Bliss Series Boxed Set: The Whole Damn Harem (3 page)

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C’mon, Mac, get it together, you’re drooling, and he’s waiting for an answer.

“Ah work, yeah, I just finished my shift at Northwestern,” I mutter, shaking my head to get rid of thoughts of him shirtless, and in my bed.

“Ah, a doctor then?” he asks with a smile.

“I’m a nurse in the ICU,” I answer back, the now stupid grin on my face getting wider as we sit there, smiling at each other.

“And how about you? Let me guess...a lawyer? No, wait, maybe an accountant? Nope, not that either. My last answer is undertaker.” I tilt my head and give him a returning ‘What’cha got for me now’ look.

He laughs and I literally stop breathing.

All of Daniel’s physical attributes are already measuring mighty high on the Makenna scale of hotness, but that laugh...the low baritone timbre that can stop wars, solve world hunger, and cure women of their need for underwear all at the same is the work of the devil. I swear to God, all he’d have to do is lie there and laugh all day, and I swear I could sit on his chest and get off.

“I’m a stockbroker,” he finally tells me, leaning in and putting his spare arm on the back of my seat. “And I guess none of my sexy nurse jokes will win me any favors with you either, right?” I notice a slight upwards curl of his lips, and realize that he’s not only sexy and has a laugh that could make a nun horny, but he’s funny too.


“Probably not, but you never know your luck in the big city,” I muse.

He nods in agreement. “Duly noted.”

“So, you like to play with money then.” I can’t believe I’m being so blatant with this man. He smirks, and wouldn’t you know it, out come the dimples. Freaking adorable, cute as all hell divots on either side of his cheeks, dimples!

They’re going to be my downfall.

“I like playing with other people’s money,” he murmurs. His eyes have gone dark now.

“Sounds like fun. What else do you like to do?” Holy shit, Mac! Why don’t you just hump his leg already? Damn, I must need some sleep, or some rabbit relief, or something. I look down and blush again. I may talk a good game, but my blush always gives my self-conscious side away.

“Lots of things.” He pauses for a moment, long enough for me to look back up into those gorgeous eyes of his. My breath hitches when I see him looking back at me like I’m water and he’s dying of thirst. “Candlelit dinners, long on the beach…”

He smiles as he says that last thing, especially when my eyes go wide.

Confidence simply exudes from him; he’s sure of himself, but not in an overly cocky way. But lord knows that I really want to know what he could do to me and vice versa.

“How about we start with my bed?” I say with a sexy smile and a wink.

And that is how I met Daniel Winters.

Chapter 3

“Sex on the Beach”


Daniel and I exchange numbers...well, he puts his number in my phone before handing it back, and we go our separate ways.

When I walk in the door, I find my best friend Kate sitting on the couch, legs up underneath her, nose deep in the latest issue of Cosmopolitan.

“Hey,” I say as I dump my messenger bag on the kitchen counter and throw myself down on the couch beside Kate.

“Hey, babe. How was your shift?”

“It was okay. Less eventful than my train ride home, that’s for sure.” I lean forward to grab the remote and click the TV on.

Without warning, the Cosmo magazine slams down on the table and Kate wrenches the remote from my hand, turning the TV off again.

“Spill! Nothing eventful happens on the train, so if you say something happened, it must be juicy,” she gushes, leaning in towards me excitedly.

I let the excitement of meeting Daniel rush through me once again. “Well, I met a guy-”

“What? Are the three you already have not enough?” she says jokingly.

“Ha-fucken-ha! I dropped my phone, and he picked it up and gave it back to me. Let me tell you, this man is fine. Actually, scratch that, he is the definition of fine. Businessman fine. Hotness wrapped up in a smoking hot volcano of fine,” I say rapidly. Thankfully, Kate is used to my rambling. She’s been my best friend since we were ten years old when I saved her from the playground bully who decided to pick on the redheaded, small bodied new girl who had just moved into our neighborhood. I actually punched him in the nose because he was chasing her with a pair of scissors, threatening to cut her hair. Since then, we’ve been stuck like glue. The only time we were apart was the six months I spent in Ohio.

“So, let’s talk about this smoking hot volcano of fine. What’s his name? What does he do? When are you seeing him again?” she rattles off. Kate is a little spit fire. As a hairdresser, she talks all day, so she has the habit of talking a million miles an hour.

“Well, he has the tightest set of abs I’ve ever seen.”

“Wait, how the hell did you see his abs already? God, Mac, I’m in awe of your ability to pick up men,” she says, slowly shaking her head in disbelief. “I can’t get one date most of the time, let alone pick a stranger up on the L.”

“Hey, give me some credit. He was holding on to the overhead rail and his shirt came loose. I only caught a peek, swear to God, but hell if I don’t wanna see more. Anyway, he’s got the most captivating caramel colored eyes. First I got lost in them, then I saw the abs, then he popped out two of the most lickable dimples I have ever seen,” I say breathlessly. Even thinking about those dimples has my heart racing.

“And lord knows you’re a sucker for dimples,” she says with a grin. Noah, my doctor friend from work, has the most gorgeous dimple on one side that pops out with his panty dropping smile he flashes me frequently.

“Yes, yes I am,” I reply with a smile. Hmm, I wonder when Noah is getting back from his conference. I make a mental note to send him a text.

“And what else? What’s his name?”

“Daniel Winters.” I caress his name as I say it. It rolls off my tongue seductively, like it’s meant to be screamed out in climax. All this talk about Mr. Winters has me craving something warm in my bed, like now.

“Earth to Mac. What does he do?” the ever present Kate presses, frowning at me because she knows I’m lost in my thoughts.

“Ah, sorry. He’s a stockbroker. That’s not the best bit though. You want to know what he said next?” I tease, waiting for Kate’s typical over the top reaction.

