Blaine, Destiny - Domination Plantation [Southern Plantation 1] (Siren Publishing Ménage and More) (19 page)

BOOK: Blaine, Destiny - Domination Plantation [Southern Plantation 1] (Siren Publishing Ménage and More)
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She took a deep breath and set her jaw. She knew he wouldn’t give her the answers she needed without complex mind games. “I know you killed their parents. They were overseas when they died, somewhere near Madrid if I had to guess. I don’t know the particulars, but it all makes sense now. The bombing had your signature, and while I never wanted to believe it, I now know the truth. I’ve seen Brogan’s scars. No one scars a man like that and leaves him alive to remember, except you.”


Jenna looked down at her bouncing leg. Uncontrollably, her foot tapped the carpet underneath her stylish sneakers. The ones dusty with the sawdust from her recent trip to the barn. “Velázquez! You answer me! You owe me that much!”

“I owe you nothing. I helped provide you with life and beyond that one duty, I don’t have to give you anything more unless you do as I tell you. Do we understand one another?”

“We always have.”

“As for your friends, I am familiar with the name. I’ll have to check with Cal, I mean”—he paused and chuckled—“your former Master.”

“You sorry son of a bitch.”

“Ah yes, your mother used to call me those names, too. We made a sport of it.”

Jenna knew what she had to do. She needed to see him, call him out, and ask for more information. “I need to know what you plan to do with the Evans brothers. They’re my family. Don’t you understand!”

“I’m your family!” he exclaimed, roaring with an anger she’d never heard before.

She backed up, regrouped, and tried again. “Yes, yes you are. But you returned to Spain, and you left me to fend for myself.”

“You were well provided for.”

“I was deserted!”

“You had your mother!”

“I was beaten!”

“You were trained!” he replied. “And because of it, one day, you’ll be glad you’ve endured such hardships because no one will ever be able to break your will or destroy your strength. No one except—” He paused and then said, “Your rightful Master.”

“If you think I belong to Cal, you’re crazier than the woman who gave birth to me.”


“She was a little nutty, huh?” he asked, laughing.

“I suppose anyone in bed with the devil earns the right to be insane.”

“Tsk, tsk,” he said.

Jenna stared across the room, the bedroom Jules and Brogan willingly allowed her to share with their niece when they first brought her into their home. She felt guilty now. She was in place for a grander purpose, one her biological father deliberately orchestrated.

“I’ll tell them everything I know about you,” she declared.

“And you think Brogan Evans doesn’t know more about me than he ever wanted to know?”

“I’ll lead them to you.”

“You have no idea where I am, dear daughter. I could be your next-door neighbor for all you know.”

“What do you want from me!” she screamed, eyeing Jules as he walked into the room, apparently surprised to see her on the phone if his wide eyes and dropped jaw were any indication of shock.

“I want you to secure your place in your Master’s bed, or both of their beds for all I care, and then I want you to wait for further instructions.”

“I won’t,” she defiantly said. “You can’t make me and I won’t do it.”

“That plantation you’re on, dear daughter, is the gateway to the north and the south. I want the land. I’ll make the Evans brothers extremely wealthy if they’ll provide a little labor, a little cover-up, a little respect. Oh, and the perks of course include my endless gratitude, unmatched protection, and, yes, you.”

Jenna dropped her head and refused to look at Jules. He sat down on the bed next to her and reached for the phone. She was tempted to let him have it. She wanted him to protect her from the one man who always had a way of tearing her life apart, even now.

“I won’t let you hurt them.”

“Ha!” he exclaimed. “Darling, your lovers have already been stamped with my vengeance. Jules is marked as mine. Brogan has seen hell’s gates and almost entered them because of his defiance. Their mother and father were defiant all the way to their deaths. As for Heath and Fiona? The targets have long since been positioned at their backs, and let’s not forget their bratty child Serena. I have delicious plans for her.”

