Bitten (5 page)

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Authors: Violet Heart

BOOK: Bitten
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The distinguished man came forward and placed a silver scepter in Ebenoral's left hand. He went to one knee and bowed his head. "My allegiance, my king. My queen."

Lady Grauwolf curtsied low, head bowed, then removed from around her neck a necklace bearing a wolf's head pendant with ruby eyes. She offered it. "My queen, you have my love and adoration." She stood and hung the necklace around Amelia's neck. To Ebenoral, she said, "My king, you have my loyalty and respect."

All in the chamber shouted, "My loyalty and respect!"

Humbled, Ebenoral lowered his head in acknowledgement of the pack's declaration. "And to you, I promise to rule according to the wisdom my father taught me, the strength and protection of my might, and offer you the bounty of these lands and the Malveaux fortune."

He looked to his queen, who gave him an encouraging smile and nod.

"We've been gone long enough." Lady Grauwolf gestured toward the door.

Ebenoral didn't move, however. When the last of the pack left, he took Amelia's other hand so he held both, and faced her. "I've killed a murderer, become a king of werewolves, and now stand before the most beautiful woman in the land in nothing but a borrowed cape. Not exactly what I expected when I left my home for this dinner party."

She laughed. "Do we have to join them?"

"Why? Is there something else you'd rather do?" He imagined her naked, on his bed, welcoming him with open arms. His cock stirred to life, and his balls shifted against his inner thighs.

She slipped her hand inside his cape and pressed her soft, warm palm to the place right above his heart. "I'd rather be alone with you. We started something last night, but you left too soon."

"I didn't want to hurt you. You saw tonight that I'm capable of terrible violence. I have strength I'm not sure I can completely control yet."

Her smile melted. "You'd never hurt me. Never. I saw compassion. Fairness. The ability to make a decision and act on it where a lesser man would've folded. Tonight, I saw that you're capable of being a great king. A great man. There isn't another in the entire world I could love and respect. I'm proud to be your queen."

Love and respect.
His heart soared. He placed a hand atop hers. "Marry me," he whispered.

Her lips curved and her teeth flashed in a dazzling smile. "Don't you know that's why I came to the Rift River Valley? Of course, I'll marry you. When?"

The door creaked, and Lady Grauwolf poked in her head. "Next week. The banns were posted this evening. Now off with the two of you. There are bonds to strengthen and heirs to make." She winked, sending Amelia a knowing grin. "Tomorrow's the full moon, my dear. You'll run with the pack. I can't wait. With that glorious hair of yours, you'll make a breathtaking wolf."

Then she was gone.

Amelia gazed into his eyes and chuckled. "A wolf? Yasmine will be scandalized."

* * * *

Magic laced each moment, elongating time as though Amelia moved through the world in slow motion. She held Ebenoral's warm hand as he led the way to Lady Grauwolf's foyer. Music and conversation drifted from the party at the far end, but she turned her back to it.

Together, they slipped outside. While he signaled for his coach, she sent a servant with a message to Yasmine. She gave Ebenoral's hand a squeeze before climbing into his carriage. She nestled in his arms the entire way to his vast estate and castle.

Clasping his fingers, she followed him up an enormous, elegant staircase and along an upstairs corridor. She savored the gradually mounting desire in her loins. The feel of his hand in hers. The knowledge that he wouldn't run from her tonight. The night was theirs.

He grinned, throwing open a wide white door at the very end. It revealed a master suite she'd have probably only seen the likes of in Buckingham Palace had she remained in England.

"It's magnificent." She took in a fireplace twice the size of any she'd seen. Seamless carpet covered the floor and led her eyes first to a parlor-sized sitting area then to a richly appointed poster bed so huge she'd need a stool to climb on.

magnificent," he said, his voice low and seductive. "Wait here. I'll be back in a minute."

Before she had a chance to protest, he disappeared through a blue door at the other side of the fireplace. Just being in his bedroom caused her desire to flare. She went to the bed and ran a hand along a smooth brown satin coverlet embroidered with small blue feathers.

She closed her eyes and imagined his hand on her. Exploring. Caressing. Arousing. She sighed.

She unfastened her hairclip. Her curls bounced to her shoulders and past. She slipped out of her shoes, and managed to get out of her gown despite the twenty tiny buttons down her back. Her corset and shift joined the dress over the backrest of a chair.

She stepped onto the bedrail and pulled herself across his smooth, satin counterpane. It caressed her hot skin. Her nipples hardened against the friction. "Mmm." She closed her eyes and rolled to her back.

Ebenoral cleared his throat, and Amelia rose on her elbows. He stood before the fire, completely naked and superb in his masculinity. He rubbed a towel on his wet hair, his muscles flexing along his chest and arms. The night before, it had been too dark, and he had been too close for her to get a good look. Now, she marveled at his male beauty. Long, strong limbs, muscular abdominal ridges, and a breadth of chest and shoulders that stole her breath.

He stared at her, a glimmer of humor shining in his dark eyes. Everything about him appealed to her. Especially his proud cock jutting at the ready from a glistening nest of curls the same shade of brown as his thick, wavy hair.

She went to her knees and held out her arms.

He tossed the towel aside and strode the length of the room. At the bed, he took her waist in his warm, firm hands and studied her. "My God, you're so much more beautiful than I remember from last night."

Her heart quickened, and his bold gaze on her body had an erotic quality that brought her juices flowing.

"I have to have you," he said, his voice rough and sexy.

"Yes," she whispered, placing both hands on his chest. She loved how hard he felt under her touch. She leaned against him, inhaling sharply at the joy that filled her by the mere contact of his skin with hers.

