BILLIONAIRE ROMANCE: The Unforgettable Billionaires: The Complete Collection Boxed Set 1-12 (Young Adult Rich Alpha Male Billionaire Romance) (Alpha Bad Boy Billionaire Romance) (24 page)

BOOK: BILLIONAIRE ROMANCE: The Unforgettable Billionaires: The Complete Collection Boxed Set 1-12 (Young Adult Rich Alpha Male Billionaire Romance) (Alpha Bad Boy Billionaire Romance)
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Chapter Three

rina was in no mood for human contact whatsoever. The situation with Reece had pushed her past her limit for the day. After the disastrous confrontation in the conference room a few days ago and the hours she spent digging up information on the phone, internet and offline sources she was exhausted. She’d been avoiding Reece for the past few days, too drained to endure another confrontation with him.

So he was hurt, so what? How was that
problem? The way she figured, it wasn’t. It was very likely the man occupying her thoughts was the one ringing her bell right now. She wasn’t in the mood to deal with anyone for the evening, but especially not Reece. The man drove her crazy with his need to be the center of her world despite the strictly sexual nature of their relationship. Even that was stretching it, really, since they’d only been together twice and hadn’t so much as kissed since they’d returned to Colorado.

With the volume up on the TV she found it easier to ignore the persistent buzzing sound that echoed in the living room. The phone she found harder to ignore, especially with his deep gruff voice sliding over her skin like a warm caress. “I know you’re in there Trina. Open the fucking door or I’ll open it myself.”

She shivered at his words. They were a turn on even though she knew he couldn’t bypass her security system as easily as he had the first time. She smiled knowing that he would try. “It won’t do you any good, buddy.”

“I just want to talk Trina, dammit.”

She couldn’t deny she was touched by the frustration she heard in his voice. But it was his own damn fault she didn’t want to talk to him. If he wasn’t such a stubborn ass she would let him in but she wasn’t in the mood for his foolishness. “Go away,” she yelled at the answering machine, feeling no satisfaction since he couldn’t hear her. He hung up and the phone rang again. This time she stretched and reached for the phone. “What do you want Reece?”

He grunted at the effort of whatever it was he was doing. “What do you think I’m doing? I’m breaking into your house dammit!”

Trina held in a laugh at his frustrated tone. “Just go home Reece. I’m not in the mood and I don’t want to deal with you right now.” Why won’t he take a hint?

There was a strange sound coming from the back of her house and she sat up straight, a little too quickly and felt her head spin. “Shit.” She got her bearings, grabbed her gun from the coffee table and darted to the back. “Reece move another inch and I’ll put a nine millimeter in your ass.”

He stilled and looked up at her with that heart stopping smile that made her hot. But it also gave her the urge to slap his face. “Come on sweetheart, we need to talk.”

The gun never lowered as she spoke. “Really we don’t.”

She watched him wiggle free of the window, grunting as the security blinds squeezed his legs making his job more difficult. “Of course we do. There’s a lot to say.”

Waving an arm dismissively, she gave him a glare. ”Okay fine, you’re sorry,
blah blah blah

Reece stood and wiped at his jacket and the seat of his pants. “What do I have to be sorry about? You’re the one who’s been avoiding me.”

“Because you have been a complete ass.” She couldn’t believe he was standing there after breaking into her house, like he was the wronged party here.

Reece stalked over until Trina’s back was against the wall. “I was.”

Her mouth opened and closed, her brain not sure what to do with that statement. “You were?”

He nodded with a sweet smile as he leaned closer and closer until their breath mingled. His lips touched hers and that familiar sensation like hot lava splattered their bodies, then he was kissing her. He was devouring her tongue with his, starting a dance she knew would lead to more. Would lead to wild passion and endless lust, and it would end with them both in a satisfying pile of human flesh. He pulled back and looked into those honey brown eyes. “I was an ass Trina and I’m sorry.” His big hands cradled her delicate face, “I can’t seem to help but act like an ass in your presence. I want to be nice to you, show you how much you’re coming to mean to me but other shit always comes out of my mouth.”

