Black 21: (Golden Hills Legacy of Black 21 Book 1) (8 page)

BOOK: Black 21: (Golden Hills Legacy of Black 21 Book 1)
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Chapter Nine


Daisy used the
pool for about an hour before retreating to her room to start preparing. Under
the water while swimming, she had thought she heard voices calling out to her,
whispering her name, especially a female voice.

She had stuck
her head out to look around, but of course no one was there. As soon as she would
go back under, they came, taunting her. At one point, when she emerged from the
water, a figure in the shape of a woman wearing a long gown appeared next to
the pool, looking down at her, smiling. After wiping the water out of her eyes
to see her better, she was gone like a mirage.

Pulling her
towel robe on, she ran up the stairway, still dripping water, and past all
those creepy paintings. Each one seemed to mock her, making low murmuring
sounds, some laughing, and some crying. She turned to try to catch them moving,
but nothing. All appeared normal.

Upon entering
her room, the dress sat in a box on her bed as promised, wrapped in a big red
bow. She opened it and pulled it out, amazed at the sheer exquisiteness. The
dress was black and red velvet mixed with satin, too nice for just going to

She stepped out
of her robe, slid out of her wet suit, and walked to the bathroom sink to
remove her necklace. Clasping the back of the chain, she caught her reflection
and gazed at her cross dangling. She chewed her bottom lip and continued to let
it drop.

It slid down
into her palm, shining in all its splendor, kissed it and put it in a pouch to
protect it. She did the sign of the cross, wiped a tear away, and asked God to
forgive her. “I’m only pretending,” she whispered.

After taking a
bubble bath in the whirlpool tub, she rubbed White Citrus lotion into her hot
pink skin and powdered her body down, preparing for...what?

She sat at the
vanity mirror lined in lights, with all her makeup spread out and hairbrushes,
wondering who had owned this prior. Was it Lana’s, Christian’s mother?

Patting her
shoulders and neck with the big soft powder puff, her hair pulled up with
hanging tendrils, her eyes glazed over. A draft of cool air blew around her,
swirling, circulating her body. She felt dizzy and lightheaded, a sensuality
exploding from her head to her toes. The powder puff felt good, fluffing across
her skin, tickling her with a mind of its own.

A sensation
enveloped her, wanting to feed a hunger she didn’t understand, her lips
slightly parted, her eyes hooded, her breathing becoming clipped. What was
wrong with her? Dizzy, so dizzy. She clenched her thigh muscles to some unknown

The powder puff
roamed her breasts, her belly, her thighs. She caught sight of herself in the
mirror when she opened her eyes, her mouth slightly open, her eyes glassy, and
before she allowed anything more, she threw the puff to the floor.

Her heart
pounded until she could slow it down, her erratic breathing catching up, and
her chest and abdomen heaving in and out. “No!” she yelled to the air. “This is
my body!” she yelled at some unseen force.

Fatigue took
over her, and she lay face down on the cushiony four-poster bed, feeling the
ruffled lace scratch her naked belly.

She woke up
about an hour later, but felt like it was ten hours, feeling drugged and out of

The clock
showed five o’clock. Christian would be here soon, so she pulled herself up,
her hair tumbling out of its pins. She applied her makeup and fixed her hair to
cascade down her back in loose, layered curls, and slid her dress over her

If she didn’t
know better with seeing her image in the mirror, she would think she was in the
Renaissance era. Her hand flew to cover her revealing cleavage. Her taste was
more conservative, not this.

Someone knocked
on the door. “I’ll be right there!" She said one more prayer before she
moved toward the door.

She pulled the
door open, and he stood there looking so distinguished in his black suit.
“Hello, handsome.”

“Wow,” he said
back. He took her hand and twirled her around. “Daisy,” he whispered.

“Remind me why
we’re so dressed up again? I feel too fancy,” she squeezed the
last word out.

formally meets you on my arm before my birthday, sort of an initiation. It’s
new, so I’m not even sure what will happen." He pulled her to him and
kissed her.

She pulled
away, laughing. “You’ll mess up my makeup, mister!”

“There’s no
messing anything up on you,” he murmured, his eyes drifting down her dress.

