Blackness Takes Over & Blackness Awaits (19 page)

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Authors: Norma Jeanne Karlsson

Tags: #romantic suspense, #romance, #romantic thriller

BOOK: Blackness Takes Over & Blackness Awaits
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“Good morning, Shannon,” he beams at me. He’s so pretty, yes pretty. He’s slim, fair, high cheek bones, bright blond hair with lots of highlights cut short and styled like a Ken doll, and pale blue sincere eyes. We have a great relationship…he’s my friend.

“Hey Karl,” I reply and collect my coffee and messages. “How was your weekend?”

“Busy,” he winks at me. I know what that means…he was gettin’ busy. I’ll get details later. I wink back.

“Hold my calls,” I say glancing down at my messages. “I need to have fifteen minutes with Finn before we head over to the courthouse.”

“Can I get you anything Mr. Callaghan?” Karl asks Finn.

“I’m all right.” Karl nods and shuts the door behind us.

My office is bright and light decorated in creams, cocoa, and ice blue accents
From the door the left side has a glass topped coffee table in the center of a seating area, with two plush cream chairs pin striped in chocolate and blue across from a dark brown suede loveseat. The wall behind the seating area is full of books in a built-in mahogany unit. The other side of my office has a large mahogany and glass desk. The walls of my office are almost entirely glass. Windows stretch from floor to ceiling beginning behind my desk, running the length of the space only to stop at the built-in. It awards me the most sensational view of the city I love. The wall that meets the other side of the built-in, that holds the door to my office, is completely glass offering a view to Karl’s work area and the main corridor of the firm. I have a switch under my desk that allows me to frost the glass, providing me privacy when needed. It’s organized, but warm and inviting all the same. Finn and I sit down in the seating area, each of us taking a chair.

“So fill me in,” I say pointedly.

“As you know Rodger has been hired full-time and I’ve weeded out bodyguard options to three. They’ll be here at four for you to interview, Karl cleared your schedule.” He stops like that’s the end of his explanation.

“Finn, I want to know what’s going on,” I chide. “Why is this necessary? What did you find out this weekend?” He sighs and sits forward in the chair, running his fingers through his hair, a tension reliever.

“Butch’s dates have been set for December sixteenth.” I know this already and indicate as much with my look at him. “His attorney is requesting bail and my sources think it’s likely he’ll get it. Mia is the only person still alive from that night, Kid. I don’t know if he’ll go after her but it’s a possibility. If she can’t wake up and identify him, then there are no witnesses to the attack. Kellerman’s dad is dead so they’ll try to suppress his previous testimony. The physical evidence is all fucked up and it looks like it was tampered with. The CSI lead in charge of Butch’s case is facing tampering charges in yet another case. This doesn’t look good.”

He’s right about the case. I’ve been combing through it for weeks trying to find something or someone to pin this on Butch, but it’s not there. With the forensic evidence possibly out, there’s nothing that puts Kathy’s murder, or Mia’s attack on Butch. He has always sworn he didn’t do this and that he walked in on it after the fact but didn’t see the perpetrator. All the evidence pointed at him though, footprints, fingerprints, hair, blood spatter, everything pointed a Butch. His job as a meth distributor just added fuel to the fire. Now with the physical evidence in question, the whole case becomes circumstantial. Why would he hurt Mia now though? That play seems odd. It would put him under the microscope more and he’d have more blood on his hands, another murder rap to try and beat. I’m not going to argue with Finn, he’s worried so I’ll play along but this doesn’t add up for me. The retrial should be over before the New Year and I can go back to my normal life.

“I know the obstacles this case is up against. Why do you think I’m in danger? I worry about Mia’s safety if Butch is released, but me?” I’m puzzled.

“You keep Mia safe, Kid,” he chides. “You’re the barrier between her and the real world. If she wakes up, you’re her attorney and while she’s in a coma you’re her voice to the courts. If you’re gone, a new guardian ad litem isn’t going to fight for Mia like you. Butch could make a request to take away her support and let her starve to death or God knows what else if you’re not standing in the way.” I wince at the thought but I know Finn is right.

