Billionaire Stepbrother - Secret Lives (16 page)

BOOK: Billionaire Stepbrother - Secret Lives
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Chapter 30


Dante sat in his office, contemplating the past few weeks. Business was better than ever with the new stocks coming out as well as the new clients they were gaining in Japan. It was the legacy that Cynthia had left behind. But he wasn’t feeling proud or happy about it. He was missing her more than he even imagined.


When they had made the deal for her to go back and work at Vosh and maintain a secret relationship, he had pictured meeting at bars and pretending they didn’t know each other, steamy meetings in public bathrooms, and late night rendezvous at her apartment or hotels. He hadn’t expected that he would barely see her.


He looked at his phone for the millionth time that day as if it would magically make her start texting him, but he had no luck. All he knew of her for the last week was that she was working overtime and was exhausted. He had seen her over the weekend at The Blue Pig, but she had seemed too afraid to do more than brush up against each him. She felt like she was being watched 24 hours a day, and it wouldn’t surprise him if that were the case.


So, he had put his mind into figuring out who had truly betrayed him. Was it someone in the motorcycle club? Was it someone he worked with? Could it be a team up of both? He wasn’t sure, but it bothered him not to know who his enemies were.


Dante felt his thoughts drifting to Cynthia and her body, her face, her smile. It was becoming too much without her in more ways than one. Finally, his phone buzzed, and he felt relief like never before.


Hey there, I’m on lunch finally.


He smiled, glad that she was getting a break. Winslow had become a slave driver as of late, and she almost never got to sit down.


Glad to hear it. I miss you.


There it was; his heart splattered all over the screen. What would his motorcycle club say if they knew he was so damn whipped by this woman?


I know. I miss you too. I was thinking of meeting up later tonight or something. All the big events are over for now hopefully, and I have the whole weekend off.


Dante smiled to himself at the possibility.


Sounds good to me. We can use The Blue Pig as a meeting point and then leave separately. Maybe you could leave with Billy or Axel just in case. How’s eight?


His mind automatically went to the gutter, imagining his hands all over her body in some dark room somewhere. Maybe they could head to the lake or something, and he could see her in her bikini in person.


Okay. We’ll figure it out. Can’t wait to see you. I love you.


I love you too, Cynthia. See you tonight.


Suddenly, the door to his office flung open, and a red-faced John stood before him. His CEO looked like he was about to have a coronary. “Are you okay?” he asked with great concern, his phone at the ready to call an ambulance or something. That wasn’t John’s usual behavior. As far as Dante knew he was a pretty laid back guy.


“Am I okay?” he repeated back angrily, before letting out his version of an evil chuckle. What the hell was going on with this guy? “I spent all that effort trying to send you packing and you come out spotless. How the hell does that happen?”


Dante jumped up, his body tense and poised for something. He wasn’t positive what his CEO was talking about, but he had a feeling. And he certainly wasn’t going to allow him to talk to him like that. It was still Dante's company, after everything he went through. “Why don’t you close the door and have a seat John. Clearly, we have some things to talk about.” It sounded like a question, but his eyes made it clear that there wasn’t a choice in the matter. John was staying in that office until Dante got to the bottom of what was going on.


John was practically breathing fire from his nose like a cartoon bull. It was quite comical with his bald head turning almost as red as a tomato. But it was no joke to think that a man he had trusted for almost a decade was behind all of his recent problems. “Now, if you will calm down and tell me exactly what’s going on, maybe I can help you.” Dante stayed standing as a sign of his authority. He was still the owner of Essential Steel and still made the final decisions.


“I’m pretty sure you’re not going to help me, Diesel.” He spit Dante’s nickname out, and it took everything he had not to launch a fist in John’s direction. It was becoming more and more clear who had screwed him over.


“When did you find out?” Dante tried to ask it calmly, needing to make sure he got all the information out of him he could. It was clear now that the meeting he had been called into when he was blindsided wasn't really the first time John had heard about his double life.


“The guy never told me his name, but I’m pretty sure he’s a member of your gang. I had you investigated about a year ago and saw that you went to this seedy bar all the time and wanted to know more. I made a deal with one of the people there for information. It was a guy and a woman, a very good looking woman with dark hair. She was keen on the idea of ruining your life."


