Billionaire In Hiding: The Complete Series (Alpha Billionaire Romance Western Love Story) (61 page)

BOOK: Billionaire In Hiding: The Complete Series (Alpha Billionaire Romance Western Love Story)
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I jumped when Aria walked in. I should
have been more careful and not answered the phone when she was supposed to

“You’re late,” I said icily. She looked
terrified, so I added more softly, “Is everything okay?”

“Sorry I’m late,” she said, walking over
to sit next to me and gently putting her arm around mine. “Is everything okay
with you?”


“On what?”

“How long were you standing there?” I
grinned. “I’m just kidding. Everything is fine.”

“That’s not what it sounded like.” She
looked like she immediately regretted saying that. “Sorry, I don’t mean to pry…
I just meant, is everything okay?”

“It is now that you’re here,” I said,
leaning in to kiss her, hoping it served as a distraction. She backed away
after a few seconds. I hadn’t done a girl twice in a long time, but she was so
damn intelligent, I couldn’t help but want more of her.

“That’s sweet, but I am worried about you.
I’ve never seen you like that. Is there anything I can do?”

“Yes, just quit it,” I snapped.

Her eyes widened and eyebrows rose.

“Sorry, I didn’t mean to snap—“

“But you did,” she said, her voice
trembling. “I think it’s best I leave since you’re in such a shitty mood. You
won’t tell me what it’s about so I can’t even help you, which makes my being
here pointless.”

“Why would you think that? Your being here
has made this day slightly better,” I said, thinking up the best lie to tell
her. “It’s work, it has been really shitty today. More protests, and someone
filed a complaint against one of my loan officers.”

“Wilson?” She asked eagerly.

“No, not Wilson,” I said before she could
email him or do something stupid. “Someone from the Nashville branch. You don’t
know him.”

“Was that him on the phone just now?” She
raised her eyebrows.

“Yes,” I sighed, feeling glad that she
literally walked into a solution. “He is threatening to quit and I’ve been
trying to explain to him that it will just make him look guilty—which I
wouldn’t give a crap about, except that it gives the whole bank a bad
reputation. I don’t want scandals, I hate dealing with scandals.”

That merited a laugh. “Really? Sleeping
with your employees would be your fault,” she said with mischievous grin.

“Me screwing around with some tellers is
hardly a scandal. They’ve all been of age and don’t work here anymore because
they can’t handle that it was a one-time thing.”

She raised an eyebrow.

“Not you. You know better than to think
you’re just a one-time thing,” I said, trying to save myself.

“What am I, then?” She challenged.

What had gotten into her today? This was
not at all like her; she was usually graceful, intelligent, and charming. It
was stupid for me to have answered Gina’s call just when Aria was scheduled to

Gina was my ex-wife and the bane of my
existence. She was the daughter of my mom’s oldest friend, and they had decided
Gina and I would be married the second we were born. By the time I realized how
wrong they were, we had already been married for five years. I was just lucky
we never had any children; if it were up to Gina, though, we would have had
quite a few. I suppose she thought I would never leave her if kids were
involved. And perhaps I wouldn’t, and I must’ve known that deep down inside
because I always turned down the idea of having kids until I was more settled
with the bank, my first child. Truthfully, I had been settled with the bank
years ago and just kept convincing her and myself that we weren’t ready to have
kids. We had filed for divorce last year, and although it hadn’t completely
gone through yet, she was still out of my life.

Not according to my mother though. That’s
the real reason I had gone to New York: to deal with this bullshit. My mother
had attempted what I was convinced was a fake suicide at a hotel room in NYC,
drinking half a bottle of whiskey with some painkillers—just the right amount
for her to pass out dramatically, but not quite enough to cause any permanent
damage. I saw right through it since she used to pull crap like that with dad
all the time. Yet when I went to the hotel and saw her, pale and weak and
miserable, I couldn’t help but feel sorry for her.

Leave it to Eleanor Sinclair to milk my
sympathy for all it was worth; she quickly went on a long rant about how my
divorce was taking a toll on her, how Gina was the perfect girl for me, and how
my happiness was the only thing keeping her alive. I tried to explain to her
that Gina did the precise opposite of making me happy: for one, she had cheated
on me more times than I could count, and I was pretty confident that she loved
my money more than me. And most importantly, I had never quite loved her. I
thought I did at some point, but it was an illusion built on lust and inspired
by her beauty, not to mention my parents insisting that she was perfect for me.

Until last year. I found out she was cheating,
and was hardly surprised – some part of me knew all along. I had a solid reason
to file for divorce.
My mother knew what
she had done and somehow found a way to blame me for it. “If only you didn’t
work all the time, Zay,” she had said. “A woman has needs, and Gina was getting
really lonely. Sure, she could have dealt with it better, but a lonely woman is
never thinking straight. She feels a lot of remorse, and you’re a coward if you
can’t accept it and forgive her.”

My own mother. Of course she would take
her side though; how many times had she cheated on my dad? And now she had
pulled this whole fake attempt at killing herself, and decided to use that as
bait for getting me to try again with Gina. She wouldn’t stop wailing until I
agreed to sign up for couple’s counseling.

That’s what the call was about. All too
anxious to jump back into my life, Gina wanted to start the counseling right
away, under the guise of “making momma happy, we owe it to her.” I didn’t want
to deal with that yet, so I was meeting her to discuss the right time for that.
But I had to be careful about Aria finding out. She would never forgive me. She
seemed like a righteous girl, and I had a feeling she wouldn’t even give me a
chance to explain myself. Even if she did, what could I say exactly? “Oh, I’m
thirty-two years old but my mom is making me try and get back with my ex-wife?”
It would sound ridiculous.

