Read Blood Moon (Entangled Select Otherworld) Online

Authors: Lisa Kessler

Tags: #Moon series, #werewolf, #Lisa Kessler, #Otherworld, #motorcycle, #Moonlight, #Select, #paranormal romance, #Blood Moon, #lone wolf, #Entangled, #PNR, #paranormal

Blood Moon (Entangled Select Otherworld) (11 page)

BOOK: Blood Moon (Entangled Select Otherworld)
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Chapter Sixteen


I led Nadya through the cabin and out to the deck. Logan gripped the mic, singing one of his original songs, “Madness in the Moonlight,” one of his slower tempo tunes with a melody line that reached inside your chest to tug your heart. He sang about staring at the moon, wondering if she’s looking at the same moon, and doubting he’ll ever find her.

Somehow I had and I hadn’t even been trying.

Nadya laced her fingers behind my neck as I slid my hands around her waist. Holding her in my arms, her body pressed against mine, made me wish we were alone. I didn’t want to share her. Our time was precious. If I paid attention, I could almost hear that damned clock ticking, reminding me our days together were limited.

I stared into her eyes, doing my best to stay in the moment and not think about the future. She smiled up at me and pulled me closer until my forehead rested against hers. Her scent, like lavender and fresh rain, intoxicated me.

“You are so damned beautiful, Nadya.”

She rubbed her nose slowly along mine. “You don’t look so bad yourself.”

The woman had a knack for making me smile. “I clean up pretty well, huh?”

“I don’t know…” She shrugged her shoulders a little. “I think you’re pretty hot when you’re working in the garage with grease on your hands, too.”

I held her tighter, her hips moving slowly with mine. No doubt she could feel the effect she had on me, but instead of distancing herself she tilted her head and kissed me. Her lips were soft, warm and inviting. The wolf inside of me stirred, adding to the urgency to claim much more than a kiss.

I caught her lower lip with my teeth and the sound of her moan nearly undid me. Shit, I’d never wanted a woman this bad in my life. “Wish we were alone.”

She nodded, breaking the kiss. Her heavy lids lifted, and her bedroom eyes sent another powerful jolt of lust through my body. “Me, too.”

I scanned the crowd. “Think they’d miss us?”

“We already took the pictures of the wedding party.”

“There’d be more cake for everyone else…”

Her lips curved into a sensual, tempting smile. “Did you bring me a helmet?”

“I did… Just in case.”

She glanced down at her dress. “Should I change?”

“No time.” The slit reached to her upper thigh, so she wouldn’t have any trouble straddling the bike. The image of her straddling me flashed through my mind.

I took her hand. “We need to go. Now.”

She gave it a squeeze. “Let me tell Sash good-bye.”

I followed her over to Mr. and Mrs. Sloan. Standing close behind her, I let go of her hand and made a quick adjustment to my raging erection.

She embraced Sasha and I went over to clasp Aren’s forearms. “Congratulations.”

He smiled and tugged me in for a tight hug. “I’m glad you came tonight.”

“Me, too.” I pulled back and glanced toward Nadya.

Aren nudged my shoulder, and I shifted my attention back to him. “You stickin’ around for a while or heading to Colorado?”

“I’m not going anywhere.” Until that moment it hadn’t seemed real, but here I was. I’d stay with Nadya. Come what may.

She came over and hugged Aren, leaving me standing with her sister. Sasha and I stared at each other. She used to work for Nero, a jaguar shifter like the killer who murdered my brother. She’d abducted Aren and tried to attack Adam all in an effort to steal Lana and bring her to the Nero headquarters to be studied.

How did Aren forgive that? I wasn’t sure I could.

But without Sasha, I never would have met Nadya. Maybe I could keep that in mind.

Sasha extended her hand. “Thanks for coming.”

I shook it with a firm grip and nodded. “Congratulations.”

She didn’t let go of my hand. “I know we haven’t gotten along, but my sister isn’t one to toss her heart around. I trust her judgment, so I’m trusting you.”

I rolled my shoulders back, ready to tell her I didn’t give a shit if she trusted me or not, when Nadya turned toward me. Her smile disarmed me, and seeing the way she looked at her sister reminded me they were family, their own tiny Pack. If I rejected Sasha, in a way, I’d be rejecting part of my mate. Part of her heart would always belong to her sister.

