Black Kat (9 page)

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Authors: Kirsten DeMuzio

BOOK: Black Kat
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Chapter Eleven


Kat tilted her head to the side and slipped the diamond chandelier earring through her lobe.  She had a feeling the earrings and diamond tear drop necklace that were delivered with the gown weren’t costume jewelry.  At least working as a cocktail waitress had given her plenty of experience styling her hair and doing her makeup.

The jewelry was too beautiful to be hidden, so Kat had curled her hair and piled it on top of her head, leaving a few tendrils to curl around her face and neck.  Smoothing her hands over her hips, Kat wondered how Alexander knew what size she wore.  The strapless teal lace gown hugged her slight curves and flared out as it fell to the floor.  It was a gorgeous dress, and it came with matching shoes and a silver clutch.

Working at The Garden of Eden had also helped Kat get over her fear of feeling exposed. 
Wearing next to nothing every night at work made this dress feel modest.  Leaning into the mirror, Kat turned her head to examine the bruise on her left cheekbone.  Makeup had covered most of it, but in the light she could see the slight darkening of the skin.  Oh, well.  Nothing she could do about it now.  And finding out what she had and bringing down at least one small sex-trafficking ring was worth it.

A single bark from Blade alerted Kat to the sound of a car door shutting outside.  It was exactly 7:00pm.  Mr.
Petrovsky was punctual.

Two loud raps on the door sent Blade into a barking frenzy.  Kat peered through the peephole to see Alexander waiting on the other side decked out in black tie, which wasn’t surprising consi
dering what she was wearing.

“Blade, go to your bed,” Kat ordered with a snap of her fingers.  Blade dutifully obeyed, though he remained on full alert even as he sat on his dog bed in the corner.

Kat unchained the door and slipped the deadbolt.  Alexander stood on the other side, as tall and dark and confident as she remembered.  In a fleeting thought, Kat wondered what his weakness was.  What would bring this enigma of a man to his knees?

“You look lovely,
Katya,” Alexander’s smooth voice said as he looked her over from head to toe.  “Janice did well.”

“Oh, yo
u didn’t pick this out yourself?” Kat replied sarcastically.

“No, but I did instruct her to find a dress to match your eyes,” he said as his dark eyes met hers.  “It seems she did quite well.”

The semi-compliment made Kat want to squirm, so instead she turned away to pick up her clutch and the matching shawl to keep her bare shoulders warm on the way to the gala.

When she turned back around, her eyes widened as Alexander slipped a hand into his pocket and pulled out two large dog biscuits.  Leaning down slightly, he offered them to Blade, who greedily snatched them up and started crunching.

“Do you always bring dog treats on your dates?”

Alexander’s eyes twinkled wickedly. 
“Only for you, Katya.  Only for you.”

Kat rolled her eyes.  “We’d better get going.”  She wasn’t one for small talk.  She would rather get this night going and over with.  Just because she was holding up her end of the bargain didn’t mean she was enjoying it.

“After you,” Alexander said, gesturing her through the door ahead of him.  He waited while she locked the door and then followed her down the stairs to the waiting limo.  Kat bet this was the only time a limo had ever been in this neighborhood that wasn’t stolen.

It was a bit tricky to get herself and her dress with its short train into the limo in somewhat of a ladylike fashion, but she finally managed while Alexander waited patiently for her to get settled before getting in across from her.  Kat was glad he didn’t choose to sit next to her.  The rules of their business arrangement were clear, but he was a man.  And the only male she
completely trusted was Blade.

Fussing with the skirt of her dress, Kat asked, “So, what’s this thing we’re going to?”

“It’s a charity gala benefitting the Children’s Hospital.  A very worthy cause.”

“Yeah, you seem like such a philanthropist.”

Alexander raised one dark eyebrow.

“It seems you have strong opinions about me, though we’ve only just me
t recently.”

“We may have just met, but your reputation pr
ecedes you, Mr. Petrovsky.”

My reputation.  And what is it you have heard about me,
Miss Rossi?”
Alexander asked, mirroring her sudden formality.

Kat’s eyes flicked around the dim interior of the limo and landed on Alexander’s dark curious eyes.  “Let’s cut the bullshit, Alex.  We both know The Onyx isn’t your only business pursuit.”

Alexander let out a harsh laugh.  “There’s always a bit of truth to rumors.  You are correct, Katya, that I have other avenues of income other than The Onyx.  But let’s not beat around the bush.  Ask me.”

“Ask you what?”

“The question that has been burning in your mind since the moment you saw me in Dane’s gym.”

Kat chewed on the inside of her cheek and turned her head to the side.  Alexander’s sharp intake of breath had her turning back to face him.  His
eye were burning with a dark heat as he focused on her cheekbone.

“What happened?” he asked, raising his hand as if he wanted to touch her.

Kat shrank back against the seat and raised her own hand to her cheek.  “Nothing.”

Alexander narrowed his eyes and drummed his fingers on his knee. 
“Very well.  Ask me what you want to know.  I will answer truthfully, and then you will tell me why you have a bruise on your cheek.”

Kat thought back to the empty spot on her wall where Alexander’s picture had once hung.  She had taken it down because her instincts told her he wasn’t a part of this.  And she trusted her instincts more than the words of this powerful man.  But she asked the question regardless.  “Are you involved in the business of…women?”

Alexander didn’t even flinch.  He had known what her question would be.  “No.  Absolutely not.  I have a healthy respect for women, and though my business dealings may not be approved of by the law, there are some lines I will not cross.”

Kat released the breath she had been holding.  It felt good to hear him speak the words, but her innate skepticism had her voicing a follow up question.  “How do I know you’re telling the truth?”

