Blood Before Sunrise

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Authors: Amanda Bonilla

BOOK: Blood Before Sunrise
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Fallon wasn’t the sort of regal, rugged handsome of Xander, and he was far from the tousled, supermodel gorgeous of Tyler. Rather, he was striking in a way that demanded attention. His features were sharp, precise, and betrayed his lack of humanity. Dark brown hair woven with reddish gold, clipped short in a style that bespoke an active life or military background, framed his face. Eyes, gray like storm clouds, studied me as he folded his arms across a broad chest. His legs were braced apart, military stance, stock-still and straight. His full lips spread into a smirk, and the expression somehow suited him. My body hummed as his energy funneled into me, making me feel too nervous and jittery to stand still. I knocked one boot against the other as if clearing the soles of dirt, then ran my hand through the wind-knotted ends of my hair. I lowered my gaze as I drew closer, unable to meet his eyes, but I could feel him watching me.



“It is always a pleasure to discover an excellent new author and series, and Bonilla qualifies on both counts. The debut of her Shaede Assassin series features a tough yet compelling heroine. Full of fascinating characters, high-stakes intrigue, and fast-paced action, it’s a truly exhilarating adventure! Do not miss out!”

Romantic Times
(top pick, 4½ stars)

“Readers should be prepared for a one-of-a-kind, exciting adventure that kicks off from the first page with a heroine who truly knows how to take the lead and kick butt while she’s at it. Urban fantasy readers will want to buy this book.”

—Night Owl Reviews (top pick, 4½ stars)

“Truly transcendental as well as gritty…an abundance of awesome action, as well as raw romance, all wrapped up in a fast-paced story that is fresh and unparalleled.
Shaedes of Gray
is going down as one of my favorite new series, and Darian as one of my new favorite heroines of 2011.”

—Heroes and Heartbreakers

“Let me tell you, within two pages (and, no, I am not exaggerating)…I just KNEW I had started reading a great book by a really talented author…. You will no doubt find it on my
Favorites of 2011
list. Yes, people, it was that good.”

—Yummy Men Kick Ass Chicks

“An action-packed debut for Amanda Bonilla that will have the reader begging for more.”

—Fresh Fiction

“I loved this novel; it was full of great characters and a seriously entertaining plot that I wished never ended. Amanda Bonilla wrote an unforgettable new series and I can’t wait for the sequel. I highly recommend this novel.”

—Seeing Night Book Reviews

“The main character is stoic and somewhat grouchy and I loved everything about her. Amanda Bonilla has created a brand-new series that absolutely wowed me!”

—The Romance Readers Connection (4½ stars)

Shaedes of Gray
was my kind of urban fantasy. I was hooked from page one, and I can’t wait for book two.”

—Urban Fantasy Investigations

“The first Shaede Assassin [novel] is an excellent urban fantasy starring a strong survivor.”

—Genre Go Round Reviews

“You never know what to expect when trying out a new author. Turns out, I had nothing to fear…. Urban fantasy fans will love this one, and I’ll be anxiously awaiting the next book in the series!”

—My Bookish Ways

n excellent foundation for a one-of-a-kind series and definitely makes me wants to stick around for the ride!…You want this book!”

—Wicked Little Pixie

“I was right to be excited about this book…. I have a feeling there is a lot more to come for Darian…a great urban fantasy.”

—Urban Fantasy Reviews


Also by Amanda Bonilla

Shaedes of Gray






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For Drew because you are daily proof that a person can do anything they set their mind to and it inspires me to keep going. And for Jacquelyn, thank you for being my sounding board. You’ve always got my back no matter what. And you know I’ve got yours.


Again, I find myself overwhelmed by what exactly it means to be a part of this amazing community of writers, readers, and book professionals. I have been reminded so many times over the past year of how fortunate I am, and I am truly thankful.

Juan, as always, you’ve been a trouper. I know it’s been tough at times, and despite the fact that my laptop is sometimes considered “the other man,” you’ve been supportive through it all. The fact that you tried to pimp my book to every person who passed it in Barnes & Noble with such pride in your voice is the only affirmation I need that no matter what, you’re behind me.

Mom and Dad, thanks for bragging me up and being proud of me no matter what I do. Niki, Cassidy, Nancy, and Jess, what would I do without you guys? I spend most of my time with fictional people. The fact that you understand it and encourage it means so much to me.

Sarah Bromley, you are the brainstorming master of the universe! I know that when I’m stuck, all I need is to call you up and in an hour or so, you’ve helped me talk my way through an entire story. You’re an idea machine!

Windy Aphayrath, I know I can count on you to call me out. Your eye for detail has saved my butt more than once. You get my angst and support me even when you don’t agree with me. Plus, you survived the killer rooster. You get extra points for that!

Suzanne Hayes, I wish I had your talent for poetry. All I had to do was send you my thoughts and you helped to
weave the words into music. I can’t rhyme my way out of a paper bag. I owe you.

To my partners in mayhem, Shawntelle Madison, Sandy Williams, and Nadia Lee, I’m so glad we’re on this journey together! Thanks for having my back. And Cole Gibsen, you rock out loud! Thank you for offering a shoulder to lean on when I needed it!

To my too-fab-for-words agent, Natanya Wheeler, and everyone at NAL, thank you so much for everything you’ve done for me. It’s the most wonderful feeling to know I have your support and encouragement!

Jhanteigh Kupihea, my editor, you are amazing! You know exactly what to do to bring out the best in me. My craft improves every day because of you. Thank you. Thanks also go to my production editor, Zachary Greenwald; my copy editor, Jane Steele; and my cover designer, Katie Anderson.

And last but certainly not least, to the reviewing and book blogging community. Your passion for a good story is exactly why I write. Your enthusiasm is contagious. Many of you spend hours working for free, networking, maintaining blogs and Web sites, and hosting contests, charity events, and blog tours. Thank you for your hard work. You are so, so appreciated.

As always, if I’ve missed anyone, and chances are pretty good that I have, you know who you are and how I feel. I take full responsibility for my scattered state of mind. In fact, I may or may not be thinking about nachos right now.

Table of Contents

Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Chapter 8

Chapter 9

Chapter 10

Chapter 11

Chapter 12

Chapter 13

Chapter 14

Chapter 15

Chapter 16

Chapter 17

Chapter 18

Chapter 19

Chapter 20

Chapter 21

Chapter 22

Chapter 23

Chapter 24

Chapter 25

Chapter 26

Chapter 27

Chapter 28

Chapter 29

Chapter 30

Chapter 31

Chapter 32

Chapter 33

Chapter 34

Crave the Darkness

About the Author

Chapter 1

hat are you looking at?”

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