Birthday Girl (The Student Union Series Book 1) (12 page)

BOOK: Birthday Girl (The Student Union Series Book 1)
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I collapsed into a satisfied heap next to Zach on the blanket and said, “That was....” I kissed his wet cheek, and he turned his head and kissed me on the mouth. “I didn’t squish you or anything, did I?”

“You’re the sexiest woman in the world,” he replied, and somehow my cheeks got even redder. I went for the zipper on his shorts and tugged them down to his ankles, and he still managed to look graceful while getting his underwear off. I wrapped my hand around his hard cock and started kissing my way down his chest toward it, but he said, “Brooke, wait.”

“What’s wrong?”

“If you put me in your mouth, I’m going to explode, and I want to...are you

I grinned. “Yes.” I couldn’t help myself—I gave his shaft one playful swipe with my tongue, and his cock twitched in response. I shifted on the blanket, about to roll over on my back, but then I saw the way Zach was looking at my ass, and instead I lifted myself up on all fours and said, “I want you inside me. Now.”

In a moment he was behind me, his powerful hands on my hips, and I reached down and fit the tip of his cock to my entrance, and he slowly pushed into me. “God, your pussy is so tight,” he groaned.

“You’re just huge,” I replied, turning to glance back over my shoulder at his beautiful bare chest. His face was lined in concentration. He slid in all the way, until he was pressed up hard against my ass. “Just stay there for a second, okay?”

“I can do that.” Zach’s cock was inside me, and I’d never felt so full. He ran his hands up my sides and reached around to cup my breasts. He withdrew a couple of inches, and I desperately wanted him back inside, all the way, but before I could say anything, he moved his hips and thrusted back inside, his pelvis hitting the cheeks of my ass with a satisfying slap.

“Again!” I cried, and he pulled back further, slamming into my wet pussy, making my whole body shudder. He grunted happily, really thrusting hard now. I yelled, “Fuck me! Harder!” and he did, moving his hands from my boobs to my ass to steady himself, and my hard nipples grazed the blanket.

“Turn over. I want to see your face,” I heard him say, and he slipped out of my pussy. I felt empty, like my body was incomplete without him inside me. I flipped over and spread my legs wide, and I caught a glimpse of Zach’s impossibly hard cock, slick with my juices, before he pushed it back inside me. I screamed, and he silenced me with a kiss, then raised his head until his face was just above mine, and I looked into his brown eyes. His expression was intense but thoughtful, and he whispered, “You’re so beautiful.”

I kissed him and slipped a hand down between us to rub my clit, and sooner than I could have imagined, I came again, my pussy spasming around the shaft of his cock—another first. While I rode the waves of my orgasm, Zach rode me, pistoning in and out of my pussy, and then I could see he was on the edge. “Do it. Come for me,” I urged, and he nodded, his face tightening. He gasped, and I felt his cock swell inside me, and he gave a sharp, sexy grunt, his mouth open as if he was surprised at the force of his own climax. I put my hands on his bare ass, pulling him against me as he emptied into my depths.

When Zach’s massive orgasm subsided, he started to pull out of me, but I tightened my grip on his ass and said, “Wait.” He nodded, and I felt him soften inside me. He kissed my cheek tenderly, and I stroked the smooth skin of his back. “That was...not bad.”

He laughed. “It was all right.”


He put his hand on my breast. “D, at least.”

“Hey!” I let my head settle back onto the blanket and looked up at the blue sky. “Can I ask you something?”

“I think you’ve earned one question.”

“Was I too loud?”

Zach looked at me and started laughing. “Brooke,” he began, then lost it and couldn’t finish his sentence. I pushed him off me in mock offense, quivering as his soft cock finally slipped out of me. He stood up, naked and gorgeous in the afternoon sun. “For the smartest person I know, that was the dumbest question I’ve ever heard.”

I smiled. “Good. You were right, by the way.”

He tossed me my panties, which had somehow ended up a few feet away on the grass. “About what?”

I cupped my breasts. “D.”


“You fucked him in the woods?” said Sierra. “You are my hero.”

