Blood Warrior (11 page)

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Authors: H. D. Gordon

Tags: #Romance, #Mixed characters, #Young Adult, #Vampires, #Fantasy, #next

BOOK: Blood Warrior
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Jackson stopped walking and grabbed me by the shoulders, forcing me to look at him. “
been training your entire life to fight too. And
are the only one who is a true Warrior. You’ll be fine.”

He was right, and I told him so. “It just doesn’t seem right. Why are we fighting each other when we should be fighting the Lamia? It just doesn’t seem right.” Kayden swung around and faced us, making all of us jump in surprise. “Miss Montgomery, Mr. Kane,” he said to Nelly and Jack. “Would you mind going on ahead and packing your things? Someone will be there shortly to escort you to your new dorms.” Nelly shot me a look, asking if this was okay with me, and I nodded. “I’ll catch up with you guys later,” I said.

After they walked away, I raised my eyebrows at Kayden. “Got something on your mind, buddy?”

Kayden walked over to where a bench sat under a cherry blossom tree, about ten feet away from the path we’d been walking on. I followed and took a seat on the bench beside him. I felt… happy being next to him, and again, this struck me as strange.

He stayed silent for a long time and I was just about to break the silence, when he spoke.

“You don’t have to fight.” He wasn’t looking at me, just staring straight ahead.

I took time to consider this. “It sure doesn’t seem that way.” He turned abruptly toward me, his glorious eyes looking at me for the first time since this morning. “I know. But you don’t have to. You do have a choice.” I sighed and looked down at my hands. My voice was small when I spoke. “What else would I do? I don’t have any other skills. Besides, this is what I’m made for.” I wasn’t sure who I was trying to convince, him or me.

He seemed to pick up on this. “Is it what you want?” he asked. “Do you want to spend your life fighting for people who look down on you? Do you want people to be afraid of you everywhere you go? Do you want to risk your life following the orders of people who wouldn’t raise a finger to save your life, and watch those around you die fighting a losing battle?

Is that what you want?”

I didn’t know how to answer that, so I asked a question of my own instead.

“What exactly will I be agreeing to if I do this? What is it that you guys do that earns you such great pay?”

He seemed to be choosing his words carefully. “We’re… soldiers, we hunt the Accursed ones so that their population doesn’t reach dangerous levels and we protect our kind when the need arises.” That didn’t seem too bad. “But that’s not how we earn most of our living; we fight against each other for the entertainment of our people.” He had a disgusted look on his face as he said that last part.

Now that was a catch I hadn’t anticipated. “What, like gladiators?” He dipped his head. “Exactly like gladiators.”

“But… we don’t have to, right? We can just kill Lamia and not fight each other if we choose?”

He finally looked away from me and a sad expression came over his face.

“Warriors, true Warriors, used to fight only out of necessity, only when those who couldn’t protect themselves needed protection. But when the other races decided to enslave them, and then hunted them into extinction,” he glanced at me and gave a small smile. My heart skipped a beat. “Or
extinction, the Brocken Vampires, like me, became our warriors and our race is not known for our intelligence. The same people who enslaved your people enslaved mine in a much more clever way. They offered us an easy way to make a living, fighting for not only our people’s safety, but for our people’s entertainment. Is that what you want, Warrior, to fight for the amusement of others?”

When I didn’t answer, he added, “I heard what you said in the Council meeting.

You said you only fight if you have to, only out of necessity, like a true Warrior. Were those just words, or did you mean what you said?”

I knew that he was just trying to help me and I appreciated it, but at the same time his words offended me. I was so sick of being told what I should and shouldn’t do. I didn’t need to be told by a stranger, a hypocritical stranger at that.

“I meant what I said,” I replied, through clenched teeth. “I don’t like to fight unless I have to, but what choice do I have here? I have no money, no family other than Nelly, and nowhere else to go. If I have to fight to live then that’s what I’ll do. As far as I’m concerned that
fighting out of necessity. At least it’s something I’m good at.” When he opened his mouth to speak, I cut him off, standing up, I said, “And to be honest, where do you get off telling me that I shouldn’t fight? Last time I checked you fight for money too. What makes you different from me? And why do you even care what I do? You don’t even know me.” It was harsh, but I really couldn’t help it. I felt so angry and so wound up that I needed to let it out somehow. And honestly, I didn’t understand why he cared.

