Bitter Black Kiss (6 page)

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Authors: Michelle Clay

BOOK: Bitter Black Kiss
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“No.” Nicole got to her feet and glared at the infuriating woman.

The detective pretended not to hear her. “What happened with Amy? Did she have a bad reaction to the drugs you gave her? Was she going to tell on you?”

Nicole didn’t answer. After a few moments, Vasquez stormed from the room.

“Bitch.” She watched the detective go and hated her with every fiber of her being.

After a few moments, Nicole crossed over to the door to try the knob. Locked. She peered out the rectangle of glass and spotted Brody in the hallway with Vasquez. Was she questioning him too? Why wasn’t he in an interrogation room? He and the detective smiled at each other. Their interaction was comfortable and familiar, like old friends.

A noise down the hall drew their attention. Vasquez gripped his arm and ushered him in the opposite direction. Together, they moved around the corner and out of sight.

What in the hell was going on?

Chapter Five


Nicole watched Molly lift a slice of greasy pizza to her mouth. It had been ages since they’d sampled the menu at Geno’s Pizzeria. Nicole bit into her own piece of heaven.

Happy conversation paired with the clink and rattle of dishes made a welcome change. Tomato sauce and pepperoni infused her soul with a delicious tranquility. The night club closed on Mondays, and it was their time to unwind. Molly had suggested they do all they could to put the difficult week behind them.

They caught a matinee movie—some chick-flick Molly wanted to see. She promised to have pizza with Nicole if she’d sit through it. Of course, Molly got her way.

Halfway through the show, Nicole found herself submerged in the heroine’s plight. She even shed a tear or two when the man she loved asked her to marry him. If only it were that simple in the real world.

“You liked the movie.” Molly took a sip of her soda then grinned.

“Shut up, I did not.” Nicole nudged her with the toe of her shoe. They sat in silence for a few moments, and people watched. It was one of their favorite pastimes. “It was nice to get my mind off of things.”

Molly nodded at the remainder of their junk food overdose. “You’ll have to run extra to burn this off. Maybe I’ll join you.”

Nicole grinned. She had tried, without success, to talk Molly into running with her on many occasions.

She spotted a kid in a concert t-shirt at the counter. Glitch, her ex-boyfriend Aaron’s old band, was written in a fancy font across the front. His black and white face, surrounded by his bandmates, adorned the back. And just like that her good mood evaporated.

Molly watched the teenager move beyond the lot and out of sight. “You gotta let it go, Nicky. It’s toxic to hang onto it.”

“Believe me, I’ve tried." The tomato sauce that had looked so good, now reminded her of blood. She pushed the plate away.

“Are you still having nightmares?”

“Some.” Nicole checked the parking lot for the kid. “They’ve started up again since Aaron practically calls me every hour on the hour.”

Molly’s expression darkened with worry. “He hasn’t come around, has he?”

“No, but he called the other day to say he put another band together. Like I’d jump at the chance to work with him again? He hasn’t left me alone since.”

Molly’s cheeks flamed with anger. “To hell with him. I hope you told him no. Why didn’t you tell me?”

“It wasn’t important.” Nicole pressed her fingertips against her forehead.

“What’s wrong?”

It was times like these that she cherished Molly. The fact that someone knew her so well was comforting. She grinned across at her, knowing she looked dopey as hell. Molly was probably the most beautiful person she knew. Ever since Nicole had known her, she’d always given so much of herself and asked for little in return. Most of the time, Molly hid behind a mop of red curls, but tonight she pulled her hair into a low ponytail. Her soft features were rosy as she stared across the table at Nicole.

“What’s wrong?” she asked again.

Nicole shook her head. “I was just thinking about how lucky I am to have you.” She smothered a smile and tried to look stern. “Don’t let it go to your head though. It’s just a residual effect of that sappy movie.”

Molly rolled her eyes and laughed. “Yeah well, you’re stuck with me. Friends till the end.”

“Till the end,” Nicole agreed around a bite of pizza.

“Oh! I almost forgot. Since I’m your best friend, I should tell you that you have a not so secret admirer.”

“Yeah, right. Who?”

“Brody’s into you.” Her eyes danced with excitement.

“Brody?” She choked on the doughy crust. "Brody Dunn?"

“Yes, you know the guy with the fantastic butt?”

Nicole recalled his body and the way it moved to her favorite songs. "I could get lost in his eyes."

"He has eyes? I have a hard time getting past the killer body." Molly’s voice trailed off, and the brilliant smile grew tenfold. The bell above the door tinkled, and her green gaze followed someone who had just come inside. “Speak of the devil."

Nicole twisted in the vinyl seat to look over her shoulder and sucked in an appreciative breath. He had dressed in charcoal dress pants and a purple, button down shirt. He'd even run a comb through his hair in an attempt at a different style. He looked delicious! Did he have an alter ego?

Molly nudged her beneath the table. "Go say hi."

"No way. He looks like he's meeting someone for a date or something."

"Do I detect some jealousy?" The corner of her friend's mouth lifted. “I mentioned we’d be here. He said he had a meeting a few blocks over, but would try to drop by.”

She peeked over the back of the seat again. Brody laughed at something the guy behind the counter had said. He seemed to have such an easy camaraderie with people. Did it come naturally or did he have to work at it?

Molly scooted out of the booth. "Be right back."

“Wait!” Nicole tried to grab her hand. "What are you doing?"

Molly approached the front counter and called an enthusiastic hello to Brody. Nicole scooted down in the booth in hopes of hiding. She gathered her courage and peeked again. Her friend was leading him right to her. Molly sat in the middle of her booth and grinned at Nicole, who had no choice but scoot over to allow Brody room.

Nicole shredded a napkin. She looked to Molly for help, but she picked up her soda and took a drink instead of starting the conversation.

