Bitch Reloaded (6 page)

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Authors: Deja King

Tags: #Action & Adventure, #Revenge, #Fiction, #Urban Life, #Suspense Fiction, #African American women

BOOK: Bitch Reloaded
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"Relax for a minute. You obviously had more than business on your mind when you decided to put on that outfit."

"Excuse me?"

"You heard me. Any man would get a hard-on looking at that number, but I suppose that was the objective. Well, let me applaud you," he said, clapping his hands.

"I don't find your behavior amusing."

"That's too bad, because I find yours to be. Let's get one thing out the way. I'll be the first to admit that you're probably the sexiest, most beautiful woman I've ever seen in my life. But your beauty is only going to move me but so far. It'll never blind me to the point that I lose control over the situation, like I'm sure it has with other men in your life."

"Save the bullshit. You're the one who asked to come see me, let's not forget that. So my appearance needs to be an afterthought, not your first one." I knew my voice had a tone of irritation in it and I had to calm myself down. Mike had a way of getting under my skin, but I couldn't let him know that, although he probably already did. The smug son-of-a bitch had the nerve to read me. His assessment was correct, but didn't anybody ask him.

"Enough of this small talk; let's discuss what I came to see you about."

"My point exactly." I had to say that so Mike wouldn't think he was running this show.

"I don't know if you heard about this, but there was a major shoot out in Harlem the other day. From what my street informants told me, it was because of some million dollar ransom you put out on Nico."

I damn near dropped the glass of cognac I just poured myself. Luckily my back was turned away from Mike so he couldn't see the stunned look on my face. "Million dollar ransom? You need to check your so-called informants, because they digging up bad dirt. I'm letting the police handle the investigation of Supreme's murder."

"Then I guess that means you have no interest in knowing who was behind the set-up. Since that's the case, then my business here is done." Mike turned to walk away and I couldn't stop myself, I wanted to know.

"Who was behind it?"

Mike stopped for a moment, with his back toward me. I imagined him grinning at me caving in, and it made my skin crawl.

"Nico. He got word about your hit and came up with a plan of his own."

"What, to have me killed?"

"I'm sure that's what he intended the end result to be, but Nico planned on walking away with the money first. From what I understand, B-Boy's cousin not only has a business relationship with Nico, but a personal one. They came up hustling together. So when B-Boy told his cousin about the hit that was lingering over Nico's head, he warned Nico. Nico figured B-Boy could pose as the hit man for hire. Let you pay him the first half up front, and then take some fake photos with Nico dead and get part two. It wasn't a bad plan, but somehow B-Boy fucked up and he ended up dead along with his brother and one of his partners. Oh, and so did your middle man," he added. "I believe his name was Smokey." Mike paused before continuing. "Answer me this, Precious, were you the one responsible for the dead bodies in Harlem?" he asked, mocking me slightly.

"You seem to have it all figured out. You should be telling me the answer to that question."

"Then I say yes, except for Smokey of course."

"Sorry, I can't take credit for ending the lives of those bitch-ass niggas. But whoever left them flat lining did a commendable service for the community."

"That's too bad. Word on the streets is that a woman who is not only gorgeous, but mean with the heat is responsible for the havoc up top. They speak of her as if she's some sort of female superhero. From the description, I just knew it had to be you. I was wrong. You're not the baddest bitch in New York after all."

I gave Mike a smirk of disgust. The head games he was trying to play with me had now gone beyond just being annoying. "Listen, the real question is; do you know the whereabouts of Nico? And if you did, would you tell me?"

Mike walked back and forth a few times as in deep thought. His tailored dark navy ensemble moved with each movement of his body. I always heard that real gangsters wear suits, and watching Mike draped in his was only authenticating the statement.

"You may not believe this, but I don't know where Nico is hiding out. The last time I saw him was right after he shot you.

"You saw Nico then? What did he say?" This was the first time I had spoken to anybody who had a first-hand account of not only seeing Nico, but talking to him. My whole body filled with anticipation of knowing what he discussed with Mike.

"He called me right after the shooting, and we met at the Pier. He told me what happened and that Supreme and his bodyguards witnessed what went down. That had him on edge, because he knew he would be wanted for murder. He had just beat one murder rap and was free again only to turn around and get charged with another. But of course, at that time unbeknownst to us, like the cat you are, you survived with eight lives still intact."

"What else did he say when you saw him?"

"He asked me for some money so he could get out of town. I had no time to head to the bank, so I could only come with a hundred thousand. He took it and I wished him well."

"So that's how he was able to buy that diesel from B-Boy's cousin, the money you hit him off wit'. You're responsible for funding his madness."

"Precious, when I gave Nico that money, I thought you were dead. Never did I believe Nico would come back to finish you off and kill Supreme in the process. Nico told me he was leaving town. Giving him a hundred thousand was the least I could do for him. As I told you, me and Nico go way back."

"Yeah, it seems Nico goes way back wit' a lot of people."

"I told you in the studio a long time ago, Nico is a true kingpin just like me. He will always have powerful people looking out for him."

"So, if Nico called you tomorrow, would you go and help him knowing that he is responsible for Supreme's death?"

"No, I wouldn't. But not because of Supreme, but because of you," Mike said, now standing right in front of me. He put his hand under my chin and tilted my face up so my eyes were locked with his. Pretty Boy Mike, I thought to myself. Now I know why this nigga make me so frustrated I'm attracted to this son-of-a-bitch, always have been. And I hate myself for it.

"Because of me? Why?" I questioned, trying to shake my feelings. His hand was still grasping my chin and I felt like I was being hypnotized by the penetration from his eyes. Maybe Mike was right. True kingpins are different. They got this certain darkness in their eyes. Nico had it, and so did he. That darkness always drew me in. It was like it called my name.

