Billionaire's Pet 2 (BDSM, Domination and Submission Erotic Romance) (2 page)

BOOK: Billionaire's Pet 2 (BDSM, Domination and Submission Erotic Romance)
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For a few weeks, he'd been content just to own the cuffs and put them on whatever pet was warming his bed. Finding that none of the women had that same spark in their eyes, he'd put the cuffs back in their box, placed them in his home safe and summoned his head of security with a request to find the girl from the auction. The dossier Devyn Cole brought him a month later had ballooned Griffin's slowly growing interest into a near obsession. From that day on, every daughter of Chicago's upper class who tried to woo him, who unzipped his pants and took him into her mouth, had Katelyn's face.

Knowing he had to get her out of his system, to use her for a day or a week until she was another blurry set of lips working his cock, he had Devyn put out feelers for what charity she'd moved onto after
One Well At A Time
had imploded. Then fate intervened once more when a clerk in Human Resources accidentally filed Katelyn's resume in with the batch for a new chief compliance officer.

Now Katelyn was in his bed and the restraints were out of their box and on the floor, obviously unnerving her. He'd fix their placement soon enough, but he could tell her emotions were fragile at the moment. The tremble hadn't left her body.

Stepping into the room, Griffin closed the door behind him. Katelyn flinched when the lock clicked into place, her body tightening as if a flogger had just landed on her soft skin. His cock strained forward at the thought of her spread eagle, the gorgeous slash of pussy wet and exposed as velvety suede tails moved in a pattern toward the pink throb of her clit.

Later, his mind cautioned -- not tonight, no matter how much his dick jumped at the thought.

Leaving the restraints on the floor, he sat at the edge of the bed. The lamp gently lit her skin, giving it a dark golden cast. With the leather harness on, she looked absolutely edible. A metal ring framed each nipple. Dark silk hairs escaped from beneath the gusset of leather between her legs. Those would be gone soon, by his own hands and with plenty of pauses to suck and play with her beautiful pussy.

He inhaled deeply, his tongue pushing between his lips to catch more of her flavor. She smelled as delicious as she looked, her arousal warming the scent of her cunt to a heavy spice that made his mouth water and his cock twice as hard as it already was.

Gingerly, not wanting to startle her, he wrapped his palm around her exposed shoulder. The shaking stopped. He kept his tone gentle but even. "You didn't answer, pet. Don't you want to know how long your name has been embroidered on those cuffs?"

She didn't respond beyond sucking her bottom lip into her mouth and screwing her eyes more tightly shut. He couldn't stop the chuckle that escaped him. She would likely disagree, but he found her reaction adorable. It was like holding a lattice of fingers over her eyes during a scary movie. She wanted to know, but she didn't.

"More than two days ago." He traced the back of her arm, from her shoulder down to her elbow. "More than two weeks."

She sucked a deep breath in at that, his words making it clear he had been tracking her before she ever filed her resume. He laughed again, his finger continuing down her forearm. She had folded her arm over her breast and his path led inexorably to the pouting nipple. Giving it a gentle tug, he bent to softly speak into her ear.

"I didn't know I even had an opening for a charity analyst, pet." Feeling her breast push closer to him, he gave another tug, slower and longer than the first. "I was concocting far more devious ways to pull you into my net."

Another gasp, this one mixed with a moan. Griffin pushed her onto her back, keeping his mouth next to her ear. He brushed his unshaven cheek along the smooth skin of her jaw. Her breast flushed hotter in response.

Sweet heaven, he loved a responsive partner, a woman who couldn't help but show her arousal. And she was deeply submissive -- not at all surprising with a strong and independent woman who had been forced to shoulder a heavy burden growing up. He growled in appreciation as another quiver rolled through her. His mouth moved down her throat to nip and lick at the flesh as he pinched and rolled her tender nipple between his thumb and finger. "You're going to wear them for me, pet."

He pinched and pulled at the nipple until she groaned her response. "Yes…"

"With your eyes open." He lifted his head from the curve of her neck and waited. Her mouth quivered but her eyes stayed shut. Griffin took possession of her other nipple, both swollen buds lifted taut as he squeezed another gasp from her. "No hiding, Katelyn."

