Blood and Bondage (11 page)

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Authors: Annalynne Russo

BOOK: Blood and Bondage
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At his mistress’ decree, Oliver lowered his head
and obliged, unzipping the fabric that covered each breast in one fell swoop.
His puckered mouth took one plump areola into his mouth, while he rolled the
roughness of his weathered palm over the other.

“Suck harder, damn it! For Christ’s sake, do as
I command.” Anaïs screamed loud enough for the masses to overhear.

Oliver’s low rumble reverberated against her
skin. No doubt he was turned on, almost as much as she. With their bodies in
such close proximity, she could hear the man’s heart beating in his chest. His
carotid artery pulsed wildly on the side of his neck and she could no longer
war with her instincts.

Anaïs felt her sharp, serrated canines emerge,
ready to pierce her lover’s supple flesh. With his mouth still suckling her
breast, she reached down and clasped his enormous cock through his jeans,
stroking its length until he purred like a cat. Once in the throes of pleasure,
she sank her fangs deep, siphoning his blood greedily.

Oliver bucked slightly, then groaned in a clear
attempt to remain in control. She knew it must have taken everything he had not
to yank on the chains and pull out the stake attached to his hip. To hell with
the fact that her bite had made both of them feel good.

Anaïs pulled back, releasing the suction from
their pleasure racked bodies. Briefly, she gazed at his face. His eyes still
swirled with sexual intent. The flush of his cheeks and the sweat on his brow served
as proof that Oliver, too, had enjoyed their display.

Anaïs growled as her tongue swept over the twin
pinpricks she’d left in his neck in order to cauterize the open wound. Her shy
insecurities had been replaced by desire. “Don’t move, lover boy. The show’s
not over yet.”



Chapter Twelve


The Voyeur


“Be careful, Dom. Another stunt like that and
I’m likely to soil my boxer shorts.”

“Don’t you dare. Only I can tell you when to come,”
Anaïs snapped the spines of the rose-tipped flogger along the flank of his
torso. Oliver flinched, the momentum of his body causing him to shrink back
against the wall.

The dominatrix swooped in during her lover’s apparent
moment of weakness. She seized the waistband of his pants, and tugged on the
buttons until the head of his shaft peeked out from the top of his boxers. Already,
Anaïs could see a drop of thick, creamy seed resting on the tip. At the same
time, fluids once again moistened her crotch.

She shoved Oliver’s jeans to his knees, then
bent down to lick the speck of cum onto the surface of her puckered lips. In
response, her lover slammed his eyes shut and gritted his teeth. He was on the
verge to ejaculation, she could tell.

The flavor of his semen made Anaïs’s inner
muscles clench, hungry for her own earth-shattering release. She crossed her
legs and swiveled her feet, grinding her ass against Oliver’s stiff erection. With
two fingers, she massaged the nub of her feverish core. Then she turned her
head and pressed her mouth against her lover’s. The kiss was desperate,
agonizingly intense. She groaned into his mouth. The need to sheath her pussy
on Oliver’s cock decimated her rigid control.

Slow and deliberate, Anaïs unzipped the flap
that kept her covered up, letting the cool air hit her hot, aching clit. She
rose up on her tiptoes and rotated her hips. The subtle movement parted her
folds, and then enveloped his shaft with her femininity.

Oliver snarled, the sound akin to an angry, wild
beast. With his hands and feet still restrained, he pushed off from the wall.
He pounded into her, lunging back and forth until Anaïs’s sex clamped down on
him with a tight grip.

“It feels so damn good,” the vampire moaned as
her hips continued to thrust.

“Please. Tell me it’s okay to come,” Oliver
ground out through pursed lips, his jaw clenched as if wired shut. “I can’t
hold out any longer.”

“Oh God! Yes.” Anaïs screamed as her pussy shot
backwards with one last deep thrust. She felt his cock throb and pulse. Then
the spray of his seed exploded inside her, painting her walls with white-hot

With sweat dripping from their torsos, Anaïs drooped
down low and hugged her head between her knees. She gasped for air, unable to
breathe. Behind her, Oliver’s arms and legs went limp, dangling as if he were a
fish on a hook. After what seemed like an eternity, he regained his footing and
pulled out of her. The absence of his body forced Anaïs to cry out. Suddenly,
she felt empty and exposed. The glare of more than a dozen red vampire eyes
bore into her once again. Not a soul in the room had missed a moment of their
wanton display.

“Let’s go find Bobby and the twins. I’m in need
of a stiff drink,” Oliver said, while Anaïs put the remnants of her tattered
clothing back into place. Then, she removed the chains that bound him to the
wall, and readjusted the collar and leash around his neck.

“Fine by me. Besides, you’ll need a babysitter
while I go clean up in the ladies room,” Anaïs said, setting herself back on
her wobbly feet as she led her lover across the dance floor to the bar.

From the corner of her eye, she spied the
threesome. Bobby sat on a stool at a table by the entrance of the club, one
twin glued to each of his well-toned thighs. It was hard to tell the two girls
apart, excerpt for the unique ensembles they chose to wear.
wore a scoop neck purple jersey knit
dress with matching sling-back heels, while Sienna preferred a backless black
sequined mini and boots that rose passed her knees. Although their style of
dress appeared completely different, one thing proved certain; neither of them
could get enough of Bobby DuBois’ southern boy good looks and vampire charm. They
whispered in his ears and pawed at his rock-hard physique almost incessantly.

“Excuse me,” Anaïs said as she approached the
group. She cleared her throat, aware of Oliver’s hard, masculine frame at her
back as he came up behind her. “You two wouldn’t happen to know where I can
find the ladies’ room, would you?”