He paused as he watched Dante, seeming to take pleasure in the fact that the information was clearly hurting his boss. "Of course, hiring Cynthia and then having a relationship with her made it even sweeter for me. Or so I thought. Winslow and I have had this going for months. I was so sure we had you backed into a corner until that damn woman saved your ass. I don’t know what she sees in you.”


Dante felt his blood pressure sky rocket. Why had John done all this to him? “Tell me John, what have I ever done to you to make you so malicious towards me and this company? I’ve trusted you with my secret and with my business for years. I was sure we were friends.”


“Friends or even decent people don’t allow someone to play a part but give them no actual power. I’ve been your mask and your freaking monkey for almost ten years and have nothing to show for it. I'm a fucking puppet. I have no real say in anything that’s done here yet I’m the one that has to be hated by the employees for your bad decisions. Winslow and Vosh could offer me something real. It’s that simple. He promised me that once the takeover happened, I’d be the one in charge, and you would be out on your sorry ass. He's been stringing me along since you came back here without her, being cagey about what was going on, but he finally told me what you did. He said the deal is off because you made him a better offer. You sold her like some common whore!”


“Get the hell out of my office John!” Dante growled with clenched fists. He couldn’t stand to hear any more. “And in case you haven’t guessed it already; you’re fired. Don’t bother asking for a recommendation or a severance package because you won’t get them.”


Dante picked up his phone and sent a text, copying every number he had in his phone book belonging to a Devil’s Pirates MC member. He had some business to take care of, and part of it involved discipline for the dark haired woman who helped sell him out to the enemy. And he was pretty sure who it was.


Big meeting at The Blue Pig tonight at 7 sharp. Be there or lose your membership. Period. Pass it on.


Dante was seething at how blind he’d been to all those around him who were against him. His CEO, his motorcycle club... it was a disaster. Had anyone ever truly been his friend or family? He was sure at least that Billy had nothing to do with any of it and neither did Barbie, but those were the only people he could truly vouch for anymore.


It was a good thing that Cynthia was free to see him tonight because he was going to need her support after he let the MC have it. He was certain he’d be losing more than one family member.


Chapter 31


Dante looked around him to see all but one or two members awaiting the start of the meeting he had called. The clock had just struck seven, and he knew he didn’t have a choice but to begin. That was already two down. How many more were about to walk out the door?


He locked eyes with Cynthia who was sitting in the back corner with Billy and Barbie. She was his stronghold for the night, his savior. He tapped a beer bottle and climbed up on the bar, ready to let his wrath be known. “I have called you all here tonight to discuss the shit that has been happening to me lately. You see, there is a mole in our midst, probably more than one, that has been aiming at ruining my life. Our anonymity is threatened by these people, people who we thought were family. These are members of Devil’s Pirates MC who have taken the same vow the rest of us have; to protect each other and do as the president says. I think I have been a pretty damn reasonable presence, and I am done tucking my tail between my fucking legs. What I say goes. I am your leader, and I say we need to clean our shit up and make a new legacy. So, before I make heads roll this evening for their betrayal, I want anyone who has a problem with me or my leadership to walk out now. There will be no penalty other than that you are no longer welcome as a part of our inner circle.”


Dante paused as he saw several heads trained to the floor while others looked around as if they could see who the culprits were. He was certain he was getting through. He watched as less than five people walked out the door including Liz’s new boy toy. But Liz stayed right there with a smile plastered on her face. It looked evil from where he was standing, and he wished she was one thing he didn’t have to face.


“Now, I don’t know how many of you were directly involved in this take down, in this betrayal, but know that I will find out and you will pay the price. I may be a better guy than some of the other presidents have been, but I am not soft. I will get my revenge. I do, however, know one of you who masterminded this whole thing. Before I make an example of you, I will give you thirty seconds to come forward and admit to your betrayal as well as tell me who else was involved. If you do this, I will show you mercy.”


Dante paused again, waiting for her to step forward, but she just stood there still smiling. He sighed. “Liz, you are guilty of treason against Devil’s Pirate MC. You are no longer welcome here. Be warned, I will let you leave tonight, but I will be coming for you tomorrow.” Everyone turned to stare at her as she flipped everyone off and walked out the door. Little did she know that revenge would already be coming for her well before dawn.