Alexander reached into his jacket and pulled out a smooth black leather wallet.  Flipping it open he withdrew a picture and held it out for Kat.  She reached across the space between them and took the picture.  It was of a beautiful young woman with long dark hair and a radiant smile.  Kat frowned.   She hadn’t even considered the possibility that Alexander was in a relationship.  And for some reason that thought put a sour taste in her mouth.

“That is my sister, Natasha.  She is the light of my life, and because of her I have a healthy respect for women.  I would never treat a woman with any less
respect than my sister deserves.”

His sister.
  Kat felt a strange sort of relief flood her.  Why should it matter that this was his sister and not his lover?  Kat was so lost in trying to decode her unfamiliar feelings that she didn’t notice that Alexander had moved to sit beside her until he spoke next to her ear.

“Now it’s your turn,
Katya.”  He was so close his breath ruffled the tendrils of hair against her neck.  Kat jerked away and turned to face him while putting some space between them.

Handing the picture of Natasha back to him, Kat said, “I followed the lead you gave me and went to question Jill Stuart myself.”

“You did what?”  Alexander’s voice boomed through the limo, causing Kat to jerk back for a second time.

Kat squared her shoulders and lifted her chin.  She wasn’t going to let him intimidate her.  This was her life. 
Her revenge.  She had every right to do what she did.

“I went to find her at the address you gave me.  She was there with several other women who were tied up and drugged.  Jill was too out of it, but I was able to talk with one of the girls.  She confirmed they were being held against their will and forced to…”  Kat trailed off, not able to say it out loud.

Alexander’s jaw was clenched so tightly it was a wonder he didn’t crack a tooth.  “That doesn’t explain how you got the bruise,” he ground out, clearly on the edge of losing his restraint.

“A man came to wake up the girls, and he caught me as I was trying to leave.”

Alexander just looked at her, not satisfied with her short answer.

“He pushed me.  I hit my cheek on the wall going downstairs.  Then I shot him in the leg and got out.”

Alexander closed his eyes and pinched the bridge of his nose between his thumb and forefinger.  Finally he opened his eyes, and the intense look in them bore straight through Kat.

“I did not give you that information so you could risk your life following up on it yourself.  I have people to do that.”

Kat opened her mouth to object and reiterate that she could take care of herself, but Alexander held up his hand.

“This is not a joke,
Katya.  The people you are looking for will think nothing of killing you or worse.  I will not have you out there on your own.  Are we clear?”

Kat crossed her arms over her chest.  “You can’t tell me w
hat to do.  This is my life.”  Even to her own ears she sounded like a pouty child.

Yes, and your life is precious.  If you want any more information from me, you need to promise me one thing.  You will not go out alone.  If you are dead set on it, you will call me first and I will go with you.”


Alexander looked both amused and offended at her disbelief that he could handle himself in those situations.  “Yes, me.  Don’t think I employ security because I can’t protect myself, Katya.  I assure you I have the skill set to get the job done.  Whatever that job may be.”

Kat met his eyes and held the eye contact as she mulled over his words. 
“Fine.  I will let you know what I’m doing.  But don’t you dare try to stop me.”

His eyes softened as he regarded her.  “I would never try to stop you,
Katya.  I only want to help you.”

The tenderness in his gaze was a complete one eighty from the intense anger a few minutes ago.  It was unsettling.

“Why?” Kat whispered.  “Why do you want to help me?”

Alexander reached out his hand, slowly so to give her time to pull back.  When she didn’t, he brushed his knuckles softly over her bruised cheekbone.  “I have no idea,” he answered honestly.

Kat found herself captivated by his dark eyes and the gentle touch on her face.  On pure instinct she leaned her head into his touch and closed her eyes.


The movement was so slight, it was almost inconsequential.  But to Alexander it was a momentous turning point.  A small sigh slipped from between her lips as Kat tilted her head and closed her eyes.  Alexander spread his fingers to cup her face in his hand.  Her skin was smooth and flawless, the only imperfection was that damn bruise coloring her cheekbone.

He didn’t want to push her, but the impulse to lean in and brush his lips against her was almost overwhelming.  Although he cursed the intrusion into this sacred private moment, he realized it was probably a good thing he was interrupted from his impulses by the limo drive
r announcing they had arrived at their destination.

Kat immediately snapped her eyes open and raised her head from his hand.  Her aqua eyes were alight with confusion, a touch of fear and desire.  She might not recognize it, but Alexander certainly did.

The limo driver opened the back door, and Kat busied herself with grabbing her clutch and arranging her dress so she could step out of the limo.  Alexander followed her out and offered his arm.  Kat looked at his crooked elbow for a moment before lightly threading her arm through his.  Just like the touch she allowed in the limo, this felt as if she was giving him a gift of epic proportions.  Alexander had read her file.  He knew she had not had a single relationship or allowed anyone close to her, save Agent Lewis.  That she trusted him enough to allow him to touch her, even so casually, was huge.  Alexander wasn’t completely sure why he cared so much, but the fact was that he did.  This beautiful creature by his side was the only woman who had ever sparked this much interest in him.

The flashbulbs started going off as they walked toward the entrance to the hall where the event was being held.  Alexander worried that Kat might be disarmed by the attention of the media, but she held her head high and wore an expression of bored indifference.  As if this was an everyday occurrence for her.  With a small shake of his head, Alexander marveled that she was full of surprises.  And he looked forward to uncovering more.

“Mr. Petrovsky!” a photographer near the entrance shouted.

Alexander leaned down to whisper, “Do you mind?”

Kat shook her head and turned with him to face the media head-on.  They stood in the blinding glare as pictures were taken from every angle.  Alexander recognized the fake smile on Kat’s face as the one she had worn while waiting on customers at The Garden of Eden.  To everyone else it would be a lovely smile on a lovely face.  But to him it was contrived, and made him wish for the real thing.

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