Blood Oath (16 page)

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Authors: Kit Tunstall

Tags: #Fiction, #Erotica

BOOK: Blood Oath
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perceptive,” he said flatly. “Listen, Anca…”

sensed he was about to dispel her dream theory, so she moved forward to close
the remaining distance between them. Her bare breasts pressed against his
lightly furred chest when she leaned closer. She touched her lips to his to
silence him. She was unprepared for the demanding thrust of his tongue against
her mouth as it pushed its way through the barrier to plumb her depths.

shivered as his tongue stroked hers. He was gentle, but there was a hint of
roughness to his touch. The combination was exhilarating. She strained against
him, opening her mouth wider and flicking the tip of her tongue against the
side of his.

pulled back slightly, breathing heavily. “We must talk—“

put two fingers to his lips. “Shh.” She replaced her fingers with her lips,
softening her mouth to fit the contours of his. She flicked her tongue across
his bottom lip, and his body jerked. She tilted back her neck and moved far
enough away to meet his eyes. “I don’t want to talk.”

made a growling sound and tangled his hand in her hair. “You look so tempting
in the moonlight. The silver gives your skin a pearly sheen.”

traced her finger around his nipple, and then ran her nails through his hair,
grazing the side of her own breast. “Do you want me, Demi?”


want you too.” She shook her head, sending strands of tangled, dark-brown hair
flying around her face. “I don’t want to think about anything. I don’t feel
much like talking right now. I only want to feel…you inside me, for a start.”

hesitated, seemingly torn between his need to speak and his need for her.

held her breath, waiting for him to decide. She released it in a harsh sigh
when he crushed her against him in a tight embrace and practically slammed his
mouth against hers. The wildness of his emotions excited her, and she eagerly
returned his kisses.

hand slid from his chest to trail down his stomach. She paused to caress the
soft skin of his flat stomach before venturing lower. A denser growth of curls
covered his cock, and she fluffed it before grasping his cock. He froze as she
circled the head and squeezed gently. He was hard and pulsing.

pooled between her thighs as her body signaled it was prepared for him. “I’ve
never met anyone who arouses me so quickly,” she said after she broke the kiss.
She drew in a deep breath and regained a measure of control. “Just the thought
of making love with you gets me hot.”

looked pleased by her comment. “It is the same for me. Until last week, I
hadn’t seen you except in a faded photograph your mother sent years ago, but I
dreamed of you each night. I fantasized about touching every inch of you.”

being touched?” Anca asked with a throaty purr and squeezed his cock again.

yes. Sometimes, I thought I would go mad with the need to hold you. The waiting
seemed interminable, but I was able to alleviate some of the frustration by
imagining how good you would feel when we were finally joined.” He cupped her
cheek in his hand as the hand in her hair began to smooth and separate the strands.

A dart
of jealousy surprised her. “I’m sure other women provided temporary relief,”
she said in a biting tone. She winced at her reaction, again surprised. She had
always subscribed to the rule of leaving past relationships in the past. It
disconcerted her to be jealous of other women he had held.

shook his head. “There were no others,
meu dragostia
.” He spoke proudly,
without a trace of embarrassment, as some men might have displayed with such a

blinked, certain she hadn’t understand. “I’m sorry…what?”

have never touched another woman.” He dropped his hand from her cheek to touch
his chest, thumping his finger lightly over his heart. “Always, you were here
and in the back of my mind, guiding my choices.”

swallowed, and her brow furrowed with confusion. “I don’t understand. You said
you hadn’t even seen me, except in an old picture. How can that be?”

shrugged. “My heart has always known you. You’re my lifemate, Anca. The choice
to consummate our union was always yours, but there was never a time I didn’t
love you.”

shook her head. “This doesn’t make any sense. You’re saying you’re a virgin?”

nodded. “I was until last night.”

started, having temporarily forgotten about their lovemaking in the wake of his
revelation. “So, you waited for me because you knew we were destined for each
other, even knowing I might reject you?” There was more than a hint of
uncertainty in her voice as she struggled to comprehend what he was telling

corners of his mouth curved in a small smile. “That’s correct.” A shadow
crossed his eyes. “I don’t expect you to have done the same. You grew up in a
different world, not living by our ways.”

rubbed her eyes. “Are you saying all Corsovans save themselves for their
destined lifemates?”

