Blood Crazy (43 page)

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Authors: Simon Clark

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I said nothing. I picked up my son and walked down to watch the stream bubbling around the rocks. Then, softly, softly, I began to whistle him a tune I learnt a long time ago.

Ten green bottles hanging on a wall

If one green bottle should accidentally fall

Then there'll be nine green bottles hanging on a wall

Nine green bottles hanging on a wall

If one green bottle should accidentally fall …

There's not much more to write. For now, anyway.

If you're ever in the area don't be afraid to call in. Just ask anyone the way to Nick Aten's house. It's the yellow one in the middle of the village.

There's only one more thing to do before I do the customary author bit and write The End at the bottom of the page. And that is to say:
Remember what's inside your head. You, too, can do wonderful things and have a wonderful life. And whatever happens, you are never alone. DO NOT FORGET THE FRIEND INSIDE.


End Note – Year Three
Appended by M. C. Del-Coffey

Whether you believe Bernadette's explanation of what happened on DAY 1, and her theory of the unconscious mind being the personality ancient people identified as God, is entirely up to you.

I confess, I did not swallow the theory hook, line and sinker. No one should accept such radical hypotheses without question. Therefore, I ask that you should undertake at least a little corroborative reading of your own.

First, I recommend you see the following entries in an encyclopaedia:





Then if you wish to probe deeper I would suggest an elementary introduction to Psychology followed by a book about Dr C. G. Jung.

That last day in August, when Nick Aten heard the message from Bernadette beseeching Alexander to wake up and to build an empire, he changed. He became quieter, seemingly preoccupied with a huge problem. At the time I was mystified. However, when I read what you now hold in your hands all became clear.

Up until he handed me the manuscript he'd kept it under lock and
key in his study. I'm sure Sarah is not even aware of its existence. For obvious reasons, as you will appreciate.

Last November we learned that Cheswold, a small town, twenty miles from Eskdale, was besieged by Family Creosote. Before we had done nothing. We have limited resources. Our own survival was always paramount.

However, Nick changed all that. He led a force of thirty armed men and women to Cheswold and eradicated the attacking Creosotes. Cheswold is now a protectorate of Eskdale. We have installed schools and a new administrative centre there.

Ten days ago Nick spoke to Bernadette on the radio. As far as I am aware this is their first direct communication since he left the Ark in the December of YEAR 1. I don't know what passed between them; however, Nick became yet more introspective and began taking long walks to be alone with his thoughts.

Three days ago Tug Slatter returned from nowhere. He and Nick talked for hours.

Perhaps as a result of this conversation, and the one with Bernadette, Nick raised a force of three hundred men and women and announced plans to make his way south liberating every community that is under siege from the affected adults. En route they would take Harmby (Doc and Jigsaw's community) into our protection.

Nick Aten's aim is to travel into the very heart of the territories of the insane adults, find their HQ (if one exists), and destroy it. The ultimate aim being to annihilate all of the affected adults and ensure our country is a safe place to raise our families and begin rebuilding civilization.

I will keep this book locked in my safe. One day, when Nick Aten returns, I hope to place
where it belongs, in pride of place in our library.

And, the fates willing, there will be a second volume of his to go alongside this one. That will tell the story of how, after fifty thousand years, we were reunited with the Old Self that resides within our hearts. And that together we fought for the World.

And together we won.

A Note on the Author

Simon Clark is a prolific horror and speculative fiction writer. His short stories have appeared in several magazines and anthologies and he has been nominated for the Bram Stoker Award for Best First Novel and World Fantasy Award for Best Novella. In 2002 he was awarded the British Fantasy Award for
The Night of the Triffids

Simon Clark lives with his wife and children in Doncaster, South Yorkshire.

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Blood Crazy


Nailed by the Heart

For copyright reasons, any images not belonging to the original author have been removed from this book.
The text has not been changed, and may still contain references to missing images.

This electronic edition published in 2014 by Bloomsbury Reader

Bloomsbury Reader is a division of Bloomsbury Publishing Plc, 50 Bedford Square, London WC1B 3DP

First published in Great Britain in 1995 by Hodder and Stoughton

Copyright © 1995 Simon Clark

All rights reserved
You may not copy, distribute, transmit, reproduce or otherwise make available this publication (or any part of it) in any form, or by any means (including without limitation electronic, digital, optical, mechanical, photocopying, printing, recording or otherwise), without the prior written permission of the publisher. Any person who does any unauthorised act in relation to this publication may be liable to criminal prosecution and civil claims for damages.

The moral right of the author is asserted.

eISBN: 9781448214693

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