BlackWing: First Ordinance, Book 3 (27 page)

BOOK: BlackWing: First Ordinance, Book 3
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, I sent.
Someone has found the Lyristolyi drug and is using it

* * *

Le-Ath Veronis


Are you sure that's a good idea—changing your disguise to match a clone's?

They wander everywhere
, my father replied.
Nobody stops them. They eat, they sleep and generally do what they please

Barstle is a complete idiot, now?

It looks that way. Whoever this is has found a way to tailor drakus seed to do this. His actions are their commands

Like a Sirenali, only different?
I guessed.

Similar, yes.



Who's in charge? Any idea?

I can't say as yet—I'm afraid to ask questions, for the obvious reason.

You'll call attention to yourself.

Yes. There's a section of the palace where most aren't allowed to go—it's my guess that the one in charge is holed up there, with a Sirenali.

Makes sense. Well, I suppose a clone disguise is as good as anything else
, I said.

I'll let you know when I get more information

Thank you
. "Grant," I shouted aloud. "Get Gavin and Rigo. Now."

* * *


William Winkler appeared and had dinner with us. Afterward, he, Caylon, Sal and Kaldill locked themselves inside Kaldill's suite to have a discussion.

I did and didn't want to know what they were discussing.

Terrett and Berel pulled me toward the spa; we found Bleek there already, leaning back with all four arms splayed out on the flagstones while hot water bubbled around him. Jayna had put Barc to bed; Bleek wouldn't have left the boy alone to wander.

Now he was soaking sore muscles after a hard day training troops.

Ignoring the fact that he was naked, Berel, Terrett and I climbed into the water. Bleek barely opened his eyes to see who'd joined him before closing them again. "Getting warm?" Lafe, Bel Erland and Yanzi joined us.

"Yes. Hoping to relax," I mumbled, leaning my head back and closing my eyes.

"Which one help most?" Yanzi asked. "I give massage." Opening my eyes, I discovered he was nearby and grinning.

"Massage this way," Bleek murmured.

"Hold on, I'll take care of the four-armed mountain first, then I'll take your massage," I nodded at Yanzi.

"Four-armed mountain?" Bleek opened his eyes and sat up.

"Really? You're offended by that?" I crawled out of the water and went to sit behind him. At least I wore a swimsuit—he was still naked and still didn't care.

"Not really," he sighed the moment I put my hands on him. The healing glow was soft and gentle as I worked the kinks out of Bleek's muscles. He groaned in appreciation as the ache went away.

"I've never gotten any massage this good," he sighed. "Thank you."

"You're welcome. Just remember that if you ever decide to grab one of my wings again."

"I'll kill anyone who tries it from now on. I know now how big a mistake that was," he admitted. "You have my apologies."

"I accept." I swatted his arm. He laughed.

* * *


I wondered if the healing Quin provided for Barc felt as good as what she'd done for me. Training troops reminded me of how out of shape I'd gotten. With her hands on me, my troubles—as well as my aches—had evaporated.

I marveled that she could do that. Someone else may have wanted to dissect how she'd done it; I accepted it as a wonder and a work of beauty and didn't question it after that.

In fact, I looked forward to getting sore muscles in the future.

She and Yanzi disappeared after Yanzi pulled himself from the water and placed his arms around her. I sighed and closed my eyes again.

* * *


"He's there now?" Sal asked.

"Yeah. And before you say it, Lissa is just as shocked as you are that he's trying to help." Winkler shook his head—if anyone would know what was going on with Lissa, it would be her werewolf mate.

Frankly, I think all of us were shocked. I had no idea when Lissa had last spoken with her father.

Before now.

"This is what he told her—that Barstle Cardino is now addicted to drakus seed and under someone's control, and somehow, those dimwits have gotten their hands on the Lyristolyi drug and are making clones."

"What the hell for?" Caylon demanded.

"No idea," Winkler shrugged. "So far, Brenten hasn't gotten close to whoever is in charge—at first he was disguised as one of Barstle's dead servants, but now he's disguised as a clone. He's attempting to get into the owner's suite to see who's in charge, but for now, they're hiding behind guards, locked doors and a Sirenali, most likely."

"I don't think you understand how dangerous the Lyristolyi drug is," I said. "Between drakus seed and that, I'd say drakus seed is less harmful."

"I don't even know what it is," Sal admitted.

"It was supposed to be destroyed long ago," I said. "The drug was an abomination when the Lyristolyi created it in the beginning—all in the name of benign research. Having both drugs in the same hands? That's frightening."

* * *


"Whip, I want you and the ranos cannon aboard one of our freighters waiting outside Harifa Edus," Vardil instructed.

"What about Vic'Law?" Whip asked. "They're not exactly cooperating at the moment."

"They'll cooperate—or else. I've had a last trick tucked up my sleeve for a while," Vardil smiled. "Put in place two turns ago, without anyone's knowledge."

"Then I'm sure it's a good one," Whip nodded. "I'll need transport to the freighter—along with the ranos cannon."

"Deris will take you. Daris will stay here with me; I have a transference scheduled after Deris' return."

"I'm pleased to see you've found such a suitable body that can be cloned," Whip complimented Vardil. "You look amazing."

"It does suit me, doesn't it? Dorgus says the same."

"Dorgus is quite particular, so you know it to be true," Whip said.

