over his, my butt toward him.

“Yeah, baby,” he called to me. He grabbed
my ass with his broad hands, and I caught his hot, pulsing dick in my pussy. I
felt it all the way in my G-spot as I rode him backward, leaning further and
further toward his feet. He jerked a bit as he felt the pleasure of it,
spanking me all the time. I felt my breasts bouncing; I grabbed his balls with
my hand and caught them up around my pussy, making him sigh and call out.

Right when I was about to come, I started
calling his name: “Yes, Xavier. Yes!” And he reached up, in that moment, and
brought his hand around my mouth. His grip was firm. My heart began to beat so
fast. I knew I liked this, in a strange and kinky way. I knew this turned me
on. But why--?

“Shh,” he murmured. “Shh.” He loosened his
grip over my mouth.

I understood, then. I spun around once
more and found myself face-to-face with him, his great dick still in my pussy.
I smiled at him. “Sorry, baby,” I whispered.

He nodded, his eyes closed and his
eyebrows high on his face. He loved every inch of me, everything I did with my
body. He brought his hands up to stroke my breasts, my side. I sighed into him,
kissing his chest. I moved my pussy from his dick and instead brought my mouth
around it, licking it with my great, dripping tongue. I pulled my whole mouth
around it, all the while thinking—god, I’m giving the president a blowie. God,
it’s happening.

Xavier brought his hand over my ear, over
my hair as I did it, lightly stroking my skin. “God, baby. That’s so good,” he
murmured. His dick was pulsing in my mouth.

Just as I sensed he was about to come, I
removed my mouth from his dick and took a step back, away from the couch. I
watched as he cowered in the pain of it—in the certainty that he would never
come, not again. I laughed for a moment.

“Why do you do this to me?” he called,
tapping his chest like a gorilla.

I shook my head and leaped into his arms
once more. He swung my body around and penetrated me from above, allowing me to
rest my head and enjoy his power and process over me as we made love like
humans: face to face, with such passion exhibited between us.

“Oh, baby. I’m going to come,” he
muttered. I could feel him so deep inside me, and I wanted this. I wanted this.
I wanted to be in his arms. I couldn’t remember another time that had ever
existed in my life, before this. Never.

Finally, he came, roughing into me until
the storm was over. He fell from me and wrapped his arms around me and turned
toward me, dipping his nose into mine. I sighed and allowed my head to loll
back. We gazed into each other’s eyes. My happiness was growing in my heart, in
my lungs. I could feel my toes tingling with it: the strange joy of this.

I knew it couldn’t last forever. But god
if it wasn’t good for the occasional evening.

“This doesn’t have to be the last time,”
Xavier suddenly blurting, jerking us out of the silence of the moment.

I pulled myself up on my elbow and gazed
at him, uncertain of what to say. I sighed. “Xavier. You’re married,” I
whispered. I kissed his nose, his mouth once more.

But Xavier didn’t take this excuse.
Instead, his eyes grew more intense. He bit his lip and wrapped his fingers
tightly around my naked shoulder. “Baby. I don’t think you really understand
what I’m saying here,” he murmured.

My heart was racing. I was worried,
suddenly, that this was all a scam—that Jason had put him up to this, that they
had “caught me in the act” of forcing the president to cheat. I felt the
anxiety pushing through my veins, and I pushed back, away from him. I placed my
naked foot on the ground, planning my escape. God. I jostled my head. Why did I
always let myself get into these terrorizing scrapes?

But he didn’t say anything for a moment.
His face seemed completely calm. It wasn’t searching for anything from me. “I
have to tell you something, I think,” he whispered.

I swallowed, preparing for the worst. The
soft lamp and the music were dwindling in the backdrop of my mind, creating a
soft palate, a sort of dream-like world. “What is it?” I whispered. I still
felt the urge to run.

He swallowed. “I think—I think I love

My jaw dropped.

My entire body grew so rigid, forcing me
into a state of shock. My eyes said it all: I was panicked. I couldn’t be in
love with this man—the married President of the United States. What’s more, I
couldn’t be in love with anyone. I couldn’t fall in love. It was against my
programming. I needed to be on my game all the time. I couldn’t falter away
just for some man.

Although, I reminded myself, that was
exactly what had been happening the previous few weeks. I’d been wrapped up in
Jason’s game, constantly doing his bidding. I’d been too wrapped up with anger
and resentment and fear—fear for my love of Xavier, surely—to really notice
that I’d fallen for him.

But I had to snap out of it. “Xavier.” I
brought my hand across his shoulder. “I really like this. I like what we’re
doing here. It’s a great deal of fun.” I watched his eyes as they spoke of such
disappointment. I swallowed. “But we’re just having fun. That’s all.”

Xavier righted himself on the couch,
removing his arms from around my shoulders, my body. He hung his head in his
hands, looking like the very portrait of sadness. He sighed.

Panicked, I flung myself up. I laid my
hand on his back. “Xavier, that doesn’t mean I don’t want this—I don’t want

But his face had caved in a bit. He shook
his head slightly, biting his lip. “I’m going to leave her.”

My jaw dropped. My heart was beating so
fast in my chest, suddenly, I thought I was going to have a heart attack.
Unsure of what to say, I just began stroking his back with my light fingertips,
ready to listen.

“We’ve been growing apart for a long time.
And now—with my feelings for you—“ He shook his head, then. His eyes were
searching ever around the room. “I can’t turn my back on this.” He brought his
hand on my knee and rubbed at the skin, tracing up toward my pussy.

God, how he knew his way around my body.

“With my feelings for you, I’m ready to
take the final step.”

I just looked at him, my sexuality
stirring. I didn’t know whether to kiss him or smack him across the face. I
didn’t know how to tell him that leaving his wife and admitting this affair to
the world would officially ruin my career. I didn’t know how to tell him that
this—this love of his was exactly what I wanted, in so many words. And yet: it
couldn’t be the answer to all my troubles.

“Say something,” Xavier whispered to me,
bringing his hand up to my ear, gazing into my eyes. “Please, Amanda. Say
something to me. Anything.”

But I couldn’t fid the words. I felt like
I was caught between several different worlds, lost in a moment of strain and terror.

somewhere, in the background, I could somehow hear Jason laughing as he plotted
his to ruin my life—to alter the course of my love. I brought my hands around
my waist and bit my lip, not ready to say anything at all.




Chapter 1

after not speaking for what seemed like years, decades even, he pulled away
from me. I watched in stunned silence as he brought his clothes around his
pulsing muscles, as he pulled his boxers up around his waist. He spun around
and began buttoning his shirt, watching me all the time. There was such tension
between us—something I couldn’t possibly break, I knew, even if I tried.

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