Blood Lust: A Supernatural Horror (42 page)

BOOK: Blood Lust: A Supernatural Horror
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“My kind
pondering the intricacies of the stars while you still clung to trees
the night. Only your prolific rate of reproduction has made you the dominant species, not your intelligence.”

I sensed a high degree of superiority
the creature’s attitude
. I supposed it would need that
to feed on
humans, even if
it believed
inferior intelligence
I shrugged. “Intelligence is overrated.”

“Your glibness will not save you.”

I spread my arms wide and smiled.
“Then go ahead and kill me. No more of this ‘I will make you suffer’ crap.
I’ve had enough.

“Your suffering will define you if you continue to hunt me. Ignore me; take no more part in the search for me, and
I will allow you to
out the few years of your pathetic life

“I’ll have to think about it

I snapped.

“You think to engage me in
save yourself. Do not worry. I will not kill you now, but do not expect mercy from the merciless. Now, go!”

I stared at the creature just long enough to make my point, and then turned and left.
I could feel its cold eyes on the back of my neck until I reached my car.
I let out my pent up breath and took a deep breath.
I had just stared death in
blood red
eyes and
walked away
. I knew that would not happen again
I knew I could not ignore the creature. I had never left a case unsolved and I would
n’t now

Where had this creature been when I
killed the others? Had it already flown the nest? No, it
said as
the youngest
it would
to fight for dominance.
I had saved it the trouble.
Like its parent, it seemed to
be most comfortable
near the
But the monastery was gone now.
Only ruins and rubble remained.
How could
the creature
use it as a lair?
There was no place for it to hide.

As I stood there, I felt the ground tremble beneath my feet and smiled.
I remembered the rumble
of the subway
when I had been in the underground mill.
close were the
tunnels to the catacombs

the grounds of the monastery
. I
put it off as long as I could but
put in a call to
Captain Bledsoe. He had heard about the three
girls in my apartment and was livid.

“Hardin! What is it about you that attracts death like some God damn horror magnet? I thought you killed all these things. Now it’s leaving you presents
at your doorstep
like some
cat with a dead mouse.
Have you seen the papers? The city is in an uproar. The Mayor is demanding my head on a silver platter
and he wants your balls right there beside it.
Citizens groups are calling for vigilante action. What the hell have you got to say for yourself?”

I waited a moment to let the captain wind down.
“I just had a conversation with it. It said it would leave me alone if I left it alone.”

I felt a perverse pleasure at the stone cold silence on the other end. Finally,
he yelled,

Christ, Hardin! The bastard talks?
You’ve got to be …
What did you
tell it

I smiled into the receiver
at the captain’s
I had to admit it was
difficult to believe.
“I said I was going to kill it just like I did the others.”

Bledsoe erupted. “Damn it, Hardin! We’re a team
. You’ve
got to
play on the team or we’re
going to

“Nine girls,
aptain. I think we’re already losing. If we go in
screaming and guns blazing
, this creature will have a field day,
cops like confetti. It’s a one
man job
, mine
. If I lose, you
send someone else after it.”

“Damn it! I can’t allow that, Hardin. You can’t go off on your own. You’re a cop…”

I interrupted
. “
I was a cop. I’ll drop my shield off in the morning. If you won’t play it my way, I’ll play it alone.”

I hung up on him and then
turned off my cell phone
. I didn’t need him on my back.
He had helped me make my decision.
I couldn’t approach this like a cop any more.
As a cop, I would have to take Joria in for questioning and the Feds would have her in
their custody within
I needed her.
I didn’t know just how involved she was with the
, but
she knew more about them than anyone else. I needed her expertise.
It was war and I needed to be a warrior – no rules, no
speeches, no arrests. I had to blow this thing back to hell and soon.

As I
drove back to the motel
began to feel
better. A weight had lifted from my shoulders. Even as I had hunted and killed the others, it had been as a cop with a cop’s morals
and a cop’s remorse at the way I had handled it
. Now, I did
have that cloud hanging over me. I could hunt it
Ahab had hunted Moby Dick, out of sense of moral superiority feeding
desire for revenge. Intelligent or not, it was a creature from hell and deserved no mercy. I would kill it without qualms.

