Blake: A Bad Boy Romance (22 page)

BOOK: Blake: A Bad Boy Romance
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Chapter Forty-One


“I can’t believe they haven't caught this guy yet,” Tim said running his hands over his bald head. “Are you ready for this fight? You versus Rogers, the good old southern boy. Your mental game is good.”


“I’m ready for the fight and head is good. You’re the one that’s stressing out,” Blake said. He was prepping for promo shoot for the upcoming fight. He was shirtless in just a pair of loose red and blue boxing shorts, nothing like the the actual clothes they actually wore in the matches.


“Stand here,” the photographer instructed position Blake under the light. He didn’t really need to think for any of this; he was just a body.


“You’ve been training enough; you took a few days off?”


“You’re my manager and my lawyer, not my coach Tim. Don’t worry about my training. I’ve been working hard. I’m going to beat Rogers.”


“Ok good, because you are national news and this is going to be a big fight. Millions of people are going to watch; Vegas odds are going nuts.”


“Doesn't matter,” Blake said as he stared into the camera and the photographer snapped several shots before taking the camera to a different location.


“Why not?”


“Because every fight is the most important fight. The press doesn’t matter, the crowd doesn’t matter, the attention doesn’t matter, Darryl doesn’t matter. The only thing that matters is to win.” It was like he had tunnel vision, but the good kind. He could see his opponent clearly and nothing else mattered. He would take Rogers down. He would win.


“Good!” Tim said, clapping Blake on the back. “And if your answer is ever different, we got a problem.”


“Can you cross your arms?” the photographer asked and Blake obliged, giving the camera a serious look.


He would have to look at these pictures a lot. It was strange to walk into a building and see your own face beaming down at you, but it had happened to Blake more than once.


“Take five!” the photographer shouted and everyone dropped their equipment and Blake waited in front of a white background.


“Listen, I’ve been thinking,” Tim said. “You and Ivy, you should go out tonight. Go get some air, let some people see you out together.”


“You told us to stay inside and away from the press,” Blake said.


“Yeah, but now that the charges have been dropped and you’re back in the fight and the whole stepsibling thing isn’t turning out to be a huge deal, I think it’s time people saw the two of you out and about like a normal couple.”


“We are a normal couple,” Blake said.


“No, you’re not. You’re an MMA fighter and she’s being stalked by one of the richest men in the country. You’re both a little outside of normal. But got out and pretend for me, okay?”


“I’m gonna take her out tonight. But not because you told me to, but because I want to.”


“Fair enough,” Tim said throwing up his hands as the photographer came back with a different set of sneakers for Blake to wear. “We’re gonna be here for a while,” Tim said.


“I tried on sneakers for three hours today and they were just for the photo shoot. I wasn’t training in them.”


He was leaning against the doorframe, watching Ivy as she put on some finishing touches in the mirror. She had put on and then taken off every item of clothing she owned before deciding on the second thing she tried on: a flowing yellow, knee-length dress. Her hair was blown out into soft curls and she was putting on mascara to accentuate her eyes.


“Poor dear,” Ivy said with a shake of her head. “What a horrible life you lead. It sounds so difficult.


“I’m just saying it was an excessive amount of time.”


The walked out together and got in an Uber. There were a few paparazzi outside their door and Ivy and Blake held hands as the photographers snapped their photos. They headed into the car and took off toward the restaurant. Ivy smiled over at Blake and rested her hand on his knee. He squeezed her hand as they rode in silence.


Blake realized he hadn’t really taken Ivy out on a proper date. Everything had been too crazy, between their parents and Darryl and Blake’s arrest it had all be just too much. But, now, they were getting the chance to really be together. Sure Darryl was still on the loose and the paparazzi were following them, but Tim was right; they were a little odd. Maybe there would always be something a little strange about their romance.


“If you could have any superpower in the world, what would it be?” Ivy asked Blake. They were sitting at a private table in the back of Canlis sipping red wine with a view to the Northwest.


“Flying, definitely,” Blake said. “What about you?”


“Being able to breath underwater,” Ivy said.


“That’s a good one. But wouldn’t you be cold in the water? Or would you only swim in tropical locations.”


“I don’t know...I never thought about it. It’s cold the higher you go up,” Ivy said. “Are you going to wear a down parka when you fly, or just stay closed to the ground.”


“Wow,” Blake said. “Looks like neither one of us thought this out.” He smiled across at Ivy who bit her lip and smiled back and then took a deep sip of her wine.