She blushed. “Are
you sure you’re really only turning twenty-one? I swear sometimes there’s a
wise old man hidden in there.”

“Why do you
ask?” he asked, drawing his brows together in a smirk.

“There’s just
something in your eyes that looks like it’s a thousand years old, not a college
kid, but a man of the world!" She grabbed her black satin clutch and took
his offered arm.

“Believe me,
I’m no kid,” he stated, his voice dropping. “I’ve been groomed well." He
walked her out to his gold Mercedes-Benz.

“Where’s your
truck?” she asked with incredulity.

“I thought we’d
take this car tonight. You like?" He asked, as the door lifted up.

“It’s gorgeous,
Christian!" She sat, pulling her dress inside around her ankles, and
watched the door come back down.

He got in on his
side and laughed at her shocked expression. “Welcome to my life.”

She watched his
strong hands taking the steering wheel and pull out of the long circular
driveway, just gazing at his profile. A face she could stare at forever. Her
fingers entwined in his other hand and realized this was her life, too.
Anywhere Christian was, she would be, that she felt for certain. The smell of
his cologne and aftershave intoxicated her, smelling of leather and spice.

He pulled up to
the gates and waited for them to open, inclining over to give her a sweet kiss,
a kiss she wanted to turn into something more and tried.

“Why do you
have to kiss me like that now?” he groaned. He returned to driving, shaking his

“Sorry, you do
that to me." She smiled, leaning her head back to the seat.

He smiled back
and squeezed her hand.

The outside
world whizzed past her window…trees, houses, and other sporty cars. She
remembered where they were going, and acid gnawed at her stomach. She rubbed it
to take the ache away, but it remained. Her neck felt naked without her cross.
Tears coated her eyes.

“You okay,
Daze?" Concern wrinkled his face.

She forced a
smile. “Yeah, just a little nervous.”

“I’ll be right
there with you, don’t you worry. I love you, Daisy. Please remember that.”

“I know and I
do. I love you too, Christian.”

“Good. You had
me worried there.”

They drove for
what seemed like an hour, but was really only ten minutes. The church, painted
in black, was nestled in the back of the forest, a familiar place from her
dream of Bessie.

cars filled the lot, some cars from the 1920s, and people dressed in black
cloaks with hoods, stepping out, carrying an excitement with them, laughing at
some unheard jokes.

And all to meet

They appeared
like normal, happy people except for one thing; they worshipped something

The full moon
glowed in the dark, starless space of sky, as a witness to a new beginning in
this ancient town of immortal life.

As Christian
parked, she did the sign of the cross and prayed for forgiveness. A howling
song of sorrow, as if in response to her prayer, radiated from the blowing

“Are those
coyotes or wolves?” she asked.


“Oh,” she said,
glancing out to the forest of hidden golden eyes.

“I have a cloak
for you to wear until we get inside, just for dramatic purposes. I’ll wear one,
too. Okay?”

She shrugged.
“We’re just pretending for tonight, right?”

He nodded.
“Just pretending. It could be a preview of our life together here if we go that
way,” he said, smiling into her eyes.

She sighed.
“I’ll wear it for you.”

He got out and
grabbed something from the back, carrying it to her side after the door lifted
up. He pulled his satin black cloak on and handed a satin sapphire one to her.
She pulled it on and with his help pulled her hood up to hide her face, her
hair hanging out in waves.

“You look
mysterious as well as beautiful, and you’re mine." He dipped his face
inside the hood and kissed her, this time giving her what she wanted earlier.
Her legs weakened under her weight. They were hidden in the shadows of an Oak
tree that stood by his car. The lot emptied out and looked eerie. Too quiet.

“I love you,
Daisy,” he whispered against her lips.

She nodded in
agreement against his lips. Just meeting some people, no big deal she told herself.

Then a soft
voice spoke in her mind, a voice not hers. “Daisy, there’s a power in you that
feeds them fear, so don’t be scared. I also wore that cloak once. You’re the
strong one, not them." Mom? She only saw videos of her mother, but never
actually heard her voice.

