Blood Cursed (14 page)

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Authors: Erica Hayes

Tags: #Thrillers, #Paranormal, #Fantasy, #General, #Erotica, #Fiction

BOOK: Blood Cursed
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“Uhh … this is a bad idea.” The words trembled on my tongue. But he curled his wings around us in shimmerpink shadow, and his hot-glass-and-roses scent poured melting need over my skin like honey, and I couldn’t help tilting my chin up, inviting him on.

“No badness. Just this.” He trailed kisses across my bruised throat and up to my chin, and it felt so naughty and dangerous, every featherlight caress a torture deep inside. My wingjoints ached hard, longing for more. He burbled darkly with faewarm desire, halfway between a sigh and a growl. “You make me reckless, Ember. Let’s go home and play.”

Moonstruck longing crippled my reason. God, it’d feel so good. To lose myself in his kiss, forget about tomorrow and demons and dead boyfriends and live here, now, in this glorious, triumphant moment.

“Can’t,” I murmured, but my eyes fluttered closed. His fairy weirdness pulled a magical riptide deep in my blood, and I wanted to melt in his arms and let him do whatever he wanted to me. Would it be so bad, to be captured? He was hot and male and so beautiful, I ached. He made me laugh, exult, shiver, howl inside to the greedy moon.

But he was also mad, careless and domineering, the same thoughtless arrogance as Jasper but a hundred times worse.

It’d be so easy to throw my freedom away.

Maybe Diamond did act on impulse. Maybe the way he teased his lips in my hair was a whim, his fingers sliding over my hips just a mad notion he was running with to pass the time. And maybe he’d forget me just as quickly, like a whimsical summer breeze whisking through his mind and clearing out the trash.

But I wouldn’t forget. When I jumped in, it was with everything I had. And before I knew it, it’d be too late to climb out.

. You like me. I sure as hell want you. Who’ll care?” His mouth hovered over mine, tempting me to come to him. Desire dizzied me, tingling through my body until my breasts ached heavy and my sex slicked wet for his touch. His nearness stole my breath, the pressure of his body on mine—how did we get so close?—his smooth muscles sliding against me melted my limbs to quivering. Different from Jasper. So big and hard-packed and luscious. Almost like a human …

God, this was crazy. But I couldn’t help it. How would it feel, to slide my palms over his naked chest, that shining flesh mine to play with? Sit naked in his lap and ease him inside me, feel him move, thrust into me, pleasure me?

Perhaps he heard me thinking—or was it obvious, the way my body molded to him, the iron scent of my moisture fresh?—because he laughed, a soft crystal tinkle that drove me wild. “C’mon, then. Let’s seeify.”

He stroked the quivering curve of my back, and my knees nearly buckled, it felt so good. How did he know that? My wingtips curled in anticipation. Desire battled common sense in my aching body. God, I wanted to kiss him.

He leaned closer, and my nipples stung hard against his chest. He must have felt it. Must know I yearned for him. He was tempting me, easy as one of his tricks, and for a moment, fear oozed hot into my longing.

I liked it. Wanted him to overwhelm me, lead me, give me no choice. And the fear only spiced my desire.

He licked my bottom lip, a teasing promise, and when I murmured in sweet confusion, he claimed my mouth for a kiss, and nothing had ever felt more inevitable.

Mmm. Slow, hot, deep, tingling my nerves with pleasure. His tongue slipped into my mouth, filling me with his rosedrenched flavor, making me want more. He murmured, encouraging, and I threaded my arms around his neck, pressing closer, deepening the kiss at the pace I wanted. For a few bright seconds, I had control, and delicious power flamed deep inside.

But then he growled, a soft snarl of need deep in his chest, and he tilted my head back and effortlessly wrenched my control away.

Oh, lord. His lips caressed mine, hot and urgent, slashing desire deep into my veins. He cupped my face in his hands and claimed my mouth like he’d claimed me, first my curiosity and then my desire and finally my hunger, rich and ravenous like the heat that tortured me. He wasn’t careful or gentle. He just took me, his tongue seducing mine and demanding my surrender. His hot summer taste flooded my mouth, spice and roses, dragging deep longing from my pores like blood. Lust swelled tight between my legs. I was wet, fresh, ready. God, it was like love, this utter longing, this insatiable thirst to please … .

