Blood Chained (Dark Siren Book 3) (4 page)

BOOK: Blood Chained (Dark Siren Book 3)
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Chapter 5


Feeling stronger than since before he could remember, Rhane pulled himself to the fringes of the fur bedding and sat up. The room rounded in and out of focus before settling into sharp resolution. Rhane flexed his hands, massaged his neck, and slid to his feet.

“Be careful.”

He was in the inner chambers of a sizable living quarter. It wasn’t Jehsi’s. It didn’t smell strongly enough of him. A fire burned in the pit, warming the stone walls and floor. The cozy atmosphere was a welcome change from the prison. Taking his arm, Jehsi led Rhane to a chair beside the fire. “You sway like a young sapling in a wind storm,” he said and passed him a bronzed chalice. “Drink all of it.”

Rhane smelled it first. Abruptly, he wished he hadn’t. “I don’t think so.” He set the chalice on the table.

Jehsi picked it up, pressing it firmly back into his hands. “Drink.”

The tea was both bitter and sweet. A grimy residue clung to his tongue as he drank. And something frothy stuck thickly in his throat when he swallowed. But he drained the cup obediently, fought, and won a brief battle to keep it down.

“How long was I out?”

“A day and a half.”

Cringing inwardly, Rhane ruffled his hair. It had been cleaned, and so had the rest of him. “There isn’t much time, then.”

“No.” Jehsi stood and walked to the hearth. “When was the last time you took nourishment?”

Rhane shook his head. “I don’t remember.”

“You need to eat.”

“Sounds good.” His stomach growled grudgingly at the mention of food. “I’m starving.”

“And we must prepare.” Jehsi returned with a bowl of stewed meat and winter vegetables, placing it in front of Rhane.

Masking a scowl, he dug in and almost laughed in pleasure at the medley of flavors that danced on his tongue. “Must I endure a purification ceremony? You said this hearing was sequestered.”

“The Mothers hold fast to tradition.”

“Of course.” He suppressed a sigh. Purification wasn’t painful, only annoying. It mandated nearly a full day of bathing, losing considerable amounts of hair, and lots and lots of incense. In the grand scheme of things, the rituals were a small nuisance and an irresistible alternative to another session with dealers.

“There’s something you should know.” His father’s voice was heavy as he filled Rhane’s bowl with a second portion of stew.

Rhane watched him warily. “What is it?”

“Did you not wonder how the chamber was so perfectly designed to target your gravest terrors? To destroy your mind and will as our dealers ravaged your body?”

For a brief second, Rhane felt as he was back under water with serpents writhing around him. He closed his eyes, clenched both fists as he willed away the vivid memory. When it was gone, he could once again enjoy the heat of the warm fire. Jehsi watched him quietly while wearing an unsearchable expression. Rhane cleared his throat. “I considered it. But after a time…my single-minded focus became only to survive it.”

“You did well.” His father didn’t smile, but his eyes crinkled in approval. “They couldn’t break you.”

“Almost.” Rhane spoke so softly, Jehsi nearly didn’t hear. He lifted his voice again. “It was her, wasn’t it?”

Jehsi nodded. “She worked closely with our science men to have the chamber ready for your return. The Primes deemed your penance should bear the heaviest weight. Roma was there to ensure that occurred. She gave them your weaknesses.”

“Why are you telling me this?”

“Because your mother has no love for you, Rhane. No kind word. No forgiveness. She regrets your birth, resents me for allowing you to live, and harbors deep anger for her banishment from this mountain. Even after recovering her position, the rage and bitterness only festered. Be it her will, she would have them keep you here forever, thrown into a pit of serpents day after day. And if she knew of my plan, she would do anything to stop it. I love your mother.” Despite his words, all warmth fled from Jehsi’s eyes. “But I am prepared to do whatever is required in order to secure your release. I suspect a great darkness has enshrouded Golden Mountain, and I am taking those suspicions to our Mothers. Roma is a schemer. Always has been. If she is involved in any way, she will not be spared.”

“I understand.” Rhane slid the half emptied bowl away. He couldn’t stomach any more. “My love for her died during childhood. I will do what needs to be done.”

Tension visibly bled from Jehsi’s shoulders as he relaxed. “So may it be.”

Shifting forward, Rhane placed both hands on the cool slate of the table’s surface. His eyes glittered in the firelight as he held Jehsi’s gaze. “Will you share the seed of your doubts?”

“It started before you were born. Rhane, you must forget everything you learned of our history. Gabriel may not be the monster all have claimed he is.”


Greg and Lisa watched from the front porch as Kali left. Worry mingled with hope on both their faces. With a final wave goodbye, they went inside.

Kali didn’t know what she was feeling. Conflicting emotions brewed in deep pools of turmoil as she stalked down the driveway with single-minded direction. She was going to see Wesley.

Waiting by the car, Rion hurried into the driver’s seat when she closed her door. He seemed on the verge of panic. “Just hold on a second. Maybe we should go to York before we do anything too reckless.”

