Bittersweet Catastrophe (Second Chances #2.5) (17 page)

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I quietly stepped back inside, making sure not to slam the door behind me this time, but as I trudged down the hallway to our bedroom, my feet suddenly felt heavy as lead. I still wasn’t quite sure what I was going to say to her, but I figured “sorry” was probably a good place to start. Pausing just outside of the room where the door was slightly ajar, I could see Liberty laying on her side facing me, no longer trembling from the sobs that had wracked through her body. She looked more at peace now. Her chest rose and fell evenly, letting me know that she had fallen asleep, and even with reddened cheeks and swollen lips brought on by the tears she had cried, she looked so damn beautiful. I even caught a hint of a smile pulling up the corner of her mouth as sleep drew her in further.

Carefully, as not to wake her up, I sank down onto the bed alongside her and brought my face close to hers. Her face scrunched together as she slept, and she released a soft whimper that tugged at my heart. I leaned in, brushing my lips against her ear, and whispered, “I’m so sorry, baby.” Her lips pulled back up, and I knew that she’d heard me.

“Shayne,” she breathed out, but her eyes remained closed.

“I’m here, baby. I’m not going anywhere.” I pressed my lips to her temple and smiled.

“Shayne, don’t…don’t go. Don’t leave me. P-please, don’t leave me.” Her voice broke, and a tear slipped past the corner of her eye and trickled down her cheek. She was dreaming. She was dreaming that I was leaving her all over again.

“Sweetheart, I’m here.” I swept my lips over hers, tasting her tears. “I need you to wake up and open your eyes.”

Her lips pursed, and she slowly shook her head. Even in her dreams she was fighting me on this.

“Liberty, I’m right here. Do you feel this?” I cupped her face and kissed her forcefully, drawing her bottom lip between my teeth and giving her a gentle nip. Her mouth moved slowly, cautiously, and though she tried to move away, there was no way I was letting her go. Not this time. “Tell me you feel this. I know you do.”

As she fell further into the kiss, she opened her eyes and inhaled sharply. “You’re…you’re here. You came back.” She pulled back far enough to look into my eyes, and soon hers were sparkling with happy tears. “Ohmigod, you’re here!” She cried out and flung her arms around my neck, mauling me with kisses. I welcomed each and every one of them. “What happened to your eye?”

“It’s a long story that involves Hunter, but that’s not important right now.” With her face between my hands, my brows pinched together, and I gave her a pained smile. “You thought I wouldn’t come back?”

She shrugged her shoulder and shook her head in uncertainty. “I–I didn’t really know what to think. You looked so upset, and with the way you left...” she trailed off, biting her lip.

“Liberty, sweetheart, you never have to worry about me leaving you. Ever. Last night…,” I closed my eyes, regretting the way I’d handled things. “Last night was a mistake. Yes, I was upset, but in my heart, I had good reason to be. Knowing that I might lose my wife, the one person capable of destroying me…” I couldn’t get the words past the lump in my throat, but it seemed they weren’t needed. Liberty’s eyes grew wider, and her lip quivered, overcome with emotion.

“Is that true?”

“Baby, if you don’t know that by now, then I’m clearly doing something wrong here.” I chuckled softly against her lips and slid her body across mine. The waves of her hair formed a curtain around us, shutting out the rest of the world. “Without you, I’m nothing. Do you hear me?

She leaned her forehead against mine and swallowed hard. “And what about the babies?”

“What about them?”

“You won’t resent them if…if I’m not here to raise them with you?”

Jesus, how could she ask me a question like that? Did she seriously think I’d turn my back on them the second she left us? My own flesh and blood?

I rolled her over onto her back and placed my hand over the tiny swell of her stomach. “I could never resent them, Liberty. Never. These are my kids…
kids. I love them.” I pushed her shirt up, tracing slow, steady circles across her skin. “I love them now…” I pressed my lips just below her navel. “I loved them before you showed me all ten of those pregnancy tests…” She laughed, and I caught a tear as it slipped down her cheek. “…and I will continue to love them for as long as I live. Nothing will ever change that.”

“You promise?”

“I promise.” I kissed her nose reassuringly. “But I’m not going to lie. Looking into their eyes and seeing yours reflecting back at me…it won’t be the same. I need you here, and so do they.”

She smiled weakly and placed her hands on my chest. “You know I’m not budging on this.”

“I know, and I won’t push you to, either. We’ll just have to keep momma healthy and strong until you two get here, won’t we?” My hands curved around the sides of her tiny belly, still small enough to be swallowed up by my large hands, and as my eyes traveled up the length of her body, I was rewarded with a gorgeous, vibrant smile.

We stayed like that for the remainder of the day, wrapped up in one another’s arms and refusing to let the other go; well, except to eat and use the bathroom, which for her seemed like every twenty minutes, but I wasn’t complaining. As long I still had her here, I’d take any obstacles that came our way…

Even a few extra bathroom breaks.


Four months came and went, and Liberty grew rounder and more fucking beautiful by the minute. It was amazing to watch her swollen belly take shape, and even more amazing to finally feel the twins move inside of her. I held my breath the first time it happened, completely in awe of the tiny limb stretching and molding her skin, and when I placed my hand over the same exact spot, I felt him or her press a little harder. That just about did me in. I wasn’t ashamed of the tears that brimmed my eyes after because that was the first moment it really hit me that I was going to be a dad.