“Okay, case won Mr. Callaghan.” I smirk. He does too. “So, what about these guys comin’ in to interview—”

Knock, knock.

“Sorry Shannon but we need to get movin’ over to the courthouse,” Karl interrupts. I jump up and grab my bag. I need to leave my gun here since I can’t take it in the courthouse. Once it’s stored in the safe in the bottom of my desk, I head out with Karl. Finn is waiting by the elevators with security guard Thomas again. I don’t have time for introductions so I hop on the elevator with Thomas and Karl.

Once we’re riding down I stick my hand out. “Shannon Kelly, thanks for taking the time to do this today,” I smile. He grasps my hand firmly…I like that.

“Caleb Thomas, Ma’am.” He’s dead fucking serious and his voice is deep like Michael Duncan Clark’s. “I was happy to help.” Thomas is a big boy, like he could be a lineman for the Chiefs big, maybe he’s related to Michael Duncan Clark. I would not want to get in his way. We get down to the lobby and I see Rodger waiting, love him. Karl and I jump in the back while Thomas rides shot gun. I feel a little like the
, a sad version, but a version no less. We’re only driving a few blocks, that I would normally just walk, but I know that’s not an option. We pull up at the courthouse and roll out…okay so we’re no
, but a girl can dream. I realize Thomas isn’t leaving us. He’s my bodyguard today, or at least the brick wall someone will have to get through to get to me.

My day is spent in the courthouse bouncing around from office to office, courtroom to courtroom it feels like. The Butch case is totally screwed, and I’m pretty sure he’s getting out tomorrow based on the conversations I have with colleagues throughout the day. I’ve got KCPD informed and they’ll have someone with Mia around the clock. I inhale a salad of some sort for lunch and keep at it for the day.

Finally, after a mad day I’m back in the elevator with Thomas climbing to meet my potential bodyguards. I’m a little excited. Finn had sent me their resumes while I was out and I had hastily gone over them throughout breaks in my day…once being on the toilet. I have a former Marine, a former cop, and a former MMA fighter. They all have identical guard experience, are professional, and have good references. I’m going to have to come up with some good questions to separate them. If I had had time to plan for this that wouldn’t be a problem, since I’ve had twenty-four hours and a life full of crazy, not so much.

We’re doing the interviews in conference room five across from my office. Kavanagh Law is situated on half of the fortieth floor and the corridors are set up like a horseshoe from the elevators, offices on the outside of the shoe and various conference, presentation, break, and storage rooms in the middle. It has a nice flow and gives me an opportunity to walk past the conference room and gaze through the glass windows at my potential…employee? Unfortunately the blinds are drawn.

I move past Karl who’s at his desk typing away. He had left me about an hour ago to catch up on some work and meet the potentials. I quickly run in my office to drop my shit on my desk, pull my gun out, put it in my bag, and head into the conference room. Thomas stays with me the whole time like an invisible shadow. I don’t know how he does it at his size, but I hardly notice him. He follows me to the conference room. I open the door and stop in my tracks as my eyes fall on him. Kellerman.

Kel is standing in the fucking conference room…wearing a suit, talking to Kavy. He looks like a Hugo Boss ad. Holy SHIT! Keep it together, Kid. I try to act normal and scan the rest of the room. Kel notices I’ve walked in the room and makes his way to me. He stops when he sees my sizeable shadow.

“Thomas, thank you for your help today, I really appreciate you taking the time,” I say turning to him with my hand out.

“It was my pleasure, Shannon. You ever need anything you call me at the number I gave you,” he says in a soft deep roll of the tongue while grasping my hand. I wish he was interviewing for the job. I nod at him and he turns, moving back into the corridor.

Kel approaches me after Thomas closes the door and I turn around. He slips his arm around my waist and kisses my forehead.

“Hi,” he says softly before straightening and dropping his hand.

“Hey.” I sound fucking breathy as shit. Smooth. “What are you doing here?” More normal tone that time.

“I’m here for your interviews,” he says matter-of-factly, like I’m an idiot for asking.