“I’m trying very hard not to be angry with you and everyone else. But it’s not easy. So just shut up and drive.” Confusion tempered the anxiety in his eyes. “Me? Why would you be mad at me?”

“Because you knew about Wesley.”

“I don’t recall confessing to that.”

“Yeah, but when I told you what my dad said, your reply was, ‘he told you?’”

“Okay. I might have said that.” Rion looked contrite. “Rhane said we couldn’t tell you.”

“I know.” Kali sighed. “I even told him it was okay not to tell me until he was ready.”

“Then why are you mad?”

“Because it’s Wesley! He was my biological father’s best friend. The night my parents died, he was the only one there for me. And for the longest time, he was my only friend. I trusted him. But all this time…” Kali stopped, blinked back the tears. Her voice fell to a whisper. “He’s not the person I thought he was. He’s not even human.”

“I’m sorry, Kali.”

“Don’t be.” She scrubbed stubbornly at her cheeks, wiping away the wetness. “This is a good thing. We can use Wesley to get Rhane back.”

“How are we going to do that?” Rion asked, sounding rather dubious.

“I don’t know yet.”

“Maybe that guy does.” Both of their heads jerked around at the sound of Matthias’s voice. Kali had almost forgotten he was in the car.


Nodding forward, Matthias pointed. Following the direction of his finger, Kali redirected her gaze to the windshield and nearly jumped out of her skin. A fairly large man had materialized in front of their car. Crisp khaki shorts and a white polo covered his dark brown skin. Eyes were set so far back in his skull, they appeared to be hooded. He was still, too still. Brambles and leaves were a tangled mess in his hair. Kali knew he had to be one of Ian’s men. But why was he here? And why was Bailen with him?

The black canine stared up at the kindred. A look passed between them even Rion could not decipher. “What the hell?” he muttered.

“That’s Dmiri,” Matthias said by way of answering. “He’s Ian’s advisor.” He cocked his head to one side. “Dmiri rarely leaves our den.”

“Great. This is bad news then.”

“Maybe. Maybe not.”

“Well?” Kali looked at Rion. “Are you going to go see what Ian’s advisor wants?”

Rion didn’t move. “I really don’t think I want to.”

“Oh for crying out loud.” She threw open the passenger door and walked to the front of the car. Rion’s footsteps trotted rapidly behind her. Bailen whimpered, nudging his muzzle into Kali’s hand. She petted his big head, rubbed his velvety ears. “Hey, Bailen.”

Dmiri didn’t speak. He only turned his reddish brown eyes to Kali, watching her movements quietly. She reciprocated the appraisal, searching his face, studying him up close. Though the clothes he wore were spotless, his skin and hair bore the usual tells of the wooded life of kindred.

“I acquired my dress on the way here.” Dmiri spoke as if reading her thoughts. “The boy was in a hurry.”

She frowned. “The boy?”

Narrowing his eyes in the slightest change of expression, the kindred glanced down at Bailen. “He…is male, isn’t he?”

“Yes,” Kali said and waited. But Dmiri offered nothing more. “Matthias told us who you are. What do you want?”

“I will need your help to answer that, dark one.”

“I don’t understand.”

“Bailen came to our home, found me, and insisted I follow him here. He led me to you.”

“I didn’t know that Bailen knew the kindred so well.”

“He visits from time to time. Mostly he watches from a distance.”

“Oh.” She didn’t try to hide her confusion. That bewilderment obviously caused Dmiri some amusement. He smiled, briefly flashing two rows of pristine white teeth, and bowed his head. “Tell me what doings the three of you are hoping to realize. And I will try to be of service.”

“Oh,” she repeated, almost stupidly. Bailen nudged her hand again. Kali struggled to collect her scattered thoughts. Ian and the kindred were their allies. Bailen obviously knew and trusted this man. Otherwise, he would not have led him to her. She took a breath. “We’re going to see someone I thought was a friend. He’s actually one of the creatures responsible for stealing my memories and putting me in this body. But I’m not going there to confront him. Rhane is missing. I know this someone can help get him back.”

“And how do you hope to gain this creature’s cooperation?”

“By doing whatever I have to.”

“So may it be.” The kindred inclined his head again. “Would you mind if I ride up front? I get car sick.”

Dmiri was strange. But in that moment, Kali decided she liked him very much.

Chapter 6


Rhane sat listening with rapt ears. All was forgotten except his father’s voice, and the words he spoke made Rhane question everything he once thought he knew.

“Civil war raged for years before I was called from the plains to resume my post and defeat Gabriel once and for all. My brothers thought my expertise in war strategy would be of great use in the final battle. Bearing the partial weight of Gabriel’s betrayal on my shoulders, I returned to carry out my sworn duty. Through the centuries, the lines of Blaccstag and Whytetree have always been close. Gabriel and I were no different. He and I were friends. When I gave up my seat as Prime to be with you, your mother and brother, it was a natural choice to elect Gabriel to take my place. Silas vehemently spoke against it. I believed it was only because he desired one of his sons to be named Prime. Later, I would think that maybe he’d spotted a darkness in Gabriel I was blind to because of our friendship. I think now I know the truth.

