Blood Stained Tranquility (52 page)

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Authors: N. Isabelle Blanco

BOOK: Blood Stained Tranquility
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Eve’s incisors grew longer. Her lips parted on a sharp inhale. “Zeniel. Please. Now.”

She managed to dematerialize her own pants. Then, lifted her hips up and rubbed her swollen flesh against him, mindless for him.

“Shit.” Zen’s fingers slid into the stone on either side of her head, as if it was nothing more than loose dirt. He clenched his hands and Eve heard a crack echo through the garden.

She went dizzy at the feel of his still-clothed cock sliding up and down her cleft. She sunk her nails into his back, tearing his skin. Zen bent down and bit right through her tank top, tearing the fabric off her breast with his teeth. He took her nipple into his mouth, looking up at her with his black-and-red eyes.

“Zen, please. I know you can feel me. So wet. It hurts.

Zeniel shuddered and she felt his cock pulse. “Tell me what you need,” he rasped, licking her nipple. As if he didn’t already know what she was desperate for.

Eve reached down and sunk her nails into one of his muscled ass cheeks, squeezing hard. As Zen jerked and shivered above her, she arched her back, pushing her tit further into his mouth.

“I’m freaking soaked for you. For your cock. Give me what’s mine, Zen.” Especially since he’d made damn sure that was all she could think about it.

He hugged her to him, groaning as if pained. In one quick move, he flipped them over, so that she was on top of him and he was the one lying on the bench. His leather pants were gone, leaving his dick pressed between her pussy and his lower abs.

Evesse ripped off the rest of her tank top and reached down to circle one hand around her mate’s large, corded,
neck. She felt her mouth water at the sight of his mating mark.

“Yes.” He kicked his head back, lifting his chin. He grabbed her hips, moving her up and down his length slowly, wetting it with her juices. Eve lowered her other hand and cupped his jaw so that she could run one finger across his swollen lips. He writhed under her and nipped her finger, his eyes heavy lidded. “That’s it. Take me. I’m yours, Eve.”

Her breath ragged, she lifted herself onto her knees. One of Zen’s hands shot down, wrapping around his length and holding it up for her. She twitched when she felt the blunt head of his cock pressed to her lower lips. His shaft throbbed, a hot spurt of pre-cum sliding out and hitting her skin.

Shameless and out of control, Evesse circled her hips, rubbing his cum all over her pussy and his cockhead. Zeniel’s sharp moan was throaty and sexy as all hell. There were no flashbacks this time. No memories of him and the other female. Fuck, she could barely remember what had happened minutes prior. All that mattered was his heat, his taste, and having him inside her.

Zen grabbed her ass and held her still so he could press his tip to her opening. Before he could slide her down onto him, Eve grabbed his chin and squeezed down, making him look at her. “Give—give me . . . fuck,
give me Tranquility.”

There was no question that he’d understood what she was asking for. Zen squeezed his eyes shut, his jaw jumping frantically as he ground his molars together. His lips pulled back, exposing his clenched teeth.

When his eyes shot open once more, they were back to being gray-and-blue. The sight of her sexy male and the proof of his wholeness set her off. Beyond the point of carnal, she bared her teeth and sunk her nails into his neck. Zen jerked beneath her, sliding his tip into her—at the same time that the scent of his blood hit her and an orgasm detonated inside her core.

He forced his cock the rest of the way inside, cupping her face with shaking hands.

She chanted “please”, her voice breathless, over and over even though she was already riding his cock, rotating ruthlessly on it and milking every bit of the pleasure it gave her.

“Oh, Gods, female. The way you feel around my cock. Too much. But never . . . enough . . .
fuck, baby,
going to make me—shit! Evesse, I’m fucking coming!” Zen grabbed onto her shoulders, holding her tight as he pumped his shaft into her.

The shock wave of power that was launched out of his body struck her on a molecular level, the pain of it colliding with her pleasure each time he thrust his cock into her.

A loud crash sounded through the garden, almost as loud as her frantic moans. The bench beneath Zen had broken apart. Didn’t matter. In a flash, he was on his knees on the floor, still inside her, and surging deeper into her. His length trembled with the force of his power as he held her up over him.

“You feel this? Do you feel what we are to each other, baby?” He kissed her cheek, inhaling her and sounding almost frantic. “I feel only you, Eve. Only you.”

Eve lowered her head, pressing her forehead against his. Whimpering, she nodded, feeling him hit the deepest point inside her. The sensation was a teasing lick of pain. It surprised her every single time how much she loved it. His big arms were coated in sweat and wrapped around her. The heat of his body blanketed her, and his energy was swirling around her, making her feel completely drugged.

She wrapped her arms around his neck, holding on as her hips churned.

“Easy, baby. Slow down.” Zeniel tightened his arms, forcing her to do exactly as he’d asked.

She shook her head, needing more of that glorious rush she always got when he went at her hard. “More. I need more.”

“Fuck.” He kissed the corner of her mouth softly. “I love when you demand what’s yours.” But he didn’t move, didn’t go at her like she needed, even though his dick was throbbing so hard it was practically kicking inside her.

I need to come again. I need more—”

“I know what you need,” her
breathed against her lips, flicking her bottom one with his tongue. “Let me give it to you.” He shifted, laying her beneath him, so that her back was on the floor and her thighs were split wide to accept him.

She felt another surge of energy leave him and leak into her. But this one was different than the last. This one was . . . softer. Just as heady and intense, but there was something about it that made her body react differently.

Eve took in Zen’s austere expression. He was concentrated on her and only her, his features harsh with lust. Reaching up, she cupped the side of his face with her palm. His pupils snapped open, revealing his dual-colored irises.