“Ready?” he
asked, wrapping her arm through his with that breathtaking smile of his.

Looking at the
double steel doors, not knowing exactly what was behind them, she paused before
answering. “Yes. Let’s go in.”

Chapter Ten


At first it
felt like she was stepping into an abyss, but then it expanded into dimmed
lights and hushed voices. Black pews were separated by an aisle leading up to
an altar with a podium in the center.

black cloaks were in contrast to her blue one, their hoods shadowing their
faces. Torches adorned the altar, flames licking the dead air, and faces
outlined by the candles in their grips.

The one thing
that really caught her attention as she walked closer was the upside down cross
hanging from the raft over the altar. Her knees buckled, and Christian steadied
her. They walked down the aisle, everyone bowing as they passed them, some with
smiles, some with dead eyes.

Christian!” they chanted.

When they got
to the front of the church, Christian bowed to the altar. He stood back and
directed her to do the same, his eyes pleading. She looked at the altar dressed
in black, averting her eyes from that thing hanging upside, an organ playing
somewhere, and she bowed, swallowing the vomit rising in her throat.

After erecting
herself, she saw him there as if he appeared after her bow. Jack Red wore a
black suit, a top hat, and a cane. “Hello, Daisy. Thank you for honoring me.
And now allow us to honor you." He nodded to Christian to take their

Christian held
her hand in reassurance of what was to come. She was positive her heart could
be heard by all, sounding like a fast, hard knock on a wooden plank. The organ
sounded and hooded heads bowed in prayer. She followed along and closed her
eyes, not wanting to see what was happening. She peeked when she heard his

“We welcome
you, Daisy, into our world,” Jack spoke in a thunderous tone, booming
throughout the church, rattling the walls.

Fire erupted on
each side of him in response, the heat of the flames kissing her face. A low
chant surrounded her, feeling like hands clawing at her from behind. But when
she turned around, only hooded stares from their seats.

bring Daisy up here to introduce her to her new family, her new way of life,”
he instructed.

She looked at
him, but something flickered in his eyes, that same look he had last night. Did
she lose him again? Was this her Christian she loved or something else?

allowed her to go before him, up the three steps to the platform, and stood by
the altar. He ripped her cloak off, bringing a small cry from her. “I would
like you all to welcome Daisy, my birthday present from my father,” he said,
bowing to William Stone in the congregation. “And also to Daisy’s father,
Richard. If it weren’t for him, there’d be no Daisy." He bowed to another
section of pews.

Her father was
here? It was so dark. All she could see were hoods, no faces. She could never
call him father again. She hardened her jaw and narrowed her eyes, standing
straighter and taller.

Claps and
cheers broke out, giving a standing ovation. Something soft hit her, and she
realized they were throwing daisies at her. A little girl ran up to her with a
bouquet of them wrapped in an emerald ribbon.

She bent down
to receive them. “Thank you, sweetheart,” she said to a girl of about thirteen,
her long, curly, blonde hair poking out of the hood.

“Hail Daisy,”
the girl said as she bowed. “I’m so proud to be your sacrifice and walk along
the path chosen for me. Thank you." She bowed again and returned to her
parents nodding their approval.

she whispered to Christian.

continued speaking as if he never heard her. “Thank you, Emily. We’re grateful
for your act of courage and strength. Your place awaits you in the after dark.”

Daisy looked at
him with a puzzled expression. “Christian?” she whispered.

Faces began to
blur in her vision, distorting features with wide, slashed smiles and black eye
sockets. Her father stared at her like a stranger. Gloria sat next to him with glass
eyes penetrating through her.

Christian held
her hand and raised it above their heads. “Hail Daisy!” he shouted.

“Hail Daisy!”
the crowd shouted back.

He’s one of
them! No, it was much worse. He was their master! But her heart screamed no, he
was good...good! Pretend, he had told her, so pretend she will!

She cleared her
throat. “Thank you, everyone! I’m so proud to stand here tonight side-by-side
with Christian, my true love. And to be part of something other parts of the
world know nothing about!”

More cheers
erupted, stomping their feet and clapping, thrilled at her compliance. She
caught Dane off to the side, down below, with a look of terror on his face, and
wondered why. Christian winked at her, and they both bowed to their followers.

