Blood of the Pride (23 page)

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Authors: Sheryl Nantus

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: Blood of the Pride
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I paused for a second, weighing my options. “No. He’ll know where to find me. Or not.” I offered my hand to the doorman. “Thank you for your help.”

“Thank you.” The man smiled broadly, showing off a set of perfect teeth. “You’ve brought a bit of…excitement to these old bones. Can’t say that I haven’t enjoyed it.”

“Good. Just stay safe.” I grabbed the handle of the cat carrier as the cab pulled up. “And thanks again.”

The hotel’s management was understanding, at least after I promised to pay any damages caused by Jazz sharpening her nails on the furniture. True to her innate ability to tell my emotional mood, she spent the two days we were there lying either on my lap or curled around my neck, purring softly while I worked on the paperwork to get the house repaired, the cheap bandages from a store-bought first aid kit helping the cuts on my cheek heal.

Hank was right about the contractors. They were in and out so quickly I was able to move back in and re-open the business before the hotel got uppity about the cat.

I was sitting behind my desk, working on yet another set of insurance papers when I heard the front door creak open. Jazz lifted her head from the couch and let out one of her enquiring trills before returning to her usual position. My pulse began to race when I tracked the familiar scent and then slowed as I placed a name with the smell.

Jess stepped through the hallway into the small lobby. “Hey.” She stood there, her hands tucked into the front pocket of her jeans, a smile on her face.

“Hey.” I didn’t get up. “How’s it going?”

“Pretty good.” She pulled out a small envelope from the inside pocket of her leather jacket. “Check for your services. Thought I’d deliver it personally.” The woman walked forward, stopping just in front of the desk. She didn’t move to sit. I didn’t offer.

“Thanks.” I got up and took the envelope, placing it on the desk atop the stack of unpaid bills.

One eyebrow rose. “You’re not going to open it?”

I shrugged. “I know you’re good for it.”

“You should.” She sat down in the empty chair and looked around the office. “They did a good job.”

“Sure did. Still looking for a new Brown Betty, but beggars can’t be choosers.” I rocked back in the squeaky wooden antique chair. “How’s Tony?”

Jess let her breath out in a low whistle. “He’s working. Hard. Got him putting in so much time on the chores, he barely has time to think.”

“And Mike? The kids?”

“They’re…coping.” Jess nodded to Jazz who returned her look with a quiet purr. “I let Mike and Tony slug it out once already. Mike held back but still bloodied the kid up. Not going to close open wounds but it’s a good catharsis for everyone. Mike understands it’s partially our fault. Shouldn’t have happened. Calamity of errors and all that.”

“Moving forward and all that,” I said, trying not to sound too sarcastic.

“Figure the best option is to keep Tony in custody for years, maybe let him out on a short leash if he earns it. Killing him ain’t no proper solution.”

I nodded. “How about the kids?”

“The younger one’s still confused. The girl’s going back and forth between swearing a blood oath to kill him and falling in love with the bastard.” She shook her head. “Teens.”

“Tell me about it.” I rocked forward again. “And Tony’s real father?”

“Kelly beat Frank up pretty badly, and now she’s smothering Tony with so much affection that I think she’s going to offer to bottle-feed him next. Frank’s falling over himself with trying to take over as a father to Tony and groveling to Kelly, to say nothing of trying to make amends to Mike. It’s not perfect, but it’s a start.” Jess shook her head. “We screwed up. Can’t take it all out on the kid.”

“Right.” I glanced at the sealed envelope. “As long as the kids and Mike can live with it.”

“They’re more understanding than I’d thought they could be.” She flexed her fingers, knuckles popping with a loud crack. “Tony’s been pretty contrite. I think he’s getting his emotions under control.”

“His…other parents?”

“They’ve agreed to send him to our ‘special school’ for the time being.” Jess grinned. “Dad didn’t care as long as the kid was out from underfoot and Kathy, well…” Her face softened, suddenly reminding me of my mother. “She knew this day was coming. She’s just glad he’s not going to jail for the rest of his life. Tony’s spoken to her a few times. A bit of crying but they’re both coping with it.”

