Read Blackmailed by the Beast Online

Authors: Sam Crescent

Tags: #Romance, #Erotic, #Contemporary, #erotica, #series, #alpha male, #maydecember, #older man, #rubenesque

Blackmailed by the Beast (8 page)

BOOK: Blackmailed by the Beast
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“That is a breach of
privacy. How can you do this to me?” She smacked her chest.
Everywhere she turned, he took part of her life from her. What
would he want next? Her heart? Her soul?

“I figured in your
current position—”

“You mean my family’s
position. They were the ones to spend the money, not me. I wasn’t
even born with it. I grew up getting the hand-me-down clothes and
the shit life, and yet I’m paying with my life and body and now you
want me to give you a child.” Throwing her hands up, she went to
the window. They hadn’t gone away on a honeymoon, but Wayne booked
this small cottage for the weekend when he’d told her it sounded
perfect. It seemed more like a way to trap her to turn her into
some kind of brood mare.

“I don’t want a

“You could already have

“You’re older than me.”
Lily wanted anything to fight him with. To get him to back off.

“I’ve given you

“And took in the
process. Don’t forget until you came making your demands, I had a

“What kind of life was
that? One where you scrubbed floors, made dinner, and then took the
shit they had to dish out. I may be older, but I’ve given you more
passion than you’d ever hope to get elsewhere.” Wayne grew louder
and moved closer to her. Lily ended up craning her neck to see

Why did he have to be
so handsome?

Lily didn’t care about
his age, and if she was honest, she didn’t care about her
situation. Her family hated her, and the situation she was in left
everything to be desired. A child though, a big step even for her.
At only twenty-one, she wasn’t sure if she was ready for such a
huge commitment.

“I’m not ready for a
child. I can’t do that on my own,” she whispered. All the time her
fears reverted to being alone.

“Baby, I’ll never let
you be on your own. I’m in this with you till the very end.” He
took her in his arms and hugged her. Lily held on not knowing what
else to do.

She could be carrying
their child.

The thought filled her
with fear and immense pleasure.





The weekend went by
without another hitch, and Wayne was thankful to the heavens for
giving him such a small grace. Lily remained tense around him, but
in time, she would come to see he wasn’t all that bad.

They made love at every
turn, and Lily always found the time to take a shower or a long
bath. He knew what she was doing, but all he could do was sit back
and watch. Lily was younger than he was. He needed to respect that.
He refused to wear a condom. It made him a bastard, but then he
lived up to his nickname,

There were times he
caught her staring at him. He could sense her attraction. Her
feelings were growing toward him but, like always, she’d back off
and continue with what she was doing.

It infuriated him. All
he needed was time. Time to show her who he really was and time for
her to love him.

At the office the
following Monday, Tony and Richard waited for him. Both of his
friends were becoming the thorn in his side.

“What can I do for you,

“We’re just two men
coming to see how married life is treating our friend,” Tony said
while Richard started laughing, drawing attention from the three
waiting women.

“Come into my

They all settled in,
and his personal assistant brought them each a cup of black

“I’ve got the deeds and
the documents you need to sign for the house,” Richard said.

Wayne took the papers
and signed everything before handing it back and sipping his

“So, how did it go in
dream land with the missus,” Tony asked.

“Well, besides the
little glitch of children being mentioned it went really well.” He
sipped his coffee thinking about his wife.

“You know it’s only a
matter of time before she figures out how you screwed her in the
contract,” Richard warned.

Wayne glared at him. He
didn’t want to hear about it. He knew his friend disapproved of
what he’d done but any other man would have done it in his
position, wouldn’t they?

“Has she met your
family?” Tony asked steering the conversation from the sticky
subject of his wife and how tightly bound to him she actually

“No, and if I have my
way, she never will.” His parents lived on a remote island where
they couldn’t hurt any more people. Consumed by drink and drugs, it
was safest to keep them out of the way.