"Yes. Go now—Deris is waiting for you. I want Harifa Edus destroyed. If you're successful, then target Le-Ath Veronis afterward."

"I will see it done, my Lord."

* * *


Yanzi hadn't asked for sex. Of course he wanted it, but was content to wait. Instead, he'd rubbed my shoulders and back, then tucked my head on his shoulder and lulled me to sleep.

I woke the following morning with a tingling itch between my wings. Something was going on, but I couldn't get past the fog that concealed it.

"I think same," Yanzi yawned and stretched before sliding off the bed and extending his hand to help me up. "If I snake, scales itch. I send mindspeech to Farzi—he say be careful."

"One of your brothers?" I asked.

"Oldest," Yanzi shrugged. "He keep us together when we young. Keep us alive, too."

"He sounds like a very smart man. Strong, too," I said.

"He is." Yanzi searched for his shoes—and mine. "We have breakfast. You train today."

"Oh. I forgot about that."

"Caylon not forget."

"I understand that about him," I agreed.

"He say women training want winged woman to come back."

"Now I feel self-conscious. Again."

"No. Not do. Come. Have tea and breakfast. Terrett waiting in kitchen."

* * *

"Defense posture," Caylon barked at me. My hands went up automatically. I had to shut off my brain—it wanted to overload on my lack of exercise for a few days, the fact that I might not be ready to block his blows and the women who were watching me.

Arm up to block the first blow. Turn aside to avoid the second. Turn back to prevent the takedown. Feathers in the eyes to get away. Wing extended to sweep his legs.

I stared in shock as Caylon fell, almost in slow-motion.

"It's almost like having four arms," Bleek said beside me as Caylon studied me from his position on the floor. "Your wings, I mean." He held out one hand and pulled Caylon to his feet with barely a grunt.

"She gives good massages, too," Bleek said before turning away. "After that fall, you might need one."

* * *


Brenten Arden

I watched as Barstle Cardino, now a mindless automaton because of the drakus seed he'd ingested, arrived to pull a clone away.

My suspicions went on high alert; would the clone be taken to the master suite?

Long ago, I'd been vampire, and half Karathian before that. I still held a vampire's gifts—when I chose to employ them.

I did so now, placing compulsion on Cardino and the clone, to take me instead. Whatever was going on inside the master suite, I would discover shortly. Feigning meekness, I followed Cardino out of the massive ballroom where the clones spent most of their time.

* * *


Lafe ruffled my hair when I appeared in the kitchen for lunch; I'd cleaned up after my training session with Caylon. After I'd dumped him once on the floor, he proceeded to trounce me soundly in front of everyone else.

I'd fallen three times to his one.

Still, Lafe thought it reason enough to celebrate. I was distracted, though—whatever caused the skin between my wings to itch when I woke was back and worse. A nameless fear nagged at my mind; one I couldn't set aside or ignore any longer.

When the Orb appeared, my fears were realized and my immediate fate sealed.

* * *

New Fyris


"Push now," Karzac directed. Beatris was having difficulty birthing her second child; Tory, who spent much of his time in New Fyris, had called me the moment they'd discovered the problem.

Beatris had already been in labor for eleven hours and was exhausted. I asked Karzac to go with me; he would save mother and child if anyone could.

Rodrik was in the birthing suite with us; he fretted nearby, worried about his wife and child.

"She has no strength left," I informed Karzac before taking Beatris' hand and feeding her some of my energy. "Now," I said. "Push now, honey. You can do this."

The moment the baby's head crowned, the shield my Larentii mates had placed around Harifa Edus took a hit. While the shield held, everything inside it was shaken, including the planet.

Only one thing could do that—
a ranos cannon

The second shot it sent in our direction was worse. The child was born amid Beatris' scream of pain and terror.

* * *


Brenten Arden

Some would have found them grotesque. I only felt pity as I gazed upon the creatures hiding the inhabitants of the master suite from even the most powerful. Twin Sirenali, joined through the tops of their heads to one another. They shared a large brain between them and neither could live without the other.

Someone had found the most effective weapon possible in hiding from those who sought him or her.

As yet, I hadn't seen who that might be.

Wylend, my father, and Erland, father to my grandson, who now sat the throne of Karathia, imagined it might be a talented warlock's spell that ramped up the effectiveness of a Sirenali to create this result.

Instead, the truth was so much sadder. They wore ill-fitting clothing—few comforts had been provided. It was my guess that they'd been used since they were very young for this purpose.

The saddest part was the metal cage in which they lived. I had no idea whether they'd ever been set free of it, once they were weaned. It wasn't even tall enough for them to stand.

Shoving aside my growing anger, I followed the empty-minded Barstle past the twins and into another section of the master suite.

* * *


I fell and rolled on the rub-mat of the ship, right into the midst of the crew on the bridge.

They'd already fired on Harifa Edus twice, and were preparing a third volley when I arrived. Most on the bridge I didn't recognize.

One stood out, however, and the moment he turned toward me, he raised a weapon to fire. Whip, Bleek's second-in-command aboard the
, was commanding this freighter and determined to kill me before he destroyed Harifa Edus.

* * *


Brenten Arden

His back was to me when the alarm went off—I watched as he snatched a comp-vid from a nearby table and shouted at it.

"What in the name of the bloody god's ass is going on?" he yelled.

Two more walked into the room while he waited for an answer.

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