“So everyone wins in the end.” I pushed papers around the desktop.

The woman shrugged again. “Best we can come up with given the circumstances. It’s not only Tony’s fault or Frank’s or Kathy’s, it’s everyone’s.”

“Best you can do.” I tried not to sound judgmental but it rang through.

Jess leaned in, her voice low. “Look, no one’s perfect. No system’s perfect. This is all new to us. We never had this sort of kit before.” She let out a sigh. “Wish we still had Ruth around. She’d be able to sniff the kid right straight up.”

I nodded and twisted the metal clip straight. “Except she’s dead, and you’ve still got Davis to deal with.”

“It’s all a mess.” Jess sighed again. “And it’ll take a while to clean up. We nominated Harry Wheaton to the Board, just so you know.”

Now it was my turn to shrug. “I’ll make a note.”

“You know you’re welcome to come home. I made that clear to everyone.” Her eyes went a steely blue. “If they had a problem then they’d have to deal with me.”

“Yep.” I raised my head to meet her gaze. “But that’s not my home. Not anymore.”

Jess cleared her throat. “I understand. Still, it’s good that you’re all right again.” She paused, staring at me.

I looked away. I’d never been a good poker player. Too many tells, as they call it.

“You can’t do it again, can you?” she asked, a bit of sadness creeping into her usually neutral tones. “You’ve tried and you can’t Change again.”

My tongue rolled into my cheek and around to the other one before I responded. “Would it make a difference?”

“Not really.” She shrugged. “Not now.”

“Not going to beat me up again? Revoke my status?” I felt my blood pressure rising.

She put up her hands. “Don’t put words in my mouth. I didn’t say that.”

“Then what?” My voice rose. “What happens now?”

“You do what you do. We do what we do,” Jess said. “Hey, we all screwed up on this one.” She got to her feet. “Can’t say that I’ll be any wiser in the future, but at least we can start making things better.”

I glanced at Jazz who tilted her head to one side and rolled onto her back. “Guess we’re all learning.”

“Ain’t that the truth.” She put out her hand. “You’ve caused quite a stir, by the way. Between your…change of status and Tony’s existence things are changing quickly and furiously. Tell you the truth, it’s sort of exciting. Been a long time since the Pride’s been rocked with this sort of news. Suddenly people are thinking and talking and asking questions, and wondering what else is out there that we’ve ignored or missed along the way.”

I returned the smile, forcing myself to stay silent on that particular interpretation of “exciting.”

“Well, keep me in the loop.” I stood up.

“Sure will.” Jess turned as if to leave, then paused. “I’m sorry it didn’t work out with him.”

I was grateful she hadn’t used his name. “Thanks. So it goes.”

“He’s a good man, just so you know. I liked him.” Jess stepped away, stopping to pet Jazz’s exposed tummy. “Dating humans, well, some people just can’t deal with it.”

“I guess not.” I didn’t move out from behind the desk.

Jess smiled as she reached the hallway. “You never know what you can handle until you try, Reb. Never underestimate yourself.”

Suddenly I caught it on the air, the faintest of scents carried in from the street.

The woman grinned like a Cheshire cat before stepping out of sight. “Or others, it seems.” The words hung in the air for a second. I had to get her to teach me that trick.

Bran appeared in the doorway. He was wearing his black leather duster, as usual, with a white T-shirt and jeans. A small bandage covered the cut on his throat. He shifted his weight from one foot to the other while staring at me.

“Hey.” I exhaled the word, still standing behind the desk.

“Hey.” His hands moved to sit in his coat pockets, then to his jeans pockets then to flop around in front of him like fish out of water. “Jazz okay?”

“Well, she misses all the extra treats.” The white cat let out a full-strength yawn, letting everyone know she knew we were talking about her. “Other than that, she’s fine.”

He shuffled his way into the lobby. “They did a good job cleaning up the place.”

“Yep. Hank said they were good and they were. Expensive, but good.” I floundered through the conversation. “Jess was just here.”