All this craziness was what had led me to
my rule; having sex with a girl once and moving on. I didn’t have time for any
more lunatic women.

But Aria wasn’t going to stop asking
questions. Why was she so stubborn? I admired this in her; she wouldn’t stop
until she got what she wanted, which sometimes was absolutely infuriating.

I was the same way though.

“How long has the situation with the loan
officer been bothering you? Is that why you were really in New York?” She

“No,” I said and grinned at her, trying to
change the topic. “I went to New York to get you your present.”

She blushed at that and I sighed. “Now
let’s not waste another minute.”

I approached her with a fiery kiss,
opening her mouth with my tongue, exploring. I could feel her melt under my
breath and I was glad that I possessed the skills needed to distract her. My
hands found her firm breasts and her nipples were already as hard as my dick. I
began to lower my head with the intention of kissing her breasts, but she
grabbed my hand with surprising force. Her eyes burning with desire, she said,
“Not yet,” and then got on her knees.

Watching her unzip my pants was enough to
make my mind completely forget about Gina and all my troubles, my eyes and my
head firmly focused on Aria ready to take me in her mouth.

When she did, I lost all control and began
moving. I grabbed her head and plunged as hard as I could in her mouth,
reaching deep within her throat. She sucked and tried to keep up with my
movements as I fucked her face faster and faster. It couldn’t have been more
than a few minutes before I was ready to explode.

“I’m fucking coming,” I said with the few
words I could muster, and tried to take myself out of her mouth. To my great
surprise, she held on tighter to my ass and shook her head.

“Jesus,” I groaned, all but ready to pour
myself into her.

“I want to taste you,” she choked out.

Those words were enough to make me shake
into a burst of pleasure, as I came hard inside her mouth, holding on tighter
to her head. She sucked until I was emptied completely, and she looked at me as
I dropped to the couch. Still on her knees, she swallowed part of my cum, while
some of it dripped down her pretty little lips.

“Lick your lips,” I said, still reeling
from the orgasm, and she complied. I was starting to get hard again almost
immediately from watching her.

I was breaking the rule I had set and I
didn’t care.

“You tasted amazing,” she said, getting
off her knees and approaching me on the couch.

I grinned. She was turning into a sex
vixen, something all my other girls never were. She leaned in to kiss me. Her
tongue was still warm and I found my hand reach her pussy. “Are you ready for
another?” She whispered against my mouth.

I took her hand and placed it where my
dick was protruding again. “Can’t you feel how ready I am?”

With that, I grabbed her and threw her on
to the couch. “God, I’ve fucking missed you,” I said, working my mouth all over
her body, experiencing every inch of her delicious, smooth skin.

“I missed you too,” she moaned, raking her
fingers through my hair. Then she kissed my forehead while massaging my temples
with her thumbs. I pulled my lips from her neck and she tilted her head down to
take my lips into her mouth.

My dick was throbbing again, pushing
against her thigh. I snaked my hand in between us and grabbed hold of her mound
through her jeans. I made swift circles with the palm of my hand and she moaned
into my mouth.

Our tongues danced around each other's as
her hands pulled my hair tight. She pulled away from me and leaned back,
sitting upright on my throbbing cock. She unbuttoned my shirt while biting her
lip. She pulled it off each arm so it was resting behind me and then traced
each of my defined muscles with her fingertips before kissing every inch of my
chest. I threaded my fingers through her hair and pulled her upright again.

“Take it off,” I groaned, tugging at the bottom
of her T-shirt.

I hadn't ever seen her in a T-shirt and
jeans but she looked just as good as she did in her tight fitting work clothes.
A grin spread across her face and then she tore her shirt up and over her head,
revealing a black lace bra. I unbuttoned her pants and ripped the zipper down
exposing her matching black lace panties. She stood up on the couch and pushed
her jeans down around her ankles before stepping out of them.

She unclasped the front of her bra,
allowing her perky breasts with hard nipples to topple out.
Then she playfully snaked out of her panties
and kicked them on the floor, revealing her wet aching core. I licked my lips
before grabbing her ass and pulling her down so she was sitting directly on my
face. I twirled my tongue around her bulging clitoris.

“Oh my god,” she moaned, bracing herself
on the couch with her hands.

Her legs pulled tight around my head and I
knew she was about to go over the edge. I grabbed her harder, pulling all of
her into my mouth to taste her beauty. Before she could cum I raised her up off
of me. She reached down between our bodies and grabbed my dick that was aching
to be engulfed in her pussy.

I tugged her head down and kissed her

“Ride me,” I groaned into her.

She pulled away and grinned before kissing
me once again. She sat up and then turned around, rubbing the tip of my cock
against her slippery opening. I grabbed her hips and tugged her down,
submerging my dick in her wet pussy.

“Ah,” we groaned in unison as she bounced
up and down. Reverse cowgirl happened to be one of my favorite sex positions.
Aria was truly giving me everything I wanted.

I tugged her up and down, sliding my dick
through her pussy faster than ever. Then she pulled her legs tight against my
hips as I continued to thrust in and out of her.

“Oh my god,” she shrieked out in an orgasm
and shuddered. She continued to hold on to my legs as I burst about into my own

“Holy fucking shit!” I shouted, pulling
her off of me so I could shoot my cum all over us. When I was finished she fall
flat onto the couch next to me, unable to move a single muscle.

“Next time, my bed,” I said when I could
speak again. “It was supposed to be the bed tonight, but you walked in with
those tight jeans of yours and I couldn’t help myself.”

“I don’t think a bed would make any

“You’ll be surprised Aria.” She looked so
serene, lying naked in my office sofa. “I’ll show you just what your body is
capable of.”

BOOK: Billionaire In Hiding: The Complete Series (Alpha Billionaire Romance Western Love Story)
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