Billionaire In Hiding: The Complete Series (Alpha Billionaire Romance Western Love Story) (14 page)

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I took another step toward her and kept my eyes locked on hers. She knew I
wanted to kiss her, I could tell that she knew. Her lips were wet and she
leaned in toward me as I closed my eyes and leaned in toward her. I felt my own
heart beating so hard that I could hardly contain it in my chest, or so it

was right there with me, eagerly awaiting my lips to touch hers. We hadn’t made
a bet that resulted in the kiss so I felt like she genuinely wanted to be in
the barn kissing me at that very moment. I knew that I wanted to be there with
her. There really wasn’t anywhere else I wanted to be.

our lips touched each other’s, it was a gentle and soft kiss. Sarah didn’t move
away from me, but she didn’t move toward me either. I kept my hands at my side
just waiting for some sort of sign that I could move forward with kissing her
harder. It was daytime and we were in the barn, so anyone could come across us
if they happened to be walking past the barn; but I was willing to take that

are you in here?” I heard Sid’s voice yell from just outside of the barn.

quickly pulled away from Sarah and smiled down at her as her eyes looked up at
me dreamily. She was mesmerizing and I couldn’t wait to feel her lips on mine
again. Hopefully, I would feel them very soon but for the time being I thought
it would be best not to have Sid see the two of us making out in the barn when
we had just gotten back from our ride.

here. Just getting the horses settled,” I yelled.

was the trip?” Sid asked us both.

was good. It rained, but I think it made the sunrise photo more amazing. I’ll
pick my favorites and get them to the realtor today,” Sarah said as she tried
to hide the flush cheeks I had given her from kissing me.

I need to talk with you,” Sid said solemnly.

what’s up?” I asked, thinking that he had somehow found out that Sarah and I
had shared a tent. Or maybe it was something to do with my court hearing.

gut filled with tension when I saw the look on his face. I desperately hoped
that he wasn’t about to tell me that it was time for me to leave the ranch. I
wasn’t ready for that, not even close. I wanted to stay on the ranch for at
least a few more weeks as I got to know Sarah more. We had taken so long to
warm up to each other, it wouldn’t be any fun if I left at that moment.

go to my office.”

the reason I was on the ranch was clearer to me than I had remembered on any
day since I had first arrived. Was it time for me to go back home and testify?
It had been several months and I hadn’t heard any news. My heart sank and I
felt like the timing couldn’t have been more horrible. I was comfortable on the
ranch. I liked the ranch. And most of all I was getting to know Sarah and she
was softening up to me if I left at that moment I would certainly never get to
know Sarah at all.

followed Sid back to his office and resigned myself to hearing the news that I
was going to have to leave. It was funny that the idea of leaving the ranch
seemed like a bad thing to me; only a few months before I had hoped I would be
able to leave very quickly after I arrived. But ranch life was starting to suit
me very well. I was learning so much and I felt calm all the way down to my
core. Living and working on the ranch was better than any yoga class I had
attended at the fancy gyms in my city.

has left. I think you should take over,” Sid said quickly when we got into his

I asked in total shock. I literally just talked to him yesterday.

only was I in shock that Forest had left without even a hint that it was on the
horizon, but I was also shocked that Sid thought I knew enough to be in charge.
I certainly didn’t feel like I knew enough to be in charge of anyone except for
maybe myself.

you have the best temperament for the job. Plus, Sarah or I can help when you
have questions.”

…” I started to protest.

know we don’t know how long you’ll be here for. But if you’re here for six more
months, I’d kick myself for not putting you in charge; these other guys are
hard workers, but they just can’t see the big picture.”

if I get called up tomorrow?”

desperately hoped that I didn’t get pulled away from the ranch the next day or
anytime soon. I wanted to stay for a while longer. I needed to stay. Not just
for Sarah though; I wanted to stay for myself. Through my time on the ranch I
had grown and felt like I was recognizing where I had gone wrong in my life.

ranch gave me time to think while I was working and I thought about more than I
could have done in the city. My mind had all the time in the world to explore
different changes I wanted to make in my life when I got back home.

you’ll have had at least one night sleep in a real bed,” Sid said as he threw
me a set of keys. “You also get Forest’s small cabin.”