He turned to
kiss her, making her feel dizzy. “Good girl,” he said against her mouth in a
low voice.

Jack spoke
behind them and instructed everyone to go outside.

smiled. “This is where the party begins." That look was in his eyes,
pulling her in.

A battle began
in her. She felt herself wanting this life, to be his queen and he her king
forever, letting God slip from her fingers. These people loved her. But then
she remembered her mother’s words. A power lived in her that scared them. When
she looked into Christian’s beautiful brown eyes, she forgot about that power.

They walked
down the aisle holding hands. Her life had never been this exciting. She got
caught up in the magic of it all, forgetting what it all really meant.

Daisy! I can’t wait for the ball!" Random guests shouted to her.

She smiled and
held their hands. Could she really go through with the ball, she wondered? She
wished this was it and there was nothing more to do, just her and Christian
together and that would be the end of it.

A man came up
to her and pulled his hood down. She stiffened when he spoke. “Daisy, will you
ever forgive me, darling?” her father begged. “I was only doing this for your
own good. You know how much I adore you.”

Just pretend
she reminded herself. “Of course, Daddy. I understand." She allowed him to
hug her, feeling sick.

Gloria stood
there with her cold stare as always, but smiling lips. “I’m so glad this worked
out, Daisy. Your father is so proud of you, and I’m glad you like Christian. We
worried what would happen if you didn’t, so thank the devil you do!" She
hugged her. Bile built up in Daisy’s throat, and forced it back down.

Her aunt and
uncle stood off to the side, smiling and waving at her. Aunt Betty still looked
so sweet. She had been deceived by all.

Dane was
nowhere to be found, which was strange.

That young girl
was there by her side again, smiling up with her big, blue eyes. Daisy smelled
her daisies to show her appreciation to which the girl bowed.

The sound of
church bells gonged outside eleven times. She didn’t realize it was that late.

turned to her and ushered her to a room in the back. “Come with me, Daisy. We
have some business to clear up with Jack.”

She followed him, excusing herself from her mingling. People emptied the church
to go out to the wooded section, as they disappeared to the back of the church.

She walked into
a more well-lit room with metal chairs, and a podium near the center for
sermons. Paintings of some of the Presidents of the United States covered the
walls as well as of William Stone and various other leaders over the years.

“Hello, Daisy.”
Jack greeted from a podium. “You remember your cousin, Dane?”

Her eyes
widened as she witnessed Dane be dragged out by two men on each arm, his face
bruised and bleeding with gashes.

“Dane! Are you
okay? What’s going on here?" She knew he was a pig, but he didn’t deserve

Jack smiled.
“Christian, why don’t you explain it to your lady.”

“Daisy, Dane is
the one who...
you,” he stated, spitting the last word out and
looking into her eyes.

She shook her head in disbelief. “No." She looked at Dane then and saw it
in his eyes, saw the truth. “Dane?” she asked in a shaky voice.

“I’m sorry,
Daisy. I was only supposed to make it look like a robbery, but then I saw you
lying there so beautiful. I couldn’t control myself." He looked down at
the floor. “Please forgive me.”

She turned to
Christian for help, but he just stared at Dane with narrowed eyes, seething.
“Why did you tell, Christian? Now Jack knows I’m not a–”

Jack interrupted. “He knew I would find out, and he wants you, Daisy. Don’t be
angry with Christian. He didn’t want anything to happen to you, and it would’ve
had I found out.”

“But how didn’t
you know already? I mean, you’re...”

“Tell her,
Dane, what you did for that to happen,” Jack ordered.

Dane looked up
at her and explained. “I wore your cross, and it closes doors to that
side." He showed her the burn mark it scorched into his chest, the same
one on her chest that healed itself, the same as the scratch on her face.

She tried to
search her memory of a cross dangling in her face, but then she remembered. He
was behind her. She was lying on her front, and he had torn her underwear off
from behind.

