Blik-0 1946

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Authors: 植松伸夫

BOOK: Blik-0 1946
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Blik-0 1946

Music & Story Nobuo Uematsu

Illustration Hiroki Ogawa

Act 1

 This story takes place in Germany near the end of the Second World War.

 After many long years of research, Dr. Mabuse, an authority on artificial intelligence, had almost completed his multi-purpose battle robot.  But one night, as Germany drew ever closer to defeat, Dr. Mabuse packed up his creation and escaped from his laboratory.

 You see, the kindly doctor never approved of his research being used for war. He feared that his creations might do untold harm in the hands of evil men. So he decided to continue his work in a village far from the flames of conflict.

 "This body of steel is bulky and sure to cause an accident. And now that your purpose is no longer to fight, you won't be needing this awful gun in your chest. I shall remove your electronic heart and brain and place them in a body made of tin."

 It was 1946─one year after the end of the war. Having toiled for decades on end, the doctor's work was finally complete. And on this day, a tin boy was born with the amazing ability to learn from his own experiences.

Act 2

 Dr. Mabuse named the boy Blik-0.

 "Your name is Blik-0. From this day forth, I will teach you many wonderful things, and you will keep me company."


 And so Blik-0's education began.

 The doctor would share his knowledge with Blik-0, and the little robot would ask questions, expanding his understanding of the world one fact at a time. Blik-0 read poetry, listened to music, and learned about the beauty of art. The more he learned, the more exciting each day became.

 "Blik-0 is a robot.

 Humans have so much fun.

 Blik-0 wishes he were human…"

 And as Blik-0 grew smarter, the closer he came to getting his wish.

 "My name is Blik-0.

 I am not a doll.

 I am just as smart as any human."

 And so it went on, as days passed into months.

Act 3

 "Come here, Blik."

 "What is it, Doctor?"

 "There is something I need to tell you."

 "Something to tell me?"

 "Listen carefully. You are not to speak with anyone other than me."


 "Because if people were to see a talking tin boy, they would be shocked."


 "So you must never leave this house. And if someone calls, you must pretend to be a doll."

 "A doll."

 "Good boy! Ah…"

 Dr. Mabuse suddenly clasped his hand to his chest.

 "Is something wrong, Doctor?"

 "I… I have a very weak heart."

 "A weak heart?"

 "Oh, don't you worry, Blik. I shan't be leaving you any time soon. Not until I have found out just how intelligent you can be."

 "Leaving me?"

 "What I mean is, Blik, if anything were to happen to me…"


 "Yes, Blik. If I were to…die."


 "All humans die. But death is not the end. Just like a caterpillar casts off one body to become a butterfly, we humans cast off our bodies so that our souls might travel to another world. When that day comes, however, we won't be able to see each other ever again."

 "I won't be able to see you?"

 "Oh, Blik. I don't expect you to understand."

Act 4

 "Doctor Mabuse! Are you home!?"

 Without invitation, a young girl with bright, round eyes and freckled cheeks bounded into the house.

 "Dr. Mabuse is not here."

 "Hey! The tin boy talked!"

 "No! I didn't! I didn't talk!"

 "…But you're talking now."


 "My name's Puppe, what's yours?"

 "I am Blik-0."

 The seeds of friendship sown, Puppe began frequenting the doctor's house more and more often.

 "How old are you, Blik?"


 "Only one? Well then that makes me your elder!"

 "My elder?"

 "Yes! You must always respect your elders and do whatever they say."

 "Whatever they say?"

 "Yes. And I say it's time you had some proper clothes. Take this lovely ribbon…"

 One day, while Blik was alone, he thought of Puppe and his heart began to race. The more he thought of her, the faster it went until it started to hurt.

 "I love you, Puppe."

 As he said the words, his cheeks glowed orange.

 "I love you too, Blik."

 As he imagined Puppe's reply, his whole body began to overheat.

 Blik-0 was in love….

Act 5

 "I love you, Puppe."

 Blik-0 finally had plucked up the courage to tell Puppe his true feelings.

 "I love you too, Blik."


 "What's wrong?"

 "I am happy! I am…overheating!"

 "I'm happy too, Blik."

 "Now we will spend every day together."


 "Every day! Every day! Every day!"

 "I don't think that's possible."


 "I have to work."


 "Yes. And when I'm working, I can't very well be here, can I?"

 "Don't you want to be with me?"

 "Of course I do! I love you, Blik!"

 "Then we should be together."

 "I already told you, that's impossible."

 "Together! Together! Together!"

 "I'm sorry, Blik. I have to go."

 "Together! Together! Together!"

 "I'll visit again soon, okay?"

 Despite his advanced intelligence, Blik-0 was unable to think straight. The feelings in his heart simply wouldn't go away.

 Just then, the doctor came in.

 "Whatever has happened, Blik?"

 "Puppe rejected me."

 "Rejected you? Ah, I see! So my son is in love, is he?"

 "I am not your son."

 "Don't say that, Blik."

 "Why? I am not like you."

 "Yes, but that doesn't mean I don't care for you."

 "You care about your research."

 "Blik! What a terrible thing to say. Something must be wrong with your emotional wiring."

 "And whose fault is that!?"

 "I'll have no more of this, Blik!"

 "But it's true! While everyone else is having fun outside, I have to stay here! I learn about wonderful things, but never get to experience a single one! Why did you bother to give me the mind of human? All these feelings are making my ears steam! I don't understand a thing! Why did you make me!?"

 "Blik. You may look like a doll, but you are still my-"

"I am not a doll!"

 And with those words, Blik-0 bolted out into the night.

Musical Interlude - Ah, But Why?

 On that silver stage

 Beyond the window pane

 I dream that one day

 I'll be starring in the play

 But a dream's all it will ever be

 No matter how hard I try

 This tiny room, I can never leave

 A bird in a cage

 I know I'll never fly

 My mind is my own

 I think, therefore it aches

 My heart is my own

 I love, therefore it breaks

 I'm a robot made of tin

 Blik-0 they call me

 As smart as any human

 Why then, I ask

 Can't I be free?

 If I'm not

 Allowed to dream

 Why on earth

 Even make me?

 My mind is my own

 I think, therefore it aches

 My heart is my own

 I love, therefore it breaks

Act 6

 There was a young man who had heard rumors about a talking tin boy. His name was Sly. He had a plan to make money by displaying Blik-0 to paying crowds. But first he needed to gain the little robot's trust.

 "Hullo, hullo!"


 "The name's Sly. What do they call you?"


 "Nice to meet you, Blik-0. So why are you sitting there looking all blue?"

 "I am sad. My heart is broken…"

 "Ah, a girl, huh? That's rough."

 "I yelled at the doctor, and now my heart is full of regret…full of pain."

 "I know how you feel, kid. I've done a few things I've regretted in the past."


 "Of course! But you can't let it get you down. You need to find a way to pick yourself up!"

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