Bliss Series Boxed Set: The Whole Damn Harem (88 page)

BOOK: Bliss Series Boxed Set: The Whole Damn Harem
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“No more tears, gorgeous. I had you the moment I locked eyes with you. We were meant to be. I can’t wait to live my forever and beyond with you,” he whispers against my lips, an intimate moment just for us. I tip my chin up and brush my lips against his.

“Always and forever, Superman.”

“Never doubted it, gorgeous.”


The End of Mac & Daniel’s Happy Forever After


Bonus Content

When Mac met Daniel (Chapter 2 of Temporary Bliss) in Daniel’s POV


I walk onto the crowded train and take my place next to the door. Pleased to have finished work for the day, I pull my suit jacket off, loosen my tie, then roll up my shirt sleeves and undo the first few buttons of my shirt. It has been a long day which led into an even longer night. I’m not normally traveling home at this time of night, but there were a few unhappy clients who needed dealing with. To be completely honest, it has been the day from hell, with more losses than gains.

Hell, the entire week has been like Groundhog Day. I wake up, go to work, go to the gym, eat dinner then go to sleep before starting all over again the next morning. I’m more than aware that I need a distraction in my life. Something or someone to shake things up a bit.

I’m lost in my thoughts when I feel something hit my shoe. I look down to find a silver cellphone lying next to my briefcase on the floor, so I lean down to grab it. When I stand back up, I scan the train for any sign of said phone’s owner.

Moving through the crowded train cab in the direction of where the wayward phone came from, I catch sight of a gorgeous brunette wearing blue hospital scrubs. She appears panicked as she looks around the train. BINGO! Realizing that it must be her phone that I’m carrying in my hand, and thanking the gods for crossing our paths, I move toward her seat. As I arrive she looks up at me, and I’m taken aback by the most beautiful sea blue eyes staring at me. I smile back at her as I take her in. She is simply exquisite; truly one of the most beautiful women I’ve ever seen, and not traditionally so either, which is just the way I like it. With a cute curve in her lips, a light sprinkling of freckles across her nose, and the smoothest skin I’ve ever seen, I’m dumbstruck, though the most male part of my anatomy twitches with anticipation.

One look at her and I feel as if I’ve had my first big breath of fresh air for the day.

“Sorry, is this your phone? It slid down the floor from this direction, and you’re one of the only people on the train without a phone or an ereader in your hand, so I’m taking a lucky guess,” I ask casually, trying hard not to wince at how awkward I sound. Why am I nervous talking to this beautiful stranger? Oh, that’s right. Because she took my breath away without uttering a single word.

“Yeah, that’ll be mine. Sorry to make you come all the way down here,” she says looking completely embarrassed and blushing like a nervous school girl. To be honest, it’s kind of hot.

“Hey, it’s no problem. I don’t mind being given an excuse to talk to a beautiful stranger, on the L, at night, alone …” I say the last few words slowly and with purpose. It’s after eight on a Thursday night and definitely not safe for a single woman to be traveling alone in the dark.

“Makenna Lewis, but everyone calls me Mac.” I look down at her outstretched hand and make a point of raking my eyes down her scrub clad body. I can feel my jaw twitching as I look back up at her face. I pull out my best panty-melting grin as I put my hand in hers, shaking it once while deliberately running the length of my fingers down her hand, relishing in the electricity buzzing between us. My mom always warned me that my grin would get me into trouble, but right now I’m willing to get involved in any kind of trouble Mac has to offer.

“Daniel Winters,” I reply. I see her bite her lip and don’t miss the shudder that shakes her body. I can see that I’m affecting her just as much as she’s affecting me and I love it. My horrible day at work has suddenly taken a turn for the better.

“Where are you headed tonight? Have you just finished work, or just starting?” I ask, reaching up to hold on to the cabin’s overhead rail while looking down at her. Her eyes dart to my arms then slowly peruse my chest. I notice that she has zeroed in on the small section of my chest where my shirt had come away from my slacks, and I know she must have gotten a look at my abs. I’m not a showy guy, but I do workout daily, so I know that my abs are fairly tight. And by the way she’s looking at me, I could swear she's almost drooling.

“Ah work, yeah, I just finished my shift at North Western,” she mutters, shaking her head.

“Ah, a doctor then?” I ask with a smile.

“I’m a nurse in the ICU.” We just look at each other, grinning like idiots and waiting for the other to speak, but it’s not an awkward silence. No, I’m enjoying the tension pulsing between us. It’s full of possibilities that I really want to explore, possibly naked.

“And how about you? Let me guess … a lawyer? No, wait, maybe an accountant? Nope, not that either. My last answer is undertaker.” She tilts her head to the side, looking adorable as she gives me a ‘Whatcha got for me now?’ look.

I crack up laughing. This girl has spunk. She’s hilarious and has already proven that she has an awesome personality. Personality and intelligence win me over every time. I decide there and then that my goal for the night is to get this woman’s phone number because everything about her is turning me on. And by the way she’s looking at me, I think the feeling is definitely mutual.

“I’m a stockbroker,” I reply, leaning in and putting my spare arm on the back of her seat. It’s as if there is a magnetic pull, and all I want to do is get closer to her. She smells like vanilla—a scent that comforts and attracts me. This woman has me tied in knots at every turn, and I’ve only just met her. How is that possible?

“And I guess none of my sexy nurse jokes will win me any favors with you either, right?” She laughs, and I’m a goner. It has been a long time since a woman has evoked such a strong reaction from me and not just my bod—because Lord knows she is gorgeous—but my mind as well. Probably not, but you never know your luck in the big city,” she muses.