Before I could talk myself out of it, I tugged Sasha’s hand and hugged her. Her body stiffened for a second, and I questioned my judgment, but gradually her arms wrapped around me.

“Welcome to the Pack.”

She stepped back, staring up at me with a stunned expression that gave way to a genuine smile. Moving to Aren’s side, she glanced at both of us and took a breath. “You take good care of my sister.”


Nadya embraced her sister once more and grabbed my hand. “Let’s get out of here.”

I didn’t waste any time heading for the front door. Nodding my good-bye to Adam and Lana, we slipped out the door. As we neared the Harley, Nadya moved between me and the bike and rose on her toes to kiss me. I wrapped an arm around her, pulling her in tight against me. Passion like I’d never known before sent my pulse into overdrive. If I didn’t get a grip, I’d take her right here in the driveway.

I broke the kiss, my voice more of a growl than a whisper. “Let’s get someplace private.”

“Okay.” She nodded, chest heaving. “Let’s get there fast.”

I reached around her to hand her the helmet. She stared at the giant globe for a second before she took it from me. “This puts too much distance between us.”

Knowing my mate wanted me… Shit, I felt like a goddamned god. I grabbed my helmet and flashed her a smile. “Trust me, if you could get close enough to put those lips on my neck while I’m riding, I’d kill us both.”

Her mouth curved into a sensual, playful grin. “Guess I’d better put this helmet on then.”

She pulled it over her head, and I got on the Harley. I waited while she hiked up her dress and her shapely tanned leg slid around behind me. I shifted my hips forward on the seat, giving me a little more room for the hard-as-nails erection she inspired.

I didn’t notice I’d forgotten to put on my leather riding gloves until I reached back to pat her thigh to be sure she was ready before I started the engine. Her bare thigh. I ran my hand up her smooth skin.

She leaned in closer to me, her hands sliding up my chest. Although the helmet kept her lips from making contact with my skin, I had no trouble hearing her voice. “How fast can we get back to your place?”

Not fast enough.

I fired up the engine and rolled out to the street. Luckily the Mt. Rose highway wasn’t too busy. I rounded a couple of curves faster than I should have, but Nadya didn’t seem to notice. Her body leaned into the turns with mine like we were one. My pulse throbbed below my belt. Good thing I could make the drive home without thinking, because at the moment all my decisions weren’t being made by the head above my shoulders.

Once we were down the mountain and heading toward Reno, I released one hand from the grip and reached back to touch the cool skin of her thigh. Even with the wind on my face and blowing past my ears, I heard the moan deep in her throat. Having the hearing of a werewolf didn’t suck. I tightened my hold on her leg, wishing like hell my arm was longer so I could slide my hand even higher.

Suddenly her cool fingers brushed the skin on my abdomen. My grip tensed on the one handlebar. She freed another button on my tux shirt and slid her whole hand inside.

My entire body ignited with desire.

I released her leg, putting both hands on the grips, and gave the Harley more gas. We needed to be back at my place. Now.

By the time I rolled into the garage, Nadya’s nimble fingers had my shirt untucked and completely unbuttoned. The only casualty of the night was my bow tie. I could buy another one.

As the big door closed behind us, Nadya dropped her helmet to the ground, her lips teasing my earlobe as her hands explored my bare chest. I pulled off my half-bucket helmet, tossing it aside as I twisted to kiss her. She opened her mouth, welcoming my exploration as my tongue found hers. I growled at the spicy taste of her.

She hooked her leg over my thigh, and I ran my hand higher, under her skirt. Her fingers wandered lower, stroking me right through my pants. I rocked my hips forward, groaning into the kiss.

Enough with having her behind me.

Planting my feet on either side of the Harley, I was grateful for the added werewolf strength in my legs. I kept the heavy bike steady between my thighs as I grabbed her knee, moving her leg around my waist before I reached back to her hip and shifted her all the way around until she was facing me. Nadya sat on the flathead tank of the bike, in front of me, her long legs tight around me, dress hiked up to her waist.

Oh yeah, this was much better.

Holding her tight, I deepened the kiss, my tongue demanding hers. Nadya stopped stroking me just long enough to unfasten and unzip my pants. She reached inside, her soft hands freeing me of the confines of the fabric.

I growled against her lips. “Better slow down or I’ll take you right here on the bike.”