Just then, I heard Nathan knocking at the door. Saved by the bell. "Precious, Jamal Crawford is here to see you."

"Show him to the living room, I'll be right there." I couldn't believe that an hour had gone by already. I only planned to spend fifteen minutes with Mike, but now I wished I had an hour more.

"What is Jamal Crawford here to see you about?" he asked, taking his hand away from my face.

"We have some business to discuss regarding Supreme." The way I answered Mike's question so quickly, I knew I was in trouble. Somehow this slick-ass nigga managed to get next to me. I didn't want to believe it, but Mike had me infatuated.

"What type of business, if you don't mind me asking?"

"Before Supreme died, he had a lot of music recorded and I own the rights, so Jamal wants to make me an offer on behalf of Atomic Records."

"How much is he offering?"

"That's what he's here to discuss."

"Before you sign anything with Atomic, make sure you let me take a look."

"They have lawyers for that, and why would you want to take a look?"

"I don't want you to get cheated and I know this business inside and out. That music is worth a fortune, especially now that Supreme is dead. I'm just looking out for your best interest."

I gave Mike a slight smile, assuming that his kind gesture was more of an attempt to score brownie points than him actually caring about what deal I struck with Atomic Records. "Thank you, I'll definitely keep that in mind before I sign on the dotted line."

"That's all I ask. Well, I won't keep you." Mike headed toward the door and I honestly didn't want him to leave.

"Wait, you never told me why?"

"Why, what?"

"Because of me, you said you would no longer help Nico. Why?"

"I'll have to answer that over dinner."

Nathan was right there waiting by the door when Mike opened it. He was more than happy to show him out. I guzzled down the glass of cognac that had been waiting for me since Mike's arrival. The slight burning sensation that hit my chest as the liquor went down my throat gave me a burst of energy. I tossed my head back and sauntered out the den ready for part two with Jamal.

When I entered the living room, Jamal was sitting on the elongated couch with a bottle of wine in his hand.

"Is that for me?"

Jamal initially gave me a look as if he didn't know what I was talking about, until I motioned my eyes to the bottle. "Yes, it's for us. I thought we could drink it over dinner. I hope you like red wine."

"I'm more of a champagne or dark liquor kinda girl, but I'm up for trying something new. I'll pour us a glass." Jamal handed me the bottle and I went into the kitchen where Anna was preparing dinner.

"Anna, my guest has arrived. So whenever you're ready you can serve dinner."

"Yes, Mrs. Mills." As I poured the wine I still couldn't get Mike off my mind. His personality was a combination of Nico and Supreme. Maybe that's what I found so appealing. Nevertheless, Mike was trouble and someone I needed to stay far away from, especially since I couldn't deny my attraction to him.

When I went back into the living room, Jamal was looking through me and Supreme's wedding album. I almost dropped the wine glasses due to shock. I hadn't been in the living room since I was shot and had forgotten all about those pictures. Seeing Jamal sitting there with the book in his hands brought all these emotions to the surface.

"I didn't mean to intrude," Jamal said as he noticed I was standing before him frozen.

"No, it's fine. I just haven't seen that book in so long."

"You were a beautiful bride."

"Thank you. That was the happiest day of my life. Now it's just a memory that causes me pain."

"I'm so sorry, but I know that doesn't help. I can't begin to say that I feel your pain."

"Yeah, I wouldn't wish losing the love of your life on anyone. It's kinda bizarre. Who would've ever thought that Precious Cummings from the Brooklyn projects would be talking about losing the love of her life? Not only that, but the love being the superstar rapper, Supreme. One better, is that I'm talking about it with you, my childhood neighbor and the man I lost my virginity to."

"It is a bit awkward. You never know what direction life will lead you in. But it's not surprising to me that you ended up marrying a man like Supreme. Every man that laid eyes on you fell in love, including me."

"Jamal, we were kids. What you felt for me was puppy love, nothing more."

"It didn't feel that way then. I was crushed when you stopped coming to see me."

"You knew it was only temporary. I was very honest with you," I said with a teasing smile.

"I know. You wanted to practice how to better your sex skills, so you could blow the mind of some big time hustler."

"Hearing you say that now sounds crazy."

"Those were your words, not mine."

"I know. So much has changed since then."

"After you left the projects, I never saw you again. I would overhear conversations and people would say you were the wife of the infamous Nico Carter. That he treated you like a queen. You became a legend in Brooklyn. After your mother died, I went to her funeral and I hoped to see you there. I saw your mother a few times before her death, and she had changed her life around. No one could believe how beautiful she looked, just like her daughter," Jamal said solemnly. "That's why it was so tragic when she was murdered."

I nodded my head, fighting back the tears that were swelling in my eyes. "It seems that everyone that I've ever loved has been taken away from me. But you know what the worse part is?" I stated, staring directly into Jamal's eyes. "In each of their deaths, I'm somehow responsible."

"You can't blame yourself for the madness of the streets. You're just as innocent as the victims themselves."

"Jamal, there is nothing innocent about me." Jamal had no idea that he was about to break bread with a killer. He still remembered me as Precious Cummings, the girl everyone felt sorry for because her mother was a crack whore. Oh, how things had changed.

"You'll always be innocent in my eyes." I could hear the sincerity in Jamal's voice. It was rather touching.

"Enough about me, look at you. You really have changed."

"You're right about that. Who would've believed I'd be the president of a hip hop label?"

"Me. Maybe not hip hop, but the president of a companyyes," I said honestly. "I knew you could rule the world if you wanted. You were just that smart."

"That means a lot coming from you," he said.

I wanted to get off the subject of me, because for some reason I felt guilty about how I treated Jamal a few years back. Yeah, we were only kids, but I was feeling like maybe I took advantage of him in some ways.

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