once, since I had been on the ranch, had I thought about what it would be like
to have my own cabin. I was happy in the bunkhouse. I was happy with my job. I
didn’t feel the drive to be better than anyone else, and I actually liked
hanging out with the guys in our large bunk room before bed. We got to know
each other and shared stories about our lives; except mine were made up to
match the made up back-story from my life. But with the keys in my hand, the
idea of sleeping in an actual bed was feeling pretty damn exciting.

own cabin,” I said quietly. “Thanks, Sid.”

earned it. I don’t go handing out jobs like this to just anyone. You’re a hard
worker and don’t complain, I like that. And thanks for taking Sarah out to the
river for the photos. She’s got it in her head that she can make me millions
out there and I don’t have the heart to tell her that the land is pretty
useless and won’t sell for nearly as much as she thinks.”

was my pleasure. I was happy to do it. The land is very beautiful. Thanks again
for the promotion,” I said as I shook Sid’s hand and started to walk out of the
office. “I won’t disappoint you.”

get too excited; the cabin is a mess and there’s no one around to clean it up.”

fine, I don’t mind a little cleaning.”

hurried off to grab my things from the bunkhouse and brought them over to my
new cabin. It was a mess inside, just like Sid had said. Forest certainly
hadn’t been a man who enjoyed a clean home, but I didn’t care at all. It was
mine, my very own, tiny little cabin and I was so excited.

felt more excited for the promotion I had just received than I had when I
bought my last plane for my company. Before coming to the ranch my life had
been so sheltered from what real hard labor was. I pretended to bond with my
employees over the long hours they worked, but I didn’t have a clue about what
it was they were really doing. My head was clearing up on the ranch though and
I had been taking notes of the changes I wanted to make in my organization when
I returned home.

was more excited to move my backpack full of things into the small cabin than I
had been when I bought my first mansion. It was funny how my perspective was
changing simply from living and working on the ranch. I didn’t need a mansion.
I didn’t need fancy cars to be happy; I felt happiness pouring out of my skin
as I sat down at my little kitchen table and looked around my one room cabin.

were still jobs to do for the day, but I couldn’t leave my new home a total
disaster so I decided to take a few minutes to clean the place up. I grabbed a
garbage bag and started throwing everything away. I tossed old magazines, food,
and everything from the cabinets. I wanted it to be my home and I was happy to
spend some of my salary to buy new things at the store if I wanted them.

I started to do a load of dishes, there was a knock at the door. With my wet
and soapy hands, I went to the door but couldn’t get it opened. For that brief
moment in my life, it was fun and novel that I was washing dishes in my own
little cabin far away from anyone who knew who I really was.

in,” I said through a laugh. “My hands are too soapy to turn the knob.”

mister big wig can’t even turn his own door knob,” Sarah teased me as she
walked into the cabin. “Well, Forest certainly wasn’t a neat freak.”

was a knob joke somewhere in the back of my brain but I couldn’t remember it.
It was disappointing though because I desperately wanted to see Sarah laugh and
smile again. It had become one of my favorite things to do; making Sarah laugh
made me feel energized and excited.

be right back to work; I just wanted to get started on some of this.”

are some clean sheets. I’ll pull those old ones off for you,” Sarah said and
went right to work on the bed.

didn’t wait for me and went right to work on the bed. I dried my hands off and
helped her spread the sheets on the bed. We started with the fitted sheet and
then the flat one. Each of us took turns tucking the corners in and then
grabbed a pillow each and put the covers over them. Our little domestic
collaboration was perfect and I let my mind wonder briefly to what it would be
like to live with Sarah.

was strong willed and certainly tried to hide her true feelings. She seemed to
have a little bit of a lighthearted side to her, although she kept it very well
guarded. It dawned on me that a relationship with Sarah, or a woman like her,
would be a partnership. I hadn’t dated a woman that I felt was a partner to me.
It was a novel idea that I only allowed for a small moment before I pushed it
out of my mind.

was going to feel amazing to sleep in that bed. I couldn’t resist and pulled my
boots off quickly and fell face first onto the bed. The crisp, clean sheets
brushed against my skin and I closed my eyes and let myself rest for just a
moment. If I hadn’t had a ton of work still left to do for that day, I
certainly would have fallen asleep right there without a second thought.

is this some sort of weird man ritual that I don’t know about?” she laughed.

just love the feeling of fresh sheets. Come here, feel them. It’s so amazing. I
just want to get naked and take a nap in them right now,” I joked.