“Oh.” What the hell do I say to that?

Everyone takes their seats around the table, three potentials on one side, me and all my boys on the other. I feel bad for them…we look like a death squad.
? Nope.

“Good afternoon gentleman,” Finn starts. “As you know you’ve been asked here today to interview with Miss Kelly. You have already been debriefed on this case and have agreed to the terms that are required. Miss Kelly will assess who she feels will be the best fit for her needs, and make the final decision regarding who earns the post. My colleagues and I are here to assist her in this process. Are there any questions before we begin?” Silence. “Miss Kelly,” Finn gestures toward me. He’s all business right now.

“Thank you, Mr. Callaghan.” I nod at Finn and look across the table. These men are stoic. “I must apologize off the bat gentleman. I was not given much notice of this meeting today and don’t really have anything prepared—” Kavy butts in.

“Sergeant Barnes,” Kavy is addressing the marine who looks like a commercial for the Marines: his hair high and tight, his face smooth and chiseled, his clothing impeccable. “Why did you leave the service and enter into the personal protection business?”

“Sir, after completing four tours in the Middle East I had served my country to the best of my ability, and felt I was ready for a new direction in life.” He’s to the point, super cold. Not my style at all.

“Officer Taylor,” Kavy’s running the show apparently, “same question.”

Officer Taylor is younger than I expected. He’s older than me but not by much. He’s a really good looking man (as good as Kel in fact), dark and mysterious. He has dark brown hair cut short and styled messy yet professional, caramel eyes, a strong nose, wide square jaw…yeah he’s sexy.

“I was injured in the line of duty, told I could ride a desk for the rest of my career. I felt that I could do more, so here I am.” I like that, a go getter. He doesn’t look injured to me.

“Mr. Andrews,” this is Kavy’s last one, “tell me how you ended up with Security Services.”

The fighter is hot…he’s a bad boy and trouble for sure. Blond hair buzzed short, light green eyes, nose that’s been broken but makes him hotter, a body to fucking die for…he’s my type for sure. This is bad.

“I was scouted at the gym I trained at. This guy approached me and asked if I’d be interested, and I was. It was good way to make money and train at the same time while I was still fighting.” That was honest. Maybe not the best sales job, but honest.

“Thank you Mr. Kavanagh.” I give Kavy a look that says shut the fuck up and put those goddamn questions away. “Gentleman I appreciate your answers but I’m afraid nothing any of you say is going to help me decide. Your résumés are almost identical and I’m convinced you’re all more than qualified.” My boys are staring at me in shock and so are the potentials. I feel powerful. Rawr!

“So we’ll be taking a field trip to decide.” I stand up and so does the rest of the room. I’m tempted to sit down just to watch them follow, but I don’t…I’m a grown-up. Uh huh.

“We’re going to the gun range. Whoever can out shoot me gets the job.” The potentials are still stoic but I can sense confusion. My boys are silently freaking out. “I’ll meet you gentleman in the lobby,” I say to the potentials and they all leave the conference room.

“What the fuck, Kid?” Sully’s out of the blocks first.

“Kid, this isn’t a good idea. You need to know more about them than their shooting abilities,” Finn implores. Cally’s just shaking his head at the ground.

“I’m gonna bring them back,” Kavy says as he makes for the door.

“STOP!” I yell and they all do.

“This is my goddamn life Sully, so back off,” I glare at him. “Finn you did all the background on them. Is there anything I can ask them that you don’t already know the answer to?” I take his silence as a no.

“Okay then,” I sigh, “this is what I know guys. If someone is going to have my back they better be able to do a better job than I can do myself or this is pointless. Right?”

“I agree with her guys,” Prince Charming (Kel) says, coming to my rescue. “What’s the point in them protectin’ her if they can’t do what she can? I don’t want someone watchin’ her that she can take. Do you?”

“Nah man,” Cally’s on my team, “it’s a good idea, Kid. Just talk to ’em too, okay?”

“Okay Cally,” I relent. It’s not like I was going to be silent the rest of the night. I’m never silent.

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