Blackness Takes Over & Blackness Awaits (37 page)

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Authors: Norma Jeanne Karlsson

Tags: #romantic suspense, #romance, #romantic thriller

BOOK: Blackness Takes Over & Blackness Awaits
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I’m going to commit murder. I can feel it in my bones, in my pulse, in each breath I take. I’m pretty sure O’Sullivan, Cal, and Aidan are on board with my plan. Kid went upstairs with Kellerman and twenty minutes later Taylor dropped his bomb. Kellerman got a fucking chick pregnant when he was in Seattle. I don’t know specific dates on when he and Kid became a couple, but I know he was all over her shit and fully warned before he went back to Seattle in October. Yeah, I’m going to commit murder. We have to get Kid out of here before we beat his head in.

“Make sure Kid’s not in the room for this shit,” I say to whoever’s listening. I get chin lifts in response. O’Sullivan has been cracking his knuckles and pumping his fists since we saw the first picture of Kellerman and that chick. She’s cute…that’s all I can say about her. She’s nothing compared to Kid. Kellerman must be a fucking idiot. The blood is rushing past my eardrums with such force I don’t hear Kid and Kellerman come down the stairs. I’m barely aware of the Army vs. Navy game on the TV. The four of us turn to look at them as Kellerman starts to talk.

“I beyond fucked up today guys,” Kellerman tries to grovel. “I feel like total shit about it and I can assure you, I’ll never let anything go that far again. I love Kid more than I can even tell you guys and I know you all love her just as much. I meant what I told Kav all those weeks ago. If I hurt her I’d deliver myself to you all willingly. I’m here and I deserve whatever you wanna give me. I was wrong.” I stand up and move toward Kellerman never looking at Kid. Kid keeps her fingers interlaced with his and I want to break everyone of his as they touch her. I won’t do anything to him while she’s here. I won’t put her in the middle like those two pricks did earlier. I can feel Kid’s eyes on me while the guys approach my back.

“Kid go to the office and talk to Taylor,” I order without looking at her. Kellerman maintains eye contact with me, not in a confrontational way…he doesn’t know what’s coming.

“Kavy,” Kid warns.

“Kid, we need Kellerman alone for a few minutes. You need to leave,” O’Sullivan orders her from behind my back.

“Go ahead Kiddo. I’ll be fine,” Kellerman soothes her. I’m going to break that jaw he’s working.

Kid turns to walk away, and I relax a little that she isn’t putting up more of a fight. My relief was premature, because she stops and turns back around.

“Guys, I know this is a man thing that I’m not a part of. But you all are my family…Kel included. He’s my future now too guys. I’m no cake walk to be with, but he’s fightin’ for me like only you guys have. Think about that before you do anything stupid,” she pleads before turning and walking away. She won’t feel that way after she talks to Taylor. I hate that she’ll be hurt, but she deserves to know.

Once she rounds the corner and I hear the office door shut it takes everything I’ve got in me not to launch at this motherfucker.

“Pool house,” I growl at him. He nods and moves toward the back door. I can’t risk Kid hearing us so the pool house is the best place to get this done. Once Taylor dropped this shit storm at our feet he told us he’d explain things to Kid while we dealt with Kellerman. I don’t know how long we have, but getting out of the house buys us more time.

We enter the pool house. It’s one large open space with six oversized beds that house all the brothers when they visit off to the right and an open kitchenette with a large breakfast table to the left. It’s a light airy beach house feel not really the place to maim, but it will have to do. Kellerman goes in first followed by me, the guys trailing. No one says a word. Kellerman stops in the middle of the room. His head is held high, but I can see he’s apprehensive. I’d be scared fucking shitless facing us in a room.

“We’re gonna kick the livin’ shit outta you,” I inform him in a growl resembling English. “Then you’re gonna pack your shit, get on a plane, and crawl back to Seattle.” His face is calm and collected with the first sentence, strained and confused at the last.

“What’re you talkin’ about back to Seattle?” Kellerman asks.

“You think we’re gonna let you stick around and go back and forth? Kid deserves better than that and you fuckin’ know it,” Aidan seethes, moving to my right. Aidan’s a big motherfucker. I’ve never seen him as pissed as he is right now, scary isn’t the right word.

“Back and forth?” Kellerman repeats.