He bit
his lip. “No, not exactly. Only a few have a lifemate. Tradition dictates the
Protector of Corsova should have one, so their reign is a shared burden.”

sighed. “Save all the mumbo-jumbo about tradition, please. I’m still reeling
from the shock of your innocence.”

frowned. “Why does this shock you?”

you must be about forty—“

he interjected.

could you have remained innocent for so long? It’s not in anyone’s nature. The
men I know would die if they were virgins at your age. And you can forget about
any of them openly admitting it.”

shrugged. “It is accepted and encouraged in our country. I feel no shame in the
admission.” His spine straightened. “I am proud to have my body know only yours.”

sparkled in her eyes, and she blinked them back. A feeling of guilt for having
not stayed pure stirred in her breast, and she shoved it down. The tradition
was archaic, she reminded herself.

twinkle of amusement glinted in his eyes. “Besides, pure and innocent are two
different things, Anca. I have had years to learn everything I need to know to
make our lovemaking pleasurable. I may lack hands-on experience, but I have the

chuckled at his words, relieved he had made the effort to lighten the
atmosphere. “I suppose you want to get your hands on me, huh?”

put his hand on her thigh and squeezed gently. “Yes.” He slid his hand higher,
until his fingers brushed against her pussy. “Will you open for me?”

felt entranced as she parted her thighs and lay back down on the dew-moistened
grass. She could barely comprehend what Demi had told her. How could he
possibly have been a virgin until the previous night? She shook her head with
wonder as his finger probed her pussy and flicked over her clit. He certainly
had applied himself to learning, she thought with a half-smile.

parted her thighs wider to allow his hand to cover her pussy. He rotated his
palm in a slow, circular motion as he brought his other hand up to part her folds.
Her breath hissed through her teeth as he thrust a finger inside her pussy. His
thumb circled her clit, pressing gently in time with the rhythm of his finger
thrusting in and out of her.

lifted her head to look at him. He knelt between her parted thighs, intent on
pleasing her. She stretched her arm to run her fingers down his forearm.
“You’re too far away,” she complained with a smile.

looked up and a grin curved across his mouth. “I can be much closer,
if that is your wish.”

She nodded,
expecting him to lie beside her. Instead, he sprawled on his stomach and put
his mouth on her stomach. His hot breath on her navel caused her pussy to
clench, and a liquid rush of arousal accompanied it. She instinctively arched
her hips as his mouth slid lower.

rubbed his cheek against her smooth pussy lips. “Do you always keep your pussy

“I try
to.” She bit her lip as his tongue snaked out to trace her swollen lips. “Oh,
God, Demi,” she said with a moan.

this please you?” His voice was a whisper against her sensitive skin, causing
her nerve endings to tingle with awareness.

Anca managed to concentrate long enough to provide a simple answer. “More.”

complied with her request. One of his hands slipped from her pussy to squeeze
her thigh, but the other pushed her lips farther apart. Seconds later, the warm
caress of his breath against her clit caused her whole body to spasm with
pleasure. Anca pushed up her hips, silently demanding he touch her pussy with
his mouth.

