Billionaire's Revenge (6 page)

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Authors: Marie Kelly

BOOK: Billionaire's Revenge
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As the command for her to join him
stood taking a deep breath.  She felt the curious eyes of the secretary follow her
knowing what a strange figure
she made dressed in her jeans and baggy t-shirt, her hair allowed
to fall around her unmade face making her look even younger than her twenty-four years.
Entering his office she
as his eyes
narrowed at the sight of her before a smile filled his handsome face
a loud laugh leaving him.  Standing
he moved closer to her, his look taking in everything about her appearance.

“Wow... did we just time travel back to when you were eighteen Sara?

his mocking voice ma
king her furrow her brow.
hoped that seeing her like this would change his mind, would make
him back away from having her in his bed, her small shoulders shrugging softly
“This is the way I like to with it”
her look challenging as he moved around her, another
low throaty laugh
leaving him, Sara hating the way he seem
ed to be deriving such amusement from her show of defiance.

“Well fortunately for you little Sara Balfour...I have seen how well you scrub I am sure we can do something about your appearance”
Sara felt
the seething anger fill her, her eyes daggers of hatred as they glowered at him, Darius once more laughing.
I take it by your appearance here that you accept my terms”
his voice sm
ug as she clamped her mouth shut tightly, he
r feet shuffling as she
cleared her throat nervously.

“There must be another way Darius...I am seeing someone...somebody I might actually have a future with”
looked back at her, his look sharpening
as he shrugged

“This man is your lover?”
Sara’s flush and shocked expression making him smile softly
, “ are not yet lovers then?”
Sara spluttered
, her voice full of mortification
“We have only been seeing each other for two weeks!”
another laugh

“And who is this saint-like man...a man who does not drag you straight to his bed
after only one day

Fixing him with eyes which contained both embarrassment and anger she raised her small chin

“He is a doctor...and
a good man...are
you a good man Darius
  There was a time that I thought you were

soft words hit him hard, his eyes losing the teasing light and becoming dark and dangerous

“Is that a fact little Miss Balfour
  So good a man you fired me as a thief?”

The words hung over them as they stared at the other, his look cold, hers defiant, Darius finally mov
closer to her

“Well the past is the past is it not Sara...
you have your future to worry about...and that of your family.  So let me
clear.  The only offer on the table is the one which I made you yesterday.  So what is it to in my bed or your sister in prison?”

Sara dropped her look from
her small shoulders slumped forward as she gave
a defeated nod of her head

You win ...but
I have
a proviso of my own”
her voice
soft as he raised an eyebrow

“Oh...such as

Unaware as her fingers pulled at each other she lifted her chin
once again

“I need a time
can’t live with ‘until I get bored
...I need a definite time scale

Darius watched her for a few seconds, seeing an almost panicked expression in her eyes.
he finally replied
“I leave here to return to Italy in two weeks...
so for the time I am here
you will remain my companion
.  Although I still reserve the right to kick you out sooner if I want to”

To his surprise, rather than the anger he expected she seemed relieved, giving him a short nod, Darius wondering why the time had
been so important to her.
“While we are on the subject of provisos...I too have

Sara silently nodding as he
moved even
closer to her

“I expect complete obedience from you.  If I tell you to be somewhere then you go there.  If I tell you to go at a certain time then you ar
e not late...understand

With a sardonic twist of her lips she
a nod
her hand gesturing a salute to him

“Yes Sir

lip twitched
at her impudence

“Oh and one final
and most important
  I expect complete honesty.  If I ask you something I expect
both an answer and the complete truth from you

she frowned
her look concerned
, “
You expect me to answer any personal questions you
might give up any
and all secrets I have

her tone disbelieving as he
an arrogant return smile, his voice mocking

“Of course
when you put it like
that that
seems apologies.  I tell you what Sara.  You can have one thing that you don’t have to tell me about...but only one”
his tone mocking
as he stood dominantly over her.  She frowned before r
aising her
eyes, her head nodding seriously back, the smile leaving his lips as she
so quietly


now wished
that he
ot given her the one concession, for the first
time feeling that he
missed something very important.
With a sigh and a calming breath Sara realised that the deal
struck and that she
promised to be the sex toy of a man she hardly knew
, a man who thought the worst of her
possibly the next two weeks, her stomach churning alarmingly. 

