BlackThorn's Doom (5 page)

Read BlackThorn's Doom Online

Authors: Dewayne M Kunkel

Tags: #Fantasy, #Fiction, #Epic

BOOK: BlackThorn's Doom
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“Perhaps,” Marcos answered. “More than likely not, I used the storms enchantment to conceal my actions. If he felt anything it would have been hidden beneath his own power.”

“Yet there is a chance that we have been discovered.” Suni responded. “We must hasten away from this place lest his servants come upon us.”

“We will,” Marcos assured him. “Once the danger of freezing to death has passed. His servants will have to face the same life stealing cold should they come down from the mountains now.”

Two hours they spent huddled about the rocks. The stiffness in their limbs eased and their clothes soon were dry and warm. When the stones heat died away they readied their gear and set off directly for the Vurgwall’s foothills.

Throughout the remainder of the day they marched and well into the night across the barren ground and into the rugged foothills until they could go no further. They made camp within a shallow dale, a mere five miles from the shadowy heights of the Vurgwall.

“Be cautious as you move about.” Yoladt warned. “There are many eyes within those crags, and none of them are friendly.”

Following a short rest they pressed onward. The hills becoming larger and more rugged, until they were little more than broken piles of dark sharp edged boulders riddled with openings.

They followed Yoladt higher into the hills until he seemed to become unsure of his way. They took shelter in a small cave while the Mahjie went in search of a trail marker, a signpost that would lead them to a concealed route through the mountains.

Calriss and Yoladt looked southward while the twins took to their search to the north.

Hours passed and Suni motioned that someone was approaching. Yoladt and Calriss moved out of the shadows silently. With a nod in greeting to Suni they moved into the cave.

“We have come too far south.” Yoladt informed them taking a sip of his nearly empty water skin. “Calriss and I can not find the marker that we seek. It must lie to the north.”

“Can you be sure?” Connell asked. “It may lie further south than where you searched.”

“The marker lies between these two peaks.” Yoladt said pointing to the right and left of them. “Our search needed to go no further, the twins shall find it.”

Several more hours passed and Yoladt begins pacing about the cave mouth, concern written upon his face. “Enough time has passed for them to search the whole area twice over.” He said giving voice to his concerns.

Calriss approached Yoladt. “They are gifted trackers.” He said. “If all was well they would have returned by now.”

Yoladt nodded in agreement. “We are of their Seh’ja and must seek them out.” He said turning to the others. “The bonds of blood are powerful among my people.”

Suni who was standing a short distance away raised his hand for silence. He stood immobile gazing to the northwest for several long moments, his head cocked to one side as if intently listening for something.

“Well?” Casius whispered when Suni turned to face them.
“I heard something moving off in the distance.” Suni answered softly. “It sounded heavy and yet moved with great skill.”
“We should leave then.” Casius suggested.

“And go where?” Connell asked. “Moving about blindly could easily land us within an ambush. We are safer here, let them come to us.”

“Connell is correct.” Suni agreed. “The hour grows late, we will await sunrise before risking less defensible ground.”

“We will not leave until the twins are found.” Calriss protested.

“Suni is right.” Yoladt said placing his hand upon Calriss’s arm. “The twins know the way as well as we, should they return after our departure they will follow and overtake us on the trail.”

Calriss took a calming breath and nodded. “I would do the same if our positions were reversed.”

“We may yet run into them.” Yoladt offered. “We will have to search the same ground as they if we are to continue.”

As the land darkened they took up positions in a tight arc about the cave mouth. Looking out into the growing darkness their weapons in hand. The stone of the hillside warding their backs, in what was going to be a long night.

Casius studied the nightmarish shapes of the boulders; their twisted forms cast eerie shadows in the starlight. In his hand Aethir hummed softly, reassured by its feel he felt his fear lesson.

The night passed in relative silence, only the occasional skittering of rodents broke the peace. Each man remained wary; they could all feel their stalker watching them from the darkness.

Despite Suni’s best efforts their observer remained hidden, never revealing itself.