Tears rolled
down her face. It was Dane the whole time. And then she sucked in a breath,
knowing what would happen to him now. “I forgive you, Dane! Please don’t hurt
him!” she screamed at Jack. No matter what had happened to her, she wouldn’t
see a man die because of it.

turned to her. “Darling, he’s not going to die. I just had him roughed him up a
bit, but I have no intention of killing him." He pulled her in his arms.

She sighed in
relief and wiped her face.

“Christian may
not, but I do,” Jack said.

“What? No!”
Daisy screamed.

Jack appeared
in front of her without walking, and looked down into her eyes. “One might
think you enjoyed what he did to you, Daisy." He sniffed her as she backed
away. “Did you enjoy it?”

She shook her
head, glancing at Christian who looked as if he wanted an answer as well. She
returned to Jack’s questioning stare. “I was
, you bastard! Only a
sick man would think a woman enjoyed that!”

“Ah, but I’m
not really a man, am I, Daisy? And Christian here, well he’s half and half.
Have you seen his horns?" He laughed at his own joke, but she didn’t.

“As much as I
hated how Dane treated me, I know deep down he would never be like that if his
life had been different...I just know it,” she whispered, looking at Dane. His
eyes pleaded with her to stop this.

cleared his throat and tried to reach Jack. “Look, we’ve had our fun here, but
I don’t want him dead. He’s been my best friend since we were born. I don’t
agree with everything he does, but I don’t want this. Jack, please reconsider.”

She studied
Jack’s face, trying to see if there was some ounce of compassion, anything, but
she could find none. All she saw were rotted eyes.

Jack explained.
“Daisy, you were meant for me. Dane destroyed that. You’re lucky I don’t set you
on fire right this minute. It’s either you or him. Pick." Jack chewed on a
toothpick, took it out of his mouth and pointed it at her and then Dane. “Pick,
pick, pick,” he said, pointing back and forth.

grabbed her shoulders. “Daisy, I don’t want you to die! That’s why I told Jack
about this because he would’ve known at the ball. I can’t lose you.”

“So you want
Dane to die?” she hissed, releasing her arms from his grip.

“I don’t want
Dane to die, but if I had to pick, I want you...with me forever!”

Jack chuckled.
“Ah, your first lover’s quarrel, how cute.”

“It’s not even
close to being funny!” she screamed in Jack’s face.

Dane pleaded.
“Christian, please! We’ve been friends forever. You said it!”

walked over to him. “You would want Daisy to die for you? You coward. All those
times you spoke of her as if you wanted her, what you would do to her, and now
you would have her killed?”

“I don’t want
her to die, but I don’t want to die, either!”

“Fine,” Jack said.
“Daisy, disrobe and receive your whippings. Only then will you be cleansed for
my touch...or renewed, shall I say.”

Daisy stared at
him and found the strength in her she never knew existed. “Go ahead and whip me
if that’ll keep Dane alive. Do what you want, but no one dies tonight!”

“No! Don’t you
dare touch her!” Christian ordered. “I swear I’ll leave, and there’ll be no
ball and no new leader!”

Jack laughed.
“Guards,” he snapped at two muscular men who grabbed Christian and chained his
hands behind his back. “You can watch. You’re forgetting, she’s mine first and
then yours." His head snapped at the other guard near her who held a six
foot whip and turned to Daisy. “Disrobe now!”

Tears stung her
eyes as she unzipped the back of her dress, letting it fall to a heap at her
feet. She turned around and waited for the belt to crack her back.

“I love you,
Daisy. I’m so sorry!” Christian screamed, trying to wiggle out of the chains.

Jack scoffed.
“Love? Oh right, you’re your father’s son. He loved Lana like that too, but did
that keep her here with him? No, she chose God over him. Maybe your Daisy will
as well. Now!” he ordered to the guard.

A crack of the
whip snapped at her back, not giving him the satisfaction of a scream. There
was a place inside her that summoned her to hide.

She never felt
the whip.

Dane’s head
bowed to the ground, listening to the cracks as Christian clenched his fists
and closed his eyes.

Her mind took
her to a place of peace and serenity. She ran in a meadow of flowers with other
girls who had been here before, under Jack’s control. She smiled, feeling the
sun warm her face and smelling her daisies.

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