Bitten: Dominated By His Inner Beast (4 page)

BOOK: Bitten: Dominated By His Inner Beast
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Damn him.

“The doctor will fix it,” Seth assured her quietly,
his fingers combing through the colorful ends of her hair.

“Right,” she whispered back, hating the part of her
that wasn’t sure she wanted him fixed.


Alexa escaped into the bathroom
the instant the movie was over. She couldn’t handle the
suffocating atmosphere anymore. The strained awkwardness, the sexual
tension that she was realizing wasn’t even remotely one sided.
Seth had been sporting an erection ever since the kiss. Worse, she
didn’t know if it was because of her or because of the fucking
monster that had bitten him.

He kept apologizing… It had to be the bite.

Alexa closed her eyes, exhaling slowly. She hated the part of her
that was crying inside over it.

When the fuck did she get like this? Stupid. She was being stupid;
it was just a fucking crush. But having Seth show any interest in her
had only proved that as a terrible lie, hadn’t it? It wasn’t
just a fucking crush. At some point, she had fallen head over heels
for the damn bastard.


Alexa harshly pushed the thought aside, stripping her clothes off
jerkily. She was being an idiot. She had told herself that she wasn’t
going to fuck up what she and Seth had over this stupid crush shit
and then she just went and let him kiss her. Dumb. So fucking dumb.

She turned on the shower, throwing herself under the spray,
closing her eyes and sighing as the warm water beat down on her back
and her muscles began to unwind. Her hair flattened and clung to her
flesh, the strands streaming down her breasts while water caressed
her every inch. God, she was so wet. So achingly wet. Once fucking
kiss and she was so horny.

It was the stupid tattoo, she knew it, but being around Seth
hadn’t helped anything. Kissing him sure as fuck hadn’t.
Seeing him hard, knowing he was right next to her with a fucked up
leg and rock hard dick had done absolutely nothing to curb her crazy

She needed to get it over with and get laid. She had no problem
masturbating until her fingers wanted to fall off, but she was pretty
sure the only thing that was going to get her over this fucking crush
was a real live, hard body to turn to that wasn’t her best
friend. She rarely dated—she rarely even thought about dating.
But the last two weeks she’d been considering going out with
this guy from college that had been chasing her for a while. Just for
this. Just to get the fuck over Seth. It was time. She needed to grow
up and stop being so dumb about this shit.

Closing her eyes under the spray, she let her fingers slid down
her thighs, taking two digits and slowly stroking inside her aching
flesh. She was impossibly slick, her pussy so wet with want already.
Completely Seth’s fault, the damn bastard. Dragging her to this
forsaken pink spa, looking absolutely hot as hell, and then teasing
the fuck out of her with kisses and erections and all that fucking
staring. Bracing herself on the tile wall, Alexa stroked her clit,
biting her lip to keep from making noises as she rocked her hips onto
her hand. He kept staring at her like she wasn’t supposed to
notice. Looking at her tits and her ass, his eyes fucking her while
he was still so politely holding back. Seth was always so fucking
polite. It was why bitches like Chloe were able to walk all over

Gasping against the wall, Alexa pressed her slippery breasts up
tight to the tile, her nipples aching on the cool surface as she rode
her fingers. It didn’t take long, her body absolutely wound up
and ready from the moment Seth’s lips had touched hers. She
came, her cries catching in her throat, her pussy spasming on her
narrow fingers.

“Fuck,” she whispered, groaning as all the tension
drained out of her. She rested her head heavily against the wall and
slowly extracted her fingers from her passage. Bringing them to her
lips, she licked the fluid away that was coating her digits. She
stayed under the spray for long minutes, her body feeling half
drugged and sluggish while her mind continued to spin on her best

It didn’t matter. Seth needed to get to the doctor for
treatment. Thinking about anything else concerning him was just a
waste at the moment.

