Billionaire's Black Runaway Love (BWWM Romance) (12 page)

BOOK: Billionaire's Black Runaway Love (BWWM Romance)
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, Emily.”

Emily smiled to herself, snatching the last droplet from his tip and swallowing the rest down her throat, feeling like a very satisfied Cheshire cat. She straddled Chace, and he cradled her head, leaning up to catch her lips with his. “Fuck,” he said again, along her lips as they kissed moistly and heatedly. The atmosphere still felt fogged up with their sweltering passion, and Emily closed her eyes in bliss thinking this moment held no definition.

Even now, with her head clear of the fog and the morning light at full burst, Emily still had no words for how last night had culminated.

And so far neither of them had had much to say since waking up side by side – until Chace finally spoke. “Breakfast?”

Emily shook her head. “Shower.” She made a face because Chace hadn’t let her leave the bed even once since they had both jumped in it last night. Each time she thought of crawling out to at least wash, Chace dragged her back in again for another robust round of forbidden delights.

Thankfully, Chace chose to relent this time – on the condition that they did it together.
There was no hit or miss with that one
, thought Emily as Chace’s sinfully sexy body joined hers beneath the shower. It was only the second time they were showering together and Emily could see herself getting used to this. Foolishly, she was getting caught up, but now she didn’t really care. Giggling as Chace kept busy putting his hands in places he shouldn’t, Emily tried to fight off his teasing touch again and again.

She felt like a teenager again, at least her heart did. It was a long while since she’d been this carefree. Why did everything feel so comfortable with Chace? Could she really take the chance he seemed to offer?

In these stolen moments with him, maybe it was time she stopped questioning every single element. There would be time enough to choose when they both went back to reality.

She just never would have expected what she’d find waiting when they returned.


Chapter 15

It was barely three days later that Emily got the unexpected phone call.

A voice she couldn’t recognize asked if they could have a little talk.

“Who is this?” Emily asked with a frown. She’d only just got back from visiting Ciara at her shop, Pastry Zen. They’d needed to catch up after Emily’s impromptu trip to Vegas with Chace. They’d stayed for two days before returning due to important business concerns Chace had waiting to be attended to.

The trip had been eventful to say the least, every hour spent with Chace a delight – both in and outside the bedroom. Emily finally got to enjoy more of Vegas and it had nothing to do with gambling or designer shopping.

Emily had particularly enjoyed them visiting an award-winning resort and both being pampered with the most luxurious spa treatment imaginable. She’d
needed to be revived and replenished considering the nightly exertions she indulged in behind closed doors with her masterfully insatiable companion.

But it wasn’t just sex. They did check out the best restaurant and clubs, and Emily had to admit, folks sure knew how to get down in Vegas.

Now finally home, Emily had planned on a quiet evening soaking in a scented tub and catching up on her reading. Maybe she would even update her blog, which was going along great.

Then she got this strange call out of the blue.

“Who I am doesn’t matter for now,” the voice, which Emily noted was female, said. “What does is how much information I have about your involvement with Chace. And what will happen if the whole torrid romance goes public.”

Emily went still for a moment as those words sank in. “What makes you think you can call me up and threaten me with something like that?”

She had that feeling again like she was in a really bad melodrama.

“I wouldn’t exactly call it a threat. Just a warning,” the woman said airily. “I’ve got photos, and I’ve done some background checking. You’re just a waitress who happened to have caught the attention of the Chace Hammond – billionaire business mogul whose family is one of the most respected in the country. How would it look getting his name dragged in the mud when the story of your relationship with him comes out?”

“What makes you think we’re in any kind of relationship? And what gives you the right to cook up stuff about other peoples’ personal lives?” Emily was fuming so hard she could barely see straight. If she had the person right there she’d…Emily clenched her fist and strove for control.

“It’s not like I’m making things up,” the woman said carelessly. “You
been seeing Chace Hammond. I’ve got proof. Both of you together outside a club and even coming out of his home the morning after spending the night with him. Then a few nights ago, he picked you up from the restaurant where you work and you both took a trip on his private jet. I take it you’re back now, which means you both spent those days in some hideaway and now you say nothing’s going on?”

