Bitter Bronx (24 page)

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Authors: Jerome Charyn

BOOK: Bitter Bronx
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Book design by Helene Berinsky

Production manager: Julia Druskin

The Library of Congress has cataloged the printed edition as follows:

Charyn, Jerome.

[Short stories. Selections]

Bitter Bronx : thirteen stories / Jerome Charyn. — First edition.

 pages ; cm

ISBN 978-0-87140-489-3 (hardcover)

1. Bronx (New York, N.Y.)—Fiction. I. Title.

PS3553.H33A6 2015



ISBN 978-0-87140-498-5 (e-book)

Liveright Publishing Corporation

W. W. Norton & Company, Inc.

500 Fifth Avenue, New York, N.Y. 10110

W. W. Norton & Company Ltd.

Castle House, 75/76 Wells Street, London W1T 3QT

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