He nipped
her clit gently, but didn’t linger. Instead, his tongue swept a path below her
clit and down the cleft of her pussy to probe her opening. His nose brushed
against her clit, and he inhaled. His indrawn breath made her tremble with

squirmed as his moist tongue darted inside her. She groaned aloud when he
flicked his tongue quickly, shallowly sweeping the inner walls of her pussy.
She tangled her hands in his hair. “Where did you learn this?” Her voice was
husky with passion, and she was panting.

didn’t answer. Instead, Demi pushed the thigh he held wider and burrowed deeper
into her pussy. His tongue went deep inside and stroked her slowly. The hand
keeping her lips parted shifted, and his thumb circled around her clit, but
didn’t actually touch the sensitive bud.

whimpered at the delicious torture he inflicted. Her breathing was ragged, and
she could feel her lower body tightening, preparing for release. She tried to
thrust against him, but found herself anchored by his firm hold on her thigh.

chuckled, and the vibrations swept through her pussy, triggering small
convulsions. Anca could feel the walls of her pussy spasming around his tongue
as he applied more pressure and surged even deeper. She moaned as he slid his
thumb across her clit as he circled it. He pressed lightly and flicked his
tongue inside her, causing her arousal to flood his mouth and her pussy to
contract with her orgasm.

tightened her hold on his hair as her body shook with waves of satisfaction.
His tongue continued to caress her as she spasmed around him, and she cried out
as the pleasure intensified, causing her pussy to contract more violently. Her
nipples ached, and her stomach quivered. She arched her hips frantically
against him as she reached a crescendo.

her orgasm dissipated, leaving her weak and breathing heavily. She became aware
of clutching his hair and loosened her hold. He lifted his head, and his mouth
glistened with proof of her pleasure. Her hand shook as she reached for him. He
settled his body gently over hers and rested his head between her breasts.

heart’s racing.”

huh,” she managed to say. When he shifted slightly, his hard cock brushed
against her thigh, and she parted her legs wider. “Let’s get your heart rate raised,”
she said in a teasing tone.

hesitated. “I have no protection.”

did a quick mental calculation. “Well, it should be a safe time of the month,
and obviously you’re in good health since, well, you know… So was I at my last
physical, a few months ago. I haven’t had a lover for a few years, until you.
It’s okay to make love.”

Demi hesitated, and then shook his head. “No. We can’t risk making you

image of holding his child flashed through her mind, and it had the substance
of a vision, not the illusions of her imagination. A wave of maternal sentiment
surprised her. “Our baby—“

isn’t time,” he interrupted as he pressed his forehead against hers. “Someday,
yes, but right now it’s too risky, with the—” Demi broke off abruptly.

bit her lip, considering the suggestion hovering on the tip of her tongue. She
had always been curious about it. Would he want to…?

eyes widened with surprise, and he lifted his head to stare into her eyes. “You
would be willing to try such a thing?”

shrugged and avoided answering by asking, “Are you always going to be poking in
my mind?”

laughed. “No. It’s a reaction to our intimacy and the experiences we’ve shared
tonight. Your telepathic powers have increased in the last few hours. Can’t you
feel it?”

closed her eyes and concentrated. Soon, she felt a surge of power and knew he
was right. She had gained mental strength since her transformation to
wolf-form. She wondered if her visions would be more reliable and sharper in
the future. Demi interrupted her speculation.

you want me to make love to you in such a fashion?

it was easier to discuss the idea with thoughts, rather than words. Anca
squeezed her eyes shut more tightly and focused on her thoughts.
curious, but frightened. It might hurt.

sure it will, at first. We don’t have to do anything if you aren’t ready. We
can return to the castle if you prefer. I have protection in my chambers.

hesitated, torn between curiosity and caution. His mind brushed against hers,
and his excitement and wonder transferred to her as he pictured them joined.
She felt his cock spasm against her thigh when he imagined entering her, and
his desire was an echo of hers. “I want you to make love to me.” Verbalizing
the request gave it more impact. She swallowed back her fear as Demi leaned
back to kneel between her legs.

you for trusting me.” His tone was almost reverent. “I’ll be gentle. If you
want to stop…”

nodded and forced a smile, reminding herself that millions of couples practiced
anal sex. It must be enjoyable to have gained such a following, for surely
there weren’t that many masochists in the world.

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