Blood of the Pure (Gaea) (77 page)

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Authors: Sophia CarPerSanti

BOOK: Blood of the Pure (Gaea)
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I slid my lips over his skin and down his neck, addicted to the electrifying feeling of his skin, and was even more frustrated when I felt his heartbeat under my lips, calm and rhythmic, and so indifferent as he seemed. I still remembered the feverish gaze with which he’d looked at me before. It couldn’t all have disappeared over a single phone call!

I felt sick and dizzy at the memory of Michael’s voice. It was exactly as I’d predicted; I was losing them both. And just the idea of that being possible left me submerged in chaos. Desperately, I told myself that at least Gabriel wouldn’t be able to leave me that easily, and yet I recalled seeing his mark of the Contract cut in two, almost an indistinct red smear over his white skin. My trembling nervous hands were moving before I could even think, undoing the buttons of his shirt as fast as my clumsy fingers would allow it. And there it was, I almost sighed in relief, touching the small mark over his heart, as perfect as I remembered it, not a single hint that it had been so savagely cut. Its color had grown paler, like my mark, but the lines of the strange symbol were intact and, like my own, unnoticeable to the touch. I smiled melancholically as I remembered just how hard I’d tried to find a way to get rid of it, in a time where those marks had meant my complete destruction. Now, only the thought that that might happen made me cringe, sick to the stomach, about to drown in total despair. And so, as if to reinforce that frail link that bound us, I placed a light kiss on that exact place, the same place I’d kissed when we’d first met.

I felt him shudder ever so slightly and yet, that was a reaction! A deep feeling of happiness washed over me. I wondered if it felt differently, being touched there, and I recalled the burning sensation his kiss had left on my wrist. Either way, the simple idea of having been able to break the ice enclosing him, even if it meant that it hurt, was enough to make me kiss him again, and again, and again, torturing him repeatedly, as a wave of pleasure cursed through me every time his body unwillingly shuddered.

“Mariane … enough.” I heard his voice in a low whisper that made me smile since he was even talking now, and so I kissed him yet one more time.

I couldn’t tell what happened. Just that a huge hand was suddenly wrapped around my arm, cooling my skin even through my clothes, and I was pulled up. Cold fingers tangled in my hair, pulling it painfully, making me raise my head. And harsh lips kissed mine, hungrily, stealing my breath and any words of complaint.

I was lost for a moment between the pain his hands gave me and the intensity of his kiss, a kiss that I had longed for, free of fears and restrictions. I couldn’t recall ever feeling his hands so real, so firm, on my body, and the way he was kissing me was quickly sweeping away any rational thoughts.

And yet, beyond the restlessness that filled me, and the desire that he would kiss me like that forever, I knew clearly that I could never allow him to hurt me. If anything went wrong because we were together, he’d probably use it as an excuse to leave me again. And so, I made use of my free hand, pushing his chin back, and placed my hand between our lips, since the way he held me wouldn’t allow me any other movements. The hand entangled in my hair pulled my head back even more, making me groan in pain, and cold lips attacked my throat, almost as if he wanted to devour me.

I stared up at the ceiling lost in the darkness around us and had to fight once more against my will of simply allowing him to do as he pleased, as long as he kept kissing me and touching me. By then, part of my mind was even trying to convince me that it was OK even if he killed me, as long as he wouldn’t let go of me. At least I would die in his arms and would never have to live through that devastating pain once he left again, which would inevitably happen.

I placed my free hand over his head, caressing his soft hair, and made my brain focus on what was important, trying to find the right words; anticipating how disturbed he would be once he was back to himself and aware that he’d lost control over his own emotions. The hand around my arm was beginning to be really painful and I was sure his fingers would be marked with dark bruises on my skin for a long time. Besides, I was beginning to fear that any more strength and my bones would end up cracking, the thought making my mind even clearer, free from the dreaming enchantment brought by his touch.

I took a deep breath, looking for my voice, and he nibbled my earlobe making my body quiver.