“She’ll find out
eventually.” Richard spoke this time.

“Yeah, and she’ll
realize the type of monster I truly am, not just some fucked-up
Beast people like to call me.”

“Don’t give us that
shit, Wayne. You’re nothing like your parents, and besides, you’d
never hurt a woman,” Tony said.

“Yeah, all the women
you’ve fucked over the years are speaking praises of you. The only
bad shit they got to say is you fucked them and then left,” Richard

Shaking his head, Wayne
didn’t need to think about this. Their situation was bad enough.
The distance between them already, never mind the bleakness of his


When he got home that
night, he looked around and saw how clinical his apartment was.

“Lily, baby?” he

“I’m in here,” she
replied. Wayne walked through to the kitchen to find her whisking
up some kind of sauce.

“What are you making?”
For the first time in forever, the kitchen smelt heavenly.

“I baked some scones,
and I’m beating up the cream. I’m in the mood for some jam as well.
Do you want one?”

He found the side
counter piled high with the baked goods.

“Are we having a

“No, Mrs. Elliot down
the hall is in need of some TLC and company, so I baked extra for
her.” She sucked her thumb into her mouth licking off the

A bolt of lust shot
through his body. He moaned, putting down his keys and briefcase
before taking the bowl out of her hands.

“What are you

“Taking a kiss from my
wife.” He licked along her lips tasting the sweet cream before he
plunged inside her mouth.

Her moans vibrated down
to his stiff cock. “I want to fuck you.”

She gasped. “I’m never
going to get use to that.”

“What? Me telling you
what I want?”

“That and other
things.” Her cheeks took on a nice bloom, nothing to do with the
beating of cream.

“What about this, could
you get used to it?” He pressed his dick against her belly. Her
eyes dilated, and he could see her nipples bud through the small
flimsy blouse she wore. Staring into her eyes, he leaned down and
took the bud underneath the blouse into the heat of his mouth.

“Wayne,” she cried.
Lily circled her hands around his head, pulling him down to

That’s it. He needed
more. Picking her up, he placed her on the centre table, pushed up
her skirt, and tore her panties in the process. The shirt was
ripped open, and he placed his finger in the bowl of cream and
placed some on each of her nipples.

Lily giggled making the
beautiful bounty bounce.

“What are you

“Eating you.”

He licked and sucked
the cream from her red nipples. “It’s so tasty. Is that

“Y-yes. Vanilla and
icing sugar.”

“It’s tasty, but I want
something sweeter.” Wayne kissed her on the lips before plunging
his finger into her wet cunt.

He unbuckled his belt
and released his zipper. He removed his pants and trousers, fisting
his free cock.

Wayne licked and sucked
her juicy cream, drinking her like a bottle of exquisite champagne.
He wanted to fuck her so badly. To take her hard and rough and show
her the fire burning inside him.

Wayne couldn’t wait any
longer. He flicked her clit as he guided his thick prick between
her thighs. Her juicy cunt sucked him into her tight heat. He
wanted it rough and dirty. To show her how much he desired her.

In one smooth thrust,
he plunged inside her to the hilt. He watched her latch onto the
edge of the table for support. Taking her hips in his hands, he
pushed her all the way off his shaft, watched their combined juices
leave a trail before fucking back into her pussy. Wayne didn’t let
up, but made her take more of him with every thrust.

“Play with yourself,”
he growled. He’d taught her what to do at the cottage. How to
stroke her little bud until she came. Using her thick cream as
natural lube made it easy.

They were soaked. Both
were so turned on.

“I want to fuck you so
bad.” Her small fingers teased her swollen clit. He saw it pulse
and felt the flutters around his dick.

He cried out, shooting
wave upon wave of his sperm inside her body. The pulse of his
release sent her over the edge. Both fell back gasping. Wayne took
her hand and licked her clean of her essence, moaning, savouring
the taste on his tongue.

“Wow.” He heard her
softly say.