Anaïs needed to put some distance between the
human lover on her heels. Even though she’d ridden his cock like a bucking
bronco a few minutes before, her body still yearned for his touch. Already she
could feel the heat of her desire radiate between her legs. By no means was
their fuck session through.

The twins
ignored Anaïs’s question at first, but then Bobby lifted his head and met her
gaze. He slapped his girlfriends on their asses, then pushed off from his seat.
“Hand me your boy toy’s lead and I’ll keep an eye on him while you girls are in
the can.”



remained hidden in the dark shadows of the club. He’d been watching
and waiting, entranced by each sultry move his long-time lover had made. The
minute he spotted Anaïs step into the dimly lit room, he found he couldn’t look
away. Mesmerized by her beauty and unsurpassed sexual prowess, he took in every
nuance of her being: the wild, untamed curls that outlined her face. The long,
billowy elegance of a dancer’s frame. Her small, firm breasts. In two seconds
flat, the woman’s physical appearance had him horny and hard. No matter how
long it’d been since he’d fucked her, his cock responded the same way it always
had. But along with desire, rage brewed inside him too.

noticed her as she pranced across the dance floor, flaunting the
fresh piece of meat at the end of a short chain. It was the same pathetic human
she’d been frolicking around with for the last couple of weeks. The sadistic
demonstration they’d put on for the crowd helped fester
’s strong urge to torture and maim. It
wouldn’t be the first time Anaïs’s actions had caused him to lose his head. Three
female vampire fledglings could attest to that, if they were alive to speak.
Whenever his former flame was near, he had a habit of doing things he’d later

felt like a voyeur once again. He gawked at the female vampire as she shackled
her disobedient sub to the wall, then beat him with a whip, and stole his
precious blood. It reminded him of years passed, when he and Anaïs would roam
the streets of
in search of willing prey. Even then, he’d loved to watch her seduce helpless
human victims. More than a century later, it was still the biggest turn on of
his life.

Yet at the same time, seeing Anaïs screw another
man’s brains out made jealousy and rage bubble up inside of him. His blood
boiled and his eyes narrowed as their color shifted from deep brown to crimson
wanted to wrench Oliver Polinski by his chains, then sink his fangs into his pulsing
jugular and end his miserable life. The man didn’t deserve to live, not after
the insult he’d caused
by toying with his mate. He intended to kill the bastard. But first, he needed
to get Anaïs alone somewhere; if he didn’t tie her up and fuck her senseless, then
another bloody, dismembered newborn would soon litter the
New York

How can I possibly get Anaïs alone when Polinski
won’t let her out of his sight?

had an idea. Flagging down the waitress who nudged her way through through the
crowd serving blood out of test tubes, he flashed the petite brunette a sexy half-grin.
He was handsome and irresistible, he knew. With his dark eyes and obsidian
locks tied back with a simple leather strap, the young female vampire doling
out drinks couldn’t turn him down, no matter how hard she tried.

“Can I get you anything, sweetie?” the woman
asked, batting her eyelashes at him flirtatiously.

’s grin widened, turning into a full-blown smile. His hand snaked
out and wrapped around to squeeze her plump ass cheek. “I’ll take two of
those,” he said as his eyebrows rose in expectation. He’d carefully chosen his
words so that the waitress wasn’t sure if he referred to her derrière or the
vials of blood she held. Then he set a hundred dollar bill on the tray she
balanced in the center of her palm. “But I’ll need another favor first.”

“Sure. I’m yours to command.” Her eyes widened
in surprise as she focused on the generous tip he’d left her.

“There’s a man near the bar dressed as a sub.
He’s got a cell phone in the back pocket of his jeans.”
pointed in Oliver’s direction. A few
minutes earlier, he’d spied Anaïs and two other women headed toward the ladies’
room. It was either now or never. “I need that phone, but you’ll have to be
discreet. He’s here with some fairly shrewd vamps.”

“Watch this,” the waitress said with a wink.
Moving through the mass of sweaty, sex soaked bodies, she gently bumped people
out of her path. “Excuse me. Excuse me,”
heard her say.

’s location in the
rear right-hand corner of the club, he could see the entire exchange. The
cocktail server smiled as she approached the two men hovered over the small
round table enjoying a round of drinks; one of them held a glass filled with
what appeared to be whiskey while the other downed a shot of plasma.

With the skill of a master thief, the woman
pawned the cell phone out of Oliver’s back pocket, apologizing profusely for knocking
into him and spilling a drink onto his bare back. She slipped the phone into
the apron tied to her waist, then grabbed a handful of napkins to wipe away the
red streak dripping down his spine before continuing on her way.

Well done. Well done indeed,
thought to himself. The only thing
left to do was prepare the room where he’d carry out Anaïs’s much anticipated



Chapter Thirteen


The Cooling Off Period


Anaïs followed the twins into the ladies room.
While they both used the facilities, she, on the other hand, hugged the rim of
the sink. Her breath quickened as sweat from her latex cat suit stuck to her flushed
skin. Turning on the faucet, she splashed cold water onto her face and tried to
calm down. In the background,
and Sienna’s soft giggles barely registered in her mind. If they’d been talking
to her, she hadn’t heard a word the blonde bimbos had said.

Her thoughts were preoccupied with Oliver and
the performance they’d given for a room full of sick, sadistic vampires.

Never in a million years would Anaïs have
expected to find a man quite like Oliver Polinski. One minute, he’d shackled
her to a bed and played her body like a fiddle. Then next, he let her serve as Dom
to his uber-obedient sub. The whole fiasco with
had only been a convenient excuse, she
knew. She’d let Oliver weasel his way into her panties because that was exactly
where she’d wanted him. Hell, they’d only had intercourse once. Yet those
fifteen minutes plastered against the wall of the club had been the most
intense she could have ever imagined.

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