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Authors: Opal Carew

Tags: #Romance

Bliss (16 page)

BOOK: Bliss
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She drew this one deep several times, then sucked hard. She released and nibbled the other cockhead with her lips, then swallowed deep. When she released it, she grasped each more firmly and guided them to her lips, then licked the tips of both of them. She opened her mouth and pressed the cockheads inside, straining wide to receive them both.

Her tongue swirled against one, then the other, then she squeezed them and sucked. Both men groaned. The cockheads filled her mouth . . . so erotic . . . and she licked and sucked as she stroked their hard shafts. She cupped their balls and kneaded lightly, then released their cockheads and guided the men forward until their balls hung over her. She brought one man’s ball to her mouth and licked, then did the same with the other man’s. She sucked on him, gently drawing his soft sac into her mouth, then the other. She squeezed them inside her mouth while gently stroking with her tongue. She released him, then drew the other man’s balls into her mouth, giving them the same treatment. Finally, she released him.

“You both taste so good.” She pushed the covers down and stroked her breasts, cupping them, then toying with the hard, puckered nipples.

The men dove down and sucked her nipples into their mouths. The feel of hot, wet man mouth on each nipple drove her wild.

“Oh, that’s so good,” she murmured as she stroked their heads, her fingers tangling in J.M.’s dark waves, while her hand glided over Quinn’s shorter, light brown hair.

A hand caressed down her belly, then between her legs. His finger stroked her clit, then dove inside.

“She’s wet,” J.M. said.

She opened her legs.

“Mmm . . . and ready,” she murmured.

“Well, that certainly sounds like an invitation.”

“I want both of you.” She drew in a deep breath. “One stroke each, one right after the other.” She still kept her eyelids tightly closed.

“We can certainly oblige that,” Quinn said.

They climbed off the bed. One grabbed her waist and rotated her ninety degrees on the bed and dragged her to the edge until her legs dangled over. Then he lifted her hips and the other man pressed pillows beneath her, raising her pelvis, then drew her thighs wide open.

One of them stepped toward her and a hard cockhead nudged her wet opening. His cock glided into her as he eased forward and filled her. Then he pulled away and stepped aside. She could feel him pressed against her thigh. The other man stepped into position and drove his cock into her. Deep. Stretching her. Then he stepped back. She could feel him against her other thigh.

The first cock entered her again. Then the second. Her heart thundered in her chest. Back and forth. One man after the other. Filling her. Stretching her. Driving her pleasure to soaring heights.

On the next stroke of hot, hard flesh driving into her, she grasped his hips.

“Oh, please. Keep going.”

He kept pumping as the pleasure flooded through her. She moaned.

“That’s . . . so . . . good . . . I’m going to . . . ah . . . I’m . . . coming.”

An orgasm blasted through her, searing her senses. The cock slid from her depths and another hard cock slipped inside. He spiraled while his finger flicked her clit and she immediately climaxed again, moaning.

His cock slid free and she could hear their murmured voices. Someone leaned toward her and his lips brushed her ear.

“In the dark . . . with your eyes closed,” Quinn said, “you don’t really know if you’re here with two men or . . . more.”

Another cock thrust into her.

“Is that a third man inside you now?” Quinn suggested.

From the direction of Quinn’s voice, J.M. moved inside her now. But she ignored that, thinking of him as Three.

She moaned as Three’s cock drove deep. Then strong arms circled her waist and he rolled over, taking her with him, his hard cock still firmly embedded inside her. Then another cock nudged her back opening. Number four.

Four’s cock pressed insistently, stretching her. Slowly, his cockhead invaded her opening, filling her as Three’s cock filled her vagina. Four eased forward until he fully impaled her.

They began to move and pleasure pummeled her from every direction. Her body went limp as they fucked her between them. Trapped between two hot, muscular bodies, hard cocks driving into her. She moaned as the pleasure intensified, then shot off the scale as ecstasy claimed her. She wailed, long and loud, her voice hoarse from the strain of expressing her joy so many times.

She gasped, riding their bodies . . . carried away by the pleasure.

One man groaned and at the feel of his liquid heat filling her, her orgasm crested one more time. Then the other grunted and heat filled her again. She gasped as she arched back against him.