“Nyx, let go of my hair,” I asked, but he didn’t seem to hear me, his mouth dancing and licking my neck. I placed my hand over his and tried to pull his stone hard fingers opened. “Nyx!” I complained, as his hand was practically unmovable and, incredibly enough his fingers gave in, releasing me, allowing me to finally move my head again. I placed a brief kiss on his bare shoulder, as his opened shirt had slid down his back, and tried to figure out the best way to make him release my arm next.

In the next moment, and before I could understand what had happened, he’d already done it, and his arms wrapped around me, squeezing me with too much strength against his chest.

I couldn’t breathe and, even when I tried, the pressure on my ribs wouldn’t allow the air to fill my lunges. His scent invaded my brain, making me dizzy, and the way he held me made me uncomfortably aware of all the forms of his perfect body and of just how much he really desired me. His mouth searched for mine, once again, and mercilessly ravaged my lips, tearing the soft skin, leaving a coppery taste in my mouth. I put my arms around his neck to hold him close, as if that would be enough to stop him from running away, and pulled his hair as hard as I could to put an end to that delicious, but completely twisted kiss.

My gasping breath filled the air once again, and I looked at him, fearing I’d find something like guilt or remorse. The feverish glow of his gaze made me blush, setting my chest on fire, as he kept trying to reach my lips again, which made me pull his hair even harder, hoping to keep him still for a few seconds.

“Your arms ... less strength,” I whispered and, to my surprise, he released me again, leaving that frightening feeling of emptiness in his place.

However, in the next moment, he was holding my wrists, making me dizzy at how fast he’d moved, forcing me to relinquish the hold I had on him. His arm wrapped around my waist, pulling me against his hard chest, and then I was lying on my back, and he was kissing me avidly.

My heart felt like it was about to explode when his hand slid up my leg, pulling it up against his waist. It was the first time I felt his entire weight over me, and the way our bodies seemed to mold themselves to each other erased all other thoughts from my mind. I thought that I had at last succumbed to the addicting drug that was his kiss, but, right then, even if it was so I couldn’t care less. The way he was holding me and manipulating my body left me completely lost in sensations I’d never experienced before. And although I couldn’t help feeling scared of his intensity, my body kept reflexively answering his, making sure he wouldn’t pull away.

His cold hands traced the soft curves of my chest, awaking a fiery desire I could hardly keep under control, and finally slid under my top, directly against my skin, making me shiver. His lips left mine, kissing my face and neck again, and I bit the back of my hand making sure that I’d seal my embarrassing voice when his cold fingers drew circles over my skin.

“Mariane.” The sound of my name in his voice sent an electrical current throughout my entire body, and his warm sigh left me completely surrendered. “If you knew how much I want you ... I can hardly restrain myself.”

My heart beat even faster, it that was possible, and fear burnt in my stomach. But still I found myself smiling as I caressed the soft hair gently brushing against my face.

“It’s OK,” I promised and he took a deep breath, raising his head to look at me. I noticed immediately that his eyes were different, that he was finally back to himself, that he’d managed to put his own desire under control, and that he’d gone back to acting according to his mind and not according to the frightening intense and unstopping river that were his chaotic emotions.

“If I made you mine, right now,” he whispered gently, touching my face with the tips of his fingers and I felt completely captivated by the magnetic pull of his voice. “The marks I’d leave in your being, no one would ever be able to erase them. Because, even among Human standards, you’re still a child, and this soft, warm body is as pure and untouched as your Soul. If someone like me breaks that Seal, even if I do not wish to steal your power, it will leave an eternal mark on your Soul. Because I’m
, I’d probably end up corrupting you. You would belong to me for the rest of your eternity,” he claimed and I smiled, touching his soft lips that had kissed me so many times.

“I don’t mind.”

“I do. You would belong to me, but not because you chose me ... only because I made you mine first.” I felt the blood freezing in my veins and he smiled coldly as if he were aware. “It would be the same as manipulating your will, all because of one night. It would be too easy for me, doing it to a Human child like you. You wouldn’t even notice you were being manipulated, believing that this was really your choice. Only I would know the truth.”

