Black Heart: Wild On (35 page)

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Authors: TW Gallier

BOOK: Black Heart: Wild On
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            "You mean, like Vanessa is subjugated by you?" I said.

            "What!?!" multiple voices cried.

            "You didn't know?" I said, smiling grimly. "Antoinette used her power and Bone Daddy's dick to seduce and capture Vanessa at the big Wild On."

            Vanessa, in her metallic red halter top and matching pants just sat upon her throne, a shocked look on her face. She didn't want to be outed any more than Antoinette. Subjugation meant losing her seat in council.

            "You'll pay for that," Antoinette said. She stood up and stared defiantly at the rest of council. "Vanessa! Attend me!" Vanessa didn't hesitate. She stood up sensuously and walked over to stand behind Antoinette. "Yes, I took her. She belongs to me now. There's nothing any of you can do about it."

            "With friends like Antoinette...," I said, letting them think on that.

            "Enough from you, Sable Hart," Tara said. She looked at me with such hate and violence. My blood ran cold for a second. "If you continue to taunt her, I'll let Antoinette have you. I'll even
her capture you."

            "I'm not here to taunt Antoinette, or anyone else," I said. "I'm here to warn you. Stay away from me and mine."

            "I think you forget yourself," Yuan Kwang said.

            "No, you big bad vamps keep forgetting what I can do, and that is
vampires," I said.

            "We grow weary of your endless threats," Rod Huff said.

            "I grow tired of your endless arrogance," I said, eyes flashing. "Leave me alone, and I won't threaten you. Leave me alone and I won't kill you."

            "Are you threatening to kill us?" Tara said.

            "No. I don't want to kill any of you. I just want you to leave me alone," I said. "Stay away from me, my family, and friends."

            "Don't trust her," Valerie said. She was still standing behind Jeff's plain chair. She was the only one there. I killed the rest of his vamp family. "She lies. She is trying to separate and kill us all."

            "Interesting thought," I said, receiving numerous hot looks. "But quite impossible and impractical."

            "If we band together we can easily catch and destroy her," Valerie said. Then she smiled cruelly. "Or subjugate her and let Antoinette put her to work walking the streets like the skanky whore that she is."

            "Fine. Try," I said. "Maybe you'll succeed, but I'll kill you first, so you'll never know." Then I looked around at all the grim faces. "Just remember, Yuri Romanov and Clive Honeywell banded together to take me down. Even those two ancient vampires, with their equally ancient vamp families, couldn't catch and kill me. What makes you think you'd do any better?"

            No one answered. No one looked the least bit intimidated, either. I wish I could read vampires like I do mortals.

            Turning on a heel, I started for the door. No one moved to stop me. That was a relief.

            "Sable," Antoinette said. I stopped at the door and looked back over my shoulder. "If you do not submit to my will soon, I will take something away from you so dear and so precious that you will tear your own heart out in despair."

            "Antoinette, if you continue to threaten me I will take your heart and introduce it to the rising sun," I said.

            I left without any further incident. Then I used my link to Dane, Gabe, and Heidi to find them. We headed towards Jeff's penthouse to see what we could scavenge.

Chapter 20

            The next night I got the ball rolling on buying that big Victorian from Kale. He told me I could move in at any time. I didn't have to wait for closing, if I didn't want to. Well, it was better than a swift kick in the rump and loud "get out!"

            I could better afford it after all we'd scavenged from Jeff Howell and Benjamin Rothschild. Let me tell you, Gabe was brilliant at finding and securing vampire assets. While I slept, he and Dane had transferred all that could be moved to our individual accounts.

            We split their assets between me, Gabe, Dane, and Heidi. I tried to get Desiree, Sabrina, and Kale included, but the other three outvoted me. They weren't part of the staking, so didn't get any of the assets.

            Some things couldn't be taken without arousing official eyes. But we did take over Jeff's company "Big Sky Properties." We also assumed ownership of his share of "Nightside Investment Partnership." Actually, only Heidi and I took ownership of that, since the others didn't want to be partners with Antoinette, Vanessa, and Tara. Heidi and I didn't care. It was wealth.

            "Nice place," Dane said. "I hope you didn't buy such a big house expecting all of us to move in with you?"

            "Of course not," I said. "I just want to ensure there is always room. And you know I love big Victorians."

            Truth was, only Heidi would be living with me. Dane and Gabe both had houses. Desiree would stay with me until the house she was buying closed.

            As much as I'd miss them all being there all the time, I would cherish my alone time, too. Besides, I expected them to congregate at my house just like they did at Kale's when I lived there. I suspected they would spend far more time sleeping there than they expected. When two hot vampire chicks lived in a house, wild things were bound to happen. Frequently.

            "Are we going to have sex on the bare floor?" Desiree said. "If so, I want to be on top."

            "Okay," Gabe said. "Right here?"

            "Cool your jets," I said. "Sheeze, we still have work to do. Jeff's and Ben's assets aren't going to move themselves." I pointed at the laptop on the kitchen island. "Get to work, boy."

            "This won't take long," Gabe said. "In fact, it could wait."

            "Work, then play," I said.

            "We should order pizza," Dane said. "There's no food in this house."

            "There is for Sable and me," Heidi said. She winked at Dane. "How about it? Wanna give me a little
for dinner?"

            "Bite yourself, fang girl," Dane said, shaking his head.

            Some things never change.


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Check out these other stories by Rowdy Rooster Publishing:

TW Gallier

Black Heart

Black Heart: Coeur de Sade

Black Heart: The Crimson Knot

Black Heart: Wild On

A Long Day's Night

Tom Gallier

Edge of Darkness

Fantasy Tales

Tales of the Bloody Sword Tavern

Scroll of the Prophet

About the Author:

Tom Gallier was born in Beaumont, Texas, to Texan/Cajun parents.  He served 7 years in an Armored Cavalry  Regiment (11
ACR Blackhorse Regiment), learning no useful skills.  After the Army he went back to school to study electronics, figuring that would be a profession with job security.  In 2008 he was laid off.   It wasn’t the first time or last time he was wrong.  But while in school, and holding down a full time job, he began writing in his spare time.  In the mid-nineties he had his first short story sale and publication.  He shares his life with his wife and their Yorkie American Princess.  He writes Fantasy short stories and novels under “Tom Gallier” and Urban Fantasy under “TW Gallier.”

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