As the days quickly passed us by, I swore she looked like she was about ready to pop, but the doctors assured us she was only seven months along. They kept a close watch on both her and the babies, and though we were told most pregnancies with multiples resulted in early labor, both her Ob/Gyn and oncologist were adamant that she have a C-section scheduled for two weeks from now. Liberty was crushed when they brought it up at her last appointment, and I didn’t blame her. She had her heart set on experiencing the entire birth naturally, but her doctors said the sooner they were born, the sooner they could go ahead with her surgery and get her started on chemo.

It didn’t seem right that her cancer constantly overshadowed what should have been one of the happiest times in our lives, and I wanted to do something special for her; something to put her mind
at ease until the time came that we’d have to face this all head on. 

I made a few stops on the way home from work and grabbed what I needed for that night. Liberty had spent the day with Maddie and Robbie, picking up a few last minute items for the nursery, so that gave me time to shower and get everything set up before she got home.

Throwing on a pair of khaki shorts and an olive green button-down shirt, I rolled up the sleeves and admired the newest addition to my wrist. Liberty hadn’t seen it yet. In fact, no one had. The ink was still fresh and coated in ointment, making the black lettering stand out against my skin. I was going to wait until after the babies were born and Liberty had finished her treatments to get it, but it didn’t feel right putting it off for so long. They’d already taken up a permanent place in my heart; it only made sense to give them a permanent place on my body as well.

After putting the finishing touches on our dinner, I slid it into the oven and got right down to work, making sure everything looked as perfect as I remembered it. Just as I lit the last candle, I heard a car pull up in the driveway and bolted back inside to meet her at the door. I didn’t want to spoil the surprise, so I quickly ushered her in and shut the door behind her. I grabbed her bags, setting them down right there on the floor, and with my hands on her shoulders, I steered her back toward the bedroom. She looked frazzled by my urgency, but when she caught sight of the sundress laid out on the bed, her lips curled up curiously.

“Is that…is that Maddie’s dress that I wore on our first date?”

I smiled, brushing my lips across her shoulder. “The very same one.”

“What’s it doing here?”

“Well, my beautiful wife…” I spun her in my arms and tucked my finger beneath her chin. The grin on her face was so damn contagious; I couldn’t look away even if I tried. “I thought maybe we could use a little break from reality and take a step back in time.”

She smirked playfully. “Did you suddenly discover time travel, Mr. Thompson?”

“You could say that.” I shot her a roguish grin. “Why don’t you put this on and meet me out back.”

“Shayne, there’s no way this is going to fit me. I’ll be lucky if I can squeeze one thigh into it, let alone this behemoth belly of mine.”

“Just trust me.” I chuckled softly against her lips. “I’ll be waiting for you.”

Her nose scrunched up as she continued to stare at the dress, and I stealthily slipped out of the room unnoticed. Little did she know, I had Maddie take the dress to a seamstress for alterations, so I had no doubt it would fit her beautifully.

Dinner was just about ready when I made my way back to the kitchen. I quickly loaded up our plates and carried them out to the checkered blanket spread out on the beach, where there was already a bottle of sparkling cider chilling in a bucket. The waves were calm, creating almost a mirror image of the sun setting, and a row of tiki torches lit the path from the house down toward the water. Tiny tea-light candles surrounded the blanket, just as I had done the first night I brought her here, and I knew the second Liberty set eyes on all of this, she’d be a blubbering mess.

I was right.

She took one step outside, and her hand flew to her mouth, muffling the tiny squeal that flew past her lips. I got to my feet and met her halfway before wrapping my arms around her waist. With her face buried in my chest, she mumbled, “I can’t believe you did all of this. Y-you remembered every last detail of our first date.” She leaned back, grinning up at me with big crocodile tears in her eyes.

“Of course I remember,” I said, pressing my lips to her forehead. “I’ll never forget that night for as long as I live. That night, I realized you were it for me. You were my missing puzzle piece.”

“Oh, Shayne…” Her lips quivered as I brushed the back of my hand across her cheek, and that was when I knew she’d seen it. Her other surprise. She grabbed my wrist and flipped it over. “What’s this?” Her eyes grew wider as she read the names permanently etched into my skin. We’d found out three months ago that we were having a boy and a girl, and it didn’t take long for us to agree on names for them:
Liam and Lillian.

“You had their names tattooed on you?”

“Wrapped around your puzzle piece, right where they belong.” I smiled, proud to bear their names. “Now our puzzle is complete.”

“But, they’re not even here yet.”

I kneeled down and kissed her swollen belly, my mouth quirked up in a half smile. “Yes they are, and I think it’s time we fed these two and their momma.” Leading her over to the blanket, I unwrapped our plates and poured her a glass of cider.

“That better not be Pinot, Shayne… Although, I have to admit, I could really go for a glass of that right about now. I’ve never craved a glass of wine so badly in my life,” she complained, looking down at her belly. “But
these two
won’t let me have any.”

“Sorry to disappoint you, sweetheart, but it’s just sparkling cider. Besides, I don’t need you getting drunk and trying to seduce me again.”

“I did no such thing!”

I threw my head back and laughed. “I do believe you straddled my lap and gave yourself your first orgasm that night.”

“That may be true, but I wasn’t trying to seduce you. I was just…”

“Dying to have me inside of you?” I picked up her fork and fed her a piece of the chicken piccata I prepared for dinner. She moaned, licking her lips seductively.

“Mmm, God, yes. This is so good.”

“Keep that up and we’ll never get to dessert.” I snuck a bite for myself.

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