Turning the water off, she toweled her flesh briskly, scowling at
the pink material. She hadn’t really thought the weekend
through too well, Seth having called her up last second. Her pajamas
consisted of a soft, red tee that clung to her wet skin and a fresh
pair of black thong cut panties. She dried her hair off while
glancing at herself in the mirror, part of her admiring her sexy
form, the other part wondering if she wasn’t totally making a
mistake wearing such an outfit when Seth was acting beyond weird.

She didn’t have anything else, though, and there was no way
in fuck she was going to wear the pink towel. Seth had seen her in
less many times before.

But he had also never kissed her like that.

She frowned, running a brush through her damp, bright locks. Had
he kissed Chloe like that? Did he kiss all his girlfriends like that?
The idea that he might have kissed anyone besides her like that was
strangely upsetting.

She was being dumb. Her fucking head was losing to this stupid
crush and she hated every fucking moment of it. Of course Seth would
kiss his girlfriends the same way. Why the fuck would kissing her be
any different? It wasn’t like she was special. It wasn’t
like he was even into her beyond the damn bite that was fucking him
up. She needed to get the fuck over herself already and remember her
priorities. Making sure Seth made it through this damn magical

Decided, she opened the bathroom door. “Fuck!” She
gasped, stopping short and putting her arms up when she found Seth
standing right in the doorway, his tall frame blocking the way. “What
the hell? You scared the fuck out of me!” She said, her heart
pounding in her chest as she looked wide-eyed at him.

“Sorry,” Seth muttered, straightening slowly while
favoring his leg. “The dry blood is itchy as fuck and I thought
I’d wash it.”

Alexa didn’t say anything, instead watching as Seth’s
gaze moved hungrily down her body. She was suddenly self-conscious of
the fact that her nipples were clearly outlined through her thin
shirt, the hem of the tee ending too high and revealing her body from
the belly button down.

She held her breath as his nostrils flared. Could he smell her?
Had he been standing out here, listening and scenting while she
masturbated about him?

“Are you okay?” She made herself ask, Seth still
staring at her body, the brunette’s expression beyond intense.

“I just need to clean my leg,” he said roughly,
finally meeting her gaze.

“Right.” Alexa edged to the side of the door, waiting
for Seth to step back enough to let her out. She could feel the
feverish heat rolling off his skin. He was so sick right now and she
was a total bitch for thinking of him sexually. Seth had no idea what
the fuck he was doing, the fever probably taking over any rational
thought he might have. That the damn infliction was magical in nature
just made him more susceptible to it and less capable of fighting

“Let me know if you need anything,” she said, her
guilt only growing as her friend limped into the bathroom.

Seth paused, his hand on the handle of the door. “I would
never hurt you, Lexa,” he said, looking straight ahead.

“I know,” she assured him quietly. “I’m
not afraid of you, Seth.”

He finally looked at her, her friend swallowing hard as he took in
her barely dressed form and immediately looking away.

“I am.”

Shuddering, Alexa jumped as he shut the door, the sound too loud
as Seth hid away.

Fuck. Fuck, he was definitely losing it.


Alexa was just pulling the
blankets down on the bed when she heard Seth call from the bathroom.
Frowning, she padded softly to the door, her fingers flexing
nervously. “What?”

“Lexa,” he called from the other side of the door, his
voice sounding strangely low. “I think… I think maybe
you should get another room.”

“Why?” He didn’t answer, her nerves growing.
He’d been in the bathroom a good twenty minutes, the sounds of
the water running telling her he had washed as much of he could of
his leg safely. But the water had stopped minutes ago and he hadn’t
made a peep since.

“Seth?” She called, worried he might have hurt
himself. She pushed the bathroom door open hesitantly, finding him
dressed and standing in front of the mirror staring at his
reflection. Seth looked her way when he heard her come in, his eyes
glowing an unearthly blue.

Alexa’s breath hitched, her mind whirling. “Fuck,
Seth. It was a plague vermin, wasn’t it?”

“I think so.” He clutched at the sink counter, Alexa
staring at his fingers when the marble began to crack from his
powerful grip.


