Blind Alley (9 page)

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Authors: Iris Johansen

Tags: #Duncan; Eve (Fictitious Character), #Facial reconstruction (Anthropology), #Large type books, #Louisiana, #Women sculptors

BOOK: Blind Alley
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"Maybe he did. Card counting is a mental exercise." "But very dangerous if you do it on the scale Trevor was playing. Like walking a tightrope. Serial killers get off on taking chances too. Did they find out anything on a personal level from Cornell?"

"Not much. Cornell said that Trevor was quiet and never talked about himself. He was always reading or playing with those Rubik-type puzzles. He was a whiz at that kind of stuff. But once he did mention being in Johannesburg."

"At last, something concrete. And did Interpol follow up on it?" "Negative. There wasn't any reason. No crime and Trevor had disappeared from their radar scope. They have enough to do without borrowing trouble."

"Well, he's back on the scope with a vengeance now." "And they're sending out feelers, but we may not get lucky anytime soon. I'll send you a copy of the fax I received from Scotland Yard and I'll let you know if we get anything else." She hung up.

"It's not much." Eve replaced the receiver. "They don't even know his nationality."

"It's more than we knew before."

"We know he's brilliant and shady and was trained to kill. That's not very encouraging."

The bell on the machine signaled the incoming fax. "Are we going to let Jane read about our Mr. Trevor's past?" Joe asked.

"Hell, yes. We tell her anything we can that will cause her to stop identifying with him. A mercenary isn't a role model." She went over to the fax machine and took out the two pages. "Besides, she'd resent it if we tried to keep anything from her. I don't blame her. So would I."

Joe nodded. "You're a lot alike." He smiled. "But I'm not sure that she's going to instantly condemn him for that."

"Why not?"

"Because I didn't." He opened the screen door. "And she's a lot like me, too."

The lights in the cottage went out.

Soon she'd be sleeping, Aldo thought. She'd be lying defenseless in her bed not realizing how close he was to her. He might be able to climb in her window and

No, he might be able to kill her but he'd never be able to do it as it should be done. No quick, merciful death for her. He'd disposed of even her counterfeits with the usual ceremony and he wasn't about to cheat himself of the pleasure with the true Cira.

So, watch and wait?

No, he couldn't stand to do that. Not this time. Not with her.

Then find a way to bring her to him and put an end to waiting. Make her kneel as he had those other women. Submission was hateful to her and the perfect revenge.

Yes, that was what he had to do. Make her come to him.

You have to come this way. Don't be foolish." His voice echoed behind her as she ran down the tunnel.

Whose voice? she wondered hazily. That's right, the man who had come out of the smoke and was standing at the fork of the tunnel. But she didn't know him....

No, that wasn't true. Jane didn't know him but she did. Antonio. His name exploded out of nowhere and with it came all the memories, bitterness, and anger again. "I'd be foolish to believe you. I won't make that mistake again. I know what you want."

"Yes, I want it. But I also want you alive. This isn't the time for battles."

At least he was being honest.

Or clever. Antonio was always clever. It was the quality that had first drawn her to him. Clever and self-serving and ruthless. But she had those same qualities and had no argument with them.

Until he had turned them against her.

"Why do you think I followed you?" There was anger in his voice. "I know the way. I could have left you to die."

"Or you could get me lost in this cave and then tell me you won't show me the way out until I give you what you want. Do you think I don't know that you always take advantage of every opportunity, Antonio?"

"Of course you do. Because we're alike. That's why you took me for your lover. You didn't trust me, but you knew me. You looked at me and it was like looking in a mirror. You could see every scar and feel the hate and the hunger that drives you."

"I wouldn't have betrayed you."

"I made a mistake. I'd been poor too long. I didn't realize that you were more important than "

"Liar." Hot. It was getting hotter and her lungs felt tight and sore.

"Yes, I'm a liar and a cheat and I've been a thief. But I'm not lying now. Let me help you."

"Go away. I'll help myself. Just like I've always done."

"Then die, damn you." His tone was harsh. "But you'll die alone. I'm going to live and become rich as an emperor and make the earth shake at the wave of my hand. What do I care if you burn, Cira?"

"I didn't ask you to care if "

He was no longer there. His shadow had disappeared from the tunnel opening.