He was balls deep inside her, refusing to move. Each throb that rocked his cock echoed through her. She could come just like that. She
going to come just like that.

When Zen’s lips parted, his throat jumped as he seemed to struggle for air. Eve ran her fingertips across his cheekbone and nodded. Tears sprang to her eyes as a wave of emotional warmth rocked them both.

“I waited so long for you.” He leaned down, breathing against her mouth. “Even if I didn’t remember, the hunger was still there. It haunted me.
haunted me.”

Heart in her throat, Evesse slid her hands around and cupped the back of his head. “I love you, too.”

Gods, the way he smiled at her. How was it possible that he could bring tears to her eyes, calm her,
do so while his cock was still pulsating deep in her pussy?

Zeniel rubbed his nose across hers. “You need to promise me.” He moved, causing his chest to rub against her aching nipples while his dick barely brushed her insides. “That from now on, whenever it’s necessary, you will not react. That you’ll let me calm you.” He took her bottom lip between his teeth, suckling it softly. “Just as I’m going to need you to calm me.”

A pleasured breath left her, followed by a low moan. She squirmed under him.

“Say it, Evesse. Vow to me that you will not fight me. That you’ll let me—”

.” When he made her feel the way he did? When he was capable of both calming her and setting her on fire all at once? Her mind was trapped inside a drug-like euphoria, both melting into calmness and swimming in ecstasy at once. What other response could she possibly give him? “Yes, Zeniel. I vow it. Anything.”

He let out a pleased grunt. Then he was moving, his hips swinging back and forth slowly.

Eve’s head slammed into the floor, her back arching as much as possible under his weight. “God. Yes. That cock. Need it.”

Zen laughed, sounding strained, and pushed harder into her. “Damn it. You have no idea what it does to me when you talk like that. When . . . you . . . fuck, tell me how good it feels.”

She scoured his back with her nails. Wrapped her legs around his hips and tried to control the rhythm.

He wouldn’t let her. His thrusts were hard, deep, but oh so fucking slow.

Maddening. He was driving her insane. She felt him
all over her, inside her, within the cells of her body. His voice was inside her head, showing her just how good she was making him feel. Telling her how much he loved fucking her pussy. Tasting her as they made love.

And even as he drove her way too high for her to handle, he kissed her cheek, nuzzled her, and kept hitting her with that calm warmth he was sending through their mating connection.

Evesse had felt mindfucked before; this was on a whole other level.

! I can’t—harder . . .
please, please, please

He roughly turned her head to the side and gave her mating mark a long lick.

She mewled, vision lost, feeling her next orgasm teasing her nerves but refusing to go off without more from him. She needed harder. She needed faster. She needed—

Zeniel sucked on her neck right before growling in her ear. “Come hard for your male, my

“Holy fuck!” Eve went wild under him, her nails sliding into the skin of his ass cheeks, pushing and pulling and trying to control the rhythm while her body exploded around him, obeying his command.

He pushed his cock into her, using all of his strength to keep himself still. “Yes. That’s it. Right there. Shit . . . feel it. All around.” Throwing his head back, he groaned at the ceiling, the sound animalistic.

She felt the moment he started to come, felt every rough pulsation that his dick gave against her trembling walls.

He barely moved through the whole thing, his back arched, the tip of his cock pushed as far as it could go. The muscles in his upper body bunched and shifted; he seemed to fight to bring his head back down so she could see the pleasure on his face.

Oh, God. His thick lips were parted, glistening, and she could see the tips of his incisors.

She cupped her breasts, the sharp pulses of her orgasm making her legs shake. “Drink me. Please, Zen.” Her voice was breathless. Porn-star worthy, even to her own ears. Moaning wantonly, she arched her back, exposing her neck. “Take me.”

He fell on her, cursing, and the moment his teeth pierced her neck, she gave a wild scream, her world spinning into a whirlwind of color.

Zeniel went brutal on her, finally giving her what she’d been asking for. He thrust into her so hard the floor beneath them was practically destroyed. He pounded into her, again and again, lifting her up so she could reach his neck.

All the while he drank from her, grunting against her neck as he took deep, almost punishing pulls.

Evesse managed to bite into his neck. The taste of his blood hit her with more energy than she could handle, the power that circulated within him overwhelming her to the point that she felt herself on the verge of passing out.

She fought it, though, determined to feel every bit of him. She loved feeling him come, and the feeling of her walls milking him. Besides, what she felt right then was too deep. Too primal. She would have never felt it as a human, had been brought back so that she could feel it only with him.

With a growl, she bit down harder, answering Zen’s silent plea. His massive frame shuddered. At some point, they’d both stopped coming, but did it really matter?

Hell, no. He hugged her to him, his body and thoughts telling her everything she needed and would ever want to know. He wasn’t planning on ever letting her go. He was going to love her for the rest of his immortality.

Exactly as she would love him.

They ended up hugging, their bodies still connected in every possible way. Zen drank from her for what seemed like forever. It was all good, though, because she drank from him just as long, and the mutual exchange of blood made her feel like she was right where she belonged, inside him—as close as she’d ever be able to get.

Zeniel finally pulled back after what seemed an eternity, his breath harsh. He petted her hair and rubbed his cheek against hers, making Evesse want to melt even more. She would love nothing more than to pass out right there, in her
s arms.

“Feeling better?” he asked, a cocky smirk in place.

Evesse merely purred, pressing her nose into his shoulder and inhaling their combined scents.

“Good. Because we need to get back down there. I can feel the energy signatures of the others gathering.”

That one statement reminded her of everything she’d forgotten. Soleria was somewhere—hopefully with Vedlyl, being taken care of. She had no idea where Makayla was, or what else was happening with the others. The last thing she wanted to do was leave that garden, or separate from her mate, but she had no choice.

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