A laugh got caught in her throat, his words stunned her into silence. “You,” she pointed at him and back to herself, “care about me? Really?”

He nodded and leaned in again, this time planting soft kisses on her neck and shoulders. “I do and I can’t believe you don’t know it.”

“How can I,” she moaned as his tongue snaked out to lick her collarbone, “when you’re always yelling at me?” Her fingers sifted through his hair and grabbed on tight as her pleasure grew.

“I only yell to make sure,” his deep voice was gravelly as his large hands gripped her waist and lifted her up, “you pay attention to me.” He wrapped her legs around him so their bodies were aligned and ground his erection against the heat that cradled him. “Are you paying attention now?”

“Oh yeah,” she nodded, licking up his neck and sucking his earlobe. “You have my undivided attention.” She licked his jaw and turned his head to hers, capturing his mouth in another hot kiss. Then they began moving and she felt the sofa at her back.

“Then let me make sure it’s worth it.” Reece sat back and took in the sight of her, puckered nipples on display in her thin t-shirt, coffee and cream skin flushed with desire and her plump mouth swollen from his kisses. “You are so beautiful.”

The reverence in his voice touched her and she pulled him down for another kiss. “I can’t get enough of your taste,” she moaned and sucked his tongue into her mouth. He groaned and pushed against her. “Okay we’re both wearing too many clothes.”

“Agreed,” he growled and quickly had all their clothes strewn around the floor, bodies flush again. Looking down at her again, Reece took a moment to memorize her body. “So beautiful,” he said and ducked down to pull a chocolate tip into his mouth.

Trina closed her eyes and got lost in the sensations and emotions Reece caused in her. She knew the tension between them had been masking something more, something deeper. But they were too similar to actually do anything about it. Until recently. Now they were exploring what was between them and he admitted he cared for her. She hadn’t said it back but she would.

As soon as she could come to grips with it herself. “Oh shit, that’s it! Oh, oh that’s it! Reece get up!” She pushed at his chest and cried out at the loud popping sound he made when he released her.

“What? What’s wrong?” She sat up with a smile on her face that nearly stopped his heart. She was so goddamn beautiful. At times like this, when she was naked and flush from loving him, she took his breath away. He groaned when her breasts brushed his erection as she reached across him for her laptop. “Uh, hello? Earth to Trina.”

“Reece I figured it out!” She leaned over and kissed him. “Let’s get dressed and head to the office. I’ll make it up to you later. Big time.” Her eyes told him she meant every single world.

He groaned. “Aw hell, like I can say no.”




Reece took note of how different this meeting was compared the one almost a week ago. Instead of glaring and snarling at Trina, he was barely able to contain his emotions. The first was chagrin that he had been so dismissive of her skills. She was damn good at gathering intelligence, putting it together and painting a picture. He felt sorry for the person who ended up on the other side of her combat skills. But he was also proud and grateful as hell. They all worked as a team but most of the progress they’d made in looking for Levi was thanks to her.

“Sorry to drag you all from your warm beds but I had an idea and I wanted to brainstorm while the thought was hot.” She looked around in search of any hostile glares and found none. “I was thinking that we, well
, was looking at this too simply. I think Reece was right about this having to do with Canady’s plans for the White House.”

“See I’m always right,” his smile was wide and proud and he sent her a wink.

Trina shook her head but couldn’t hide the small smile that crept across her face. “But I think it has something to do with one of our soldiers. We know Levi hasn’t crossed paths with him, at least not officially. That left the two guys Max looked into.”

“Yeah Munsen and Kilberg. Kilberg is a farm boy from a big family who are all still in Iowa manning the dairy farm. Munsen was a foster kid who went straight into the military, so nothing there.”

Trina shook her head and began to pace in front of the windows overlooking the city. “No it’s not possible. One of these guys is our key.” She pulled her phone out and typed furiously and quickly put it back in her pocket. "We’re missing something, I know it.”