Shake off this despair. She'd always been alone. This was no different. She'd been right to depend only on herself. He had betrayed her once and it was clear he was as ambitious as ever. Even if he knew the way out, he might have turned her over to Julius at the end of the tunnel.

But he wanted to live and he hadn't followed her down this tunnel. He had taken the path on the left. If he did know the way out, then she would be stupid to be stubborn and continue on this course. She had no idea how to get out of here. She would follow him down the other path. He would not have to know she was behind him. Use him as he had used her.

She turned and started back toward the branch of the tunnel. The earth was becoming hot beneath her sandals and the rocks on her right were beginning to glow dimly in the darkness. Her pace quickened as she felt a surge of panic.

There wasn't much time....

Jane was panting as she opened her eyes.

Hot. She couldn't breathe.

No, that was Cira.

Jane wasn't in the tunnel. She was lying in bed, in the cottage. She lay still and drew several long, deep breaths. In a few minutes her heartbeat steadied and she sat up. She should be used to this aftereffect but it was always new and terrifying. But this time it hadn't been as horrible as usual. The panic had been present but there had also been hope. Cira had thought she had found a way to bend fortune to suit herself as she usually did. She was always happier when she could take action.

And how was Jane so certain of that? Who the devil knew? Maybe she was echoing Antonio's words and Cira was Jane's mirror image. It felt strange to know Cira's name without understanding how she knew it. Or maybe Cira was some kind of manifestation of a split personality.

No, she wouldn't accept that explanation. She wasn't nuts and she didn't have any alter egos running around in her head. So she had weird dreams. They didn't do her any real harm and she found Cira fascinating. Every dream was like turning the pages of a novel and discovering something new with every sentence. If that story became a little too exciting at times and she woke scared to death, that went with the territory.

At least she evidently hadn't been screaming or whimpering this time or she would have had Eve or Joe running in here. She swung her feet out of bed and padded to the bathroom to get a glass of water. She glanced at the clock on the bedside table. It was almost three in the morning and in a few hours Eve would be getting up and starting to work. She didn't need to get up early and come in here to comfort Jane, she thought as she padded to the bathroom. She would get a glass of water and then go out in the living room and cuddle Toby on the couch until she was drowsy enough to go back to sleep.

She suddenly stiffened.

There was something wrong.

She turned to look at the Orvis dog bed on the floor beside her bed.


Chapter Six

Toby's red collar was lying on the top porch step. Jane slowly knelt to pick it up and saw a piece of paper fastened to it.

She heard the howl as she straightened.

Panic soared through her. "Toby! Toby, come."

Another howl. Far away. Across the lake.

She started down the porch steps and then stopped.

Bait for a trap. It couldn't be clearer. She should call Joe and Eve.

She slowly unfolded the note on the collar.

Come alone and the dog will live.

The implication was clear. If she didn't come alone, Toby would die. If she called the policemen in the squad car or Joe and Eve and set them to searching the woods, her Toby would not live through the night. Agony twisted through her at the thought.

"Is everything okay, Ms. MacGuire?"

She looked up to see Mac Gunther walking toward her from the squad car.

No, it wasn't okay, she wanted to scream at him. Toby...

Her hand holding the collar slipped behind her back. She forced a smile. "Fine, Mac. Just getting a breath of air. I couldn't sleep."

"Can't blame you." He smiled sympathetically. "But let us know when you decide to come out on the porch. You gave us a start."

"Sorry. I didn't think." She turned and started up the steps. "I'll just go back to bed. Good night."

"Good night."

She watched him turn and stroll back to the squad car as she opened the screen door. Give it a little time before she slipped away.

She heard Toby howl as it closed behind her.

"No," she whispered as she closed her eyes in pain. "You dirty bastard, stop it. I'm coming."

The howling pierced the night like a knife.

Bartlett jumped. "Jesus, what the hell was that? A wolf?"

Trevor began to curse. "Son of a bitch." He straightened away from the tree. "He's got her dog."


"I'd bet on it. It's her dog, Toby. I've been here three nights and never heard that dog howl before."

"That doesn't mean Where are you going?"

"I'm going to follow the sound," Trevor said curtly as he faded into the shrubbery. "Just like she's going to do."

"Should I go with you?"

"Hell, no. Go to the car and wait for me to call you. You make too much noise in the woods. If he hears you crashing through the brush, Aldo will kill the dog and then Jane MacGuire will kill both of us. She loves that dog."

The dog howled again.