He spun me around, back to the wall, and pulled my thigh around him, crushing me against his big body. I could feel him, hard, hot, bold, his big fairy cock pressing between my legs, searching for a home. My wings swelled, and when he pushed hot fingertips beneath my skirt, I groaned into his mouth, my excitement quickening. Hot moonlight caressed my naked thigh, all the way up to my ass. Anyone could have seen us. It felt wicked, dirty, a naughty thing good girls didn’t do.

I dug my claws into his back, dragging him boldly closer. He teased the edge of my panties, tempting me, sliding those clever fingers closer and closer to where I was hot and slick.

Deep inside, I ached, empty. I wanted him to pleasure me, stroke my swollen flesh, play with me, torture me insane with pleasure. And it wasn’t just because he’d feel so very good. It was disobedient. Bad. Rebellious. And I wanted to fuck the world and everyone in it who’d put me in this stupid predicament.

I whimpered and panted, pleading words far too close to the tip of my tongue.
Please, just a little closer. Touch me.

“Like this?” He pressed my mouth open more, tilting my head to ravish me deeper, and at the same time, he pushed one long finger inside me to the hilt.

I groaned. So smooth, so tight. My body was so slick and warm, the friction delicious. Fairies have long fingers, that extra knuckle made for pleasure, and his were clever, practiced, demanding. Already my flesh hardened under his stroking fingertip, the tiny tingle of claw a dangerous delight. So perfect.

His halo darkened, a lusty violet, and he growled into our kiss, deep and rough with desire. “Mmm. You like that?”

“Uh-huh.” My voice strangled, breathless, his rhythmic stroking dragging me hard and fast toward impossible pleasure. He knew exactly what I liked. I’d thought I could handle this. Use it. Control it. I was wrong.

“Don’t fight. Let go for me. Showify how beautiful you are.”

My fist clenched in his hair, my nerves raw and sparkling inside. He was so dirty. So bad. Breaking the rules excited me. I wanted to spread my legs on the concrete, pull his mouth between my thighs and let him lick me to heaven where everyone could see. I’d peel those silkysmooth pants off him, slide his cock into my mouth and suck him hard, savor that rosy sweetness … .

He dropped to his knees and swept hot lips up the inside of my thigh, tugging my panties aside. The summer night caressed my naked skin raw. I trembled, every nerve ragged. He’d never really do it, would he? Right here under the greedy moon?

He laughed, low and breathy, and it burned me. “Never tell me never,” he murmured, and swept his long curled tongue right over my clit.

I clutched at the wall, muscles weak. He felt so sinfully good. He licked me, caressed me, made me shudder. Not too hard, not too gentle, the perfect spot, just how I liked. And then he sucked me into his mouth, and I moaned. So perfect, he had to be reading my mind … .

My thighs clenched. The prick was reading my mind. Using his dirty glassfae sight to trick me. Control me. Make me his creature. Just like Jasper, only Jasper hadn’t used magic. He’d intimidated me into obedience. But this was worse.

This, I had no chance of resisting.

Denial burned like ash in my hellscorched bones. Diamond sucked me again, his tongue torturing my sensitive tip, and hot tension coiled tight inside me, threatening to snap. God, I wanted him to make me come. But not like this. Not a nasty trick.

I gritted my teeth and shoved him away, my thighs quivering. “No. Don’t. Get off me.”

He stumbled, violet wings shining wet. His lips glistened, and he pressed the back of his hand to his mouth, my fluid still shining rich and wet on his fingers. “Sorry. I thought you … Fuck.”

I averted my face, fighting for control. I was sweating, shaking, my legs a melted mess. “Just stay away from me.”


“Don’t.” My breath ripped hot welts in my chest, and I warded him off with trembling hands. No way. No matter how hard and hot the moonlight throbbed in my blood, how slyly it tempted me. No matter how much I longed to feel him naked against me, his smooth glowing skin on mine, his beautiful mouth having its sultry way with me …

He lifted my chin gently to make me look at him. “Hey. I’m sorry, ’kay? Didn’t meanify—”

“Then what the hell did you mean?” I shook him off angrily and rearranged my clothes. My lips still swelled from our kiss. My sex still throbbed from his clever tongue. I could still feel his body, hot and tempting, his rosedark flavor madness in my mouth. “Stay the fuck out of my head, okay?”


“Were you reading my mind?”

“Don’t freakify. I can’t mindread you. I get flashes, that’s all—”

“Oh, sure. You call that ‘flashes’?”

“I call it turning you on. Didn’t take a genius to figure what you wanted.”

I laughed, incredulous. “Lord, you’ve got an ego. I am not some girltoy you can play with!”

