Blood & Roses: Warriors of the Krieger (14 page)

Read Blood & Roses: Warriors of the Krieger Online

Authors: Theresa Hissong

Tags: #romance, #vampires, #paranormal, #werewolves

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“I’m fine, doctor,” I laughed. “Did you miss

“Terribly,” he sighed. “I heard you were
coming in tonight, so I have a surprise for you.” As he said this,
he patted the side of his neck and smiled. I wondered what he had
eaten tonight. Robbie pulled up a stool in front of his chair and
took a seat. After my customary kiss on the cheek, I leaned in and
bit into his vein.

Oh wow, a flavor explosion flooded my mouth.
I moaned when my taste buds were assaulted with sweet blackberry
pie. Robbie laughed and rubbed my back, urging me to enjoy.
Granted, warrior blood was the best, but this tasty treat took me
back to an earlier time, when life was simple. I loved Robbie for
his faithfulness, but it made me a little sad. I’ve never talked
about my upbringing to anyone but Lydia; it’s just something I
don’t like to talk about. It was a long time ago.


I was welcomed back at the club with open
arms, or more like a movie star, getting the royal treatment. Lydia
had taken care of everything while I was away. The liquor locker
was stocked, the bills were paid and the employees were happy. Abby
was the first one to hug me tonight.

“Oh, Char,” she spoke in her lovely southern
American accent. Abby was born in Memphis, Tennessee and has only
been out of her transition about five years. She was turned at the
age of twenty-one. Abby was dying from a brain tumor and was
granted emergency vampirization. Immortality has done her well.
Abby is about my height with blonde pixie like hair and big green
eyes. Her face still held a small amount of a child’s roundness.
The poor girl had lived a rough life. Her mother had died in an
alley from an apparent overdose and her father was serving a life
sentence for murder. Abby had told me that she was starting to go
down the same road as her mother when the diagnosis was given. That
one thing changed her life around, but it was too late. The cancer
was not operable and chemotherapy wouldn’t help. Now, she has
changed her life around and is in college.

Jackson scrambled out from behind the counter
and scooped me up in a bear hug that had me gasping for air.
“Charity, don’t you ever scare me like that again!” He was the
cutest thing I have ever seen, baby blues that would melt a demons
heart and shoulder length brown hair. High cheekbones framed his
face; a supermodels dream. Jackson was no
but he
was still built pretty nice. He too was a few years out from being
turned at the young age of twenty.

Newly turned vampires have to go through a
rehabilitation program, teaching them how to live their new
eternity. The program has been structured to teach them how to
control their thirst, apply for their citizenship, and find work.
This is where I come in. I am contracted by the government to hire
newly transformed vampires. Mostly they’ve already had experience
in the service industry and fair quite well at my little club. I
don’t mind at all helping these kids, as I call them, getting on
their feet.

By the time I made it to my stool at the East
bar, I had been passed from person to person gaining hugs and well
wishes. My ribs were still a little sore, but manageable. The club
was pretty full tonight; Lydia had booked a live band that was to
start within the hour. The lead singer and Lydia had a fling back
during World War II and she was excited to have them here

“I can’t wait to see Walter again.” Lydia was
practically bouncing in her seat. She had used hot rollers on her
hair and looked exceptionally well. Of course, Lydia was in her
prime tonight, tight black leather mini skirt and a matching
bustier with red lace ribbons for ties. She was in total tramp

I noticed a few old friends sitting at a
booth in the far corner and hopped off the stool to make my rounds.
Pete and Josie were friends from my days in Paris. They moved to
Port Royal a few years ago and have opened a chain of gas stations
and convenience stores. There was no need for me to hang around
long at their table; they were meeting with a business consultant
tonight for drinks. I didn’t want to bother them. Customers loved
the fact that I mingled with the crowd. After stopping by a table
of business men, I glanced over at Lydia.

Walter and his band had made it in and were
setting up. Lydia was standing next to the stage batting her
eyelashes at him. I couldn’t blame the girl, Walter was a treat to
look at, just think George Clooney, from his E.R. days.

The tug on my elbow made me gasp and I spun
around to see who it was. Then I completed my spin and headed for
the office.