“How expensive was this bottle?” Ivy asked. “Do I have to drink like a lady or can I go to town?”


“Please,” Blake said refilling both their glasses, “go to town.”


“I can’t really tell the difference between regular wine and super fancy wine.”


“No one can,” Blake said. She smiled at him and he remembered what it was be like to have this rhythm with her. They had this ability to be totally in sync. They were on the same level; when one told a joke the other got it right away.
would be the word.


They ate their food. It was the chef’s tasting. There was no need to look at a menu. Instead one perfect dish after another was brought to them. Everyone now and then a curious person would walk past and give them a long glance as she or he tried to figure out who Blake and Ivy were.


Two paparazzi tried to enter the restaurant, but they were stopped at the door. Blake knew they were amassing outside like buzzards. But they were buzzards he needed. They were the one’s helping Blake and Ivy look good; they needed the press until Darryl was caught.


“What are you thinking about?” Ivy asked.


Blake smiled and said, “Just everything, but I can stop now.” She laughed and tucked her hair behind her ear and suddenly he wanted to touch her. He wanted to put his hands all over her. She was so beautiful and still after all of this time he was struck by her. “Now I’m thinking about how good you look.”


She smiled up at him from beneath her lashes. “Can we stay out after this?”


“We can do whatever you want,” Blake answered.




They drove to Blake’s favorite club and he held Ivy’s hand and walked past the long line forming outside. People gasped and some even pointed as they passed. He heard someone shout out “Ivy McCormick!” but he didn't stop or turn around. He nodded to the bouncer and without a word the bigger man moved the velvet rope aside and Blake and Ivy walked into the club.


The dance floor was lit up with Technicolor lights and a synthesized beat was flowing above them. Ivy pulled Blake onto the dance floor. In the crush and the crowd of people they were invisible. They moved together, Blake’s hands on Ivy’s hips, her hands on his shoulder and his neck and in his hair. They moved with the crowd and for a few hours they managed to forget about everything. They forgot about the fight, Darryl, their parents. There was only each other and the dance floor.



Chapter Forty-Two


They arrived home well after two o’clock in the morning. They danced and drank the night away. Blake held her hand as they hurried out of club and into a waiting car. The paparazzi were there, but Blake and Ivy were only in the open air for a few seconds. Ivy couldn’t believe this was her life. Partying and paparazzi. She had gone to college with friends who had wanted nothing more than to be famous, but not Ivy. She hadn’t understood that desire for attention and validation from strangers.


She couldn't deny it was fun running from them. They were like a couple of teenagers hiding around their high school and avoiding hall monitors. In the back of the car they laughed as the world spun a little in front of Ivy’s eyes.


“How do you feel?” Blake asked resting the back of his hand on Ivy’s cheek. “You’re all flushed.” His hand was cool and Ivy closed her eyes and leaned into him.


She wanted to feel his touch. It was crazy how much she still wanted him. No matter how much she got, she still wanted more. “I feel very good,” she said biting her lower lip. “I haven't had that much fun in a while.”


“Good,” Blake said.


Ivy licked her lips and crossed her leg letting her short dress slip down her thigh. She glanced over at Blake whose eyes were frozen on her exposed skin. She traced her finger from her knee up as Blake watched. There was nothing else they could do. This wasn't a limo; it was just a black car and the driver was right in front of them. She let her hand slide up a little more, bunching up the fabric and Blake adjusted in his seat.


“We’re close,” he murmured.


“I’ll say we are,” Ivy said with a smile as she looked out her window.


They arrived at the apartment to a barrage of paparazzi. Blake got out first and held his hand out to Ivy. Being careful not to expose anything, Ivy stepped out of the car and walked with Blake towards the door ignoring the calls that came from the sea of flashing bulbs. They contained themselves in the lobby as they waited for the elevator. Finally, with a quiet ding, the doors opened. Blake gestured for Ivy to enter first; he followed and pressed the button for his floor and the cold metal doors closed in front of them.


Blake turned on Ivy and kissed her, pushing her back against the smooth walls of the elevator. He took her wrists in his hand and pinned them to wall as he kissed her and she moaned and slipped her tongue into his mouth as her legs rubbed against his.


He released her when they arrived at his floor and she was grateful that the doorman hadn’t let any of the paparazzi sneak their way in. There was no one waiting in his hallway. They entered the house and turned off his recently installed alarm.


“Wait, right here, don’t move,” Blake whispered to Ivy. He moved with precision through his apartment. He knew all of the places a full grown man could hide and he checked them all in under a minute as Ivy watched. He was like a lion, moving swiftly and silently from one place to another, looking for prey.