She touched her lips to his, and he responded, taking control. He bent her back slightly. Pressing into their kiss, he urged her open. His tongue swept inside at the same time his hand cupped her pubis. He smelled of oranges and pine, and tasted of mint.

He dominated her without demanding subservience. His brawn proclaimed him all man while complimenting, and even enhancing, her femininity. She'd never felt more beautiful or more cherished.

"I love you, my king."

"I love you, my queen." He slid a finger into her throbbing, ready folds.

His intimate caresses alleviated an insistent pressure within her crease, but created a new, needier urgency inside. She wrapped her arms around his neck and pressed her eager breasts against him.

He released her mouth on a moan then placed a tender kiss on the bite mark at her shoulder. "Your pussy is so wet." He licked where he'd kissed. "So hot."

"Yes," she breathed, spreading her knees wider. "For you. Only for you." She ran a hand down the ridges of his torso before gently wrapping ringers around his hard length. It grew, and she contracted her grip. How could he be so large, and not only fit inside her, but also bring her such pleasure? The very thought inspired another rush of moisture from her quim.

"Oh, God." He laid his forehead on her shoulder and ran his finger through her heat then into her begging opening. "You're so tight. I can't wait."

He gave her clit a circling rub that drew a delighted cry from her lips then removed his hand altogether. She mewled her disappointment. Taking her by the hips, he turned her back to him.

"But—" She gasped as he pulled her ass against his steely cock. Its turgid tip pushed into her sopping crease.

He planted a palm between her shoulder blades and tipped her to the mattress. Her hips up and inviting, she set her cheek to the coverlet.

In a single thrust, he entered her with a moan. She braced, expecting last night's pain. There was only a stretching fullness. A compressing pleasure that built by the moment.

Then he began to pump. Out. In.


Out. In.

"Ah!" Amelia took all of him, his cock nudging her womb and arousing a primal shout. "Don't stop," she managed.

A wonderful building of tension carried her on a wave that had her insensible and panting.

He groaned. "Amelia," he said on a sensual half-growl. "My love."

He pulled out all the way.

"No! Not yet. More. I need more of you. All of you."

He flipped her onto her back, spread her wide, and drove into her. Passion contorted his handsome face.

Please," she begged, throwing back her head and arching. Straining. Clawing toward the release his commanding, pounding thrusts promised.

Her body tightened around him. She climbed the final crest.

"God, oh, God. Come around me," he cried.

She did, screaming as every muscle in her body clenched. Stars exploded behind her lids. She lost the ability to breathe.

"Ah! Ah!" He bucked against her, fully seated inside. His entire body shuddered.

She gasped on a sob as the orgasm released its hold. She plummeted into herself. "Wow," she whispered.

He pulled out, wringing one last quiver of pleasure from her sensitive passage, and chuckled. "I agree." He sank to the bed beside her and gathered her against him.

She slid her knee atop his and rested her head on his chest. Loving the security his strong arms around her inspired, she settled a possessive hand on ridged muscles along his middle.

"What now?" she asked.

"What do you mean?"

Flushed from their incredible lovemaking, she snuggled closer. "Should I return to England? Prepare my family for the idea of a rushed marriage?"

He lay silent for a long minute. "This may sound too strange to accept, but I'm going to take a chance. These past two days have been unreal. Magical. So maybe you won't think me out of my mind."

"No more than myself."

"Fair enough." He hugged her tighter. "I've spent the last two months in a daze, really. No clue what was happening to me. Around me. Then you appeared, and some of the pieces started coming together. You found me last night." He let out a breathy sort of laugh. "I thought I was hunting you, but it was the other way around. You seemed to know more about me and…well everything. You were so calm and accepting."

"The dreams," she explained.

"You seemed to know what to do. And when my body joined to yours, I suddenly knew things, too. I knew I had to bite you. I knew what I was. I began to understand how the magic works." He took a deep breath.

She blinked rapidly, not wanting to hear him say she had to go but afraid he would.

"After all that happened this evening, I no longer have to guess. It's all clear."

"What is?"

He chuckled reassuringly, which made her relax. "You dreamt of me," he said quietly.


"Well, your family has been dreaming, too. Of
. This whole time. Just like you knew to come and look for me, they know to come and expect to attend our wedding. No surprises. No questions."

She rose to gaze into his sure countenance. "Really?"

"Yes. You're not going anywhere. We're already heart-bonded. Our souls are mated. The ceremony next week will make us legally wed according to man's laws, but in the pack, it was done the moment I bit you."

The truth of his words settled about her, and all doubt flew. He was right. Somehow, she had known this last night, but the poison Youel had spouted this evening had muddied her mind. Now, she saw clearly, too.

And it hit her. She sat with a jerk. "The full moon tomorrow. Your bite."

He sat and cupped her face, offering a gentle smile full of affection and wonderment. "That's right."

"I'm going to change. Lady Grauwolf said I'd run with the pack, and I knew I'd be a wolf to do that… I guess I don't know what I thought." She chortled uneasily.

His lips parted on a brilliant smile. "It's our destiny."

Joy lit her deep in her soul. She'd always been different from the other young ladies. Bold. Fearless. It made sense.

She touched his hand holding her face. "Every minute of my life has led me to this. To you."

He nodded. "Welcome home, my love. My wife. My queen."

Happiness overflowed her heart. "I'm home." She laughed, unable to help it. "Yes. My love. My husband. My king. I'm home."

He grew serious then leaned in and captured her mouth. In his kiss, he promised a forever of love. A forever of happiness. A home with him, where she no longer questioned her purpose or her difference. In his love, and part of this wolf pack, she was where she had always belonged.

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