Next, I needed to find out what lay beneath the old church.
I was delighted and somewhat mystified upon my return to the motel to find Joria waiting. Knowing her penchant for disappear
ing, I had
expected her to be gone.
Her smile seemed tentative and given our earlier conversation, I understood her hesitation.

“Where were you?” she asked.

Talking to our gray friend.”

“What? You saw it? At the monastery.”

Had she guessed the monastery because of
earlier visits or did she know something more?
“Yes. It offered to let me live if I
quit chasing it.”

Joria stared at me expectantly. “And?”

“I told it I intended to kill it.”

She closed her eyes and shook her head slowly. “It will kill you.”

“Would you care?”

She jerked her head
and looked up at me, her eyes wide. “Of course I would care,” she snapped. “
I love you.
You’re too blind to see that.

My jaw dropped
while my heart skipped a couple of beats
Her words struck me like a
punch in
stomach. Maybe I had been blind
. It had happened before.
“You have a funny way of showing it, popping in and out of my life like a damn mirage

“I ran because
Section One was after me, not because I wished to.”

I sat down on the bed beside her.
Her eyes were moist and she clutched the sheets savagely with trembling hands. I couldn’t help doubting her
she had given me ample reason to
doubt, but deep inside I wanted just
she had given me
I needed it more badly than I cared to admit even to myself.
I lightly touched her hand. She grabbed it and squeezed as if
my offer was a lifeline tossed to a drowning person.

“I’ve got to kill this creature
. I’m going to kill it, but I need your help.
I have to know where you stand. Will you help me kill it?”

She did not answer immediately, which I took to mean that she was seriously considering my question. If she had said yes immediately, I would have known she was lying.
I knew s
wanted the creature
to live, to study it, but she had seen the bodies in my apartment and in the
monastery. She had seen their pale, mutilated, drained bodies. I had
witnessed their impact on her.

“I don’t want you to die,” she replied.
“I’ll help you.”

“Why is the creature staying near the monastery?” I suspected the answer, but I needed to hear it from her lips.
I held my breath.

She looked at me, her lip quivering. “The subway tunnel run
beneath the
monastery. Maybe the
is using

I released my breath. I knew she was right. It was the only
She had known about the subway tunnel before I had gone after her and torched the monastery.
It would do not good to confront her
about it
now. I had no proof, just my gut instinct. I needed her help.
I nodded.

“We’ll need some help.”













Tray Faber strongly believed in fate. He had weathered the fiasco
that ensued after
the death of the adult
The Joint Chiefs of Staff, the President
the Director of Homeland Security
taken turns berating him and his department for failing to secure a live specimen
, threatening him with disciplinary action
. Finally, fatigue and the
memories of those who had
given their lives trying to
carry out
his orders
had taken
control of

“Get off my back!” he had yelled at the President
and the Director.
“What the hell do you want?”
brought him such a sense of joy that he didn’t mind that he had probably just personally delivered his
to his Commander-in-Chief
. Miracle of miracles, the President had backed down
and apologized
and had even
thanked him for securing the
dead specimens
. It was fate, therefore, that decreed he still be head of Section
when word came that the killings had
again. There was another creature out there
, a second chance
Faber was overjoyed.

It came as no surprise that Detective Thackery Hardin was
once again
at the center of
the melee
. The creature had delivered three corpses to Hardin’s apartment upon his absence, had even stalked him while
he was
at his cabin in the woods.
What did surprise
was learning through
Captain Bledsoe’s reports
that the creatures were intelligent and capable of speech.
That bit of information had Washington
as never before
they were not
dealing with an ancient creature with remarkable powers
of rejuvenation
, but also
as intelligent
or possibl
more intelligent than man.
The threat to national security had gone up a
nother level
. Suddenly,
had offered
a blank check and
unlimited resources
of the
ederal government
to produce a live creature.

BOOK: Blood Lust: A Supernatural Horror
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