He couldn’t agree





“So, this place is
close enough to the city that I can get to my office and make it
home every night. Four bedrooms, all with en-suites, and I know you
don’t want to talk about it, but there is also room to build a
nursery if and when we need it.” Wayne finished talking and Lily
took the time to look around the neglected house.

The plot of land needed
work but besides a lick of paint and a few changes, the house was a

“Is this ours?” she
asked touching the mahogany stair rail.

“Say the words and it
is. If not, I’ll put it back on the market again.”

“You mean you already
bought it?” Lily moved past the hall, looking in each room. Before
she would consider moving in, she’d need to clean or have cleaners
come and clear out all the dust and cobwebs.

“I saw this place, and
it screamed out to me. It hasn’t been up very long for sale, and I
just got the gut instinct it wouldn’t stay on the market that

“I agree. This place is
a gem.” She opened a door into which looked like the home office
and closed the door. She glanced into each room, seeing the
potential in the property.

“It’s so beautiful.”
Every room she looked in, she fell more and more in love with the
place. “We could buy some long corner sofas and sit around the open
fire. We’ll need to come and have everything cleaned beforehand,”
she said.

Wayne came up behind
her, wrapping his arms around her waist. “Just say the word and
it’s yours,” he whispered in her ear, nuzzling her neck.

Lily giggled, her body
responding again to his intimate touch. After the rough tumble on
the kitchen table, she thought her body would be spent. If
anything, she wanted more of him.

“You smell good.”


“Yes, what? Baby.”

“I want the house.”

He clicked his fingers
and handed her the second set of keys. “Have fun decorating,

Wayne pinned her
against the wall.

“What are you doing?”
she gasped as he pulled up her skirt.

“Christening the
house.” He nipped her neck and showed her exactly what he meant,
taking her against the wall. Wayne showed her the wonders of
wearing a skirt with two slits up the side.


Lily spent the next few
weeks organizing the cleaning and furniture and getting the whole
house ready for Christmas. This year would be her first without her
parents, and she wanted to make it extra special.

Thinking about the
possibility of having a baby, she decided it wouldn’t be so bad.
She would have a family of her own to love and care about. Smiling,
she patted her belly. Was there already a little boy or girl there?
After a month of intense planning and changing around of certain
rooms, Lily had the home how she wanted. The garden would have to
wait for the spring and summer. The grass was cut back, and the
trees trimmed, but everything else would be left. She looked
forward to delving into creating a safe haven for herself and her
future children.

When no one was
listening or around, she would allow her other precious secret to
unleash as she sang to her heart’s content. The only part of
herself she could call her own, her music.

She’d had people tell
her how wonderful she sounded and even offered to set her up with
people who could help. Lily loved to sing, but in truth, she never
wanted to do it to make a living.

This was hers and hers
alone. She wouldn’t share.

They moved in four
weeks before Christmas. She said good-bye to his old apartment, and
the place she knew in her heart she’d never call home, and began
unpacking in their new place.

Wayne and Lily sat
eating Chinese food in the living room. Lily had a catalogue open
and looked for Christmas decorations.

“I think purple and
silver will look great on a nice natural tree.” She handed him the
book and took a large portion of soy noodles.

“What about a green and
red tree or a red and gold?” he offered.

Lily raised an eyebrow
at him. “Okay, I love the look of the silver and purple. Why them

“They’re my

“Open up.” He fed her a
piece of chicken, and she passed him some rice. “You did really
good with the house.”

“Thank you.”

Wayne took the
container out of her hand. “Before we get too full,” he said,
leaning over to kiss her.

“You’ve got that look
again,” she said.

“What look?”

“Like you want to eat
me.” Lily touched his face and kissed him back. Whenever he was
near, all she wanted to do was love and kiss him. Sighing, she knew
in her heart of hearts what her mind had refused to understand.

BOOK: Blackmailed by the Beast
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