“I think you better go. I don’t… fuck. I don’t
know what I’m going to do,” Seth whispered, his voice
sounding growl like.

Swallowing hard, she stepped closer and gently touched his arm.
She carefully pulled his hand from his impossible death grip and
twined their fingers together, showing him that she wasn’t
afraid. “Transformation takes 24 hours.”

“Not for the red ones,” Seth said wearily.

“Your eyes are blue.”

“For now. Lexa, it’s too dangerous.”

Alexa scoffed, tightening her grip before he could pull away.
“Like fuck it is. The worst a plague bite does is make a person
a little crazy. A little aggressive. You’re not going to go
feral like a werewolf.”

“It pumped me full of venom—You know what that does.
Stop fucking around. I’m already feeling strong… fast.”
Seth’s eyes moved to hers through the mirror, his expression
intense. “I can smell so much, Lexa. I can hear your fucking
heart beating. I can feel the heat of you, the pulse of your blood
running through your veins.”

“As long as it stays in my veins, it’s fine, dumbass,”
she whispered, trying to stay steady under his glare. It was like he
could see right into her and for the first time she was feeling
nervous around him for reasons beyond her crush.

“What’s wrong with your stomach?” Seth suddenly
asked, his eyes moving down her form. “I can feel it—Something
is emanating from there.”

Blinking, Alexa looked down. “I’m not fucking pregnant
if that’s what you’re getting at.” She pressed her
underwear down, biting her lip when the top of her tattoo came into
view. “Uh, fuck, you weren’t supposed to see that,”
she whispered, wincing as she looked up.

“You got a tattoo? Without me?”

Shrugging awkwardly, she took a step back, not really looking to
have an argument in the cramped bathroom. “What, I was supposed
to invite you along?”

Frowning, Seth turned, following her slowly, still favoring his
leg as he leaned in the doorway. “We promised, Lexa. We’d
get our first tattoos together.”

Alexa sighed, guilt twisting in her stomach. “What did you
want me to do, Seth? I couldn’t even talk to you because of
her. I was supposed to just drop by and say ‘hey, come get a
fucking tattoo with me?’ Things were strained enough.”

“What are you talking about? Did Chloe say something to
you?” He asked, suddenly looking angry.

She just shook her head. “She didn’t have to say
anything. I’m not a fucking idiot, man. Girls hate me,
especially girls that are dating you. They can’t help being
jealous—I’m just trying to do my best to not fuck things
up for you.”

Seth’s brows furrowed and he sighed heavily. “I
thought I had hidden it better from you. I didn’t want you
getting upset—It’s not your fault, Lexa.”

Alexa shrugged, swallowing when Seth’s hand reached out, his
finger teasing into the waistband of her panties. She was immediately
hot, instantly wet and hyper aware of him standing so close to her,
and she hated that she had no control to her reaction.

“Can I see it?”

Blushing, she nodded, holding herself still when he took both
hands and slowly rolled the material down, his hot hands brushing her
flesh and sending sparks through her.

“It’s nice… really nice.” Seth breathed
deep, his nostrils flaring, and with a flush, Alexa realized he was
smelling her. More specifically, the wetness that had built between
her thighs from the simple touch of his hands on her. Her pussy
tightening, she met his gaze, part of her hoping he wouldn’t
understand. She had never intentionally gotten between him and his
girlfriends but having to explain that fact felt like the point of
destroying their friendship completely. It was just a crush. One that
would eventually pass. She was pretty sure if she ignored it long
enough, it would pass.

“Seth,” Alexa gasped, her hand flying to his wrist
when he suddenly reached lower, his fingertips trailing fire over her
mound and dragging at the edge of her lips. “W-What are you…?”
She stared wide eyed as he lifted his hand, bringing two damp fingers
to his nose and breathing deeply.

“Fuck, Lexa… You smell so good,” he said with a
moan, his eyes closed as he breathed in again.