“Now, let’s everyone have a fucking good time!” he called out to the crowd, careful not to make eye contact with Bryant. He still wasn’t sure of his involvement. Instead, he headed towards Billy to make sure the plan was still on for him to take Cynthia to get a room at a hotel downtown. He was pulling out all the stops for an unforgettable night.


He pretended not to notice his stepsister as she was talking to Barbie. Winslow’s spies could still be in that bar with all of them. Once Billy assured him that everything was squared away, Dante headed to the bar to grab a drink. He’d leave fifteen minutes after Billy and Cynthia. Then it was only a few minutes' drive until he could be with the woman he loved again.


* * *


He walked into the suite he had gotten for Cynthia to find her digging into the mini bar for libations. “Thirsty much?” he teased, grabbing her from behind and pulling her backside up against him. She squealed and quickly flipped around so that she was backed up against the mini bar. As she pulled him in for a mind-blowing kiss he realized that she was wearing a very short dress, her dark legs bare against his jeans. “God, I missed you so much, Cynthia,” he confessed, breathing in her vanilla-like scent.


“I know,” she responded with a smile before guiding his lips back down, placing them on her neck. She was obviously wasting no time. He nibbled up and down her neck and collar bone to the rhythm of her moans. He could smell a touch of wine on her like she’d already had a drink or two without him. At first, he thought she just wanted to celebrate being together again, but as her moves got more heated and desperate, he began to wonder if something else was going on.


She yanked her jacket off then her dress to reveal a black corset with a matching thong. She smiled lazily at him, and practically attacked him, placing his hand down her panties and plunging them between her already wet folds. She was clear about what she wanted, but it seemed so desperate, so fast.


“Whoa, slow down babe. I haven’t even gotten a good look at you yet. We haven’t even said hello.” He gave a sly smirk while walking her over to the bed and poured them both drinks. To appease her he stripped to his black boxers and sat next to her. “So, how is working for the enemy going? I guess he’s paranoid since he’s keeping you pretty busy. He must sense that there’s no breaking our connection, that he’s not getting you back.”


He watched her knock back her drink and stare at her feet. Her face fell, and he knew then that something was on her mind. “It’s more than paranoia, Dante. We are seeing each other.” She said it so quietly, he almost missed it.


“What do you mean?” The statement almost hurt, like she felt they were doing something wrong by being together in secret. Had Winslow finally gotten to her?


“I mean, he knows, Dante. He mentioned it before I left work, and he’s threatened to renege on the deal because of it. He heard that your CEO got fired. He thinks your reputation is hanging by a thread, and he won’t hire your CEO and control his mouth if we keep this up. I actually came tonight to say goodbye; to have one last hoorah. We have to break up. It’s the only way.”


Dante jumped up like the bed was burning his skin. She had lost her mind if she thought they were breaking up over all of this. “No way, it was a mistake to let you go through this in the first place. Let me make it right. I’ll come out myself and tell everyone or I’ll just sell him the company right now; whatever it takes. I’m not letting you sacrifice another minute for me. Besides, I don’t know how much longer I can go on without your kiss, without your body.”


He climbed over her on the bed and pressed his lips soft against her breasts. He watched as her eyes closed in what he was sure was surrender. His company seemed like such a small sacrifice now that he knew what it was like to lose her.


“I can’t be the reason you lose it; you know that. Even if it seems okay to lose right now, you’ll always resent me for it. I know how this works. I won’t let you do that. The best I can offer you is a really long goodbye. We still have tonight. What do you say to one last hoorah?”


A smiled played on her lips, but her eyes told a different story as she looked into his. He could see there was pain behind them no matter how cool she was playing it. She reached up and pulled his face back down to her breasts and her stomach. “Lower,” she begged him, writhing underneath his weight. He stopped right above her sweet spot and kissed her ever so gently. Her smell was intoxicating, and he wanted her more than ever, but something about the whole thing just felt wrong.


“I can’t do this, kiss your body for the last time, feel myself inside you for the last time. I won’t accept that this is the end of it, and I won’t end it with some one night drunken sexcapade, Cynthia. I love you, and I’m going to keep on loving you no matter what you do and who you’re with. Just remember that when he finally lands you in his bed. My company is not worth it. Let me know when you agree.”


He pulled his clothes on, making sure not to look back at her. He knew if he did he would have to stay. Then he walked out the door, leaving her to enjoy the suite by herself. He could only hope a hail Mary would come for them soon.


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