Brody wore an easy smile. "Molly said you wanted to talk to me?"

Nicole tilted her head to stare up into his honey colored eyes. Damn, they were a beautiful shade of brown.

Molly tried to hide a coy smile as she pushed her plate away and gathered her purse. “I’m going next door to pick up a few things, Nicky. Have fun.”

"Hi." She mentally chided herself for not coming up with something more intelligent. Who could blame her? The man sitting beside her played the lead role in most of her lurid fantasies. His thigh rested against hers, and his scent was intoxicating. Her mouth watered at the idea of burying her nose against his skin and breathing him in. “How’s it going?”

He was all charm and male magnetism. "Much better now."

“Molly said you had a meeting. I hope that’s not code for a job interview.” A myriad of mixed emotions overwhelmed her. She didn’t want to lose the best disc slinger around. If she were truthful with herself, she’d have to admit that she’d miss watching him, talking to him, and dreaming about him. She chose to ignore those anxieties.

“I could put you to work four nights a week instead of three. How do themed Thursdays sound? You could even choose the theme.” Great. Now she looked desperate.

“Don’t worry, I’m not going anywhere.” His hand touched her thigh.

His laughter was genuine, and she studied his mouth. He had gorgeous lips, and they looked very kissable. She caught herself leaning toward him and fought a tidal wave of embarrassment. She’d better get herself under control and fast.

“Thank you for being there the other night.” She didn’t know if she could have held it together if he hadn’t shown up. Could he have been at the club, enjoying the show? Was Brody the type of guy who liked to shove dollar bills into someone’s sweaty g-string? “What were you doing back there anyway?”

There was no hesitation in his answer. “Looking for you.”

Nicole blinked. Was he always such a smooth operator? Did he enjoy getting girls all hot and bothered for sport? Her adventurous side demanded she enjoy the ride and let him do what he pleased with her. Instead, Nicole the club manager reared her rational head. He most likely searched her out in regards to the virus. After all, she had told him to contact her if something happened. She tried to ignore her disappointment. “Have you noticed any changes since being bitten?”

His fingers caressed hers and sent a thrill of awareness through her. She found it difficult to focus or make competent conversation. Just so she'd have something to do with her hands, she reached for the glass of Dr. Pepper.

Brody’s fingers curled around hers and stopped them mid-reach. She stared at his hand. The things he could do with those fingers would be out of this world. Just the thought of those naughty little things sent a pulse of awareness shooting through her. Her pussy pulsed and she squirmed in the booth. What would he think if she told him she was a little wet just thinking about his naked body writhing against hers?

His nostrils flared and for just a moment, she panicked. Had he caught the scent of her arousal? What would he do with the knowledge?

A small smile lifted the corner of his lips. "A few changes, but it's nothing I can't handle."

She was very aware that his fingers were twined with hers. They were strong and oh, so long. My god, the things he could do to her… Somehow she managed to tear her gaze away. Her words were breathy as they escaped her lips. "Like what?"

"Hmm." He released her hand and offered a devilish grin that sent tingles all the way down to her toes. He had to know about her dilemma, there was no doubt now.

He ran one of those long, delicious fingers across the back of her hand. "Strength, speed and endurance."

Oh my god, endurance! Keep it together, Nicky.

The look in his eyes made her heart race. He must have embraced the reality of what he'd become. He relished the idea while she wanted to smother everything associated with it. She struggled to focus on the discussion and keep it professional. How the hell could she do that when all she could think about was throwing him down in the booth and having her way with him?

"Are you able to control yourself?"

He answered with another predatory grin.

"I mean, it’s close to the full moon. Should I try to find someone to cover for you?"

"Everything is under control." His hand engulfed hers, and his thumb stroked across her knuckles. His eyes searched hers. "Maybe you could see me through the first change?"

What he proposed was intimate, and there was no mistaking the double-entendre. What it came down to was the choice between what she was sure would be a fantastic night of sex and her career. Sean Stone had strict ideas about those in his employ and the no-dating, no sleeping with the staff rule. Even though she really, really, really wanted to.

She couldn’t risk destroying the reputation she’d built. It would be best to distance herself from this man. But god, did she hate to. "I'm sorry, I need to go. Molly's probably waiting in the car by now."

He released her hand and scooted out of the booth. An awkward silence fell over them as they walked toward the door. Brody held it open for her, and as she brushed past, he said, "I apologize, Nicole. I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable. It won't happen again."

Nicole ducked her head so he wouldn't notice her flaming cheeks. If he hadn’t ever entertained the idea of leaving Bitter Black, he probably was now. “I’ve got to go. Sorry.”

Once she reached the Mazda, she turned to watch Brody move away. She had to be the stupidest girl in the world to run away from him and all the promise he offered.

From the interior of the car, Molly said, "Hurry, get in."

"Nicole!" a familiar voice called from the lot.

"Damn it," Molly grumbled as Sean Stone's limousine pulled to a stop behind their car. She glared at Nicole as he got out and approached.

"Do you have a minute?"

Molly didn’t look at him. “We're kind of in a hurry."

Sean's head turned from her to Molly. “Did I catch you at a bad time?”

Nicole cast one last glance in the direction of Brody's Mustang. To her dismay, it was gone. "Not at all. In fact, I wanted to apologize for canceling the meeting last night."

Molly rolled her eyes. Nicole was just happy that Molly managed to hold her tongue.

"Let's walk down to the beach, shall we?” She refused his help from the car, but he wasn’t discouraged. He still walked too close. Now and then his shoulder bumped against hers.

“The two of you are pretty close?” Sean held his tie against his chest so it wouldn't flap in the wind.

A flush crept into her cheeks at the memory of Tony's insinuation. “Like sisters. We grew up together. Her family lived next door.”

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