Chapter Seventeen


Heat coiled low in my body at the sound of his deep gravelly voice near my ear. As I stroked my fingers along his erection, he responded instantly, pressing closer, pulsing against my hand. He wanted me just as urgently as I wanted him. This passion, this raw desire, was something I’d never experienced before. I didn’t recognize myself.

And I didn’t care. Right now, I felt powerful, sexy, alive. So alive.

Before I realized what I was going to say, I caught his lower lip in my teeth and whispered against his mouth. “I hope that’s a promise.”

Gareth kissed me. Hard. He slid his rough hands up slow and firm from my hips to my breasts, kneading them through the fabric. I freed my arms from the spaghetti straps of my dress and he pushed it lower, his lips trailing down my neck.

I wished I had the power to make our clothes vanish. Right now I needed to feel his skin on mine, our bodies united. His teeth skimmed over my collarbone as he reached around me to unclasp my strapless bra. He tossed it aside, his large hands caressing my newly bared skin, his thumbs teasing my nipples until I cried out.

His hips rocked toward me as I stroked him. Underneath us, the Harley tilted slightly, but his strong legs steadied us and kept the bike from toppling over. Never in my life had I even contemplated making love on a motorcycle, but there was no way Gareth would let me fall. I understood this on a primal level. He would keep me from harm, protect me… No matter how much I distracted and pleasured him.

He pulled gently at the sensitive tip of my breast with his lips, soothing and teasing all at once. I reached behind to brace myself on the handlebars, my back arching toward him, offering myself as I watched his mouth on my skin, his tongue circling my nipple. He moved his other hand lower, pushing the bottom of my dress up. Moving his fingers up the soft skin of my inner thigh, he rubbed and teased me through the thin fabric of my thong underwear.

“I need you,” I gasped. “Now.”

He ripped my thong like it’d been made of tissue paper, and slid his fingers deep inside of me. His growl made me shiver with desire as he discovered just how ready I was for him. I gripped the handlebars tighter and leaned back a little, breaking the kiss as I stared into his eyes. Gareth took hold of my hips and pulled me closer, guiding me onto him. Every rock hard inch slid into me so slowly, my entire body shuddered with pleasure.

He reached forward, taking my hands from the grips and putting them around his neck. Nose to nose, his dark eyes locked on mine as he thrust deeper inside of me. “You’re mine. I’m yours.”

I wasn’t sure what was happening, but my wolf came alive in my soul and I whispered, “I claim my mate.”

Gareth held me even tighter, kissing me with a passion I didn’t understand, but at the same time hungered for. Keeping the bike level meant we had to move slowly and savor the union of our bodies. I fought the urge to rock my hips faster. Oh but I wanted to. He filled me so completely I ached, but falling over on the Harley would be a huge mood breaker. I tightened my fists in his hair as he stoked the passion brewing inside me. He brought one hand between us, his finger teasing me until I broke the kiss and called out his name.

His lips caressed my ear as he growled, “You’re mine, Nadya. Come for me.”

My hands came out of his thick hair, and I dug my fingernails into his shoulders, bracing myself as my inner muscles throbbed. His hips rocked into me one last time, just as my entire body shuddered in his arms. The aftershocks of my orgasm pulsed around him until he finally erupted deep inside me, holding me so tight he could’ve cracked a rib.

And I didn’t care. I couldn’t get close enough to him. Gareth. My mate.

I struggled to catch my breath, clinging to him. I wasn’t sure how much of the off-the-chart desire had been me, and how much had been werewolf instinct, but whatever it had been, I had just had sex on a Harley. Really amazing, mind-blowing sex.

Gareth smoothed the back of my hair. “I never want to move, but I don’t think I can keep us upright much longer.”

I lifted my head, legs still tight around his waist. “Okay. How can I get untangled without taking us both down?”

“You’re not going anywhere. Just hold on to me.” He held me with one arm at my waist while he tipped the bike and nudged the kickstand down. Carefully he let the eight-hundred-pound motorcycle settle onto the stand before he leaned forward and slid his other leg over the seat.

“Do you need me to walk?” I clung to him, knowing his legs had to be tired.

“Not yet.” He carried me deeper into his shop to his studio apartment in the back.

He laid me on the bed, our bodies finally separating. Gareth kicked off his pants and got in beside me. I stared at him, trying to memorize every angle of his face. “I’ve never…”

He ran his finger along my jawline. “Me neither.”

