Black Lies White Lies (30 page)

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Authors: Dranda Laster

BOOK: Black Lies White Lies
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“It’s a pleasure meeting you, Young Man. My daughter has told us so much about you,” said my mother.

“What she failed to tell me was what a beautiful mother she has.” Lance was laying it on thick, but my mother was beautiful.

“This is an elegant restaurant. I’ve never been here before.”

“So you like it, Dad?”

“I like it ok, but you know me, Brenda. I’m just a hardworking man.”

“Johnnie, they are trying to do something special for us, just enjoy it. Don’t mind him, Lance. He’s just feeling you out.”

“So, Young Man, my daughter tells me you want to take her to Atlanta?”

“Yes Sir, I not only want to take her to Atlanta, but I want to make her my wife.”

“You two are moving fast. Is there a reason I don’t know about?”

“No, Mr. Hawkins. The only reason is I love her. Isn’t that reason enough? I was going to wait until later to do this.” Lance stood up from the table and got down on one knee in front of me. “Brenda, I love you and I will love you forever. Will you give me the pleasure of becoming my wife?” He opened the box he was holding and inside was the most incredible, canary yellow diamond.

My parents looked on in amazement, as I replied with tears in my eyes, “Yes Lance, I will marry you,” and then I kissed him with everything I felt at that moment. What a surprise.

The whole restaurant clapped and cheered. This was the only time I ever remember my father being speechless. “Mr. Hawkins, may I have your daughter’s hand in marriage?”

“Nothing would make me happier, Son.” They hugged.

Momma was in tears. “I’m so happy. My baby is getting married.” We drank champagne and had a delicious dinner.

Lance and I spent the night making love like we never had before. I could never remember a time when I was happier. Lance and I spent most of the next day in bed. We ordered room service, twice. “I want to take you shopping, Brenda. I want you to buy as much vintage as you like.”

“That’s wonderful, but I have a lot of clothing now.”

“This is a celebration. I landed the deal with Maxwell and an additional account.”

“That’s fantastic,” I kissed him all over his face.

“If you keep this up, you know what I’ll be forced to do,” he laughed. “So put on some clothes and let’s do this city.”

We shopped at every store on Fifth Avenue. I bought everything Chanel had, from purses to jewelry. “After all that shopping, you must be hungry. I have a suggestion, Brenda. Do you think your father would come and work for me?”

“Lance, what do you mean? I don’t know. My father is such a prideful man.”

“I’m in need of a supervisor. It’s not a hand out.”

“Just maybe he would consider it if the offer was substantial enough. But, why would you want to do this?”

“I was thinking that you wouldn’t be alone in Atlanta if your parents were there.”

“Lance, I’m still wondering what I did to deserve you.”

“You know I’m the lucky one. You’re the air I breathe.” He kissed me, “All I ever want is for you to be happy.”

Chapter 25

We headed to my parents to see how my father would respond. Lance wanted to talk to Dad alone, man to man. I sat with Mom and crossed my fingers, “What do you think Dad will say?”

“I don’t know, Brenda. I didn’t see this one coming. You know your father. But I would love to live in the south.”

“I know he’ll offer Dad a lot more money than he’s making now.”

“Let’s see what the cards say, Chica, they don’t lie.”

“I’m too nervous for that right now, Mom.”

“You got yourself a good man in Lance, to want to help your family.”

“I know, Mom. I thank God for him daily.”

They talked for what seemed like hours. Finally, they walked out. Dad wanted to talk to Mom. “Lance, how do you think it went?”

“Your father is one tough cookie to crack, but I think he has agreed. Your Momma has to agree first, if she does, it’s a go.”

I jumped into Lance’s arms, “I love you.”

I knew my mother would agree and we would all be moving to Atlanta. “I guess we’re moving to Atlanta,” my father announced as he and Momma walked out. “This is going to be a change, but it’s an offer I can’t refuse.”

“Oh, thank you, Daddy! You won’t regret it.”

“Brenda, it’s your fiancé you should thank. So, Lance, how soon will we be leaving?”

“I have to be in California for two weeks, but I would like you to leave as soon as possible. You can stay at my place and my partner will show you around. Mrs. Hawkins, you’re welcome to go if you’d like.”

“Of course I’m going. I need a vacation.”

“That’s great. I’ll have your ticket sent early Monday morning. I hate to leave such good company, but I have to get the arrangements in order. I’m looking forward to working with you, and I hope you like Atlanta.” Lance and I headed back to his hotel so he could catch his flight. “Baby, just let me know if your parents need anything.”

“Lance, I think you have done enough. What will I do without you?”

“It’s just two weeks and then I will be coming to take you home.” Lance left for California. My heart was sad but I had a lot to be happy for.

That Monday I needed to break the news to Candice. All the ladies were in awe of my ring. “What’s going on? Let me see.”

“Aw, Brenda, what a beautiful ring, that diamond is enormous. Lance outdid himself. It must be five carats. I heard he got the account with Jack and Stephens, he’s on a roll. If he keeps this up he might be moving to New York.”

“That’s what I need to talk to you about, do you have a minute?”

“Sure, Brenda. We can talk in my office. Is there something wrong?”

We settled into chairs. “I’m moving to Atlanta in a couple of weeks.”

Candice leaned back and sighed. “I knew it was coming sooner or later. I’m going to miss you, but I won’t stand in the way of love.”

“Thanks for understanding. We will always be friends.”

“So have you picked a wedding date?”

“I’m thinking of a June wedding, but who knows, we might just elope.”

“Don’t do that, you deserve something spectacular. And I know Lance would want you to have the best.”

“Have you given any thought to telling Ashton about Victor?”

“Brenda, why do we keep coming back to that situation? I can handle whatever comes, so don’t worry.”