“Who’s gaming? I’ve wanted you ever since Jasper first showed you off. Didn’t you know?”

Unwilled pleasure flushed me. All those times he’d flirted with me, teased me, tricked me into checking him out when I thought he wasn’t looking. I’d thought it flattery for Jasper’s benefit. Had he meant it, then? Liked me? Imagined touching me, stealing a kiss, pulling me aside for some illicit wickedness where Jasper couldn’t see? Tugging me into a dark corner, ripping my panties off and taking me roughly from behind, his mouth hot and wet on my wingjoints?

Not that I’d thought about it.

But the images wouldn’t fade. My sex throbbed, still tense and frustrated from his caress. Oh, lord. How good his cock would feel there right now. So hot and smooth and hard …

I scowled and folded my arms, my heartbeat thudding. “Am I supposed to be flattered? How many girls didya pick up this week with that line?”

“So what? You’re smart and funny and sexy. Isn’t that enough?”

My skin heated. “Oh, yeah? What happened to whore? Liar? Coward?”

He laughed, crystaldark. “Didn’t botherfy you just now.”

“Screw you, okay? You don’t trick me. I know what you’re up to.”

His wings flushed darker. “What’s that meanify?”

“You know what I mean. Why are you really helping me, Diamond? And don’t give me that gangbanger loyalty crap.”

He didn’t answer. Just looked at me, sweat glistening like quicksilver on his throat, those scorching eyes glowing scarlet with desire.

My guts tightened. I knew it. Sure, he wanted to fuck me. But he was using me for some shadowy purpose of his own, and I’d walked right into his trap like a stupid little bloodfae moron.

I scowled and pushed past him. “Yeah, that’s what I thought.”

He flicked his wings and landed beside me, flashing hair trailing in his wake.

I kept my arms folded. Kept walking, a treacherous flush still warming my face, my thighs sticky and sore. Pretended not to look at him, though my gaze kept sucking itself back onto him like wicked glue. “You can go now. Any time you want. Really.”

“The hell.” He stuffed long hands into his pockets and walked beside me.

That sexy rosefragrant glow on my skin irritated me. “Look, just leave me alone. I’ll find Famine by myself—”

“Not going solitary, candy.” He tossed glittering hair over his shoulder. “S’not safe. Crimson’s got friendlies. They all got friendlies. If word’s out, you’re toasticated.”

“But … oh.” My voice trailed off. His infuriating
I know better than you
smile itched my palms raw. All the more because he was right.

My stupidity made me squirm. I never thought things through. Should’ve known from Paris and Tinker’s attack that there’d be trouble. My blood chilled, even though the moon cast brightedged shadows on the concrete. I’d just made myself a target. And I wasn’t finished yet. Still two gemstones to go.

Going it alone was all very well, but I wasn’t a kick-ass warrior chick with superpowers. I couldn’t fight vampires or demon minions, or who the hell knew what else this Famine person would turn out to be. But Diamond could.

I sighed. This night just kept getting better. “So what, you gonna follow me around?”

“That’s the plannification. Complaints?”

He shot me a crafty golden glance, and I bit my lip in frustration.
and I was an ungrateful skank.
and I got myself an all-too-attractive escort I really didn’t want. I sighed, defeated. “Guess not. But we’re not sleeping in the same room, okay?”

He shrugged, tense. “Whatever.”

We turned into the empty shopping center, floodlights shining on deserted pubs, darkened windows, a parched fountain. I hopped up the steps to the other side, and stumbled as I fluttered to the top.

I held my aching forehead, dizziness blurring my vision. It soon passed, but I still felt hot and light-headed, the distant ache in my bones spreading through my muscles like oversweet honey. Guess I was more tired than I thought. A meal probably wouldn’t go astray. I couldn’t remember the last time I’d eaten, and my mouth watered just thinking about the contents of Jasper’s fridge, leftover pizza or chocolate chip cookies or strawberry milk and cheese.

Well, maybe not the milk. Anything pink was off the menu.

We crossed the road and I headed left, toward Jasper’s place. The familiar black marble invited, and I stifled a yawn and scraped sweaty hair off my neck. A shower, dinner, a few hours’ sleep, pick Diamond’s brains about this Famine character.

I guess it was nice of him to help me, even if I couldn’t trust him to keep his hands—or his mind—to himself. No doubt he’d a squillion more important things to do. Kicking heads, selling sparkle, picking up girls who didn’t know better. I might be a charity project, but better than no project at all.

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