I nod in agreement, grinning at her sass. “Duly noted.”

“So, you like to play with money then.”

Wow, she’s being rather blatant. Normally that would put me off, but now it’s simply serving to intrigue me even more. I smirk, knowing full well that the dimples my mom says are my best weapon against women are coming out to play.

“I like playing with other people’s money,” I murmur, taking another chance to scan her body head to toe. I can’t get enough. Damn, she is everything I like in a woman, and I haven’t even seen her out of her scrubs.

“Sounds like fun. What else do you like to do?”

I feel the sides of my mouth curl up. Her beautiful blue eyes dart up to mine again before she looks out the window, and I see a blush crawl up those smooth pink cheeks of hers. Even in her scrubs she looks like any man’s naughty nurse fantasy. Shit! I need to get my head on straight; otherwise she’s going to think I’m just another leering creep on the late night train.

“Lots of things.” I hesitate, taking the time to think about my answer. I need to be witty … funny enough to make her laugh. Hell, I could be blunt as fuck and say, ‘Well actually, gorgeous, I’d like to take you home, strip you naked, and devour you in front of my floor to ceiling windows for all of Chicago to see,’ but I can’t see that going down so well. Although, with that glint in her eye, maybe it would. It makes me think there is more to this sexy as hell woman than meets the eye.

I reply to her question without engaging my filter. I figure that if I want to get to know her better, she needs a taste of what I’m like.

“Candlelit dinners, long walks … sex on the beach …”

My smile grows larger as her eyes widen. I see the spark alight in her eyes, and I know that it’s all on. I may come across as overly confident, but there is something about this woman that intrigues me. In our brief exchange, she has held her own and fired one-liners back at me with equal vigor and charm.

“How about we start with my bed?” she says with a sexy smile and a wink.

She’s the whole package, and what’s even better is that she has absolutely no idea that she is. I may not know much about her right now, but I have every intention of finding out.

That was the night I met Makenna Lewis.

My future Lois Lane.


Bonus Content

Mac & Daniel’s First Christmas


“Wake up, gorgeous,” I hear a husky voice whisper excitedly in my ear from the warm hard body currently cocooning mine.

I shake my head gently which simply earns a thrust of morning wood in my rear and a deep chuckle that speaks to my loins more than my sleepy body.

“Mac, it’s Christmas. You need to wake up so I can give you your present.” I feel the bed shift and I assume he’s sitting up behind me against the deep oak headboard of our king sized bed.

“I’d rather have the present that was offered to me a minute ago. As long as I can just lie here. We can role play. Sleepy, pregnant girlfriend and horny, rabid superhero swoops in to save the day, or make my day … if you’re good enough, that is.” I giggle as I feel Daniel’s arms wrap around my waist, and rub my belly, waking up the spawn inside.

“Shh, no talking. You’ll wake them up and it’s way too soon to be worrying about the kids hearing us.” He nips my earlobe before sucking it into his mouth. Damn, that man knows the right buttons to push. The hand on my belly moves upwards to my now larger than life boobs. Definitely one of Daniel’s favorite pregnancy side effects. Knowing that he’ll soon have me unable to think straight, I reach my arm behind me and find his weapon of mass impregnation (Hey! The name stuck, all right. Blame Kate!) straining toward me. Enveloping him in my hand, I start slow strokes up and down, adding a signature twist at the end just to keep him on his toes.

His hand moves quickly from my aching breasts and under my silk mistletoe panties to find me wet and raring to go, another positive side effect of this procreation business.

“Mac,” he growls. “Don’t start something you’re not gonna finish.”

“Wasn’t planning on it.”

He pulls his hand away leaving me to whimper at the loss. “Good because I think it’s time for you to sit up.”

“On your cock?” I add, rolling over to face him.

“On your knees, gorgeous. It’s my turn to give and, if I’m not mistaken, I have some mistletoe to kiss.”



Master Table of Contents


Temporary Bliss

True Bliss

Blissful Surrender

Permanent Bliss

Finding Bliss


Prologue ~ “Midnight Memories”

Chapter 1 ~ “Problem”

Chapter 2 ~ “Cool Kids”

Chapter 3 ~ “Wasted”

Chapter 4 ~ “Really Don’t Care”

Chapter 5 ~ “Drunk”

Chapter 6 ~ “Complicated”

Chapter 7 ~ “Wasn’t Expecting That”

Chapter 8 ~ “Someone New”

Chapter 9 ~ “Good Life”

Chapter 10 ~ “Light Me Up”

Chapter 11 ~ “Want to Want Me”

Chapter 12 ~ “What I Like About You”

Chapter 13 ~ “Ass Like That”

Chapter 14 ~ “Talking Body”

Chapter 15 ~ “Home”

Chapter 16 ~ “We Are Family”

Chapter 17 ~ “Lover of the Light”

Chapter 18 ~ “Marvin Gaye”

Chapter 19 ~ “Girl, You’re Alright”

Chapter 20 ~ “Lie a Little Better”

Chapter 21 ~ “Never Seen Anything ‘Quite Like You’”

Chapter 22 ~ “Like I Can”

Chapter 23 ~ “Jealous”

Chapter 24 ~ “Psycho”

Chapter 25 ~ “Man on a Wire”

Chapter 26 ~ “The One”

Epilogue ~ “What Goes Around . . . Comes Around”

Coming Soon … Crave

BOOK: Bliss Series Boxed Set: The Whole Damn Harem
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