The sky above brightened with the dawn, however within the Vurgwall’s shadow the hills remained dark and gloomy.

They traveled cautiously, the trail they followed passed through narrow grottos and along boulder-strewn ridges. Anticipating an ambush around every corner their nerves were on edge, whirling about with drawn weapons at the slightest sound.

It was Suni who discovered the first sign of the twins, a broken spear lying within the rocks.

Suni lifted the spear and studied the polished steel head. “There is blood upon its edge.” He said pulling several thick gray hairs from the dried blood. “These belong to no man.” He handed the spear to Calriss. “Yoladt, what manner of creatures dwell within these crags?”

“The knowledge we have is sparse, only the path through the wall is taught in any detail.” Yoladt answered apologetically. “I know of no creature that makes these hills their home.”

Calriss tossed the spear aside. “They could have run afoul of our stalker.”

“Something from within Tarok nor then?” Connell guessed. “A guardian of Sur’kar’s creation.”

Casius looked back the way they had come. Retracing their path with his eyes up the neighboring hill. When a sudden movement caught his eye.

Near the crest of the hill, two large shaggy figures were slowly moving down the slope. They were covered with thick pelts of gray hair that blended well with the lichen-splotched stone.

They were huge, heavily muscled brutes that reminded Casius of the apes he had heard stories of. Standing over eight feet in height with long powerful tails that whipping about as they stalked along the path.

Before he could alert the others, two more of the creatures slipped into view. “We have a problem.” He nearly shouted. Pointing to the hilltop and the approaching figures.

“Larkoth!” Yoladt cursed. “We must move quickly, the giant apes are fierce and will surely attack.” He led them up the hill moving as quickly as he could and still keep an eye out for the trail marker.

“Why do they stalk us?” Casius asked Calriss.

“The Larkoth are carnivorous, they prefer man flesh above all else.” Calriss answered. “They are creatures found in the west. They have never been seen in the east.”

“They are devious and intelligent.” Yoladt added, looking over his shoulder to see if the creatures are gaining on them. “Do not underestimate them.

“Their strength is matched only by the ferocity of their attacks. Once upon your trail they never cease to give chase and will follow you into deaths realm itself.” Yoladt looked at their surroundings. “We will have to face them, look for a suitable site for combat.”

Up the steep slope they scrambled, Yoladt stopped at the crest and pointed to a symbol carved into the side of a boulder. “The marker.” He informed them. “This way,” He said leading them down the far side of the hill into a shallow valley that ran eastward into a narrow defile.

The Larkoth were moving quickly now sensing that their prey was close at hand. They traveled the slopes with ease, well used to travel in mountainous regions.

Yoladt led them across the valley floor, seeking to gain the defile before the Larkoth fell upon them. Loose stone and uneven ground made their footing treacherous.

As the neared the middle of the valley two of the giant beasts leapt out of concealment in front of them.
“A trap!” Yoladt yelled dropping his pack to the ground.
With a blood curdling roar the two Larkoth fell upon the surprised party.

Casius’s hand dropped to his swords hilt, but before he could draw the blade the ape struck him. The force of the blow lifted him into the air and tossed him helplessly onto the ground.

Before the Larkoth could strike again, Calriss leapt over him and drove his spear deep into the beast’s chest. The spear missed its heart but tore into the lung. With a yowl of pain the Larkoth snapped the spear shaft and drove its massive fist into the Mahjie’s head.

Casius watched in horror as the brave warriors face exploded into a spray of bloody pulp. His body collapsed onto the ground his arms and legs twitching violently as he died.

The Larkoth staggered, pulling the spear from its chest, dark blood gushed from the wound matting the thick gray hair. It screamed spinning around revealing a spear stuck deep into its back.

Yoladt leapt aside narrowly evading its desperate attack. Drawing his long knife he circled the dying beast. The Larkoth dove forward seeking to ensnare him in its powerful arms.

Yoladt proved too fast and at the last possible moment he ducked beneath the outstretched arms and moved aside. As the enraged creature passed him by he laid open its throat with a slash of his knife.