“Aw, come on Charity. I just wanted to say
hello.” Romeo begged. Yes, his name really is Romeo and he is a
self-proclaimed Casanova. Not to me anymore. Long story short, we
dated. We broke up.

“What do you want Romeo?” It was very hard to
keep my voice polite, believe me, I was trying. Romeo was a jerk
and thought that he could get away with having multiple women and I
just didn’t swing that way. He really disgusts me. Oh, right! I
wasn’t going to talk about it.

“I was in town and wanted to say hello. I’ve
missed you. Come on baby. Talk to me please,” he pleaded, again.
Romeo was a pretty boy. I’m talking total Hollywood metro sexual.
He wore the best suits, the most expensive jewelry, drove the
nicest cars and slept with the best women. Dark brown hair
sculptured to his face, dreamy brown eyes and even though he was
pale from being a vampire, you could still see that his skin had
once been a deep olive color; a typical Italian heartthrob.

call me baby!” I growled and
kept walking.

“Is this any way to treat an old friend?” Man
he was persistent. After a deep, calming breath, I turned to face
him, my back ended up against the office door. Romeo stepped up
only allowing a couple of inches between us. He did not understand
the concept of personal space. I was extremely uncomfortable. He
was so close that I noticed he smelled of Polo cologne and red

“It’s a busy night for me, make it quick,” I
urged. He placed his hand flat on the door behind me. His arm was
close enough to brush against my right ear. I shivered from his
closeness. There was nowhere for me to move. I clamped down on my
panic. This was Romeo. Although he was a playboy and was a little
overly flirty, he would never hurt me.

What is up with my luck lately?

“I heard you were hurt. Are you well?” he
asked. I didn’t buy his worry. It was fake concern.

“I’m fine, Romeo. What are you doing here?” I

“I’ve been managing Walter’s band for a few
years now. When I heard that Lydia wanted him to come to Port
Royal, I just had to see you.” I looked over Romeo’s shoulder and
caught Lydia’s attention. Her eyes narrowed and she used her vamp
speed to come and save me.

“Romeo, What are you doing to my Charity? You
better back off, she’s dating a
,” she announced

“I just wanted to say hello, Lydia. Could you
be a dear and give us some privacy?” he purred.

“Romeo, please go away,” I demanded. He was
starting to make me a little nervous. Romeo reached up and traced
my jaw with his thumb and smiled. I flinched and shivered at his
touch. He was about to cross a line, because Dragus would sense my
fright and that would not be good for Romeo.

“Oh and look, here he comes now.” Great!
That’s not what I needed right now. Lydia’s smug expression didn’t
faze Romeo. He leaned in closer to stare into my eyes. I turned my
head and looked over his shoulder.

Dragus’ head turned just as our eyes made
contact. Blood seeped into his eyes and his lips pulled back over
his sharp fangs. Before I could blink, Dragus had used his super
vamp speed to come to my rescue. He placed one hand on Romeo’s
shoulder and spun him around. I wish I could have seen the look on
dear old Romeo’s face. I bet it was priceless. Jerk!

“Is there a problem here?” Dragus’ voice was
like a full blown hurricane. His voice thundered above the music
that was coming from the speakers.

“This gentleman was just leaving,” I spoke
through clenched teeth, but still managed to keep my perky club
owner voice intact. It worked, Dragus growled and Romeo turned
right around and got the hell out of there quick.

Lydia totally lost all control and starting
laughing like a damn hyena. “Oh, that was great! The look on
Romeo’s face…he won’t be bothering you anymore, Char.” I think
Lydia realized a second too late that she had said too much. With
nothing more than an “oops” she took off back toward the stage. I
rolled my eyes and opened the door to my office. Dragus followed me

“Lydia was a little out of line,” I murmured,
trying not to make a big deal out of it.

“Who was that?” Dragus’ eyes narrowed, daring
me to lie. The blood had not completely drained from his eyes, so I
knew he was still livid. I had to choose my words carefully.

“His name is Romeo. He is the manager for the
band that’s playing here tonight.” Well, it’s the truth. The look
in Dragus’ eyes had me spilling, “We dated a
time ago.
He’s a creep and was being a little pushy. Don’t worry about

“A little pushy?” he asked.