“Don’t you hurt them!”

“I won’t have to, Jennifer. Fiona is going to die. Heath is known to take a sip or two every now and then, and his broken soul will lead him into a bar one night —in a moment of weakness, no doubt—and straight to his untimely, but highly anticipated death. Serena, well, I may eventually bring her here. Perhaps she’ll be on a search for a family by then, much like you were when you found them. An eye for an eye. What do you think?”

“I’ll…” She began cautiously and then continued with more confidence. “I’ll do anything you want,

Jules dropped his head.

“Ah, there’s my good daughter. Excellent. And you’ll be happy to know, you’re already doing precisely as you should. You’re in bed with my enemies, and we’re all about to become very good friends.”

Chapter Thirteen

Brogan walked into her room while she was packing. Jules hadn’t moved except to go downstairs once and when he returned, he slid an ice-cold water bottle in her hand. Their fingertips had touched, and the electricity between them shocked her. She’d lowered her eyes, and he’d tilted her chin upward so he could gaze into her face.

He didn’t say anything. She didn’t either. She continued packing.

Brogan cleared his throat. “It won’t help if you run, Jenna.”

She kept making her way to the closet and back again, tossing her clothes, hangers and all, into the luggage. “It might.”

Jules checked the window and then backed against the large windowsill, propping his ass on the wood. “He’s right. Velázquez has long arms, and his limbs are wrapped around us with a good, strong grip.”

“I’m so sorry,” she said, shaking her head. “Maybe if I’d never befriended Serena, maybe then things would’ve been different.”

“Honey,” Jules began, “he even orchestrated your friendship with Serena. Don’t you know? He was after this property long before you and Serena met. He needs us as much as the land. Our property is in a central location between the north and south, close to one of the major interstates, but it’s also a working ranch, one of the few profitable ones in the state. A sudden sale would raise eyebrows unless we help by ensuring a smooth transfer. It doesn’t matter where you go or if you run, he’s not going to give up on us. We’re his targets, and if you think by leaving us you’ll make it better, you’re wrong.”

Jenna noticed her hands shook, and she tried to steady them. Hurriedly, she stuffed her clothes in pockets on the outside of the luggage as well as the inside. Finally, she broke, sinking to the bed with her hands against her wet cheeks. “I don’t know what to do!”

Brogan sat on one side. Jules on the other. Brogan made the first move and took her hand.

“Maybe you’re right. Maybe it’s time for me to tell you about these scars,” he suggested, taking her fingertips and running them over the large imprinted slice across his left arm.

She shook her head. “No, it’s too late for that. I didn’t know what I was asking of you. I don’t want to know, not now.”

“I need you to listen to me,” Brogan said, clasping her hands in his. “We really don’t want you to go.”

Jenna slowly raised her eyes to meet his. “You don’t?”

“No, Jenna. We don’t,” Jules said, patting her leg.

“But if I stay, Velázquez will come after you.”

“Honey,” Brogan began, dropping her hand and standing. “He’s already had a large piece of me,” he told her, stripping off his shirt and showing her precisely what he meant when he took her hand and placed it on the widest cut across his God-given six-pack.

“Your parents died because of him.”

“Yes,” Jules replied. “And there are few guarantees that we won’t meet similar fates.”

“We still want you to stay,” Brogan said. “Really, Jenna. We do. We can protect you better than you can protect yourself. We want you here with us.”

She dabbed the corners of her eyes with a T-shirt she pulled from her luggage. “What would Heath and Fiona want me to do?”

“They want you happy,” Jules replied. “Heath wants you home, of course, but Fiona talked to Brogan at the airport, remember?”

She nodded.

“She asked me to take care of you,” Brogan said. “I gave her my word I’d never hurt you. I made the promise because I meant to keep it then, and I plan to make good on it now.”

She laughed, a soft sob slipped from her lips. “I love your family,” she said, immediately dropping her gaze to the floor.