“Shhh! But thanks for finally admitting it.” We were sitting in the bleachers at the final varsity basketball game of the year, a home game against Ellensburg College. Thanks to a three-pointer by Trevor, we were up by two in the fourth quarter. “And it wasn’t in the woods, it was in a clearing near the woods. Also later that night in the shower.”

“That is so hot.” Cascade’s center stole the ball and passed it to Trevor for quick layup. We cheered. “He’s good, huh?”

“He’s great,” I said dreamily.

Sierra laughed. “Are we talking about Trevor or Zach?”

“Both, I guess. So that threesome didn’t make things weird between you?” A guy sitting in front of us looked back at me when I said
“Sorry, I guess now I’m the one talking too loud.”

“Nah, I don’t care,” said Sierra. “Now he’ll do anything for me, because he knows his next girlfriend would never be up for that.”

“Good point.”

“Now, I found a place to go dancing on your birthday. Lumberjack Dave’s, in downtown Cutlip.” I must have looked appropriately horrified, because Sierra said, “I’m
How about we go to La Rosita for nachos and margaritas? I’ll be in charge of cake.”

“Deal.” Ellensburg scored, tying the game, and a cheer rose from the other side of the gym. “Can I bring Zach?”


My birthday fell on the last day of geology class before the final. There were a few students who’d never shown up for class other than on the first day and the field trip, and now they were back. In an alternate universe, that was probably me, and I envied slacker Brooke from Bizarro World. But Zach seemed to like me the way I was, and when I looked over at him in the seat next to me, I stopped fantasizing about sleeping in every morning and started reminiscing about having sex with Zach in a national park. Hmm. I wasn’t really the outdoorsy type, but maybe we could spend the summer seeing America and doing it in every national park.

I’d applied for a summer job on campus as a research assistant in the sociology department, and I got it. That would put me close to Zach all summer, and after that...well, that hurt to think about. I’m not a hopeless romantic. I wasn’t going to be one of those women pining for her long-distance boyfriend, and I certainly wasn’t going to give up Harvard to be near him. So yeah, we were going to break up. Neither of us had said it yet. We stuck to talking about the next few weeks—and we spent plenty of time doing things other than talking.

A paper landed in front of me. Professor Radford had dropped my research paper based on the field work we’d conducted at North Cascades. In the top right, written in red pen and hastily circled, was an A. I tried to peek at Zach’s paper, but he snatched it away. I put on my best pouty face. He rolled his eyes at me and showed me the paper. A-minus. We were both going to pass. Zach reached over and squeezed my thigh, and the urge to just climb on his lap, right there in class, was so strong, I had to chew on my pencil to keep myself from doing something crazy.

“I’ll see you next week for the final,” said the professor. “It’s been a pleasure having you in my class, and I hope you’ll never look at a natural landscape the same way.” I must have turned bright red, because she definitely had that right. Especially a meadow.

After class, I asked Zach if he could join me for lunch, but he said he had a couple of errands to run. He kissed me, long and deep, in the middle of the hall. “But I’ll see you later, birthday girl.”


“Okay, don’t take this the wrong way,” said Jillian. “But what’s it like to be twenty-two? I mean, I just turned nineteen this year, and twenty-two seems so...”

“Old?” I replied. “Thanks. You want me to impart some wisdom of the elders?”

I’d cleared my desk of papers before everyone showed up at my room to pick me up for my birthday dinner, and Jillian parked herself next to the picture of me and my mom. “Whaddya got?”

I pulled my glasses forward and tried to look stern. “Jillian, this is the most important life lesson I can give you, so I hope you’re listening carefully.” She nodded. “Don’t put your ass on someone’s desk without permission.”

Sierra laughed, and Jillian and Trevor joined in when they realized I wasn’t serious. I sat on the bed, and Sierra said, “Where’s that man of yours?”

“Should be here anytime.” I checked my phone. “Actually, he says he’s running late, and we should go ahead to dinner.”

Sierra sensed the worry in my voice. “Brooke, chill. He’ll be here.”