He stood up too and I had to plant my feet so that I wouldn’t back up. He was so much bigger than me that he literally had to lean his neck down to look me in the eyes when he spoke. I crossed my arms and waited for his reply.

“Fine,” he said, that unreadable expression back on his face. “You want to fight, that’s up to you. Follow me.” He turned and walked off toward a line of trees.

I stood there confused, before jogging to catch up with him. “Where are we going?”

He glanced back at me, but didn’t slow his pace. “You said fighting is what you’re good at, right?”

I nodded slowly, still completely confused.

“Well, then let’s go see if you’re as good as you think you are.”

Chapter 22

Kayden led me into the trees and we walked for about ten minutes before coming to a small clearing. I glanced around and turned to ask him what we were doing… and just barely had enough time to dodge his punch.

I side-stepped, causing his blow to glance off of my shoulder. It still hurt. My body immediately reacted to the threat, drawing my right leg back so that I was standing in a fighting position.

“What the hell are you doing?” I shouted, just barely managing to escape another blow.

He didn’t miss a beat, he just kept on coming. “At least your fast,” he said, stepping back and mirroring my stance. “But you have to do better than just evading attacks.” We began circling each other, my body tense and ready. “Stop this, I don’t want to fight you,” I gritted out.

He raised an eyebrow at this. “Why not?”

Just before I was about to answer, he lunged toward me, hitting me hard in the chest and knocking me to the ground. The breath was knocked out of me and my head spun for just a second. It was a feeling I was quite familiar with. That didn’t mean it didn’t hurt like hell.

Without missing a beat, I planted a hard kick to his stomach and sent him flying over my head. He was back on his feet before I was. And after a couple more exchanges on both our parts, he had me firmly pressed to the ground, face-down, with my arms pinned painfully behind my back.

My breathing was harsh and sweat matted my forward, but I was extremely aware of the way his body felt pressed up against mine. I felt ecstatic with him so close, even though I was in pain. That fluttery feeling in my chest grew stronger than ever. He was breathing heavily too, and the scent of him surrounded me in an almost intoxicating proportion.

His soft hair brushed my cheek as he leaned forward to speak in my ear.

“Not bad, Warrior, but not good enough.”

I bucked, but was unable to break free. “Yeah, well, a little warning would have been nice,” I said, still trying to break his hold.

He didn’t budge, instead, he laughed deeply, causing his chest to rumble against my back. “You had your warning, Warrior, back on the bench.”

“Stop… calling… me… that.” I was still thrashing around, and even though I liked the way his Scottish accent sounded when he said “Warrior”, it also pissed me off.

“Why, that’s what you are, right? A Warrior. The last true Warrior left.” He started to say something else and I slammed my head back, hitting him hard in the jaw, and giving me just enough room to escape. It was short lived, though, because after a little more sparring, I ended up pinned again, this time up against a tree.

My face scraped against the bark and my head was still throbbing from the head-butt, but I refused to let him see my pain.

But, when I started to lose feeling in my arms, I did something that I hadn’t done since I first began my training with my Mother. I surrendered.

“Fine,” I said through clenched teeth. “I get it. You win. Now, Let. Me. Go.” He spun me around so that I was facing him. “Do you? Do you get it?” There was a passion in his eyes and felt my heart beat kick into overtime. “Do you see what you will be facing, Warrior, do you? These people will destroy you. They will use you and use you and then, when you have nothing left, they will kick you to the side like some worthless dog! Is this what you want, Warrior? Tell me, is this what you want?”

At that moment, something in me snapped, so I was surprised when my voice came out calm. “No, this isn’t what I want,” I said slowly. I was confused, normally, I wouldn’t have taken the time to give an explanation, but being so close to him, I couldn’t seem to think straight. I
to explain, and I
to share my thoughts with him. I was beginning to worry about this wonderful feeling that tingled in my chest whenever he was near. It was starting to feel unnatural. I’m not someone who usually opens up to others. I prefer keeping my feelings to myself, but around him, I just felt… peace. How can something feel unnatural and yet, completely natural at the same time?

