Blood and Snow 9: Love Bleeds

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Authors: RaShelle Workman

BOOK: Blood and Snow 9: Love Bleeds
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“Lips red as rubies, hair dark as night. Drink your true love’s blood, become the Vampire, Snow White.”

Praise for the Blood and Snow series:


“The modern twist on the Snow White fairy tale was interesting and original, which isn't easy to find these days. Highly recommended.”
Cannon, bestselling author of the
High Demons series

“This book will definitely suck you in (no pun intended) instantly.” Anthony

"BLOOD AND SNOW draws you in from the very
beginning and never let's you go, only to leave you anticipating more! Loved
it. Can't wait for volume 2." Debbie Davis from Debbie's

"This is a fun, smart, and sexy read!"
Elizabeth Mueller, award winning YA author of

“I definitely look forward to more, and recommend this to anyone who likes a fairy tale with a twist.” Kay Glass

“If you enjoy vampires and fractured fairy tales you'll enjoy these quick reads!” Laura Pauling, author of
the Circle of Spies series

“Best books that I
have read!”

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Chapter 1


I believed everything happened for a reason. After my mother died, that belief gave me hope, a life raft in a sea of pain. I convinced myself that maybe she was needed in the after-life, or that she was happier
—wherever there was.

Of course doubts existed.

Whispers within, telling me life was random, and a mishmash of messy people trying to get through each day the best they could. But I fought those thoughts, determined to imagine a purpose grew from the ugliness.

When I saw Christopher standing in the doorway, my first thought was: 

What the hell is he thinking?

My second: There’s a purpose.

More than ever, I wanted to trust that principle.

Everything happens for a reason.

Gabe drew a sword from his bac
k. “You’re not welcome, vampire.

I flinched. He might just as easily be talking about me. I was a vampire too. Did Gabe no longer welcome me? W
ere we not at least friends any

Christopher’s eyes flicked from mine to Gabe’s and then back again. “I had to make sure I sensed the change in Snow correctly. That she was, in fact, awake.” He nodded, a smile lighting his beautiful eyes though it didn’t reach his lips.

I smiled in response, flipping the covers off, sending my birthday cake to the floor. It splattered, icing going in all directions. The cake was red velvet. It would ruin the white carpet. But I couldn’t worry about that at the moment. The furious energy sizzling and snapping through the room had to be calmed.

The last time I saw Christopher, he was in what looked like a white casket, covered by a glass lid. The Vampire Queen had him, and had sworn she wouldn’t release him until I gave her the Seal of Gabriel.

While my mind was with Silindra, I heard Chris
topher tell me Sharra freed him.
It was good to see him. He looked amazing.

“I’m so glad you’re okay.” I stepped over the fallen cake, realizing I wore nothing but the nightgown. Crossing my arms, I continued, “I thought Sharra, I mean the Vampire Queen intended to kill you.” I hesitated, watching Professor Pops pick up the broken cake. “Sorry,” I said.

“No worries.” Bart came over with a trashcan and a towel. He and Sebastian helped Professor Pops toss pieces of the cake in the garbage.

It was instinct to want to help them clean, but I was desperate to
get closer to Christopher. He
told me I saved him. I gl
anced at his neck. The bear he
carved before he was killed, and then turned
into a vampire
, hung at the V of his white, button-down shirt. Defined muscles shone through the light material.

“She should’ve killed him, done us all a favor,” Gabe said, moving toward my Hunter.

“Gabe, stop,” I cried, forgetting my state of undress and stepping between the guys and Christopher. “I-I want him here.”

Chapter 2


Gabe snorted. “We wouldn’t be having this conversation if
you, bit you.” I glanced into each of the brother’s eyes, as well as Professor Pops. They all appeared to share Gabe’s opinion.
Except Pops.
His expression was unreadable.

“Okay, I get that,” I glanced at Christopher, trying to figure out his intentions. Did he have a death wish? He carried no weapon. He looked like a regular teenager coming home from school.
Black, lace-up boots.
Dark jeans.
A black belt with a silver buckle.
His white shirt tucked in. “He doesn’t have a weapon. He didn’t come for a fight.” I turned and gave Gabe a hard look. “Do not hurt him.” The Seal of Gabriel burned within. I recognized its power and shivered. I wasn’t sure what it meant. But I realized with the power I possessed, I could hurt someone.

Or help, my inner voice said.

“He doesn’t need one, Snow. He is
enough.” Professor Pops rolled his shoulders, wiping his cake-covered hands on the towel.
When he finished, he tossed it to Salvatore, who chucked the towel in a black hamper. It was
near the bathroom door.