"This could be a break," Bartlett called after him. "If you can get to the dog before the girl, you might be able to take down Aldo."

"I know that." And if he didn't get there in time, Jane MacGuire would be either butchered or taken prisoner. Some break. It wasn't the scenario he'd have planned if given a choice.

Well, choices had been few and far between since this macabre charade had begun. He'd have to take the hand that was dealt him. Don't think about the girl. Forget her. This was the closest he'd been to Aldo since Brighton. Think only about what he'd do to him when he got his hands on him.

Toby howled again.

She was closer.

Toby's last howl had sounded much nearer.

She stopped on the trail and closed her eyes, waiting for him to howl again.

If she could get a fix on his location, then she wouldn't be so vulnerable. She knew these woods. She and Toby had run and played over every inch of them for years. The minute she figured out the location, she could picture it and find a way to get there without blundering into Aldo's trap.

"Come on, Toby," she whispered. "Tell me where you are."

He howled again.

To the south. At least a hundred yards from here. Concentrate. Don't think what Aldo is doing to make him howl. He's alive. Now keep him alive. A hundred yards south. There was nothing but a glade surrounded by pines.

Where better to stake out Toby than an open glade? To get to him she'd have to go through the pines where Aldo would be waiting. At the thought her hand unconsciously closed on the butcher knife she'd taken from the cutlery drawer in the kitchen. Would she use it? The thought of stabbing someone made her shudder.

But it didn't make that bastard flinch. He'd killed before and now he wanted to kill her.

And he was hurting Toby.

Hell, yes, she'd use the knife.

Okay, was there any other path she could take to elude Aldo?

Not unless she circled around and entered the lake in the one place where the pines were scraggly and sparse. She would be able to see any waiting attacker as she approached from that angle and, if she was careful, he wouldn't see her as she crawled up on the bank.

Was there any other way?

Toby howled again.

If there was another plan, she had no time to discover it. She had to get to Toby.

She moved quickly to the edge of the lake, took off her shoes, and waded into the cold water.


Eve jerked upright in bed, her heart pounding.

Joe opened his eyes, totally alert as he always was when he woke. "What is it?"


"Is she having another dream? Did you hear something?"

"I didn't hear or maybe I did." She threw the covers aside. "I'm going to go check on her."

Joe sat up on one elbow and watched as she grabbed her robe and headed for the door. "I didn't hear her call " He stopped, tilting his head, listening. "Go check on her." He swung his legs to the floor. "Now."

She was already flying down the hall.

Empty bed.

No Jane.

She ran to the bathroom. "Jane!"

Jane's nightgown lay in a pool on the floor.

"She's gone?" Joe was behind her. He'd pulled on his jeans and was shoving his arms into his wool sweater.

She nodded numbly. "He's got her. He just came in and got her."

"I don't think so. He would have to be pretty stupid to try to get by Mac and Brian." He pulled the sweater over his head. "Get your clothes on. I'll meet you outside."

Eve didn't argue. "Where are you going?"

"To the squad car. They might have seen her." He headed down the hall. "Or Toby."


"I didn't hear Jane call out, but I thought I heard Toby howling."

Terror iced through her. "Oh, God."

"Maybe I was wrong." He opened the screen door. "Toby doesn't often "

And then they heard the howl.

* * *

The dog was staked out at the edge of the glade. All four legs were tied and his left hind leg was bleeding in several places.

Trevor muttered a curse. Christ, he hated those bastards who preyed on the helpless. Children and animals should be exempt from the cruelty of the world.

Yeah, sure. No one was allowed a free pass. He should know that by now. Close out the anger. Where was Aldo?

He had to be somewhere close to Toby to make the poor animal howl.

Trevor adjusted his infrared glasses and then studied the nearby trees.


His gaze shifted to the left.




A blurred shadow but definitely a human shape.


He moved silently forward through the underbrush.

The cold wind struck Jane's soaked clothes and sent a shudder through her body. She scarcely noticed as she crept through the sparse trees toward the glade. Be careful. The full moon that enabled her to see would also allow her to be seen. So far her memory had served her well. The glade should be right ahead....

And then she saw him.


Tears ran down Jane's cheeks as she caught sight of Toby's bleeding leg.

Hurt. That son of a bitch had hurt him.

And was going to hurt him again.