Emily dragged a hand through her hair. “You know what, I don’t care what you think you know about me and Chace. And you can go ahead to do whatever the hell you want. I don’t care. But if you call me up again with your shit, then you’ll better be ready for the consequences.”

With that, Emily cut the call hurriedly before she said anything else she’d regret – like threaten to break every bone in the woman’s body if they came across each other.

It took a lot for Emily to calm herself down and think things over rationally. Obviously, some scumbag trying to start up a scandal was simply fishing to hear what Emily had to say.
Something incriminating or note-worthy to add to the bag of lies they’d already cooked up
, thought Emily grimly.

She spent the next hour pacing the four corners of her small living room, weighing the situation in her mind. When her phone rang again and she saw it was Chace, she hesitated somewhat before finally answering.

His deep, warm and confident voice brought up the topic of dinner after asking how her day had been. They’d last seen only that morning and hearing his voice on the phone brought an ache to her chest. Somehow she found her voice and made some excuse about not being available for dinner.

“What’s wrong?” Chace asked after a moment’s pause. His light tone had grown sober, as if he sensed she wasn’t herself.

“It’s nothing,” Emily said on a heavy sigh. “Look, Chace, I don’t think it will be possible for us…you know, to continue. For now, let’s just take some time off to…”

“I’m coming over.”

The darkened tone of his voice was filled with authority, that no-nonsense side of Chace that made Emily want to stamp her feet like a child. “Chace, now is really not the time…”

“You’ll stay put at home and wait till I show up, Emily. We have a lot to iron out.”

We certainly do
, Emily thought in resignation as she heard Chace hang up amidst her protests. She couldn’t deny they had some talking to do, but she’d rather not have to face him while they did it. But of course, Mr. Bossy was having none of that.

She saw him pull up in front of her apartment, in a midnight-black Bentley this time, which he drove himself.

He crossed the street in quick, measured strides to the front door where Emily was waiting in the open doorway. His expression didn’t look like his mood had improved since their phone call. Emily stepped to the side and allowed him in silently.

Moments later, they were in the living room, Emily’s arms wrapping around herself as she made herself meet Chace’s unreadable gaze.

“Now will you tell me what’s going on?” he asked in a gentler tone than she’d expected.

“Chace, it’s pretty simple. I’m having second thoughts about…this whole thing we have going on. I feel like we should step back a bit and consider if we really want to go further with this.”

“How about how I feel? Does that get any consideration while you make drastic decisions for both of us?” Chace had a dangerously soft tone to his voice now.

“I have to think of what’s best for me,” she told him imploringly.
And what’s best for you, too

Emily didn’t want to complicate life for anyone. Whoever the reporter was trying to stir up a mess, she wanted no part of it and certainly didn’t want to put Chace in a position that would bring him embarrassment.

She’d seen what a scandal could put two people in love through when something similar had happened to Ciara and Zane. Emily viewed her relationship with Chace as too fragile to risk facing a storm so soon. They’d barely just got back together, hadn’t even properly defined what it was they shared, and now this.

“Is this ten years ago all over again?” Chace said, his brow snapping together in an angry line. “You suddenly decide we’re through because of something you think I did? What is it this time, Emily? What unforgivable crime do I have to feel guilty for now?”

“That’s not how this works,” Emily fired back heatedly. “No one’s blaming you for anything. And can we please not bring up the past?”

“I think it’s about time we did. Because I can’t keep fighting shadows, never knowing what I’m really up against,” growled Chace. “All those years ago, you chose to end things and I made the mistake of thinking I had to respect your decision. I knew my family was giving you a hard time and perhaps we were both too young to stand firm against the challenges…”

“Your family and how they treated me had nothing to do with our break up,” Emily said, her own anger flaring. “That was all on you, Chace. And I knew you’d deny everything or try to make me see reason if I told you the truth about what I saw.”

There, she’d finally let it out, thought Emily with grim finality.