“I left the plains to meet Gabriel, now the fallen Prime, for a final confrontation. I led the Warekin armies and engaged our enemies near the Sliding Cliffs of Bracken. It was a fierce battle. Both sides sustained heavy losses before Gabriel called for retreat. When he and his men fled, my army gave chase. We were to extend no mercy.

“Riding Megiddo—that stallion ran faster than Armageddon’s winds—I alone was able to overtake Gabriel. Badly injured, cornered and defeated, he was still a proud adversary. But there were tears in his eyes as he begged to understand why I had betrayed him.

“Yes, I see your confusion, Rhanelin. As was I. I demanded an explanation, answers for the lives he’d taken, homes he’d destroyed, families he’d broken. Gabriel swore he was trying to save us. He said he had information to free us from the unending wars against the savages who attacked our borders. He said the war was not ours and proof existed of a greater evil. He claimed it was a truth we all needed to know because the evil would soon return. Something in my eyes must have convinced him I knew nothing of this. Gabriel swore to have brought this information before the other Primes in my absence, imploring them to act, to attack the true enemy. But they refused and swore if he spoke of such foolishness to any of the people he would be condemned as a traitor.

“Gabriel did not listen. He convinced many warriors to follow him. Rebellion started. And to his deep regret, upheaval gave rise to war.

“I told Gabriel if he ever hoped for me to believe such outlandish allegations, contradictory to every thread of Warekin existence, to everything I knew of our civilization, to our very cause for being—I would need proof. Upon his assurance to deliver that proof…I…I let Gabriel go.”

“What proof did he show you? Did he take you to see the caverns?”

Jehsi shook his head. “Gabriel never got the chance to deliver. He disappeared. Many of his remaining men were hunted down. But there was no trace of Gabriel. When I at last saw him again, a hunting party had found him. He was changed, no longer a beautiful Prime, but an ugly monster. And he was only a shell. Unresponsive. Open eyes did not see. Warm blood, but his breathing body did not move.”

Rhane tugged at his hair thoughtfully. All this time Jehsi had hidden pity for the monster reviled by all Warekin. He and Gabriel had even been friends. It was something Rhane could have never expected. But Jehsi wasn’t done surprising him.

“The caverns you speak of existed before Gabriel’s entombment. Ptolen, Silas, and I—like the Primes before us—witnessed the moving canvas and guarded the secret of our true origins throughout the generations. We built the desert outpost upon the tunnels to protect that secret, restricting access to only those of purest royal blood. The monument to our lost Primes came after the War, after Gabriel’s imprisonment.”

Rhane almost couldn’t believe it. “So—so you knew? All along you knew and believed Builders had created us all to cover a past mistake. You knew our war against the kindred and rogues was not our own.”

Nodding heavily, Jehsi took a breath and continued. “Gabriel’s ascension as Prime was never fully sanctioned. In Ptolen and Silas’s eyes, he was only an interim, one who was never meant to witness the secret of the Builders. Somehow he discovered the tunnels. He saw the truth. And he saw it as a great injustice done to our people. Gabriel wanted peace. He thought he could convince his brothers to want the same. He believed attacking and defeating the Builders would break the cycle. He called for the three species to unite in an ultimate war that would free us all.”

“Instead he found betrayal and civil war.” Rhane pushed away from the table. He needed to move. Getting to his feet, he began to pace. “So his own brothers betrayed him. And then the Builders finished him off. And you just stood by.”

“No. I let him go, fully intending to meet him later. If I couldn’t convince him to abandon his treason…” Jehsi hesitated, eyes pleading for understanding. “My younger heart desired to join him in rebellion.”

“The Builders would have never allowed it.” Rhane grimaced. “Then you both would have been entombed.” The strength he had quickly drained. Tired, he sat down again. “I don’t understand. If you have all of this, why do you need me?”

“The Mothers will perceive my testimony for what it is—solely based on my dealings with Gabriel and my intimate knowledge of the man he was. It will hold little weight. It’s possible they may even regard me as traitor for my mercy in letting Gabriel go all those centuries ago. But my testimony combined with your truths may hold enough words to sway them. Rhane, you must tell them everything that transpired between you and the siren. Before the massacre and after. I see it in your eyes. I’ve seen it every day since your return here. You hate the Primes.”

Rhane interjected, “I don’t hate you, Sire.”

“You blame us for many things. You know so much more than I. Tell them everything. Spare no one. They must see the corruption in the ruling triumvirate.”

“And if they don’t?”

“Then I fear things are worse than I hypothesized. Our Mothers are complicit to the great darkness.”

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