I knew what was happening, Sarah had fallen face first into the bed with me and
she was moving her hands around the sheets like I was. If she hadn’t known the
pleasure of having fresh sheets, she did at that moment.

watched as she took in a deep breath from the sheets and closed her eyes too.
She was taking in the scent and touch of the sheets just like I was. It was a
little bit of a bonding moment for the two of us and I tried to keep it as
nonsexual as I could. Although all I could think about was having her naked in
that bed and laying under the covers together.

right. There’s absolutely nothing like the feeling of freshly cleaned sheets on
a bed. Especially if you’re naked.”

couldn’t tell if she was joking. Did she want to get naked with me in the bed?
All I could think about was how much I wanted to be naked with her in that bed
too and if she wanted the same thing then we should both be naked. My mind
swirled with the thoughts of what she really meant by what she had just said. I
couldn’t talk, I couldn’t look at her; I was stunned.

let’s get naked then,” I finally stuttered out with a little bit of laughter,
secretly hoping that she was serious and she did want to be naked with me in
those crisp sheets. But I was totally prepared for her to tell me she was

go first,” she teased me.

don’t tease me like that. I’ll happily get naked and crawl into these sheets.”

do it,” she taunted me. “I dare you.”

didn’t know me well enough to know how much I loved dares, but I was totally
naked and had slipped under the sheets in less than twenty seconds. Sarah had
turned her head away from me when she saw me start to strip and she was in the
midst of a total giggling fit. She held her hands up to her face just to make
sure she wouldn’t get a glimpse of me naked, although I thought I saw her
taking a little bit of a peek.

I dare you,” I said as I let my hand glide up and down her arm.

I wanted to keep things light and playful, I certainly shouldn’t have touched
her. That single motion had sent vibrations through my whole body and I longed
to feel every in of her. If she would only agree to get naked with me under the
sheets; that was all I needed to be positive about her interest in me.


Chapter 10




naked body was only a small layer of cloth away from me and I couldn’t resist
the opportunity to feel him. My hands wanted to glide over his defined abs and
all my reasoning flew out the window. I felt like a high schoolgirl with had
never been with a man before.

hands trembled at the idea of being naked with Garrett. I didn’t even let my
mind wonder far enough ahead to consider actually making love to him. All I
could think about was his body and mine and how much pleasure it would bring me
to have them naked and together.

your eyes,” I said with a giggle.

you really going to get naked?”

I said close your eyes.”

did as I asked him and closed his eyes and even turned to face the other
direction as I undressed myself and slid under the covers. I couldn’t believe I
was naked with him under the covers. It certainly wasn’t where I had expected
to find myself, but there I was; and there he was.

was barely noon and the two of us hadn’t even started our work for the day, but
instead we were hiding out in his newly assigned cabin and lying naked
together. I could have gone down in history as one of the worst bosses ever.
Although, I didn’t actually think of myself as Garrett’s boss; my father was
more like the boss and he was in charge of me as well. So instead of being
Garrett’s boss, I was more like his coworker.

going to turn around now,” Garrett said softly.

stayed on his side of the bed as he looked at me and let one of his hands trail
up and down my arm. We were both there naked and looking at each other. I felt
like I could really see him and even though my gut told me he wasn’t telling me
the whole story of his past, I still felt like he was a good guy. I couldn’t
explain it and I might have just been justifying my own actions, but Garrett
seemed like a good guy to me and that was enough for that moment in time.

moment was intimate and I took in every second of it. I gazed into his eyes and
remembered the small wrinkles around the corners. I longingly looked at his
lips and thought about how they had tasted when we kissed. My eyes even focused
on his hair and how there were tiny little curls up by where his cowboy hat had
once sat. I took in everything because I didn’t know if I would be naked and
alone with Garrett ever again, but I didn’t want to forget anything about him.

