Bjorn: Teutonic Knights MC (9 page)

BOOK: Bjorn: Teutonic Knights MC
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“Don’t you stop! Don’t you fucking stop!” Peyton panted. Ironside lay across her as he fucked her, his weight pushing her into his bed. Her legs were wrapped around his ass and their hands were tangled in each other’s hair, their foreheads pressed together, sneering at each other like two fighters, giving their last in an effort to outlast their equally exhausted opponent.


“Fuck! I’m going to come,” he gasped. He’d thought he was done after his orgasm, but now, after almost another hour of steady fucking, he was about to come again.


“You better make me come! You better fucking make me come!” she gasped. Sweat was running off him in rivulets and dripping on her, the linens were soaked and in a wad, and they were making wet slapping sounds as their bodies crashed together, but she’d never been so well fucked in her life, and she wanted this one, last, orgasm.


He grunted, lunging into her hard and deep, too tired to hold against his orgasm again. It was a small one, but he knew he was finished.


His deep grunt and the final hard plunge, knowing she’d made him come
in one fucking, pushed her over the edge. She shuddered briefly, then sighed, deeply relaxed as he settled into her.


“Fuck,” he gasped into her neck.


“I can’t,” she sighed, uttering the two words she never thought she’d say when it came to fucking.


She looked at the clock, and smiled. They’d fucked, sometimes hard and fast, sometimes slow and easy, but without stopping, for more than three hours. A marathon fuck, indeed, and, yet, he was still hard inside of her. Ironside was a fucking
in bed. He wasn’t just Ironside, he was also Ironcock. She smiled and closed her eyes, her hand on the back of his neck, holding him close to her, his breath warm on her neck, his cock still inside of her, as she slid into sleep.



Ironside swam up out of the darkness of sleep as light streamed through the bedroom window, his cock achingly hard. Sometime in the middle of the night he’d rolled off her, and now Peyton was lying on her side, her mouth slightly open, just begging him to stick his cock into it. But then he had another idea.


He rolled to his side and retrieved another condom and the bottle of lube. He gently nudged her until she rolled to her back without waking, and he smiled. He rolled the condom over his cock then added a generous amount of lubrication, smearing it over his member with his hand. Moving carefully, so to not wake her, he positioned himself between her legs, and pressed in.


She came awake with a groan, the feel of him sliding deep into her pulling her from sleep. He bottomed out, balls deep inside her, as he took her lips. She was still struggling out of the fog of sleep as he began to thrust slowly, but having him wake her with his cock filling her was the single most erotic thing anyone had ever done to her.


She came alive in his arms, thrusting at him with her hips as she pulled his lips back to hers for another torrid kiss. He began to pound into her hard, his orgasm already close.


She squeaked, holding him tight, as her climax rippled through her. It wasn’t a particularly hard orgasm, but having it arrive so fast, only moments after he entered her, somehow made it special.


They’d only been fucking for a few minutes, but he liked how she had already come. Rather than fight his own orgasm, he reached for it, grunting softly as the wave of pleasure rolled over him. He sighed, relaxing into her, then kissed her slowly.


“God, I needed that,” he whispered as the kiss dissolved.


She sighed in contentment. She didn’t know it until they’d started, but she needed it to. “I love breakfast in bed,” she breathed before pulling him down and devouring him with a kiss.


They kissed and snuggled for a time, then he pulled out of her, his cock still hard, and she wondered if he
went soft.


“Get your shower,” he said as he rolled off of her. “We need to get you back before Andrew misses you.”


“Yeah,” she said softly. She didn’t want to go back. She wanted to stay here, go back to sleep, and have him wake her like that again. And again. Then again. Then fuck his brains out so they could sleep and start all over.




“There you go, Mr. Lothbrook,” the salesman said, handing the small flip-phone to him. He took it and passed it to Peyton. “Is there anything else I can do for you this morning?”


“This will do, thank you,” Ironside said as he rose, Peyton rising with him. He smiled to himself as the salesman struggled again not stare at Peyton’s breasts. Not that he could blame him. They were some very nice breasts.


They stepped outside the store. “Keep that out of site, and leave it off so it can’t ring. If I need you I’ll leave a voicemail.”


She nodded. She had to go through with this. It was the only way to get Melissa back, but Andrew would kill her if he found out she was helping the Knights.


“If you call me, I want the first words out of your mouth to be the date. If I don’t hear the date, I’ll know somebody is listening. Use
that phone to call me. When I see it’s that number I’ll answer as, let’s see, Free Spirit Bar, okay?”


She nodded again then swallowed hard.


He pulled his money clip from his pants and peeled off bills, paused, peeled off a few more, then pressed the money into her hand. “Here’s $500. Don’t take any more money from them. You need to be squeaky clean, understand?”


“Okay. And as soon as I find out where Melissa is, you’ll rescue her?”


Ironside nodded. “You locate her, we’ll get her out. A deal’s a deal.”


She smiled. “If I hear anything else, I’ll pass it along, as well.”


“Be careful. If we caught a Saracens mole in the Knights, it wouldn’t go well for her.”


She nodded. “I need to go.”


He gave her a quick kiss. “I know. The cab should be here any moment.”




“Where the fuck have you been?” Andrew snarled as Peyton walked into the Saracen’s clubhouse.


She pulled a sheer nighty from her purse she’d purchased on the way for cover. “I bought you something,” she purred.


“That’s all you fucking do! Shop!”