“I said don’t worry about it,” I growled.

“Is he the one that…” his voice trailed off
and I knew that he knew about my ancient history; so much for
keeping that a secret.

“No,” I whispered. It wasn’t a lie. I hung my
head in shame, because I didn’t want him knowing about my past. It
was just too creepy to relive.

“What did he say to you?” Dragus

“Nothing you need to be concerned about. You
scared him off, so don’t worry.” I acted like it was no big deal.
Which to me, it wasn’t. Romeo was the least of my worries.

“Did he hurt you?” he pressed.

“Do I look hurt?” I snapped. Dragus flinched
at my words. Obviously, he wasn’t use to someone taking that tone
with him. Well, if he stuck around, I’m sure he will get used to it
very soon. “It’s over, so quit worrying.”

Dragus nodded and focused on the back of my
office door, like he could burn a hole through it. His concern was
flattering, but a little over the top. Part of the blame I put on

“What brings you by?” I asked, bringing his
attention back to me.

“I sensed something was wrong, so I came
right over,” he paused looking back toward the door. “I’m glad I
came when I did.”

Okay, it was time to change the subject,
“How’s work?”

The question seemed to snap his attention
back to me. No doubt Dragus was planning a massive background check
on Romeo, or possible threats to his manhood, if he even looked in
my direction again. “There are two male vampires reported missing
by their families. We think maybe the Lycans have attacked again.”
Dragus got to his feet and paced back and forth in front of my
desk, as he talked. “Have you had any other contact with Adam?”

“Nothing as of yet,” I said. I couldn’t lie
to him now. His blood flowed through my body now and we were
connected in sort of a weird way. With Dragus’ blood in my system,
he can read my mind and can even track me.

His pacing was starting to annoy me. I stood
up and walked over to him, stopping in his path. He wrapped his
arms around my waist and leaned down to kiss me then sighed and let
me go.

“I’m sorry, but I have to get back to the
office. I just wanted to come by and see that you were safe.”

“Okay,” I pouted. Dragus and I haven’t even
had a date yet and that made me a little sad. I felt as though he
was sort of a boyfriend, but I couldn’t tell you what he thought.
He’s always so cryptic. Granted I can’t read his exact thoughts,
but I could pick up on some of his emotions.

Right now, he felt content and

After he left, I managed to drag myself out
to watch Walter sing his little heart out. I’d forgotten how
exceptionally good he was and enjoyed every second of the night.
Romeo was nowhere to be seen. Lydia danced all night and looked
completely exhausted by closing time. She and I helped clean tables
and restocked the booze before locking up for the night.

“Oh, I totally forgot to tell you. I rented
out the club tomorrow night for a private party. Can you come open
up and help Abby set up? I’ve got a date.” Lydia smiled a little
too much. She was up to something.

“Who rented out the club?” I asked,

“Some well to do lawyer. He wants to have a
special night for his lady. Be here at eight. I have to go, see
ya.” Lydia turned for her car without another word.

I was tired. My first night back at work took
a lot out of me. Granted I’m almost impossible to kill, but I can
still hurt. The worse the injury, the longer it takes to heal.
Hopefully, when I wake up tomorrow night, I will be back to




My plan for Charity was set in motion. I
talked to Lydia and had her trick her best friend into going to the
club to host a private party. Tomorrow night would be our first
date. I was nervous as hell, but Lydia assured me that their head
waitress and party planner, Abby, would not disappoint me.

Ashby and the twins were waiting for me at
the public picnic area on the east side of Shepherd’s Forest. We
worked with the human authorities to close down the forest to
humans until this whole mess was over.

The last thing I wanted to do was to dispose
of the Lycanthropes or the hybrids, but when my people were
threatened, I have to suck it up and do what is necessary. My one
goal is to find Adam Castillo. I would not allow Charity to be hurt
by him or any of the others again.

Charity’s safety is first on my priority.
I’ve waited too long to let her go now. Ever since the first night
I had met her in my dreams, she has been a part of me. Ever since
the night she ceased to dream, I have mourned her, as though she
had died. A few times over the past decades, I wondered if she had
been turned. Akalika was never any help. He always spoke in riddles
and I think he did it just to anger me.

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