I smiled at him.

back,” he smiled back at me. “Aren’t these sheets wonderful?”

both slid our hands up and down the fabric while we continued to look at each
other. The sheets were wonderful, I couldn’t deny it. My hands seemed to glide
so easily over the flawless sheets; they were probably the same brand that my
mother used in my room, but they felt so much different when I was naked with a

been a long time since I’ve been naked in bed with a man,” I said as the
thought crossed my mind.

didn’t want to say it out loud, but the words escaped me before I could stop
them. I was pretty sure that Garrett didn’t want to hear about my sad love
life, and I quickly wanted to die after the words came out.

could only guess that Garrett had probably slept with dozens of women. From
what I knew of him so far, I suspected the women even threw themselves at him
when he went to bars. It didn’t matter that he was poor or didn’t have a
regular place to stay, I knew that the ladies still loved him.

if I had met Garrett in a bar and he had paid attention to me like he had on
the ranch so far, I guarantee I would have jumped into his bed. But guys like
Garrett didn’t really hit on me. Well, only if I was there with some of my
ditzy friends, then I would occasionally get hit on because they thought I was
as ditzy as my friends were.

hasn’t been all that long since I’ve been naked in the same room with a dozen
men,” Garrett joked.

hand moved slowly up to my cheek and I watched in anticipation as he pressed
himself up and moved closer to me. His blue eyes were mesmerizing as he looked
down at me and I felt my whole body get wet with excitement. Garrett Reynolds
was my dream guy. Admittedly, I hadn’t actually dreamed about such a man until
he was right there in front of me; but he was exactly what I thought of when I
fantasized about having a man in my bed again.

going to kiss you now,” I said and quickly leaned in toward him before I lost
my nerve.

had caught him off guard and I loved that about the moment. He wasn’t ready for
me to take charge like I had; Garrett was expecting that he would lean down and
gently kiss me and that would be the start to a fun afternoon of lovemaking. Or
maybe he had just wanted to lay there naked and not make love at all; I didn’t
know for sure. But what I did know was that I wanted to feel his damn body up
against mine.

couldn’t take the anticipation another minute longer and I quickly wrapped my
arms around his upper body and pulled him toward me. Every inch of his body
seemed to be covered in muscles as he slid on top of me and spread my legs. He
didn’t enter me though; instead he used his arms to perch above me and stare
into my eyes.

Garrett had been shocked by my behavior, he certainly didn’t show it. But he
did quickly take the lead and used his body to press mine against the bed while
he enjoyed looking at me for the moment.

eyes were crazy with lust and I felt his body throbbing against mine. There was
no doubt the two of us were going to make love. My hands took the opportunity
to run up and down his back and then I snuck them around to feel his washboard
abs. There were exactly as I had fantasized: hard and smooth.

looked down at me and then at my lips just before he let his body rest on top
of mine and our lips pressed against each other again. This time it wasn’t a
sweet peck that involved our outer lips alone. As our lips touched each other,
I drew his tongue into my mouth and savored the pleasure that it brought me.
Not only my mouth was delighted by his tongue, but my whole body vibrated in

was as if Garrett could read my mind, because his kisses moved away from my
lips and down toward my neck. He took his time gently kissing me as he made his
way to one of my nipples and drew it into his mouth. The warmth and gentle pull
had my whole body longing to feel him inside of me. I could hardly hold back my
anticipation as I pressed my hips toward him.

he moved over to the other nipple, he wasn’t as nice though; this time he
pulled it into his mouth roughly and I heard a low moan come out of my body. I
couldn’t help it; the way he looked at me, the way he kissed me, it was all too
much. My inner soul moaned with pleasure and I had to let the feelings out as
he continued down my chest toward my wetness. His lips worked my body over
expertly and I knew I would remember that moment for many years to come.

didn’t just quickly go from kissing me to screwing me. Instead, he was
deliberately moving over my body and taking his time. He wasn’t in a hurry to
get his satisfaction and instead wanted to show me how good his body and mine
could feel together; and I wanted to feel it too.

hips rocked in anticipation of his lips touching me. I couldn’t wait to feel
the pleasure that he was going to bring. First he kissed my right hip and then
my left. He moved his lips gently from one side to the other, never stopping
for too long and never fully taking me into his mouth. The anticipation was
like torture. My center wanted to feel his tongue and I thrust my hips toward
him in an effort to get what I wanted.

he didn’t move his tongue to pleasure me soon, I felt like I might actually
self-destruct from the force of the anticipation. My hips rocked harder and
harder as he again moved to one side of my body and then back again. I couldn’t
take it, I just couldn’t take it.

