Bittersweet Deceit (33 page)

Read Bittersweet Deceit Online

Authors: Blakely Bennett

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Women's Fiction, #Contemporary Women, #Romance, #Contemporary Fiction

BOOK: Bittersweet Deceit
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“You’re not
afraid of the water, are you?”

I laughed and said, “No, this is great!
So where are we going?”

“That’s the next surprise.”

“Woohoo,” I called out. “I sure do hope it includes food because I’m getting hungry.”

“You won’t be disappointed,” he said as he assisted me into the boat.

“I don’t see how I possibly could with you along.”

“You flatter me
, and please don’t feel like you need to stop on my account,” he said and then patted my rump.

“You better behave,” I said, taking a se
at near the back of the vessel.


I hoped he meant it.

He held my jacket out for me once the taxi started down New River.

“Thanks,” I said, snuggling back against him. “You’re spoiling me.”

“That’s my master plan. I told you
, Lainie, my new goal in life is to see you as happy as you were at the concert, as often as possible.”

re brilliant at it,” I said, laying my arms across his, which circled my stomach. “I have no idea why you think I deserve it. Don’t worry; I have no plans to try to talk you out of it.”

“That’s good because there’s no chance of that happening.

Downtown Fort Lauderdale sped by on either side of the river. After going under a railroad bridge, a large, blue, two-story restaurant with a cupola on top loomed in front of us.
Dark-brown, shellacked picnic tables with large, green umbrellas overhead lined the dock along the perimeter of The Pirate Republic Seafood & Grill.

“Are we getting out?
That was short,” I said, hoping we would though. The aromas from the restaurant were torturing my stomach.

I thought we would take a longer ride after dinner,” he said, giving me his hand as I stepped out of the taxi.

“Oh, I hope we get a table along the water,” I said, turning around and taking in the view of the big, lush trees across the way.

“Come,” he said.

I curled my arm
around his and we approached the hostess stand. She helped two other couples first and then directed us to a table along the water’s edge.

We sat on opposite sides of the large picnic table, which held condiments and napkins.

“What’s good?” I asked, perusing the menu.

“Your guess is as good as mine. I’ve never been

“Well it sure looks interesting.
If I may?” I asked.

“Go for it.”

“I’m a huge garlic fan but I won’t eat it unless you do so we cancel each other out.”

He looked up and said,
“So you want to get the garlic spiced shrimp appetizer?”

“And the

“Which sauce?”

“Do you think they’ll bring them all for us to try?” I asked, searching around for a server.

“Let’s find out. Is there anything else?”
He touched my arm.

His question sparked a whole myriad of images in my mind, all of which had nothing to do with food. I rubbed my lips together and said,
“Let’s start with that and see if we’re still hungry.”

“Perfect. I have dessert waiting back
at home.”

The electricity in his look
had me wondering if he meant an actual sweet dessert or what he planned to do to me later.

“It kills me when you look at me that way,” Stay said.

“And what way would that be?” I asked, angling my head.

A look that tells me you want me to take you right here, on this table.”

The server came over
to take our order, and as she did, I kicked off my sandal and did something completely bold, especially for me. With my foot I fondled the front of Stay’s pants. After she walked away, I said, “I thought so. Just checking.” I slid my foot back into my shoe and folded my hands in front of me like a steeple.

He furrowed his brow
and said, “You’re going to pay for that, Lane.”

Uh-huh. You’re a big talker.”

“Go to the bathroom and take off your underwear. Make sure to dip your fingers into
your honeypot for me to taste when you get back.”

“You’re kidding, right?”

His expression said otherwise.

“You don’t think I will,” I said, sitting up straighter.

“I guess we’re about to find out.”

took my purse and sauntered away. My nipples hardened further on my walk to find the restroom. I not only took off my panties, I removed my bra as well. If he wanted to play, I had no plans to lose. In the stall I penetrated my wetness and coated two fingers. With my other hand, I tweaked my nipples so they would be obvious through my dress.

As I approached the table, Stay whistled. Apparently he noticed. “Put your foot back,” he ordered.

I held out my fingers to him and fulfilled his request. I wiggled my toes against his zipper.

He breathed in my scent
. “You were already wet, as I expected. You should wear a bra less often, but only with me.”

“How do you mean?”

He licked the tip of my finger and then sucked it into his mouth.

I groaned.

We abruptly parted when our drinks and the calamari were delivered.

“We need to eat quickly and head back,” he
said, his head down and looking at me through the top of his eyes.

“We can have them wrap up the other dish,” I said, desperately wanting to be alone with Stay again.

“Are you serious?”

I held up my arm and our server came over. “Can you wrap up the shrimp dish to go? And what time is the next taxi
going back?”

“Sure. It should be here in ten minutes or so.”

“Thank you.” When she walked away I said, “I’m sorry to cut our water taxi ride short.”

“No you’re not and neither am I. We’ll
just do it another time.”

We ate the calamari, tryin
g the different sauces, and kept an eye out for the taxi returning for the short ride back to Stay’s car.

Once back to the parking garage
, neither of us spoke. The frenzied energy between us hadn’t lessened with food or the water taxi ride. Inside the car, we met in the center, his hand up my dress our tongues meeting in a duel of savage aggression.

“Have you
christened this—oh that feels good—this car?” I panted.

