Bleeding Violet

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Authors: Dia Reeves

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Bleeding Violet

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Bleeding Violet

Dia Reeves

This book is a work of fiction. Any references to historical events, real people, or real
locales are used fictitiously. Other names, characters, places, and incidents are the
product of the author’s imagination, and any resemblance to actual events or locales or
persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

An imprint of Simon & Schuster Children’s Publishing Division
1230 Avenue of the Americas, New York, NY 10020
First Simon Pulse hardcover edition January 2010
Copyright © 2010 by Dia Reeves
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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Reeves, Dia.
Bleeding violet / Dia Reeves. —First Simon Pulse hardcover ed.
p. cm.
Summary: A mentally ill sixteen-year-old girl reunites with her estranged mother
in an East Texas town that is haunted with doors to dimensions of the dead and
protected by demon hunters called Mortmaine.
ISBN 978-1-4169-8618-8
[1. Mothers and daughters—Fiction. 2. Mental illness—Fiction. 3. Dead—Fiction.
4. Supernatural—Fiction. 5. Texas—Fiction.] I. Title.
PZ7.R25583Bl 2010
ISBN 978-1-4169-9866-2
ISBN 978-1-4169-9866-2 (eBook)

To my mother, Glenda, who always lets me be myself


Many thanks to Susan Lynn Byerly Smith for not only being an awesome Alpha Reader, but also for coming up with the title of this book, though I still think
The Other Side of Crazy
is sooo funny (nice try, Ma!). Big thanks to my first agent, Michelle Andelman, for taking a chance on an unknown kid (always wanted to say that!). Thanks to Michael del Rosario for really getting my book and helping me make it stronger, and for understanding that yes, some people—like us—actually do have green veins. And thanks to Valerie Shea, because although I’m a stickler when it comes to word usage, she’s way sticklier (and yes I know that’s not a word :p). A big hug to my Blueboarder peeps, especially Amy Spitzley, Brad “the Brad” White, and Elaine “Sweetpea” Alexander—three folks who have taken the art of BS to a whole nother level. And Sylvia Nordeman! Thanks for keeping my secret writer life a secret and for letting me vent about all sorts of heinous stuff—you know what I mean … shh! Finally, I have to give a special shout-out to my family: the Reeveses, of course; the Costellos; the Mundines; and the Runnelses. Thanks for giving me the space to be as weird as I need to be.

Chapter One

The truck driver let me off on Lamartine, on the odd side of the street. I felt odd too, standing in the town where my mother lived. For the first seven years of my life, we hadn’t even lived on the same continent, and now she waited only a few houses away.


Why didn’t you have the truck driver let you off right in front of her house?
Poppa’s voice echoed peevishly in my head, as if he were the one having to navigate alone in the dark.

“I have to creep up on her,” I whispered, unwilling to disturb the extreme quiet of midnight, “otherwise my heart might explode.”

What’s her house number?

“1821,” I told him, noting mailboxes of castles and pirate ships and the street numbers painted on them. I had to fish my penlight from my pack to see the numbers; streetlights were scarce, and the sky bulged with low, sooty clouds instead of helpful moonlight.

Portero sat in a part of East Texas right on the tip of the Piney Woods; wild tangles of ancient pine and oak twisted throughout the town. But here on Lamartine, the trees had been tamed, corralled behind ornamental fences and yoked with tire swings.

“It’s pretty here, isn’t it?”

Disturbingly pretty
. said Poppa.
Where are the slaughterhouses? The oil oozing from every pore of the land? Where’s the brimstone?

“Don’t be so dramatic, Poppa. She’s not that bad. She can’t be.”

His grim tone unnerved me as it always did when he spoke of my mother.
Rosebushes and novelty mailboxes don’t explain her attitude. I never imagined she would live in such a place. She isn’t the type

“Maybe she’s changed.”


“Then I’ll make her change,” I said, passing a mailbox shaped like a chicken—1817.

How had I gotten so close?

A few short feet later, I was better than close—I was there: 1821.