“Oh my God, what did the holy hotness of fine say to you?” she says, almost bouncing with excitement.

“I asked him what he liked doing, you know, for fun. And without missing a beat he said candlelit dinners, long walks, and sex on the beach,” I say with a sly grin and a blush creeping up my face, still slightly embarrassed at my reply to him.

“And…” she says, looking at me, her eyes sparkling with excitement.

“And I suggested that we start with my bed.”

“No, you didn’t! Holy shit, Mac, blunt much?” The fact that her mouth is agape at my answer gives me a hint that I’ve shocked her. It’s not something new to me. I shock Kate almost on a daily basis.

“Yup, why not?” I shrug my shoulders. I’ve been single and happy for the past four years; happily sexed up and fulfilled for the past eighteen months with three of the most accommodating and laid back guys I’ve ever met. What’s to complain about? If I see what I want, I go after it. I learned a long time ago that life is too short to wait around for good things to happen to you. You have to be proactive with this sort of thing.

“And?” She looks at me with her eyebrows raised.

“And we’re meeting up tomorrow night for a drink at 42
Street Bar after my shift,” I say matter-of-factly.

“Nice! Does he have any hot single friends, maybe a smoldering older brother spawned from the same womb of heat?”

I crack up laughing. Kate’s always had a way with words. It’s one of the things I love about the girl. “Not sure, but I’ll find out for you,” I say with a wink.

“Knew I loved you for a reason, but I’m thinking we need to make this interesting now. I just read in here,” she picks up the Cosmo again, “that my three date rule is highly recommended. I think you should try it with Daniel.”

I cough. She can’t be serious. Three dates without sex? Holy God, my cookie will have packed up and left by then.

Kate believes in the three date rule, no sex until after three dates. If the guys aren’t in it for something other than a quick easy lay, they’ll stop calling after the first or second date. Kate’s philosophy is that three dates proves that there is some effort being made on his behalf. It works for her. It makes her happy, and when Kate is happy, I am happy. But not so much when she inflicts this rule on me!

“You’re kidding, right?”

“Nope. Three dates at least. Bet you can’t do it,” she adds with a smirk.

“Grrr, okay, you’re on. What do I get if I hold out?” I ask with interest.

“Dishes for a week?” she suggests with a grin, knowing how much I loathe cleaning.

“Dishes and laundry and you have a deal.”

“Okay, but I’m only agreeing because I know you can’t do it.” Her smile is huge now as she rubs her hands together with glee. She thinks this bet is a sure thing.

“Now, I need to get out of these scrubs and have a shower. Want to order in and watch Big Brother?”

“Sounds like a plan, Stan,” she says, flopping back on the couch and resuming her reading of the sixty-nine best sex positions for the female orgasm.

And that, my friends, is the beauty that is Kate McGuinness. Quick witted, straight to the point, and frustrating as hell. Well her three date rule is going to be!


After my shower, and our night of gorging on pizza and watching wannabes act like idiots on some reality TV show, I decide to call it a night and crawl into bed. Checking the time on my phone, I set my alarm for the morning. I’ve got one last day shift tomorrow, then I have a three day weekend, and tomorrow night I’m meeting up with Delicious Daniel. Who knows where that will lead?

I snuggle down under the blankets and start to check my emails when I feel my phone vibrate with a text message. It’s 11 p.m. Who would be texting me at this time of night? With a smile, I open the message, half expecting a horny text from Zander or a schedule check with Noah, but I see that it is from someone called “Sex on the beach.” I crack up laughing at his audacity. I love his sense of humor already. He doesn’t pull any punches, obviously. He’s a bit like me in that respect.

I haven’t always been like this. I got sucked into an abusive and toxic relationship four years ago and vowed to never have my life dictated by a man again, and to never fall in love. I’ve followed one of those vows, and only broken the other when Sean gets me on my knees and makes me beg for him. And then he does this thing where he….wait, oh yeah, the text from Daniel a.k.a. Sex on the beach.

Sex on the Beach:
Hey, beautiful stranger, I’m lying in my bed fantasizing about all of the ways I can make you blush tomorrow night. It’ll be a challenge and a pleasure, for both of us.

Wowzers. This man is trouble with a capital T, and that’s just the kind of trouble I need.

Sex on the Beach is a fantastic drink. It’s fruity with an awesome aftertaste that stays on your tongue for hours.
Sex on the beach:
You’re trouble, you know that?
Trouble can be fun.
Sex on the beach:
I bet you are. But let’s get the drinks and awkward first date out of the way first, shall we? I am a southern gentleman after all.

My inner monologue is actually speechless. That is one for the record books. He’s played me at my own game and left me literally dumbstruck.

: A southern gentleman who names himself Sex On The Beach?
Sex on the Beach:
I’m an optimist, what can I say? By the way, I’m looking forward to seeing you out of those scrubs.
Sex on the Beach:
Shit! No, I meant in casual, non work clothes, not scrubs. Dammit. I should quit while I’m ahead, right?
See you tomorrow night, Delicious Daniel ;)
Sex on the Beach:
Sweet dreams, beautiful stranger.

Damn, all this flirting and text banter has me wet and aching. I reach into my bedside drawer, thanking the heavens that I stopped to buy batteries on the way home. God knows that I was already horny as hell before I met Delicious Daniel. Now that I’ve discovered he has a dirty mind, that feeling has simply multiplied.

With the flick of a switch, and a quick tug down of my pajama bottoms, I’m soon stroking my favorite purple rabbit vibrator against my increasingly wet pussy. I close my eyes, pushing the vibrating tickler firmly against my aching clitoris as my left hand gently squeezes my nipple, rolling it between my thumb and forefinger, sending an exquisite pulse straight to my pussy.

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