“No. Jesus
, Lane, you’re already so wet.”

I tugged on his pants, working his zipper down.

He said, “What are you doing?”

I ignored the inane question and freed his cock.

He quickly got on board and kicked opened the passenger side door. With his legs out the side, he lay down across the bucket seats and held his arms out to me.

shimmied the bottom of my dress up around my hips and lowered over him.

“Oh Jesus,” he grunted.

Our frantic pace felt like we couldn’t find relief fast enough. The intense friction brought me right up to brim until we heard a car door shut. We froze, both of us breathing heavily.

I giggled against his chest, shaking on top of him.

“Let’s get home,” he said, helping me off his lap.

“Good idea,” I said, shocked by my own behavior. “You’re dangerous.”

“Me? Honey, I think it’s a joint effort.” He fastened his pants and started the car.

I smoothed down my skirt and checked my hair on the mirror on the visor. “Yeah, I don’t know. Don’t speed but
get us back there quickly.”

He drove out
of the parking garage. “I’m on it. I had plans to go slow tonight. Give you a tantric orgasm.”

“I’m not sure our chemistry will allow for it. Maybe
after we’ve thoroughly exhausted ourselves.”


“Yes, Stay?”

“I’ve never—”

“Me too,” I said. He glanced over at me and I squeezed his hand. I needed him back inside me, and soon.

“Can I see you tomorrow after your brunch with Jacqs?”

“We haven’t even finished tonight,” I said.

“We’ve barely started. That’s not the point. I already k
now I want to see you tomorrow.”


, OC.”

“My place after Jacqs leaves.” I no longer felt like fighting with myself over Stay, our chemistry or any of it. I plan to let sex happen as often as possible.

“And I’ll spend the night,” he said as he made a right turn.

“That wasn’t a question,” I said,
shifting in my seat to better face him.

“No, it wasn’
t.” He glanced at me and then straight ahead. “We have a lot of rooms and surfaces to explore and we still haven’t showered together. Plus—”

I asked, playing along.

“I don’t plan to go
another day without penetrating your body or having you beside me in bed.”

“Well then it’s a good thing I’ve decided to stop fighting it.”

“A very good thing.” He pulled the Corvette into a spot outside of the garage.

“We can swap out our cars so yours is in the garage.”

“No we can’t. Grab your stuff.”

scurried to the elevator and then quickly removed our shoes when entering his condo.

the bedroom, he unzipped the back of my dress and we let it fall the floor. I stood naked in front of him. He brushed across my nipples while I unbuttoned his shirt and then worked on his pants. Once naked, skin on skin, we shared an ardent kiss until he led me to the tantric chair.

“Lay on your back over the high side, legs over the end.”

My body arched over the chair, my butt on the downward slope. Stay stepped between my legs and slid home. He held my upper back in his arms as he sensuously rolled his hips into mine, rocking me forward and back. My legs curled around Stay’s butt, my toes pointed in pleasure.

After several sultry strokes, he said,
“I need to take you harder.”

“Oh, yes. Please.”

“Kneel on the lower end and reach across to the other side.”

I balanced on my knees using the
chair for support as he fucked me hard from behind. “More,” I cried.

“Are you sure?”

“Give it to me. I’m so close.”

He clutched my hair, causing my back to
bow as he rammed into me. His fingers found my clit and he accelerated my climb.

I loved every second of it
, and just before my climax began I felt his cock expand inside my pussy. “Oh ... Stay!”

, Lainie,” he called out.

Blessed relief flooded my bloodstream. I knew it would be short-lived with Stayman and the crazy effect he had on my libido,
but I no longer minded it a bit. Living in the moment offered me such profound ease.

“I’ll be right back,” I said and stole
myself away to the bathroom.

After cleaning up, I found Stay sprawled across the tantric chair. He held his arms out to me and I lay on top of him, nestling my nose against his neck. He played with my hair and traced his fingers down my
back. “Lainie, I...”

“Yes?” I looked up into his intense
, blue eyes.

“I’m really happy. More than I
’ve ever been.” He kissed my forehead.

I threaded my fingers into his short hair.
“Me too. I sometimes don’t recognize myself with you.”

“How so?”
He kissed me gently and then let me answer.

“Well besides my crazy
, sexual behavior, it’s hard to explain. Looser ... freer ... less OCDC.” I rested my head against his chest.

“You’re always cute and adorable
, amongst other adjectives, but I understand.” He massaged my earlobe as his heart thumped in my other ear.

“I’m sorry I didn’
t see it sooner,” I said and I meant it.

“Timing is everything as they say.”

“Yeah, I guess, but Jacqs tried to get me to see you. I just didn’t think—”

“You didn’t think we would fit together nor have anything in common.”

I looked up again and said, “Yes, sorry, that’s true. Plus I had no reference for a relationship like ours.”

He sat up in the chair and pulled me into is lap. “How do you mean?”

“The voodoo, tantric connection.”

He laughed, his eye
s shining bright. “You know that’s not what it is.”

“I do but I’ve never had this
with anyone else. The
closest I have come to it is with Jacqs. Occasionally we’ll call each other at the same time, or I’ll pick up the phone to call her and she’s already on the other end. But it’s different with us, you feeling what I’m feeling. You knowing what I’m thinking. Are you like this with everyone?”

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