My mother’s house huddled in the middle of a great expanse of lawn. None of the other houses nestled chummily near hers; even her garage was unattached. A lone tree decorated her lawn, a sweet gum, bare and ugly—nothing like her neighbors’ gracefully spreading shade trees. Her mailbox was strictly utilitarian, and the fence that circled her property was chin high and unfriendly.

. said Poppa, vindicated.
That’s more like it

I ignored him and crept through the unfriendly gate and up the porch steps. The screen door wasn’t locked—didn’t even have a lock—so I let myself into the dark space and sat in the little garden chair to the left of the front door. I sat for a long time, catching my breath. I sat and I breathed. I breathed and I sat—

Stop stalling, Hanna

My hands knotted over my stomach, over the swarm of butterflies warring within. I gazed at the dark length of the front door, consumed with what was on the other side of it.
“Do you think she’ll be happy to see me?” I asked Poppa. “Even a little?”

Not if you go in with that attitude. Where’s your spine?

“What if she doesn’t believe I’m her daughter?”

You look exactly like her. How many times have I told you? Now, stop being silly and go introduce yourself

Poppa always knew how to press my “rational” button. “You’re right. I am being silly.” I straightened my dress, hitched up my pack, marched to the front door, and raised my fist to—

. The force of the word rattled my brain.
Don’t knock. It’s after midnight. You’ll wake her up, and she awakens badly

“How badly?” I whispered, hand to my ringing skull.

As badly as you


Nine times out of ten, I awoke on my own, naturally, even without an alarm clock, but if I was awoken before I was ready, things could get … interesting. And apparently, I’d gotten that trait from my mother.


Just let yourself in
. said Poppa, his advice rock solid as always.
It’s practically your house anyway

I crouched on the porch, the wood unkind to my bare
knees, and folded back the welcome mat. A stubby bronze key glinted in the glow of my penlight.

A spare key.

“Only in a small town,” I whispered, snatching it up.

I unlocked the door and slipped inside.

A red metallic floor lamp with spotlights stuck all over it stood in the center of the room. One of the spotlights beamed coldly—as though my mother had known I was coming and had left the light on for me.

Aside from the red chrysanthemums in a translucent vase above the sham fireplace, and the red throw pillow gracing the single chair near the floor lamp, the entire living room was unrelievedly blue-white.

Modern, the same style Poppa had liked—

Still likes
. he said.

—and so I immediately felt at home.

My hopes began to rise again.

I slipped the spare key into the pocket of my dress as I traveled down a short hallway, my French heels clicking musically against the blond wood floor. I put my ear to each of the three doors in the hall, until a slow, deep breathing sighed into my head from behind door number three.

My mother’s breath. Soothing and gentle, as if the air that puffed from her lungs was purer than other people’s.

I stood with my head to the door, trying to match my breath to hers, until my ear began to sting from the pressure.

I regarded the door thoughtfully. Fingered the brass knob.

No, I told you
. Poppa was adamant.
You need to entice her out of bed

“I know how to do that,” I whispered, the idea coming to me all at once.

I stole into the kitchen and turned on the light near the swinging door. The kitchen, like the living room, was blue-white, with a single lipstick-red dining chair providing the only color, aside from me in my violet dress.

I dumped my purple bag by the red chair and went exploring, and after I learned where she kept the plates, the French bread, and the artisanal cheese, I decided to make grilled-cheese sandwiches. I took no especial pains to be quiet—I
her company. I’d traveled more than one hundred miles in three different crapmobiles and an eighteen-wheeler full of beer just to bask in her presence, but it wasn’t until I plated the food that she shoved through the kitchen door.

My grandma Annikki once told me that anyone who
looked on the face of God would instantly fall over dead. Looking at my mother—for the first time ever—I wondered if it was because God was beautiful.

I had the same hourglass figure, the same hazel skin, the same turbulence of tight, skinny curls; but while my curls were a capricious brown, hers were shadow black.

Island-girl hair
. Poppa whispered admiringly.

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