“Maybe there’s nothing there and this is just some game by a fucking political hack.”

“No,” she kept shaking her head. “You have to think like an idiot. How would this help me become President, having 4 dead American soldiers plus soldiers of our allies?”

“You can use it to separate yourself from the current President,” Callie added tentatively.

Trina stopped and looked at her as the wheels began to turn. “Not that,” she smiled grateful, “but just like that.”

“A distraction!” Callie shouted the words with a big smile. “This is a big distraction but I don’t know how.”

Trina’s phone buzzed and she picked it up right away, her back to the room. “Seriously? Holy fucking shit. Thanks B, you rock.” She turned back to the group with a big smile. “Callie you were dead on!”

“I was,” she stammered with a shy smile.

Trina smiled back. “You totally were.” She opened hidden a panel in the table and booted up the Hawkeye interface for the encrypted data Blaine sent over. “This is meant as a distraction but not for the American people.” Opening the file she pinched it and tossed it to the screen on the wall. “Sgt. First Class Jason Munsen is the foster child of Senator Seth Ronsen. That is the missing piece and now we need to figure out what it means.”

Callie raised her hand slowly. “I think I know. Father knows the Senator, he’s from Chicago and part of our,
social set. I heard them talking and a year ago he was considering a run for the Presidency.”

“I could kiss you,” Trina said to Callie as she typed quickly right alongside Max.

“I don’t think any of us would be opposed to that,” Reece said to break the tension. When he received several glares he held his hands up in submission, “I’m just saying what we were all thinking.”

“There! Okay. Again Callie, great work. Ronsen has already filled out the paperwork so he is definitely running for President and it looks like his Super PAC has raised a lot of money.” She smiled, it was all coming together.

“I’m sorry but I still don’t see how this helps find Levi.” Tag’s impatience was showing and Trina understood.

“I have someone in Tajhari gathering intel on the ground Tag so we will find him but don’t you want the bastards to pay who tried to kill your brother and other brothers in arms?” He nodded reluctantly. “This helps because, again, you’ll have to think like an idiot.” She laughed at the glare he threw her way.

Max grumbled and finally lifted his gaze to the group. “Canady thinks if his son is killed, Ronsen will be too distracted, sad or whatever to run and his biggest competition is out of the race.”

“Yes,” Callie and Trina said at the same time.

“So how does this help us,” Tag wanted to know.

“Simple. Now we know
we also know how to find out where your brother is. No video was released so how did Canady know where to strike? No one I spoke to had received any intel leading up to the strike. British intelligence received a photo, not the US government and the Brits still have no idea who sent it.” She fired off another message to Blaine. “Now we wait.”



“So is it later yet,” Reece asked with a suggestive smile.

Trina kissed his lips, savoring the sweet cinnamon taste of his gum mixed with his own delicious flavor. “We don’t have the time or the room to do what I had in mind,” she groaned as his mouth trailed a wet path down her neck and to one of her breasts.

“I’ll settle for a quickie now and you can make it up to me once we get back to your place.” He was already unbuttoning her jeans and shoving them down her long legs when her hands went to the buttons on his fly.

“Oh you’ll settle huh? In that case you better make this quickie worth it!” She freed him and took his hard length in her hands, applying gentle pressure and stroking as her body sank lower and lower to the ground. Reece growled his pleasure when those luscious lips wrapped around the head of his cock.

“Fuck, Trina. Those lips are a deadly weapon.” Eyes closed with his head tossed back Reece lost himself in her mouth, her tongue, her heat as she worked him up and down and round and round. He was close. Too close. “Trina,” he grunted. “Get up here. Now.” Reece felt like an animal the way he was grunting and growling, but he lost all sense of words and meaning when she stood and turned her heart shaped ass towards him.

“I always find quickies are best enjoyed doggie style.” Her arched back pushed her butt out further and put her sweet, dripping core on display. She screamed when he dipped down to slide his tongue inside her.

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