“I want to be with you!” I declared and he placed a soft kiss on my forehead, as if to comfort or appease me.

“I believe you.”

“You don’t understand at all!” I charged and buried my nails in his bare shoulder as if that could make him pay closer attention to what I was trying to say. “I love you! I can’t live without you!” I told him in one breath, embarrassed and flustered, but his expression didn’t even flicker.

“Those are two completely different things, from which I can only understand the second one. Of course I’m not going to doubt what you say you feel just because I’m unable to understand it ... and yet ... I know all too well about the doubts in your mind, and how much me choosing for you would make things much easier.” I looked at him in disbelief, hurt by his words, but he was serious. “As much as I want you, in the end I’m still too selfish. I’ve stopped wanting only parts of you a long time ago. And I can’t help wonder what you would do if it were Michael here with you, and not me. If you would allow him to touch you and kiss you like you allow me ... If you’d surrender to him. And yet, I’m perfectly aware that not making you mine, right now, leaves an open space, an open possibility that that might really happen. But even so I’d rather take the risk. Not for your sake, but for mine. Because I want you to choose me!”

The anger that took over my pain made me tremble even more, and I hit him with clenched fists as hard I as I could, even though it was like hitting a wall. How could he make me want him that much and then refuse me! How could he make me need him as much as I did and then push me away! And tell me those things about Michael, when I’d never ... and everything else too! How could he ask me to choose when he’d been the one trampling all over my life, destroying everything around me? How could I feel how I felt ... for someone like him? And how was he able to look at me with that gentle expression, hopelessly captivating me, when all that was supposed to exist between us was a cold bargain, empty of any kind of feelings besides pain and resentment?

Everything was just wrong, anyway! And his attempts of somehow making things right just went to show me just how much it was really wrong, making me frustrated and angry. It was as if he were telling me that, in truth, what existed between us could not be; that, probably, all that would end up destroying me, and since it was so, that was a decision only I could make.

Still, he would only accept me if I could give up everything else, as if I could just press a button and delete all the doubts he, himself, had planted inside me. In the end it all came back to the same. For one reason or the other, he would end up leaving me. Our worlds were too different and he would never be able to understand the complexity of Human emotions.

Gabriel held my useless hands, unable to hurt him, and pinned them against the soft mattress, as I sobbed bitterly.

“I hate you!” I declared and he laughed, kissing the tip of my nose.

“No you don’t,” he told me with that smug smile that annoyed me so much, his violet eyes glowing, making him look suddenly very dangerous. “In truth, you already belong to me. You just haven’t noticed yet.” I frowned which made him smile again. “Partly because you’re definitely one of the most stubborn Humans I’ve ever known. But mainly because there are things you still don’t know. Which make you repeat to yourself nonsense like that, that you love that idiot. Actually, you’ve never loved him, and I’d rather wait until you understand this on your own. And when you do, remember that it was for your sake that I stopped now.”

I felt confused. How had he been able to solve things that easily? And it was it for my sake? How come? When he’d just told me all that stuff about he wanting me to choose, and he wanting me to give up on everything else. No matter how I saw it, he stopped for the sake of what he wanted, like always!

His hands released me, bringing me back from my thoughts, leaving me completely frozen as if his touch, even if cold, had the ability to warm me, and I instinctively held him by his open shirt, stopping him from pulling away any further.

“I don’t understand, but fine,” I conceded and he seemed surprised. “I accept your decision and can even understand that ... kissing me, and touching me after, hearing what I said downstairs can be ...  disgusting, that I can be ... nauseating.”

“I’m not usually that morally inclined,” he said, laughing, “at least not enough to take that kind of thing into account. If I want something I just take it. The only difference, this time, is that what I want is all that much harder to get. And, as if it weren’t enough, I have to constantly be on alert so that I won’t end up breaking you into pieces before I can claim what I want.”

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