Someone was coming across the glade. It was too dark to distinguish anything about his appearance except that he had a large, powerful body, medium height and shoulder-length hair that could be sandy.

But there was nothing blurred about the glitter of the knife in his hand.

He dropped to his knees beside Toby.


She didn't even realize she was running toward him until she'd almost reached him.

"Don't you touch him!"

He swiveled on his knees. "You're here." His voice was exultant. "I knew you'd " He screamed as the knife in her hand entered his shoulder. "Bitch!"

His own knife lunged upward.

A hand closed on her shoulder from behind, spinning her away from that deadly knife. "For God's sake, get out of here. Now!"


A crashing in the underbrush. Voices. A dozen flashlight beams pierced the darkness of the trees surrounding the glade.

Aldo cursed and leaped to his feet. "Whore. I told you not to bring anyone. Did you think I wouldn't kill him?" His knife plunged down toward Toby.

"No!" She leaped forward but Trevor was already there, knocking Aldo to the ground and then rolling sideways to protect Toby.

"Stop! Lay down your weapons." Joe's voice. Joe running out of the forest toward them.

Aldo was cursing as he struggled out from under Trevor. The next moment he was on his feet and running toward the cover of the trees.

"Okay, Jane?" Joe asked, and when she nodded, "Eve and Gunther will be here in a minute. You stay where you are, Trevor." He took off after Aldo with the four policemen on his heels, guns drawn.

Jane fell to her knees, her anxious gaze on Toby. Aldo's knife thrust had not gone home, she realized with relief. "It's okay, boy. Everything's going to be fine." She crawled the few steps toward him and started sawing through the ropes binding him. "No one's going to hurt you again."

"You shouldn't have run at Aldo," Trevor said in frustration as he got to his feet. "Why the hell didn't you give me a few minutes more? I'd have had him."

"He was going to hurt Toby." She didn't look at him. "No one hurts my dog." But someone had hurt him, she thought in agony as she looked at the wounds on his leg. They appeared shallow but one was still bleeding. "Give me something to wrap around his leg. Everything I have on is soaking wet."

"I don't have time for canine first aid. I have to get out of here before Quinn gets back. I've no desire to end up in jail while Aldo is running free."

"After you give me something to wrap around Toby's leg." She glared up at him. "Take off your sweater."

He gazed at her in disbelief and then started to laugh. "You look like you're freezing. You need it more than he does." He pulled his sweater over his head and tossed it to her. "Anything else?"

"No." She turned back to Toby. "If you go south over the hill, you'll find a drainage pipe that will take you to the highway. I'll tell them you went north. It may buy you enough time to get away." She wrapped the arm of the sweater tightly around the dog's leg. "Go."

"I'm going." He stopped as he turned to leave. "May I ask why you're helping me?"

"I don't want you in jail either." She stroked Toby's head. "I can't be sure Joe will catch Aldo. No one else has been able to do it all these years. If Aldo gets away, I want everyone in the world to be on the search. You may be everything Eve suspects you of being, but you want to catch him. I saw that tonight and you know things...."

Toby turned his head and licked her hand and it nearly broke her heart. "Poor boy..."

She glanced up at Trevor and added fiercely, "I'm going to catch him, Trevor. He's not going to hurt any animal or woman again. Now get out of here so that you can help me do it."

He smiled and slowly nodded. "By all means." He ran south through the trees.

She could still hear Joe and the policemen crashing through the forest as she held the compress over Toby's wound. They might catch him. Lord, she hoped they did. Anyone who would torture a helpless animal was a total monster. On one level of her mind she had understood how evil Aldo must be but it had taken this cruelty to make it sink home.

"Let me look at it."

She turned her head to see Eve standing a few feet away. "The bastard didn't sever any arteries. I think he's going to be okay."

"I wasn't sure you were going to be okay." Eve turned to Gun-ther hurrying behind her. "It's okay, Mac. Go on after Joe and the others."

He nodded and took off at a run.

Eve dropped to her knees beside Jane and looked down at Toby's leg. "When I saw him lift that knife, I nearly had a heart attack. And then when he didn't kill you, I wanted to murder you myself." Her hands were shaking as she tightened the compress. "Why didn't you tell us, dammit? Don't you ever close us out like that again."

"He said he'd kill Toby. He's my dog. I was stupid. I should have kept him inside. It never occurred to me that he'd go after Toby. My fault. He's my responsibility."

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