We hadn’t used a condom. I wasn’t sure why that popped in my head right at that moment, but I decided it didn’t matter. At this point, I probably wouldn’t live long enough to get pregnant. But I needed to live.

For him.

Gareth stared into my eyes, and my heart hurt.

“I’m going with you tomorrow.”

I blinked, struggling to follow. “Tomorrow?”

He nodded. “To Jason’s.”

My stomach clenched. Nero had killed his brother. He wouldn’t be thrilled to hear Jason had brought in a scientist who genetically engineered the wolf who bit me.

Keeping this secret from my sister was hard enough. Could I keep it from my mate?

Sensing my hesitation, he brushed a kiss to my forehead. “You’re a warrior fighting this thing, but you’re not alone. Not anymore. We’ll be stronger together.”

“It’ll upset Jason.”

“He’ll get over it. Someday he’ll find his mate and he’ll understand.”

“But he hasn’t found her yet.”

“Not my problem.” He shook his head. “If it will make you uncomfortable to have me there then I’ll wait outside…”

Here was my chance to keep Dr. Granger a secret, but if I agreed I’d be lying. Not just withholding the truth, but outright lying. Because having Gareth with me when Dr. Granger injected the serum would be a huge comfort.

Gareth rolled onto his back, staring at the ceiling. “You don’t want me in the room with you.”

“That’s not it.” I ran my hand up his chest, watching my fingers slide over his tan skin. “It’s the serum. I can’t let Adam find out or I won’t be able to get it anymore.”

The muscles on his chest tightened. “You think I’d say something to Adam?”

“He’s the Alpha, and the fewer members of the Pack who know, the better.”

He grabbed my wrist and removed my hand from his skin. “Let me explain this to you. The Pack is my family, but you’re my mate. I hold you above all else. Even the Pack.”

“You might not agree with my choice.”

“I still won’t go to Adam to settle it. This is between you and me.”

“And Jason.”

He growled and got up from the bed. “Damn it. You’re worried about hurting Jason? Seriously?”

Anger coiled in my belly. I sat up, my head throbbing and my nerves shot. “You know, twelve hours ago Jason was all I had.”

My words hit like I’d smacked him across the face with a two by four. Gareth stared at me with cold eyes. He turned for the door. “I need some space.”

I watched his broad shoulders as he walked out and into the garage. Half of me wanted to take my words back, and the other half wanted to scream. What was happening to me? My pulse raced, my fingers tingled.
Oh crap

My body was trying to shift again. Already.

I stood and the room tilted. Blinking hard, I took a step toward the bathroom, the surge of rage replaced with trepidation as I opened and closed my hand. Sweat slid down my spine. Maybe a cold shower would help.

Metallic tools clanked in the garage and the image of Gareth working on something in his unbuttoned tux shirt and nothing else filled my mind. If my knees hadn’t buckled, I might’ve smiled.

I hit the ground hard. Gareth’s scent filled my lungs before he knelt beside me. He helped me up from the floor and lifted me into his arms. Tremors wracked my hands, and I grit my teeth to bite back the pain in my joints. He sat on the edge of the bed, holding me close. I rested my head on his chest and realized he was humming something deep and low. I focused on the sound, forcing the fear and the flares of agony into the background.

Gareth took my hand, rubbing at the joints with a tenderness I never would have guessed he possessed. “Should I call Jason?”

I shook my head, staring at my steadied hands. “I’ll get another injection tomorrow. Hopefully that’ll slow this down.” I looked up so I could see his face. “Whatever you were singing, that helped.”

“My Mom used to hum it to me and Gabe when we were scared. It’s a wolf song.” He swallowed and held me a little tighter. “Not sure if I was chanting it for you or for me.”

His fear and sadness seeped into me before he could bury the emotions. I laced my fingers with his. “I’m not going to give up.”

He sighed, his gaze distant. “I wish I could take this from you.”

I reached up, bringing his attention back to me. “I’m sorry about what I said. Whenever the change surges inside, so does this vicious temper I never knew I had.”

“But what you said… You were right. I should’ve been here, and if you don’t want me with you tomorrow I’ll deal with it.”

“I want you with me, but I don’t want to upset you.”

He frowned. “How will holding your hand while you get an injection upset me?”

I stared into his eyes, and my decision was made. Gareth was my mate. No secrets. “Because the man giving me the serum is a scientist from Nero.”

BOOK: Blood Moon (Entangled Select Otherworld)
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