“I smell the same I always do. It’s the venom,”
she reminded shakily, watching as his tongue slipped out and he
licked his fingers slowly, starting from the base and moving to the
tips. She took a tentative step back but Seth’s other hand
tightened on her hip, holding her in place. “Seth, you’re
not… you’re not yourself,” she whispered even as
desire rose up in her.

Seth’s eyes burning into hers, he bent down, speaking lowly
in her ear. “I’m trying, Lexa. It’s just…
really hard. That scent. Your scent. It’s driving me crazy,”
he admitted with a groan, his tongue licking out and teasing up the
side of her face. Alexa jolted, gasping quickly as he tugged her
closer. “I want to touch you so bad. Want to… God, I
want to taste you.”

She closed her eyes, hearing the struggle in his voice. He didn’t
want this. He was sick and he was doing things he didn’t really
want to do.

“Just go to bed,” Alexa said. “Go to bed and
when you wake up, it’ll be time to go to the doctor. Just get
through the night, Seth. It’s not even five hours. You can do

Growling lowly, Seth’s fingers gripped her hip harder, his
hand moving back and sliding down her bare ass, her thong doing
little to protect her from his burning touch. Alexa held herself
still, knowing if she moved, it would be into the touch. “Five
hours," he repeated hoarsely, his breathing strained. “Just
five hours.”

“Yeah, just five hours. I can even use a sleeping charm.”

“Okay… okay.” Panting, he pulled his face away
from her neck. Glancing down, Alexa bit her bottom lip, finding his
jeans tented, Seth fully erect and beyond large.

“Go lie down,” she whispered, fighting the dizziness
washing over her. God, he was big. Big and full of venom. And venom
could make a guy last, go for hours—If it didn’t drive
them insane first. But Seth didn’t like her like that. He was
her friend to the point that he got hurt by her getting a tattoo
without him. It didn’t matter what the fucking beast inside him
was saying, he didn’t want this. “Go lie down and I’ll
cast you to sleep.”

He reluctantly let her go, his hand delving down between her
thighs first, Lexa swaying and swallowing hard when he rubbed the
underside of her pussy, the material of her panties the only barrier
between them. His eyes locked on hers, Seth again raised his hand to
his nose, breathing in her arousal again.

Fuck. Whatever was in him was totally fucking him up. She tried to
ignore the throb in her core, the way her pussy clenched to know Seth
was getting off on the scent of her. He was hurting over his breakup.
He was just trying to heal after Chloe tore his heart out but not
before the bitch broke it during the last year. This would only hurt
him more.

Seth laid out slowly on the couch, his eyes never leaving hers,
his lips sucking his fingers while his dick strained against his
zipper. “Five hours,” she reminded, stepping back to the
couch with a sleeping charm in hand she had gotten from her purse.

He nodded, his eyes sliding down again to where the tattoo was
peeking out from her panties.

“Seth, damn it,” she gasped, his closest hand wrapping
around the back of her thighs and pulling closer. “Stop.”

“Not going to hurt you,” he muttered softly, Seth's
breath hot as he pressed his face up against the front of her
underwear. “Just… Just want to smell you. You smell so
good, Lexa. So sexy… You are so fucking sexy.”

“Damn it.” Her breath coming out in fast pants, Alexa
tangled her fingers into his thick hair to keep from falling forward
when Seth pulled her closer, his lips parting and tongue sliding over
the material of her panties. She should tell him to stop, should push
him away but hell, she couldn’t seem to do anything but hold on
as he nuzzled between her thighs and breathed her sex in. He was
holding her so effortlessly tight, his breath so hot, the bristle of
his jaw prickly and sending tremors through her down to her toes.

“You’re soaked,” Seth said with a low groan, his
tongue sliding out and rubbing on the underside of her pussy, teasing
at the edge of her panties and the crease of her thigh.