“Alright. I won’t be here, but feel free to call me.”

“You’re still coming to Hawaii with us, right?”

“Wild horses couldn’t keep me away.”

“Will Lance be coming with you?”

“Yes, we’ll both be there.”


Chapter 26

It was already the middle of December. I was so stressed. All the invites were sent and Brenda was giving me a bridal shower tonight. I wasn’t feeling it, but she would be leaving on Monday and I didn’t want to disappoint her. My belly was getting so ginormous I could barely put on my heels, but I had felt the babies kick for the first time.

I was eating the right things and still gaining weight. Dr. Henson said there was nothing to be concerned about. I’d be wearing the alternate dress at the wedding. Ashton rubbed my feet every night. He was taking such excellent care of me.

Ashton’s driver picked me up for the shower. It was at a restaurant called Casey’s. I walked in and saw all the girls from the office. We had a marvelous time. I loved being with my friends, but I was just so miserable. I couldn’t wait to get out of there. I thanked everyone for the gifts and kissed Brenda goodbye. “I’m sorry I have to go, but I’m not feeling well.”

“It’s ok. We understand. Carrying two babies around can’t be easy.”

“Thanks, Ladies. See you at the wedding. That’s if I can get all this on a plane,” they all laughed.

On the way home, I got a message from Sandra. I immediately called her back, but it went straight to voice mail. I hoped everything was ok with Daddy. He had started his second round of chemo. My phone started to buzz, “Hello, Sandra.”

“I’m sorry, Candice. Daddy wanted to be with us at your wedding, but I think he’s just going to be too weak. The doctors say he needs his rest. To be honest with you, I don’t think he will be with us much longer.”

“Why are you saying that? I thought he was getting better.”

“He was, but Daddy has done a lot of damage to his body. All the drinking has done major damage. He wants to be there, but Hawaii is a long way away.”

“That’s ok. I just want him to get better.” This news was making me so sad. I’d really wanted my father to be at my wedding to walk me down the aisle. But I wanted him to get better even more.

“Bryan and I are still coming with the kids.”

“What about Sabrina, is she still going to show?”

“As far as I know. She hasn’t said otherwise.”

“Do you need me to come to Memphis?”

“No, that’s the last thing you need to do, just go ahead with your plans. I’ll take care of Daddy. He has around the clock care so try not to worry.”

Everything suddenly took its toll, the tears just started to flow. I needed to talk to Ashton, but he was in California with Lance. I called him and it went straight to voice mail, “Call me when you get this, I love you.” I was just going to have to weather this alone. I grabbed the tissues, and lay down on the sofa, watching TV.

My thoughts went to what Brenda had said. I was positive Victor wouldn’t start anything at the wedding. I’m sure he knew I was pregnant, but knowing that wouldn’t matter to him. He was jealous of Ashton, but maybe he would contain it until the wedding was over. Was this just wishful thinking or was I in denial? I couldn’t think about it now, but it did have me a little nervous.

I slept through the night ok, but my mind still wandered back to Victor. What if he thought these babies were his? Why was I thinking like this? I was letting my hormones get the best of me. Why hadn’t I told Ashton what his brother had done to me? The fear of losing him was just too much. I could really lose him if he ever found out. I was getting sick to my stomach. What if I lost Ashton over this?


Ashton got home Thursday. I was so glad to see him. “Candice, when is our flight booked for Hawaii? There is supposed to be a snow storm starting Sunday.”

“We’re leaving Saturday morning, after your bachelor party.”

“I hope we don’t get snowed in and have to cancel our flight.”

“Don’t talk like that, I can’t take much more.”

“I’m just kidding, Babe. Everything will be alright.” He kissed me, “you worry too much.”

“The babies kicked all night, it was hard for me to sleep.”

He wrapped his arms around my waist, “Baby, it’s just nerves. Soon we will be leaving for Maui and you will be Mrs. Ashton Williams.”

“I can’t wait. If I get any bigger all I’ll be able to wear is a tent.”

“Sweetheart, you’re not that big, it’s all in your mind.”

“No it’s in my mirror and my clothes.”

Saturday morning arrived and we flew to Maui. Ashton looked like he hadn’t slept all night. “Must have been some party, huh? You look like hell.”

“That’s what you’re supposed to look like after a wild bachelor party. We had a night. Victor was there, to my surprise. He’s in worse shape than me.” I could feel the hairs on the back of my neck stand up.

“Is Susan coming to Maui with him?”

“No, I don’t think so, they’re getting a divorce. I bet he’ll be remarried in a month. He goes through women as if they were clothes.”

“That’s nothing to say, that’s quite sad.”

“I don’t think it’s a good thing, but that’s who he is. He wanted us to fly with him on his private jet.”

“I’m glad you declined. I’ve had this planned for months.”

“You don’t like Victor much, do you? You just have to know him.”

“I know him well enough, but I don’t think you do.”

“What do you mean by that?”

“Just what I said Ashton, you don’t know him.”

“Is there something I should know? Has he done anything to you?”

“I can see he’s clearly jealous of you, can’t you?”

“He’s just misunderstood, and a womanizer,” he laughed.

“Ashton, you act as if you condone what he is. What if he hurt someone you loved? How would you feel?”

“Is there something you’re not telling me? You know how I feel about secrets.”

“No, that’s not what I mean. You know how he treated your mother.”

“You’re right, how can I forget that? But he is my brother.”

“I just don’t like the way he treats women, like his wife and your mother. What are the children going to do?”

“The boys are in his custody and he has nannies for them.”

“That’s horrible. Children need their mother and father.”

“Candice, single mothers are doing it every day.”

“So what? He’s a man.”

“You were raised by your mother, and you turned out ok.”

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