“Ah. Good news?” Bran moved closer to the couch and Jazz.

“Depends on your definition.” I watched as he reached out and began to stroke Jazz’s soft fur. Ever the traitor, she rolled over and let out a wide yawn, exposing her tummy for even more attention. “Tony’s in rehab, or what passes for rehab up on the farm. Cops aren’t any the wiser and have closed the case. Mike’s coping, so are the kids.”

“And you?” Bran left the cat and moved closer to the desk, standing opposite me. “How are you doing?”

“I’m…coping.” I couldn’t lie. “Jess told me I could come back to the farm if I wanted.” I pushed the thick envelope with my index finger. “Don’t think I’m going to take her up on the offer. Been out here in the world too long. Besides, I’m not sure if the rest of the Felis will be as forgiving as she is. Right now they’re trying to deal with the concept that we can breed with humans and the possibility of other lost kits out there. It’s a lot for them to deal with.”

“And you?” Bran moved around to the right side of the desk, coming closer. “How are you coping now that you can…” A puzzled look came over his face as he waved his right hand as if he were brushing away flies. “You know.”

He was right in my personal space again, his scent sweeping over me. “I don’t think I’ll do it anytime soon.” I lifted my hands and showed him the healed skin. “Besides, it’s too much trouble. No offense to my kin, but I’ve learned how to live without it.”

“Oh.” Bran moved even closer to me, his eyes meeting mine. “I mean, I was sort of hoping to see what it’s like at night.” One hand flopped between us. “That is, when it’s cold. And I need to stay warm.” A sigh escaped his lips. “Am I making any sense here?”

“You’re okay with this?” I breathed in deeply, wallowing in his musky smell. “I thought…when you left…” Now it was my turn to flop around like a fish out of water.

Bran reached down and pushed the envelope across the desk. “Honestly, I was scared.” A sheepish look crossed his features. “I guess it’s a sort of fight or flight thing. I just wasn’t ready to see you…you know, like that.”

“Understandable,” I mumbled.

He moved his hand along the wooden desktop.

“There’s a reason why Felis stay with Felis.” The words felt stale.

His hand landed atop mine and squeezed it lightly. “I’m sorry about what I did. And I can’t say that I won’t be a bit surprised and off-kilter at times when you do things in your own…special way.” Dark, deep eyes met mine as he leaned in towards me. “But I can say that I’m willing to give this a try if you’ll let a mere human share your bed.”

I moved in for the kill and captured his lower lip with my teeth, nipping lightly, not enough to draw blood. “Yes. And yes.”

Bran drew back. “To what?”

“To everything.” I got up from behind the desk and walked around to face him. Wrapping my hands around his waist, I glanced toward the couch and Jazz, still on her back and watching us intently. “If you lock the door I’ll move the cat.”

He smiled broadly. “Deal. Just don’t scratch me up too much. I’ve got an image to maintain.”

I frowned. “What?”

Now it was his turn to smirk. “Got me a real freelance assignment. With the
National Post
. A respectable newspaper with a good reputation.” Bran nodded to my shocked expression. “Time for us all to start something new, eh?”

I grinned as I pulled him in again for another long kiss, releasing him in time to let out a growl loud enough to scare Jazz off of the couch. “I guess you can always teach an old cat new tricks.”

About the Author

Sheryl Nantus was born in Montreal, Canada, and grew up in Toronto, Canada. A rabid reader almost from birth, she attended Sheridan College in Oakville, graduating in 1984 with a diploma in media arts writing. She met Martin Nantus through the online fanfiction community in 1993 and moved to the United States in 2000 in order to marry.

She loves to play board games and write haiku, although not usually at the same time. In her past she was a Guardian Angel—no, not *that* type. She also spent over fifteen years in private security, working at hospitals and high-security sites.

A firm believer in the healing properties of peppermint and chai, she continues to search for the perfect cuppa.

She has published multiple books with Samhain Publishing. In 2011 she won two second-place Prism Awards from the Fantasy, Futuristic and Paranormal chapter of RWA.
Blood of the Pride
is her first book with Carina Press.

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