“Seth,” she gasped out, rocking her hips forward while
hating her lack of restraint. “You shouldn’t. You’re
not right…”

“I can’t get your fucking scent out of my mind.”
He growled again, his teeth nipping and pulling at her underwear,
pulling the material up hard until Alexa moaned to feel her panties
slide between the lips of her pussy and cling to her clit. With a
whimper, she realized she was exposed to him, his breath hotter than
before, the moisture of his steamy murmurs engulfing her with every
heavy exhale he made.

“Spread your legs.”

Shuddering, she shook her head. “No, Seth…” She
closed her eyes, the next swipe of his tongue finding her heated
flesh and slicking into the juices already dripping from her. Seth
jolted, moaning loudly from the taste of her. Suddenly both of his
large hands grabbed her ass and pulled her hard over the couch. She
caught the side of the couch with a gasp, her eyes shutting tightly
as Seth shoved his face between her trembling thighs and began to
lick her ravenously.

“Fuck, oh fuck,” she cried out, arching her back and
spreading wider, helping him get his tongue between her slick folds.
Her hands were shaking and she was gasping for air, her senses filled
with the sounds of Seth slurping and sucking at her juices while she
humped his face. Growling as he again found himself licking her
panties, Seth tore the thin material down her thighs, pulling her
hips down as well until she was straddling his neck and her knees
sank into the couch to either side of him. He grasped her thighs,
digging his fingers into her toned muscles roughly as he lifted his
head and drove his tongue into her throbbing, tight slit.

“F-Fuck,” she gasped out, moaning as Seth’s lips
began to kiss her dripping ones, his mouth opened wide and pulling
her flesh into his hot mouth so he could then stroke it with his
tongue. His thumb found her clit, her cries growing in volume as he
rubbed the bud with slow strokes even as he voraciously laved and
sucked on her pussy like a starving beast. His other hand held her
thigh and the bottom of her ass painfully tight, pulling her forward
every time he drove his tongue deep inside her, relentlessly fucking
her with his mouth.

Clutching at his shoulders, Alexa arched, her breath coming out in
shallow, desperate gasps as her orgasm built. She was so close, so
fucking wet, and he was just drinking every gush of her down, his
tongue and mouth working her until she couldn’t think of
anything but getting him deeper inside her.

“Yes—Fuck, yes,” she moaned, tightening, her
muscles clenching, her thighs and ass feeling so hard, she half
wondered if she’d break. “Seth, don’t stop…
Oh, right there,” she cried, her entire body jerking when he
thumbed over her clit again, rubbing her swollen nub while he
frenched her pussy so deep.

Alexa came with a sob, her sex clenching around Seth’s
tongue as she ground down hard on his face, drenching his flesh with
her sweet cream. Blackness stole her vision for a moment making her
fear she was going to collapse. Sparking, wild tremors shook through
her and she grabbed the arm of the couch while leaning forward,
moaning lowly while Seth continued to eat her out, his mouth drinking
down every gush of her hot essence, sucking her swollen flesh while
she trembled.

“Seth, fuck, Seth, you need to stop,” she whimpered
weakly, her brow furrowed as she tried to sit back only to have the
brunette hold her by her ass, his long tongue sliding and circling
inside her pussy, teasing her tight opening. “You’re not…
you’re not thinking…”

“I want you, Lexa,” he said hoarsely, kissing the
inside of her flushed thigh.

“You’re confused… the bite… the venom,”
she reminded, her head lolling back. He felt so good. So fucking

Growling, Seth suddenly lifted her up, placing her on her unsteady
feet while she stared down at him. He was a delicious mess, his face
dripping with her juices, his cheeks flushed, hair ruffled in spikes.
It was his eyes that gave her pause; Seth’s beautiful blue eyes
were filled with an unnatural glow and predatory glare that sent dark
shivers down her spine.

“Use the spell, Lexa,” he rasped, his voice so low it
was nearly a growl. “Knock me the fuck out before I do
something we’ll both regret. I can’t… I can’t
trust this thing inside me. I don’t want to hurt you.”

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