“This is not Sesame Street motherfucker. You heard him,” Cal jumps to his brother’s side. Cal can go off the rails but it’s rare. He’s the calmest of our bunch, but he’s hell on wheels when he gets going. O’Sullivan moves to my left and I can feel the fury oozing from every inch of him. He’s a fighter through and through. I have no doubt that he can, and will end Kellerman. Kid’s the soft spot for all of us and we would all gladly sacrifice anything for her.

“I’m startin’ to feel like I don’t know what’s goin’ on,” Kellerman says as he looks at all our raging expressions.

“He explained it,” O’Sullivan says motioning to me. “Don’t see the problem.” He’s so furious I’m surprised he can form words much less sentences.

“I get the ass beating. I put my hands on her and shouldn’t have. I’m down for whatever you four got planned. I’m not fuckin’ leavin’ Kid though. I don’t know what makes you think I would leave her, but I’m stayin’.” Kellerman’s confident as he talks. I have no doubt he’ll take the beating, but he’s not making Kid a stepmom or taking her away from us to Seattle that’s for damn sure. She deserves the world not some slut’s sloppy seconds.

“Fuck this shit,” O’Sullivan roars and lunges at Kellerman. He lands a brutal right hook along Kellerman’s jaw, snapping his head to the side. Kellerman stumbles but doesn’t go down. O’Sullivan is a man possessed now that he’s started. He grabs Kellerman’s shirt to hold him in place as he repeatedly crushes his face. Kellerman doesn’t fight back.

“Fight back you pussy!” O’Sullivan screams as he releases Kellerman’s shirt only to connect a left cross splitting the skin below his eye. Stumbling back Kellerman falls to the floor. He’s breathing hard as he stays down.

“Who’s next?” Kellerman asks without a hint of snark. He’s really going to let the four of us beat his ass. We’ll kill him. He looks done after O’Sullivan; the three of us on top of it is too much. I have to be the voice of reason in the room as I see Aidan making his way toward him.

“He’s had enough,” I state firmly. Aidan snaps his head back to me with a look of shock on his face.

“You’re lettin’ him off that easy Kavanagh?” Aidan grumbles.

“He’s gotta be able to walk through the airport.”

“I’m not goin’ to the airport,” Kellerman mumbles spitting blood into his shirt. This sets me off.

I pick Kellerman up by the throat and pin him against the wall squeezing as I speak, “You will get your sorry ass on a plane. Today! She’s had enough pain in this life, you motherfuckin’ piece of shit.” I squeeze harder the more I speak, because the more I speak the more infuriated I’m becoming. “If you think for a second I’m gonna let you take her from me, you’re sadly mistaken. What she’s learnin’ today about you, you dickless fuck, is gonna wreck her. Get outta this fuckin’ city today or we’re comin’ for you.” I squeeze one more time before I let him drop. He slides down the wall gasping for air, coughing and choking.

“I’m not leavin’ her,” Kellerman gasps out. Aidan hurls forward and kicks him over and over and over in the torso.

“You fuckin’ are!” Aidan screams as he lands his final blow. Kellerman falls to the side spitting out blood from what I’m guessing is some internal damage at this point. Maybe we are going to commit murder. This motherfucker seems intent on dying in our pool house.

“Not,” Kellerman mumbles before he passes out.

“What the fuck?!” Cal bellows. “Is he insane? Why’s he lettin’ this go on?”

Aidan bends down and starts checking Kellerman’s vitals. His doctor brain must have just kicked in gear. No pun intended (maybe a little pun intended).

“Guessin’ his spleen is damaged maybe his liver too,” Aidan explains without much concern in his voice while standing up. “We need to decide what we’re doin’ here.”


I come to in excruciating pain. These crazy motherfuckers know how to work someone over. My face is fucked. Blood dried all over and swollen based on the tightness I feel. My stomach is also fucked. Aidan must have kicked it through my spine. I push myself up to a sitting position cradling my midsection as I do.

“Sleeping Beauty has arisen fellas,” Kav announces to the group. “Ready to pack your shit?” he asks me gruffly.

“Nope,” I breathe out. I can barely catch a good breath at this point, but I’m not giving in. I have no clue why these guys think I need to go back to Seattle, but I won’t leave Kid.