For so long she’d sworn never to let Chace know the truth, to feel his pity or see the guilt in his eyes when he realized Emily knew he’d betrayed her. That would cut her in half more than anything else.

Emily would never forget the pain she’d felt. It came back clear as ever, bringing a fresh stab of agony to her heart.

It had been Chace’s birthday. Emily had needed suggestions what to get him, something unique and classy that could remain within her budget. Emily had never known her parents and had lived with her adopted family since she was five. She liked to live within her means while staying thankful for the kindness shared in the home she’d lived in all these years, with her foster parents and their two kids around Emily’s age.

Ciara had suggested they check out one of those pricey stores to see if they could find something nice in the mens’ section that Chace would like. They planned on a pair of cufflinks or one of those tie bar things – maybe even a watch. Emily kept three jobs and had saved for months just for a time like this.

They’d been busy oohing over the impossibly priced men’s accessories from the topmost designers, when suddenly Ciara looked up and then nudged Emily.

“Look, Emily…over there. It’s Chace,” Ciara said in disbelief.

Emily’s head shot up and she looked around before finally sighting the familiar dark-haired figure. He was facing to the side, but there was no mistaking that chiseled, Roman profile and the wavy sweep of blue-black locks. He was laughing deeply and there was a petite young woman beside him, who didn’t look much older than Emily.

She was a beautiful honey blonde with a sunny smile that matched her pretty sundress. She was holding up a tie to Chace and seemed to be asking if he liked it.

“What the hell is going on?” Ciara breathed, sending a shocked gaze to Emily who looked equally dumbstruck. She didn’t know what to make of the situation and suddenly felt propelled on her feet, about to make her way across the aisle to Chace to ask him who that was he was smiling with so warmly.

Until the petite blonde suddenly reached up on tiptoe and kissed Chace on the jaw. Chace wrapped an arm around her shoulders and the woman picked up the tie and other items she chose while they both headed off, obviously to pay for their purchases. 

Emily’s first instinct had been to dash after them and grab the snotty-looking blonde by the hairline and just…But Ciara held her back, telling her to take it easy.

Emily’s anger dissipated into pain as she had to fight back tears. “How could Chace do this to me? We came here trying to pick him a present, yet here he is with someone else – and she obviously came shopping for a present for him, too.”

“We don’t really know what…”

“He told me he’d be with his parents!” Emily cut Ciara off, with eyes full of hurt and betrayal. “He said we should meet up later today, but first he had to spend time with his folks. He promised to make the rest of the day just for me and him. Obviously he’s not home with his parents right now, is he?”

Ciara bit on her lip and watched Emily’s face crumble, her own gaze sympathetic. “I’m sorry, Emily.”

“Don’t be,” Emily said more calmly, dashing the tears from her eyes. “I always knew he wasn’t really mine. That he’d have other girls or at least someone he really cared about, but it certainly isn’t me. I’m just a joke.”

Hours later, Emily made sure her phone was switched off and that Chace couldn’t reach her. She stayed at Ciara’s place, knowing Chace wouldn’t seek her out there. It took a few days before she could finally bear to hear even his voice on the line. He told her he’d spent ages trying to get hold of her. That was when she told him it was over.

To his credit, when they met up at their usual spot to talk, he did his best to make her change her mind. Asked her what had gone wrong and that he thought they meant a lot to each other. Emily gave all sorts of reasons, but was determined never to let Chace know she’d seen him with someone else. Why would he have lied if he wasn’t doing something wrong? Confronting him with that fact would just hurt her more, so she didn’t.

Emily knew her own insecurities had caused her to leave Chace and it was the same now, ten years later. She squared her chin and faced him unwaveringly, refusing to let her wobbly knees and weakened heartbeat deter her from her decision.

His eyes had narrowed to slits and he seemed turned to stone. “What you saw? Just what is the truth, Emily?” he asked in response to her last words. “I’ve always suspected there was something, but for the life of me I could never figure it out – not back then and certainly not now. Isn’t it time you come clean with me? I think I deserve that much.”

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