Oh, God, they’d both come inside her.

They all slumped on the bed. The man behind her rolled sideways, and the man under her held her tight to his body. J.M. His hand stroked her back and she snuggled against him, his cock still inside her. She dozed, waking slightly as she felt herself repositioned on the bed, then she fell into a deep, satisfied sleep.

J.M. watched Kara, sitting beside him, take a spoonful of her soup. Quinn sat next to Kara and Grace sat next to Quinn.

Things weren’t going quite as J.M. had hoped with Kara. He’d thought by now he’d have had a chance to show her more of the advantages of Tantra. The problem was, once he’d brought Quinn into their fantasy role-playing, he’d become a more important player in their relationship than J.M. had planned. After the first fantasy—with Quinn as the anonymous stranger—J.M. had planned to follow up with some Tantra fire-breathing exercises, then a slow, lingering session of lovemaking, but Kara had been in such awe of the fantasy sex, he had wanted to let her revel in it.

Last night, with the threesome, he’d assumed Quinn would be on his way afterward, but Quinn had stayed and they’d made love into the night. Not that J.M. hadn’t enjoyed it, but he wasn’t getting enough one-on-one time with Kara, and he needed that to make her see the two of them were meant for each other. He’d already lost out to another guy in the past, and now that he’d found the woman he knew he was meant to be with, he’d be damned if he’d let it happen again.

“The Sex-a-la-Gala event starts this afternoon,” Grace commented. “It’s next door in the convention center. I really wish I could skip this afternoon’s sessions to attend, but I’m giving another talk. I hear they’re having some great specials for those who attend early.” She took a sip of her water, the ice tinkling against the glass as she tipped it.

“That sounds like a great idea,” Kara said. “I could probably find some interesting ideas for my column, and I’d probably have a better chance of interviewing some of the exhibitors since it probably won’t be too busy yet.” She glanced at J.M., her sapphire blue eyes questioning. “Do you want to go?”

“Unfortunately, I can’t,” J.M. said. “I’m giving another talk, too.”

Her lips compressed in disappointment.

“I can go with you, Kara,” Quinn volunteered.

Chapter Fourteen

J.M. stamped down the jealousy rising in him. He and Kara were meant to be together. Things would work out as they should. Quinn was not a danger to J.M.’s relationship with Kara. J.M. was just letting his baggage get the best of him. He took a deep, cleansing breath and let his jealousy evaporate into the ether.

“That would be great,” Kara said with a bright smile.

J.M. watched Kara’s blue eyes twinkle as she gazed at Quinn and they talked about the types of exhibitors they heard would be there. J.M.’s gut clenched.

Kara and I are meant to be together. Things will work out as they should.

Kara showed her conference badge to the man at the door of the Sex-a-la-Gala show. Attendees of the Sensational Sex Conference were allowed in free. He handed her a brochure and waved her and Quinn through. The show had opened only an hour ago and some booths were still adjusting their displays. The hall was huge, with rows upon rows of vendors and exhibits.

“Instead of following the crowd, let’s go down the far aisle and work our way back,” Quinn suggested.

“Good idea,” Kara said.

The number of people entering the show hardly represented a crowd, but Kara agreed with separating from the flow of people.

The sheer number of ways and materials in which the male organ had been rendered amazed Kara as they walked along the left aisle. Silicone, glass, quartz crystal, and even chocolate. Dildos, vibrators, sculptures, and candy treats. A huge seven-foot inflatable version stood along one wall, where a group of people took each other’s pictures standing beside it. Several versions of the female equivalent also sat among the sea of sex toys, art, and candy treats.

“There will be some shows and demonstrations on the center stage.” Quinn’s gaze scanned over the brochure.

“Anything interesting?” She leaned in close and suddenly became aware of the closeness of his body and the heat emanating from him. She’d never been with Quinn without J.M., and for some reason she felt a little guilty at her body’s reaction to Quinn . . . as if she were cheating on J.M.

“There’ll be a burlesque dancer in a couple of minutes, a demo of a sex swing about twenty minutes after that. . . .”

Her gaze scanned down the schedule on the glossy paper. “Oh, and a demo of a bondage bed. That should be interesting. But it’s not until eight this evening. We’ll be at the party.”