“ does this we strip off and have at it on your desk and then you can lock me up in my own little room somewhere till needed again?”
tried to keep her voice light, but the quiver could be heard by them both.  His deep laugh
strange shivers down her spine as he
his head.

“You will stay with me for as long as I want you, and will accompany me to some engagements which I have coming up as my ‘companion’
.  In the meantime
I am sure we can ensure that you are at least comfortable”
the words spoken with innuendo
Sara kn
that he would take pleasure in parading her as his latest acquisition to
the entire
crowd who
mother held in such high esteem.  She however, cared little for their opinions of her, her reputation already tarnished by lies, a small self-deprecating curve of her lip formed as she
was one more

Turning, she caught him watching her intently, feeling as the small blush once more dusted her smooth cheek
“I do think that we should make sure of one thing”
said softly
before moving forward and cupping her
in his hands
he dropped his mouth to kiss her.  As the previous
night, the moment his lips touched hers, she responded with a need that was both unfamiliar and shocki
ng to her, her
hands fanning softly by her side for a few seconds before finally resting gently on his hips, this smallest of touches causing him to jump slightly, his kiss deepening as he pulled her in even harder against his body. 

As passion erupted between the two his arms
wrapped around Sara
unaware as she
writhed against him
their tongues seeking and demanding the other.
As his thumb
gently ran along the tip of her nipple she felt the jolt of white s
earing heat shoot through her quivering body and pool low in her groin
a moan escaping her lips. 

only meant to kiss her, to show her who was in control, but her reaction
blowing and suddenly her idea of sex on the desk was one which held a great deal of appeal to him.  Flipping her around
moved her
the wooden surface, Sara with him every step of the way as she pushed his jacket from his shoulders.  He let it fall to the ground, his hands moving to cup her buttocks, lifting her onto the edge of the shining desk, both almost frantic in their need for the other.

“Sir, Miss Woods is here

voice over the intercom
pushed its way through to both of their befuddled minds, both freezing instantly, Darius in frustration and Sa
ra in mortified disbelief.
  Reaching over her, his head against her cheek he
flipped the switch, his voice husky
“Please ask her to wait for one moment”
, b
efore he
pulled himself up
retrieving his jacket and pulling it back on.  Standing with his ba
ck to her for a few moments, he
seemed to pull himself together before turning once more to face the bemused and stunned Sara

“Well that answers that then”
his eyes still
filled with
the smouldering heat which
passed between them.  She
able to stare back at him, not even aware of what the question
been, but
instinctively knowing that to ask would be dangerous.  Her hair mussed and lips larger and redder than before
she slid from the desk on legs which shook, her eyes avoiding meeting his as she tried to fix her hair with hands that trembled.

“I...I will need to go home and pick up my clothes” she finally managed, her voice higher than normal as she fought to bring her tattered emotions under control.  His laugh saw
her fro
wn, her eyes finally flying to his

“I don’t think so.  If what you are wearing is your ‘normal’ choice then you need a new wardrobe.  I am very particular about who
I am seen with Sara...and you need a makeover

felt herself flush as he
, anger replacing the fire in her eyes

“Well unfortunately I am a little short of funds right now like I said before
deal with it”
The twitching of h
is l
ips at her defiance only mad
e her madder as he moved back over to the intercom.
“I would of course not expect you to pay, so I have engaged a consultant to work with you today

that she would be required to tweak your wardrobe...but it looks like she will have her work cut out
.  She will ensure that you look good and have the right clothes.  She has a list of everything that you will need
...the priority being a suitable cocktail dress

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