The Larkoth clutched at the wound striving to stem the flow of blood. It’s monstrous roars now nothing more than a wet gurgling cough as it fell to the ground.

Casius gained his footing and drew Aethir; the black blades normal hum grew to a high-pitched roar. He rushed forward towards the remaining Larkoth.

Bleeding from a dozen cuts the beast was being attacked from either side by both Connell and Marcos. The Larkoth’s powerful arms swept about keeping both men at bay.

It was a stalemate until Suni appeared out of nowhere. Leaping up from the ground he delivered a powerful kick that struck the apes head staggering the giant. The creature was momentarily stunned and let its guard drop.

Connell saw his opening and stepped in. With a mighty heave his sword swept across the Larkoth’s abdomen, opening its belly and spilling loops of bloody entrails onto the ground.

The stench was overwhelming and Connell stepped back gagging. The damage was done and the Larkoth fell onto its face, a quivering heap of muscle and fur.

Casius turned to face their pursuers. The Larkoth had gained the valley floor but the quick deaths of their companions had stopped their advance.

They pounded their chests in defiance, roaring violently in anger. One of the great beasts tore a boulder larger than a man from the hard ground. With a mighty heave it hurled the stone at them.

The rock crashed into the ground less than ten feet from Marcos.
“Let’s go!” Yoladt shouted grabbing his pack from the ground. “They will attack soon.”
They needed no further urging, grabbing their gear they followed Yoladt into the dark defile at the valleys head.

Stumbling into the dark shelter of the defile Casius turned to see if the Larkoth gave pursuit. He watched in disgust as the four beasts fell upon the corpses of their brethren. Two of the giants were fighting over Calriss’s body; it was violent and disturbing as they ripped limbs from the corpse.

Turning away from the nightmarish scene he scrambled up the steep slope of broken stone that filled the defiles floor.

Up through the darkness they rushed with only a thin sliver of light coming through the split in the stone above.

They ascended several hundred feet and emerged at the base of a towering cliff. A deep cleft marred the black stone, a vertical crack that disappeared in the distance above them.

Yoladt adjusted his pack and weapons. “This is the path we must take.” He said pointing to the crack. “The Larkoth are busy for the moment but they will give chase once their hunger is sated. Our best hope is to be far gone from this place, perhaps then they will lose interest.”

The climb was not as arduous as it first appeared. The rock was filled with ledges that offered ample hand and foot holds for them to use. With the cleft being narrow they could simply press their backs against the stone to rest should they grow weary.

In little more than an hour they had made the climb and now sat amid broken rubble atop the cliff catching their breath. Before them lay a narrow pass, a gorge cutting through the stone between two jagged black peaks.

The air was cold and tainted with the stench of sulfur. Above them dark clouds roiled in the sky, lit by flashes of lighting and sheets of flame that raced along their bottoms.

A powerful wind blew at their backs, swirling the thick patches of snow in its passage. It was as if the Vurgwall was inhaling, drawing the air into the fiery realm hidden behind its imposing peaks.

Casius stood at the cliffs edge looking down towards the valley. “It is wrong,” He mumbled. “We should have never left Calriss’s body behind.”

“Had we any other choice I would have done differently.” Connell said voicing his regret. “He was a brave man and deserved a fitting burial.”

“He was Mahjie,” Yoladt interjected. “In life and death he has served his Seh’ja honorably. When his tale is told his name will be honored among my people.”

Yoladt moved to stand at the edge with Casius. “All men die.” He said softly. “Our bodies are nothing mere shells for our spirits. It is what we leave behind in the hearts that we have known in life that truly matters.” Yoladt paused; grief was battering at his heart. “Calriss was my friend, since childhood we have always remained loyal to one another.”

Suni stood looking up the narrow pass. “We should move on, lest you desire to make the trek in darkness.”

The Mahjie nodded and led them up into the pass and deeper into the mountains.

The ground was treacherous, deep fissures riddled the floor of the pass. Sharp edged, yawning openings whose bottoms were lost in darkness. They were forced to inch along the wall of the pass, clinging to narrow ledges that offered little in the way of footing.

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