Quinn smiled. “You know it’s a masquerade party.”

“They said costumes are optional.”

He raised his eyebrows. “So you’d rather go naked?”

She smacked him lightly with her brochure. “That’s not what they meant.”

“You sure? It
a sex conference.”

She smacked him again. “I didn’t bring a costume.”

Quinn gestured around them. “Look where we are. I’m sure we can find something suitable here.”

She pursed her lips. She loved wearing costumes. “I’m not going in some skimpy French maid costume, if that’s what you’re suggesting.”

“Oh, I think we can be more creative than that.”

Music blared over the loudspeaker, then a woman’s voice welcomed them to the Sex-a-la-Gala show. Kara couldn’t quite catch what she was saying, but it had something to do with the schedule.

Quinn leaned in to her side. “She’s announcing the burlesque dance. Do you want to go see?”

Kara nodded and followed him down aisles past colorful booths toward the center of the large hall. The crowd thickened and she could see a raised stage ahead. Quinn took her hand and led her past groups of people so they could get closer to the stage, where she could see. Jazzy music began and a woman appeared on the stage in a blur of pastel blue feathers, sequins, and velvet. She carried a huge feather fan, which she swirled around. As she danced, she would occasionally hide behind her fan and toss aside a bit or two of her costume, then reveal herself with more bare skin on display. Finally, she was down to a glittering velvet strapless bra and panties. She wiggled her derriere and blew the audience a kiss over her shoulder, then waved her fan as she disappeared behind the curtain. A young woman in a black leather bodysuit picked up the items the dancer had discarded as the emcee thanked the dancer and introduced the next performer.

Quinn tapped her arm and pointed to the side. Kara nodded, knowing he wouldn’t hear this close to the loudspeaker. She followed him several yards from the crowd.

“Maybe we should see if we can get you one of those fans,” he suggested.

“As part of my costume?”

“Actually, I was thinking more if you were going nude, it would give you some cover.”

She batted him again, but she had drooled over the fan. She had always wanted a big feather fan like that. She had no idea why. She just loved feathers and they seemed so . . . elegant yet provocative.

“Actually, honey, there is a booth over there that sells those fans,” said a dark-haired woman with a half smile sitting at a booth with studded leather boots and sexy black corsets. “I think it’s the same aisle as the erotic chocolates, which you might have seen when you came in.”

“Oh, thank you.” Kara glanced at the leather items in her booth, thinking she should look around after the woman was so helpful, but this was not the type of thing she’d buy.

“Let’s go take a look,” Quinn suggested and led her away again.

They dodged past people in the aisle, found the erotic chocolate booth, then turned down that aisle.

“There it is.” Quinn stopped in front of a table with glittering rhinestones, sequins, and velvet. On the wall of the booth behind the table were several stunning feather fans in lively colors.

“Oh, they’re beautiful!” Kara’s eyes widened at the long, willowy, ostrich-feather fans.

“What do you think? Do you want to get one?” Quinn asked.

Her gaze caught on the price tag of one that was teal and white.

“Oh, my goodness, it’s almost five hundred dollars.”

A woman behind the table smiled. “That’s because that one’s two colors and a triple layer of feathers. If you want a single color and two layers it will only be about four hundred.” She pointed to a pure white one beside the one Kara had been eyeing. “And a single color with only one layer of feathers”—she pointed to a fuchsia one that didn’t look as full as the others—“is just over two hundred. All of them open to about fifty inches across and thirty inches high.”

Two hundred. She bit her lip. As tempting as the beautiful fans were, that was more than she could justify for such a decadent item. Especially one she’d never actually use.

“We have kits, too, so you could assemble one yourself. You save anywhere from fifty to a hundred dollars, depending on which fan you choose.”

That meant that the two-layer one—because she would not settle for the almost straggly-looking single-layer—would still be more than three hundred dollars. And she couldn’t imagine how it would look after she tried to put it together. Probably like a mangy sheepdog during shedding season.

“Thank you for your help,” she said, and grabbed Quinn’s arm and tugged him away.

“I take it the fans are out. I guess we better find a costume, then.” He followed her around the corner into the next aisle, then grabbed her hand. “Over there.”

BOOK: Bliss
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