Her eyelashes fluttered and then she looked at him. Her lips parted, showing a hint of white teeth and the pink tease of her tongue. He studied her gaze. More than the ember of submissive heat he had expected, her eyes blazed with the need for him to continue, to dominate her more fiercely.

Griffin relaxed his grip on her nipples, letting the blood flow back in. Shock spread across her features at the sensation, her lips opening wider as unexpected pain filled the tips. A shiver of need running through his own body, he smoothed his hand across her stomach and down to the slit in the leather gusset. He forced a finger in and found her delightfully soaked. Her muscles grasped at his finger. He rewarded her responsiveness with two more pushing into her tight channel.

Moaning, Katelyn wiggled her hips.

"Does pet have an achy little pussy?"

When she bit at her lip but didn't answer, he laughed and dropped his lips to one swollen nipple to soothe away any remaining pain. He sucked the bud into his mouth, warming and moistening it as his fingers explored her cunt. Her muscled thighs pressed against his wrist and lower hand, her strength like a vise. He let his moan go, sent it vibrating across her breast as he made short curling strokes just inside her entrance.

When he had her so close to coming that her hips lifted off the bed, he pulled out. Capturing her head with his other hand, he kept her from turning away. "Communication is everything, pet. It keeps you safe and pleasured until I can learn to completely read your body's reaction."

Her eyes grew wider as he finished then narrowed in a heartbeat. She didn't like the idea of him getting inside her head. Smiling softly at Katelyn, Griffin moved back up the bed until his chest was over hers. Shifting his weight for a second, he retrieved the restraints from the floor and placed them next to her opposite hip.

She stiffened immediately, her body and gaze turning inward. Griffin shook his head. His hands returned to her face to lightly hold her in place as he spoke to her. "No retreating, Katelyn."

Knowing he would need a little extra leverage to get the restraints on Katelyn, Griffin had been stingy with his kisses in their earlier sessions. She'd been visibly frustrated by his refusals. Hands still cupping her face, he brushed the side of his mouth against hers. "I'm going to cuff you, pet."

He switched sides, his chest tightening with pleasure when her lips tracked his. She wanted his kisses as much as she wanted his fingers and cock stroking inside her. He teased the corner of her mouth, flesh ghosting flesh until she mewled softly in her frustration. His tongue traced the seam of her lips as his hand moved down to the juncture of her thighs. Her lips parted as her hips pressed up, her mound meeting his palm as he cupped and squeezed the plumped labia through the leather gusset.

He kissed her, his fingers mimicking his tongue with a slow curling inside her moist depths. Moaning, she lifted her arms as if she would wrap them around his shoulders. He stopped, breaking the kiss as he warned her.

"Down, pet."

"Grif-fin!" She panted between syllables, her hips rolling frustrated circles.

He rubbed his cheek against hers. There was a time to be stern, this wasn't it. She had to learn the heights of ecstasy he could bring her to once she obeyed, then these little flashes of obstinacy could be handled more firmly. "You want my kisses, pet?"


Her breathless admission surprised him. He almost kissed her, caught himself before he could relent. He squeezed her pussy instead, her body bucking once beneath his touch. He stared into her hazel eyes when he spoke again. "You want my cock in you."

"Yes." Her cheeks burned red when she answered and he saw tears pooling along the surface of her eyes.

He brushed his lips across hers, still holding her gaze. "You want me kissing you and fucking you with my cock when I let this pretty little pussy of yours come."

Katelyn's eyes rolled back in her head, her whole torso straining toward him even as she meekly brought her hands down near her hips, her left wrist brushing against the restraints.

He watched a stray tear roll from the outer corner of her eye to her temple.

"Beautiful, pet." He kissed the tear away then moved down her legs and spread her thighs apart. Filling the space, he took the cuffs and fastened them around her wrists. Reaching into one pocket of his silk bottoms, he removed a carabiner and hooked the right cuff to the metal hip ring on the right side of her leather suit. He repeated on the left side so that both of her hands were restrained at hip level.

Detaching the broad strip of leather between her legs, Griffin exposed her pussy. "Spread them open for me, Katelyn."

She struggled inside the restraints until her fingers were angled and, once extended, could pull back her labia. Her hands shook as she pinched the thick lips apart for his inspection.

"Oh, yes." He breathed the words out, mesmerized as much by her submission as the beautifully splayed folds of her sex. "Pet definitely has an achy little pussy."