“And you may fall in love with the best of the lot, too, if you’re not careful,” Jules said, grinning.

“I think that’s a given,” Brogan added. “What do you think, Jenna?”

Her hand drifted over his stomach, and she watched his expression change from one full of deep concern to one translated easily as pure lust. “You want me to stay?” Her hands dug deep, her fingertips following the pattern of a jagged scar.

“We want you to stay,” Jules rasped at her ear.

Brogan guided her arm lower. He placed her palm against his cock, pressing his hand against hers. “I want you, period.”

Before she could respond, he lifted her into his arms. He wrapped her legs around his middle, carrying her off to his room. She had little doubt of where he planned to take her.

* * * *

When a woman falls in love with a man, she typically finds she wants to love only one man until the end is near, and death calls her number.

Jenna knew nothing of monogamous love, but for some reason she thought of a line from her favorite poem written by an anonymous author. She knew nothing of love at all until Jules and Brogan showed her how to love two men and do it with more passion than she’d ever imagined.

Jenna Martin was deeply in love. She would die for her lovers, live for them. She would do pretty much whatever they asked of her.

As she watched Jules and Brogan undress, she realized her fate. She couldn’t fight her feelings regardless of who was responsible for bringing them together.

Brogan gathered her in her arms. “What’s wrong, subbie? You want your Masters to undress you?”

“Is that what you are?” she asked, her lips parting, waiting for a kiss to accept, a tongue to sip.

“I am. Jules is. You’re ours. Maybe it was decided long before we took you to bed. Who knows, maybe your father is truly responsible, but I don’t care.

“The only thing I care about is how quickly I can make love to you.” He took her by the hand and twirled her around. “Look at this sweet ass, Jules. Tell me if that’s not an ass worthy of a good fuckin’.”

Brogan went from serious to playful in a minute flat, showing her a side of him she’d never seen.

She laughed, and Jules took the lead. He came in behind her and reached for her shorts. He loosened the snap then released her zipper. Brogan pushed down her shorts and drew in a breath. “You didn’t wear panties?”

“I wear thongs,” she advised. “Sometimes, they’re so annoying.”

“Most of the time we want you naked,” Brogan informed her.

She raised a brow. “Really?”

“He’s serious,” Jules said, nibbling at her lobe. He reached under her country-style shirt and unhooked her bra. Brogan worked at the buttons on her shirt, and Jules manipulated her arousal, tweaking her nipples and rolling her pointed peaks into tight beads.

Pressing his erection into her hip, he twirled her around to face him once she was naked.

“Here now,” Brogan growled. “Share.” He swatted her ass and laughed when she yelped.

“There’s enough for both.”

“Always.” Brogan licked across her shoulder blades.

Jules dropped his mouth to her breasts, and she felt lost. He took her nipple into his mouth, and a warm sensation heated her entire body, warming her down to her toes. “Oh, God, Jules.” She cupped her breasts and pushed them high, encouraging him to nuzzle her, arouse her.

Brogan reached between her legs and fingered her pussy.

“Brogan!” she exclaimed, spreading her hips wider.

He pressed his thumb to her clit and rolled the hardened point counterclockwise before changing the pattern with pressure applied. He worked the little button faster and faster. “Come for us, sugar. Let me feel your heat.”

Jules drew her nipple between his lips, tweaking the point with the tip of his tongue. Brogan continued to draw out her excitement. He positioned his cock at her ass, while locking his fingers inside her pussy.

Right when she thought she’d explode, he pressed his palm to the small of her back. “Bend over for me,” Brogan rasped.

Jules dropped to the bed and brought her forward, his cock dipping inside her entrance as he held her high above his erection. Brogan spread her cheeks, snapped the end of a foil wrapper, sheathed himself, tossed a packet at Jules, squirted some lube—pretty much everywhere—and throttled her, sinking balls-deep as soon as he penetrated her.

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