“I’m sorry, Stud. I thought you’d like it,” she pouted, throwing everything she had into her performance. “I just want to look good for you.”


He stormed across the room, grabbed the package from her hand, and threw it violently. “Stop wasting money on shit like that!”


She cringed, thinking he was going to hit her. “I’m sorry, Stud! I’m sorry! I’ll take it back!”


He glared at her a moment. “No. Forget it.”


“What’s the matter? Did I do something wrong?”


“No! It’s the fucking Knights!”


“What about them?”


“They fucking ambushed us last night! We lost seven, and Hicks and Conner were fucking shot! That’s what’s wrong!”


“I’m sorry, Stud,” she purred, hiding her smile. Funny how the
where ambushed last night.


“Who else made it back?” she asked, her heart in her throat.




She relaxed. The brother who has spilled the secret was dead, and she was safe. “What can I do?”


“Get me a fucking beer, and let me think,” he growled, turning his back on her.


She scurried to retrieve his beer, opening it before handing it to him. She lounged against him, listening, hoping to pick up some useful information.


“How did they know we were coming?” Dix growled.


“I don’t fucking know,” Andrew growled in return, “unless someone tipped them. Who knew about the raid?”


“Just those going on it, me and you.”


“Were there any women around when you were discussing it?”


“No! We’re smarter than that!”


Andrew growled and took a pull from the bottle. “Fucking Knights. We’re going to have to deal with them.”


“What are you going to do, Stud?” she purred.


“Don’t know. But with them moving back into guns, they’re obviously going to try to push us out. Well fuck that! Two can fucking play that game.”


She wanted to tell them the Knights didn’t take their guns, but held her tongue. If the two clubs would just
to each other this could all be avoided, but no, they both had to prove who had the bigger dick.


Andrew took another pull on his beer, then sat the bottle aside. He looked at her, then smiled, unzipped his pants, and pulled his cock out. She smiled, the good club girl, and bent to take him into her mouth.




“You’re fucking that Saracen’s bitch!” Honey snarled as Ironside stepped into the clubhouse, “and the whole club knows it!”


“So?” he said calmly. He didn’t have time for this right now.


“So! She’s a fucking mole! A mole sent by Andrew to spy on us, and you’re playing right into her hands!”


“That’s none of your concern,” he said as he moved past.


She was so mad she couldn’t think straight. The news of him fucking Peyton while on the phone with Dolch was already all over the clubhouse when she arrived this morning. Dolch obviously delighted in telling the story, describing in graphic detail how he and Peyton were screaming as they fucked while he and his team listened on the other end. Ironside was
and no fucking Saracens bitch was going to take him from her.


“Ironside, Babe!” she called as she hurried after him, keeping her voice submissive. “I know she’s sexy, and maybe she’s good in bed, but I can give you whatever you want. You know that. I’ve always been there for you, and you don’t have to worry about me knifing you in the back.”


He stopped and turned to face her. “What the hell are you talking about?”


“Peyton! I don’t trust her and you shouldn’t either. Babe! Nobody can fuck you like I do, and once the new wears off her pussy, you’ll see that. I’m trying to protect you! It’s not just me! Whiteshirt doesn’t trust her either. I’m worried about you.”


He glared at her a moment. “It’s none of your business,” he said as he turned away.


“It is my fucking business!” she yelled. “That Saracens bitch isn’t coming in here and taking you away from me!”


He turned back to her, his face hard. “I’ll fuck who I want, when I want, you got that? You’re not my old lady, and don’t you ever forget it.”


“Babe!” she simpered, stepping in close and pressing her body into his. “She can’t fuck you like I can.” She reached inside his pants to stroke his cock, smiling as she felt it begin to swell in her hand. “You like that, Babe? You like me holding your cock, don’t you?” She reached up and pulled his head down. “I want you to fuck me. I want you to fuck me right now. Please, Babe. I need you so bad.”


She let his head go and smiled up at him, opening the buttons on her shirt with one hand, still holding his cock with the other. He was hardening, but he didn’t want to fuck her. If he was going to fuck, he wanted to fuck Peyton.


There was something about Peyton, something he couldn’t put his finger on, but he wanted her more than any other woman he’d ever been with. Last night, making him come as he talked on the phone…he smiled as he remembered.


Honey gapped her blouse, allowing him to see the swell of her breasts. She was undeniably a sexy bitch with her golden blonde hair, deep set eyes and amazing breasts, and he had enjoyed the hell out of fucking her, but since getting a taste of Peyton, she was no longer doing it for him. He didn’t know if it was because Peyton had fucked the shit out of him, or had had enough of Honey, but she didn’t make his cock tingle like she once did. He stared at her a moment. Here was a beautiful, sexy, woman, throwing herself at him, begging for him to fuck her, and he was hesitating.


“You want to fuck?” he snarled, pulling her lips close to his, pissed off he felt the way he did. He needed to forget Peyton. In a few days, a week, whenever she found that Melissa chick, she would be gone. She was nothing but some fresh pussy. He’d never allowed a woman to lead him around by his cock before, and he sure as fuck wasn’t going to start now.


“Yes, Babe. I need you to fuck me so long and hard. I need you so bad,” she purred, liking the fire she was seeing in his eyes. She would show that fucking Saracens bitch. She would fuck him until he forgot all about her.


He took her by the arm and threw he toward the back of the clubhouse, starting her moving toward the guest rooms. If she wanted to get fucked, he could certain oblige her.


BOOK: Bjorn: Teutonic Knights MC
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