my life I had never been a fan of delayed gratification and in that moment I
certainly wasn’t a fan of it then either. I wanted him right away. I wanted him
inside me, making me scream out his name as our bodies thrust together.
Certainly I appreciated his efforts to entice me, and boy oh boy was I enticed;
but at that moment, I just wanted to feel him thrusting into me, or at least
his tongue delivering pleasure to me. I needed some action and I was going to
make sure it happened; I couldn’t be tortured with anticipation another minute

let my hands move to his shaggy, blond hair and I wrapped my fingers into it as
I gently pushed him toward pleasuring me. He looked up at me with a boyish grin
just before he dove toward my center and spread my legs apart firmly. Garrett
didn’t look annoyed at my request at all, instead he looked excited that I had
just given him full authority to ravage my body.

wow …” I said as he took control.

hadn’t struck me as the type of man who took control of situations like these.
But then again, I didn’t really know him well enough to know what he would be
like in the bedroom. I liked it. I liked everything about having him there with
me in bed. My body and his had this electric energy between the two of us and
the anticipation I felt was building higher and higher as he played with me.

was gently, yet firm with his demands of my body and I wanted to give him every
bit of me. I wanted to explore and try new positions. I wanted to make love all
day long and then throughout the evening as well. Nothing else mattered to me
at that very moment except for the pleasure that Garrett was delivering to my

closed my eyes and enjoyed the feeling of his tongue as it lapped the pleasure
of my body. Harder and harder I rocked my hips in time with his movements and I
felt my body building to an orgasm quickly. It had been months since I had had
a man’s tongue bringing me to pleasure and probably many more months since I
had had a man who was good at bringing me to pleasure. My body needed the
release, and as much as I was shy about coming so quickly for him, I just
couldn’t stop myself.

thighs tightened around his head and I pressed him away as I moaned out with
pleasure at the release of the moment. But Garrett wouldn’t let me push him
away. He slowed his stroke and then pressed two of his fingers inside of me as
he urged my orgasm on. I noticed a huge smile on his face as he watched me moan
out with pleasure from the moment.

I think you need to come harder,” he whispered as he glanced up at me just
before going back to my pleasure zone.

wanted to protest. My mind told me I shouldn’t let him have this sort of power
over me, yet I couldn’t resist. Garrett was good, he was excellent at playing
my body, and I just wanted more. I took in a deep breath as I let my body relax
and feel the pleasure he was delivering. Every nerve in me wanted to explode
with the desire that had built up. I had never felt such and intensity before
and I couldn’t help but think I might just lose control of myself and start
screaming. I hoped I wouldn’t scream though, I didn’t want anyone coming to
Garrett’s door to check on him.

and harder his fingers moved as his mouth pulled my clit. Again I felt my
thighs tighten, but I didn’t want to make a fool of myself by orgasming again
and again. I tried to hold back my explosion by convincing him I wanted his
body thrusting inside of mine. But Garrett wasn’t about to give up watching me
explode because of the oral and fingering skills he had.

want you,” I said as I pulled on him to climb on top of me.

this,” he commanded as his fingers went back to work. Garrett wouldn’t stop
until he watched my whole body explode from pleasure. He looked more determined
than I could have imagined a man being.

won’t have any energy left. Come here,” I said firmly and tried to pull him up

here, I get to be in charge,” Garrett said and then with one hand he pulled my
hands up and held onto them.

eyes looked into mine as his other hand stroked my g-spot and I felt everything
in my body give in to his delicious pleasure. The way he was looking at me gave
me permission to release for him. I didn’t feel judged by him at all. I felt
like he was getting off by watching me and I wanted to please him. I wanted to
show him how good he was making me feel, so I finally closed my eyes again and
let him bring my body to explosion again.

orgasm rocked me like I hadn’t been rocked in years. It left me with shaking
legs and in absolutely no condition to continue our lovemaking. It was exactly
what I had feared. Garrett used all his charms on me and then I had nothing
left for him at all.

had spent some pretty amazing nights with men throughout my adult life, but
nothing compared to the passion and attraction Garrett and I had. There was an
unsaid connection between us. I couldn’t pinpoint if we felt this way because
we were together on the ranch for so long, or if there was just an energy that
our two souls had; but it was unique to me and it drove me to want more and
more from Garrett. Even though I was utterly exhausted, I knew I already wanted
him again.

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