“O’Sullivan I think you knocked him stupid,” Cal announces as he makes his way to me. “Get up and get the fuck outta our house. I’m done playin’ games with you.” He reaches down grabbing the neck of my shirt and hauls my ass off the floor. My legs are weak so I use the wall to keep upright. Cal leans into my face. “You goin’?” he seethes. I shake my head no.

He hocks back and spits in my face. I get the feeling they’re pissed at me for something I’m unaware I did. I reach up with my hand and wipe his spit down my battered face.

“I’m not leavin’ her,” I state short of breath. “It’s her house and she wants me here. I won’t leave here unless she tells me.” O’Sullivan laughs a sinister chuckle from the table.

“We’re goin’ easy on you compared to what Kid’ll do once Taylor fills her in,” he scoffs. Now I’m getting pissed. What the fuck does Taylor have to do with any of this shit?!

“What the fuck does Taylor have to do with anything?” I implore Cal who has let go of my shirt but is still in my face.

“He’s the one that found out your dirty little secret,” Cal fumes. Secret? I don’t have any goddamn secrets. Not from Kid and certainly nothing that would warrant this level of psychosis.

“Can you all stop speakin’ in code and tell me what the fuck is goin’ on? I don’t have any goddamn secrets. If Taylor is in there mindfuckin’ Kid we’re gonna have problems,” I inform them. Cal’s scowl has lessened slightly as he tries to figure out if I’m lying. I look at the table to see similar looks on the guys’ faces.

“Your baby’s momma,” Kav states plainly. Well that would definitely be a secret because I don’t have kids.

“I don’t have kids you guys,” I huff. I can’t believe they would think I would leave children behind in Seattle.

“You will in about six months,” Aidan replies. I feel the blood drain from my face and my stomach turns more than it already was from the beat down.

“What?” I ask in a whisper. Cassie. Fuck, Cassie’s pregnant. This shit just got a whole lot worse.

“I can see that you’re finally startin’ to grasp what’s goin’ on here,” O’Sullivan chides. “Ready to pack now bitch?”

“I didn’t know. She hasn’t been in contact with me since I got back,” I explain. How the fuck does Taylor know this shit and I don’t?

“Well a wham-bam-thank you-ma’am will make them less likely to call you,” Kav taunts. “Chicks don’t like bein’ the piece on the side.” Piece on the side?

“What the fuck are you talkin’ about Kav?” I can feel my patience running thin. Too much information coming in mixed with a lot of ball busting and an ass beating is wearing me down. Kav stands up and trades places with Cal two inches from my face.

“I’m talkin’ about you fuckin’ that cunt while you were in Seattle after callin’ dibs on Kid,” he growls in my face.

“Didn’t happen,” I scoff.

“Look motherfucker I can see you’re all fucked up and I don’t wanna go to prison, but I will end you. We’ve seen the pictures. We know it happened.” He bumps his chest into mine staring me down.

“I don’t know what pictures you saw, but I haven’t been with Cassie since I moved here. The first time,” I clarify.

“BULLSHIT!” Kav bellows in my face. “Get Taylor now. I want this shit done!” Cal moves out the door and we all wait in silence. How is this happening? Cassie’s pregnant? She would tell me. She wants me back and made that perfectly clear when I was in Seattle last time. If she was pregnant she’d be here or blowing up my phone. The door opens and Taylor walks in with that fucking smirk on his face that makes me fantasize about wrapping my hands around his neck.

“Don’t you look pretty?” Taylor taunts. I glare at him but don’t respond. I want those fucking pictures now. I push Kav out of my space and gingerly walk to the table where Taylor threw them down. I pick up the stack and race through them feeling sicker with each progression. I was pissed that night. I couldn’t get a hold of Kid and once I talked to Kav and he told me she was with Taylor I flipped. Not my proudest moment. Cassie was there being all sweet and innocent (a rarity), asking if she could do anything for me. I mauled her. Things got heated, but I stopped before anything happened. I didn’t fuck her that night.

“I know this looks bad,” I state to the group. “We made out and shit got a little heavy but that’s it. I stopped it.”

“Last I checked chicks can’t get pregnant from tonsil hockey,” Kav snarks.

“If she’s pregnant it’s from a week before I came here. We hooked up then and that was the last time. I haven’t been with anyone since I met Kid. This,” I motion to the photos, “was a dick move on my part and I’ll make it up to Kid. I need to talk to Cassie to figure the rest out,” I say moving to the door. I will work this out with Kid. I can’t lose her.

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