“What if he realized—”

She took me by the arm and we all piled into her ancient Oldsmobile, which she’d dubbed
The Love Boat.
It was so old it had a bench seat across the front, but if someone wanted to sit in the middle, you had to cross-buckle the driver’s and passenger’s seatbelts across their lap. Even though the car had room for six, Trevor took the middle seat next to Sierra and made it obvious why cars no longer had such a configuration, because they kept molesting each other at every stop sign. I was sure we were going to crash and die, but Sierra had assured me on previous occasions that her car weighed a million pounds and would obliterate any other vehicle if the situation arose.

Luckily, we made it to La Rosita without committing vehicular manslaughter and before anyone got naked. Zach hadn’t arrived yet, and I was feeling a bit there such a thing as a fourth wheel? But the loaded nachos and frozen margaritas were almost enough to take my mind off him. When Sierra caught me looking at my phone for the thousandth time, she tapped her margarita glass with a fork and said, “Listen up.”

Everyone quieted down, and Sierra, all five-foot-two of her, rose to her feet. “I just want to say a couple things. Brooke, you’re my best friend, and I fucking hate that you’re going off to Harvard, but I’m so proud of you, I’m only a little pissed.” She picked up her drink and took a big drag on the straw. “But if you don’t text me every day, I will fly from Seattle to Boston to kill you.”

“Cambridge,” I said.

“I could just kill you now and save on the ticket price.” She pulled an oblong wrapped present out of her tote bag and handed it to me.

I tore off the paper. “Mr. Eggplant!” I said, recognizing the purple dildo from our condom demos at the Shark.

“I hear Harvard can be pretty intense, so you’ll need some stress relief.” Everyone laughed.

Sierra sat down, and Jillian passed me a small gift bag. “You gave me much better advice this year than I ever gave you,” she said. Inside the bag were a small hardcover journal and a fountain pen. “I know it’s old-school, but if you ever wrote down all the stuff you tell people at the health center, it could probably be a book.”

“Oh, Jillian, that’s so sweet. Thank you.” My phone buzzed. “Excuse me a sec.” It was from Zach.
Meet you back at the dorm. Sorry.

On the way back, I called shotgun and parked myself in the middle seat next to Sierra. “You know my birthday is cursed, right?” I said. “He’s probably going to break up with me when we get back. I don’t blame him. Might as well get it over with now. I just don’t know if I can stand hearing him say it. Do you think I should say it first?”

“Trying to drive here,” said Sierra. “How about you stop jumping to conclusions or I’ll pull over and make you walk home?”

“You wouldn’t.”

She literally growled at me.

When we got back to the dorm, still no Zach. The nachos were sitting heavy in my stomach—more so than usual, even—and I felt a little blurry from the margaritas. Sierra started to open the pink box she’d left on my desk, but I said, “Not until Zach gets here, okay?”

She nodded. As if in answer, my phone buzzed.
Open the window.

I looked out into the quad, and Zach was standing there, like he’d just walked out of a Brooks Brothers ad, resplendent in his navy blazer and perfectly pressed dress shirt and slack, briefcase in one hand. In his other hand he was carrying some
kind of
black box. “Open the window!” he mouthed again. I opened it, and he set his briefcase down and held the box above his head.

“What are you doing?” I yelled. But soon I could hear the faint, distorted tones of Young MC. Zach was serenading me with “Bust a Move.”

“Sorry!” he called back. “Do you know how hard it is to find a boom box these days? It’s all Bluetooth speakers and iPhone docks and stuff.”

“What is that?”

“A clock radio,” he admitted. “And I think the battery just died.”

I laughed. “Get up here!” Zach appeared at the door seconds later, and I hugged him. “Is this my present? A used CD clock radio? I love it.”

“Are you kidding? This thing is vintage. I’m taking it on
Antiques Roadshow.

“You two are so cute I’m going to puke,” said Sierra. “On that note, who wants cake?” She flipped the box open to reveal a supermarket cake decorated to look like a Harvard diploma, with my name on it. “If I light twenty-two candles, it’ll set off the sprinkler, so how about ten?”

BOOK: Birthday Girl (The Student Union Series Book 1)
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