Finally, he was done and with a smile he came back to her. With one smooth movement he put his hands on her ass and picked her up. Ivy wrapped her legs around his waist as they kissed. He walked back to the kitchen counter and put Ivy down on top. She kept her legs wrapped around his waist. She didn’t want to let him get away. She pulled at his shirt, quickly pulling it over his head and throwing it aside.


Blake’s fingers snaked their way up her bare thighs. She shuddered at his touch as her high heel shoes fell with a quiet clatter on the floor. His hands cupped her thighs and he grabbed her legs and pulled her closer. She could feel his erection through his pants where it pressed against her leg.


Ivy ran her hands around his strong stomach and reached down and grabbed his ass before coming back to his belt. She kissed her way along his chest as her fingers undid his belt buckle and loosened his pants letting them slip to the floor. He was wearing only a pair of boxer briefs and Ivy slid her hand over his erection where it pressed against the soft black fabric.


Blake let out a low growl and grabbed her hips and pulled her closer. He kissed and bit her neck and then pulled her off the counter and spun her around. He found the zipper of the dress and kissed the base of her neck as he slowly slid the zipper down, his thumb following stroking her skin and making Ivy sigh and push back against him. Her dress fell to the floor and he unsnapped her bra and removed her panties, letting them fall to the floor. Her wrapped his arm around her and traced his fingers over her her before slipping them easily inside of her.


She moaned and leaned back into him, grinding her ass against his erect penis still held back by his boxers. They left their clothes on the kitchen floor and walked towards the bedroom. Stopping every two feet to kiss and touch each other, they slowly made their way to the bedroom. Once inside Blake lay down on the bed and Ivy crawled towards him. She leaned down and kissed him and his hands reached up to massage her perfect breasts.


She broke the kiss when he pinched her nipple, but he was there again kissing her as she moaned and writhed against him. She was so ready for him. She wanted him. She needed him. She grabbed the waistband of his boxers and slid them off as his erection broke free and stood at attention. Blake took a condom and rolled it over himself.


Ivy took his cock in her hand and, straddling him, he easily slipped inside of her. Ivy cried out as he entered her. She was sitting straight up and she could feel every inch of him inside of her. She moved up and down and Blake reached up and took her breast in his hand and she threw back her head as they moved together.


His cock was stroking her g spot and Ivy cried at he sped up. Blake reached for her and pulled her down. He kissed her and held her close as he continued to thrust into her. His hands were running up and down her back and grabbing her ass, urging her to go harder and faster. She was getting closer; she could feel her orgasm building up inside of her.


“Blake,” she whispered and she pressed her forehead against his chest. They were moving together and she was going past the edge. She was so close; she was so ready for him. She cried out his name as she felt her orgasm rush upon her. Her body tensed and with one thrust from Blake Ivy was gone, screaming his name as she writhed around him. He grunted and urged her on and she continued to thrust against him until he finally held her tight and with one last thrust finished.




The next morning Blake brought her coffee in bed. It was a Saturday and Blake didn’t really have a traditional schedule, but he liked to sleep in on the weekends and so did she. It felt domesticated and normal, and, yet, this was the same bed he had senselessly screwed her in the night before.


Blake’s phone rang, the loud clanging ruining their morning peace. “It’s Tim,” he said.


Ivy watched his face as he listened and slowly his expression became happier and happier until he finally hung up the phone.


“What?” Ivy demanded.


“They arrested Darryl last night,” Blake said getting out of bed. Ivy followed behind him, her jaw dropped open. “He was trying to pawn an antique clock and got into a fight with the pawnshop owner. He ended up breaking a five-hundred-dollar guitar and he tried to leave but the pawnshop owner kept him there and called the police. He’s been in custody since one in the morning.”


“Are you serious? I can’t believe it!”


Blake opened his computer and pulled up the new site Tm had sent a link to. And there it was, Darryl in all of his mug shot glory. He looked terrible. He had a black eye and the thin beginnings of a beard. Only he didn’t seem capable of growing a real beard and instead there were just thin patches scattered about his face. His eyes had a hollowed out look and were bloodshot and rimmed with red. “He’s being charged with a lot,” Blake said as he skimmed the article. “It could total up to thirty years in prison.”


Ivy felt her stomach drop. She couldn't believe it. Darryl behind bars for thirty years? It seemed impossible that he would ever get caught now it was looking like he could spend decades locked away.


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