It was one of those surreal moments, like watching everything and everyone around me in slow motion. Professor Pops, though old, still moved with lithe precision. He was a Hunter. He’d worked for the Vampire Queen. Professor Pops probably knew better than anyone what Christopher had to be going through.

Christopher smirked. The Religions Professor and the Hunter were calling each other out.

“Unbelievable,” I muttered, lifting one hand in the direction of Pops and the brothers, and the other at Christopher. “Stay where you are, all of you,” I hollered, twisting my head back and forth, hoping my voice sounded firmer than I felt. My palms crackled,
the Seal’s power
to be released
. “I mean it!”

Gabe, and Christopher must’ve noticed. Some of the fight left them, and Gabe put away his sword.

Professor Pops took a step back. “Calm down, Snow. Nothing is going to happen,” he said softly.

Sighing, I said, “You’re right, because we’re going to settle a few things right this second.”

Salvatore, Sebastian, Bart, and Dorian got off the bed, and stood next to Heathcliff, Daniel, and Professor Pops. Gabe was closest to me, and he nodded. I glanced at Christopher. He leaned against the door, glaring at Gabe. “Sheesh, there is way to much testosterone in this room.”

Cindy brushed past Christopher and ran, slamming into me with a bear hug. “Snow. I’m so glad you’re awake. Grandmother’s spell worked.”

I wrapped my arms around her, taking in the smell of her heady perfume. “What spell?” I asked quietly.

“The one Gram showed me how to place over you so I’d know when you woke.” She stood back, placing her hands on my arms. Tears ran from her eyes. “You’re back, and you look…” She examined me. When her eyes reached mine, they were filled with horror. “You realize I can see right through that gown, don’t you?” She turned so her back was to me, trying to cover me. “
,” she shouted. “Get out. The girl needs some clothes.”

I remembered my state of undress and covered myself with my arms. “Everyone sit and I’ll be right back.” I grabbed hold of Cindy’s shoulders, and turned her like she was my shield, or the look scope on a submarine. “Any idea where my clothes are?” I whispered.

She shook her head. But I heard mo
vement, and watched Dorian go
to the dresser. He proceeded to pull out a pair of jeans, a black t-shirt, a pair of matching socks, and underwear… to which I blushed. He handed them to me.

Your Converse are in the closet next to the bathroom, right over there.” He cleared his throat, working to keep his eyes off my body. I followed the finger he’d pointed and noticed the closed door, and next to that a rounded archway, which I guessed was the closet.

“Okay. Thank you.” I smiled shyly.

Cindy and I moved to the bathroom while the guys muttered, and shuffled as they found seats.

“Hey?” I stopped. I really wanted a shower. It’d been two years. Who took care of my body while my mind was with Silindra? I shuddered, and flushed. But as badly as I wanted a shower, it was important I speak with Professor Pops, the guys, and Christopher, before they killed each other.

Cindy wrinkled her nose. “I understand, and I’m on it.” She left the bathroom shouting, “All of you, get out! Wait downstairs. Snow needs a shower.”

Mumbling complaints filtered through the door and I smiled.

Cindy knew me too well.

I turned on the water and slipped out of the nightgown.

There was a knock on the door. Before I responded, Cindy hollered through the door. “They’re gone. I’m going to work on the cake stain on the carpet. Let me know when you’re done.”

“Alright. I’ll hurry.”

Chapter 3


“I dressed in a
, nervous about leaving the guys alone. Clothes on, I went to the full-sized mirror, next to the double sinks, to check the state of my hair. I hadn’t seen myself in a mirror for two years.

I looked like me, but different too. My hair was long, hanging almost to my waist. My face was more angular. The
were more filled out. The shirt Dorian picked out hugged them and the rest of me. Red words were written on it. Reading them made me giggle. Inside a large red box said, “WARNING: I Bite.” In between “warning” and “I bite” was a smile with two fangs and blood dripping off the teeth.

“I can’t wear this,” I said, noticing my cheeks were flushed. For some reason the idea of biting Dorian sent butterflies low in my belly.

Cindy knocked.

“Come in.”

“You look amazing,” Cindy said. I watched her read the shirt. “That’s hilarious. I love it.” She

I regarded her, stepping back, really checking her out. She’d changed. Her blond hair was shorter, but she was curvier, if that was possible, and elongated. Beautiful. She had on a light pink mini skirt with thick white tights, and black boots that reached her knees. Over a white tank, she had on a bubblegum pink cashmere sweater. In her hair, she wore a plain, silky black ribbon.  Her clothes weren’t quite as flashy. Still beautiful and perfectly styled, but subdued. “So do you,” I responded, turning to hug her. It was so good to see her.

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