Reverting to my normal reaction, which usually involves anger or violence, was harder than it should have been. I should have punched him by now. Instead, I shoved him in the chest, hoping that the distance would allow me to think normally.

It did seem to help a little. “I didn’t want any of this,” I snarled. “I don’t want to fight people to be able to live, but this is the way it is.” I stepped forward and gripped his shirt in my hands. I wanted to touch him again and I couldn’t seem to help myself. “This, these,” I said, thrusting my hands in front of his face, “are all I have, the only things I can count on. You ask me if this is what I want, like I’ve ever had any choice. I never wanted to be a killer, but that’s what I am- a killer.” His face was impassive, but his eyes betrayed him. He was thinking about what I was saying. Good.

I raised my right arm and stared down at the silver tattoo covering its surface.

“Everyone keeps acting like this is some kind of badge of honor, but do you want to know what I see when I look at this?” I didn’t wait for him to answer. “I see my Mother, my Mother telling me to run, to run and leave her to be killed by monsters. I see the three monsters I killed without a second’s hesitation. I see death and pain and bad memories. Where is the honor in that? I’ll tell you, there is no honor, only death, death by my hands. So, no, I don’t want any of this. But this is what I am. A killer. That is all I know how to be and, yes, that is what I’m good at.” I said the words as matter-of-fact as I could manage, but the truth in them seemed to push me to the edge.

I felt the loss of his presence as soon as I turned away. I’m not sure what his face looked like, because I didn’t look back. I just headed back the way we’d come. I didn’t stop until I reached my apartment, fearing that if I did, I might actually break down and start crying, and there was no time for that.

I needed to rest before my fight.

Chapter 23

Nelly was waiting for me outside my room and upon seeing me, alarm lit up her hazel eyes.

“What’s wrong?” she asked. “What happened to you? You look like hell.” I looked down to see that my clothes were torn and bloody. I looked like, well, I looked like I’d gotten into a fight. I didn’t want to worry her, so I made up a small lie.

“Kayden was showing me some moves,” I said. “He wanted to make sure I was prepared for the fight tonight.”

She still looked worried, but it faded a little as she took in what I was saying.

“Who’s Kayden?”

I had forgotten that she wouldn’t know his name. “Oh, that, uh, guy who was carting us around all day.”

A small smile slowly crossed her face and her eyes widened. “No. Way. That super-hot guy was giving you private lessons? How did that go?” I gestured toward my attire and she nodded.

“That rough, huh? What else happened?” She wiggled her eyebrows and I blew out a sigh.

“Okay, okay, I won’t push it. But, I think he likes you.”

That was unexpected, and absolutely ridiculous. I thought back to my outburst just a few moments ago. “I seriously doubt that. Besides, he’s too old for me.”

“No he’s not. He can’t be more than twenty-five.” I raised an eyebrow. “You’ll be eighteen next month.”

I didn’t have time to respond, because Jackson stepped out of the elevator. He stopped when he took in my appearance.

“What happened? You look like hell.”

I rolled my eyes. “So I keep hearing.”

Just like always, he quickly recovered. “I mean, you look beautiful, like always, but, well, what happened?”

I didn’t feel like answering any more questions. “Nothing, just training, that’s all.

Look, I need to rest so that I can be ready for tonight. Where are you guys going?”

“They gave us new rooms over on campus,” Nelly said. “They’re giving us a tour in half an hour. I was waiting for you to get back to see if you wanted to come.”

“You guys go on without me. I really do need to relax.”
And ice down the injuries
I’d just received

They gave me hugs and I tried not to wince when it caused pain to shoot up my back. Before they stepped on the elevator, I called out to them.

“You guys are coming tonight, right?”

They looked at me like I had two heads.

“Of course,” Nelly said.

“Wouldn’t miss it for the world,” replied Jackson.

Chapter 24

I was half-asleep, lying on my bed, when someone knocked on my door. I pulled myself up, wincing as pain throbbed in my head. I hoped I was up to what I would be doing tonight.

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