He lowered his body until he was scrunched down, his face only a few inches from Katelyn's cunt. "Bright red, drenched and…"

His tongue snaked out. Katelyn's body levitated for a heartbeat when it touched her pulsing clit.

"Sensitive," he finished with a soft laugh. He traced the rim of muscle guarding her cunt with a wet fingertip. She squirmed, the muscles irising like a lens, snapping shut when his finger traced down one side, relaxing when he traced up the other.

Sitting up, he slowly ran a fingertip from the top of her clit down to the hood, teasing the stiff pearl inside with a leisurely grinding circle before he pulled his hand away. "Stroke yourself, Katelyn. For me."

Her eyes pleaded with him to retract the command. Moving off the bed, he shook his head. "The more obedient you are, the quicker I'll reward you, pet."

She started with slow, long strokes that made his cock throb at the end of each swipe. Reaching back into his pockets, he pulled out two ribbons of black silk. Seeing her hesitate, he warned her, his voice growing stern. "Don't stop, Katelyn."

Another stroke had her biting hard on her bottom lip. He took one slim ankle and looped a ribbon around it before securing the fabric to the bedpost. Her hips were dancing little circles by the time he tied the second loop in place, the ankle restraints completely forgotten.

Climbing back onto the bed, he eased her fingers aside. "My turn, pet."

"Yes, please…"

He closed his eyes for a second, overwhelmed by the need in her voice. He couldn't remember a time his chest felt so tight -- or his balls. He lowered his mouth to the sweet, dancing, throbbing clit, the skin pulling tight with each pulse of blood through the engorged flesh. When he gently put his lips to it, Katelyn cried out, her hips twitching as she hovered at the precipice of her release.

He looked over her mound, across the length of her clenched stomach and the lush, heaving breasts to see her staring glassy-eyed at the ceiling.

"Oh, pet," he whispered, almost as lost as the woman trembling and straining beneath him. "Are you waiting for permission?"


Her choked, breathless admission had him ready to come with her and he hadn't even slipped inside her tight, grasping pussy. He moved up the bed, his hands swapping places to push his pajama bottoms far enough down his hips while one hand continued to tease her cunt.

Fishing one last object from his pocket, he brought a condom wrapper up and ripped the foil with his teeth. With his cock sheathed, his fingers returned to toying inside her. He took whisper softs strokes designed to keep her right at the edge, forcing her to continue withholding her own climax.

"Please," she whispered desperately.

"Not yet, pet, my cock isn't in you."

Her hips lifted and pushed, little dips forcing her mound to rub up and down his shaft. He increased the pressure inside her, his fingers cupping a spongy mass of tissue just inside her entrance until she calmed, her climax still unreleased. The air moved in and out of her in shuddering moans, her body otherwise tight and motionless.

Griffin withdrew his fingers and pressed down on her mound. "Plant that sweet ass on the bed, Katelyn."

When she relented, he massaged her thighs one at a time so their forced position wouldn't cause her to cramp. When her breathing evened, he covered her with his body again, his weight off her as he leaned on one arm. His free hand pushed his cock down, sweeping the fat head along her clit before teasing the hole.

He wedged the tip against her opening. Finding her moist and receptive, he pushed forward. His chest dragged along her nipples as he sank all the way in, making her whimper with need. Tomorrow he would clamp those sensitive little buds, elevating her to a new level of ecstasy.

He brushed the hair from her face then trapped her head between his hands. Beautiful, but she probably didn't think so. Or she tried to hide it, not wanting the attention. He stroked her high cheek bones with his thumb, his cock gently savoring the contours of her pussy. His chest pressing down on her swollen breasts, he kissed her again. He took her mouth slowly, studying what pleased her most. Her hands, restrained, framed his hips when he softly bit at her bottom lip. When his tongue curled between her top lip and teeth, her nails dug into his sides and her pussy squeezed tighter. He repeated the curling lick, his cock slowly dragging backwards at the same time to hook just inside her gate.

Her thighs flexed, her legs spread too far apart to control him from slipping out if he wanted to. He didn't want to, never wanted to leave her sweet, clutching depths unless it was to have her mouth sucking him or to savor the rich taste of her on his tongue. He groaned and broke the kiss to nuzzle her throat.

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